The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.
If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
An in situ neutron diffraction study of shape-memory NiTi during tensile and compressive loading, Adrian L. Little
Nitrification Investigation And Modeling In The Chloraminated Drinking Water Distribution System, Suibing Liu
Do You Have A Friend?: The Impact Of Personal Knowledge Of Someone With Aids On Attitudes Towards Aids, Leith Leonce Lombas
Cryptarray A Scalable And Reconfigurable Architecture For Cryptographic Applications, Michael John Lomonaco
Evaluation Of The Photo-induced Structural Mechanisms In Chalcogenide, Cedric Lopez
The Challenge Of Playing Multiple Arthurian Characters, Cynthia Lowa
Modified Sierpinski Fractal Antenna, Tripti Luintel
A Balanced Scorecard Template For Florida Incubators, Julio Agustin Lujambio
Autonomous Environmental Mapping In Multi-agent Uav Systems, Linus Jan Luotsinen
Slurry Chemistry Effects On Copper Chemical Mechanical Planarization, Ying Luo
Using The Six Sigma Policy Deployment Cycle To Mitigate Project Failur, Archana Magadi
A comparative study of the nesting ecology of the leatherback turtle Dermochelys coriacea in Florida and Trinidad, Ann Marie Maharaj
The Effect Of The Math Concepts And Skills (mcs) Computer Program On S, Cheryl Manning
Topology and Control Investigation for Low-voltage High-current Isolated DC-DC Converters, Hong Mao
Location Of Sinkhole Confining Breach Using Groundwater Flow Patterns Derived From Cone Penetration Testing, Natalie Romina Marinuzzi
Toward Building A Social Robot With An Emotion-based Internal Control, Andreas Marpaung
Minutes From Pragma, Juan M. Martinez
The effects of technology on student achievement and attitude in a sixth grade science classroom, Kristine Marie Marzullo
The Wave Structure Function And Temporal Frequency Spread In Weak To Strong Optical Turbulence, Aaron J. Masino
A Mobile Robotic Computing Platform For Three-dimensional Indoor Mappi, Kenneth McCoig
A Software-based Knowledge Management System Using Narrative Texts, Thomas Rudy McDaniel
Ocr: A Statistical Model Of Multi-engine Ocr Systems, Mercedes Terre McDonald
A Holistic Model Of The Interplay Of Parent-adolescent Interaction Varialbes: Outcomes As A Result Of Conflictual Processes, Cliff Blake McKinney
Discrete Nonlinear Wave Propagation In Kerr Nonlinear Media, Joachim Meier
An Investigation Of The Impact Of Sandplay Therapy On Mental Health Status And Resiliency Attitudes In Mexican Farmworker Women, Ximena Elizabeth Mejia
The New Girl, Angela Marie Meredith
Facade Democracy: Democratic Transition In Kazakhstan And Uzbekistan, Robin Nicole Merritt
Measurement and testing of IGBTs under high heat flux, Robert G. Mertens
Camera System Support For Highway Transportation Using Mobile Devices, Le Minh
Selective Mode Excitation In Specialty Waveguides Using Micro Optical, Waleed Mohammed
Women's Experiences With Distance Education, Jane Elizabeth Moody
Effects Of Voluntary Control On Performance Response Under Stress., Christina Shawn Morris
Reducing the cognitive load presented by definition presentation in electronic learning environments through the use of hypermedia rollovers, John T. Morrison
The role of the stubble protease in RhoA signaling during Drosophila imaginal disc morphogenesis, Xiaochun Mou
Multiple Scattering Of Light In Inhomogeneous Media And Applications, Claudia Mujat
Polarimetric Characterization Of Random Electromagnetic Beams And Applications, Mircea Mujat
Explaining Partisan Change Among Catholics In The American Electorate, Christopher Vincent, Muro
Depth From Defocused Motion, Zarina Myles
Application Of In Vivo Flow Profiling To Stented Human Coronary Arteri, Hitesh Nanda
Adaptive Intelligent User Interfaces With Emotion Recognition, Fatma Nasoz
Lost identity and silent voices : the academic struggles of at-risk Puerto Rican students in central Florida, Lydia E. Navarro
International technical communication in the business and online sector : an analysis of a Caribbean culture, Rhonda Nelson
The effect of practice on visual change detection in computer displays, John L. Neumann
Performance Analysis Of Low-power, Short-range Wireless Transceivers, Usha Neupane
Synthesis Of A Novel Family Of Amide Derivatives Of Podocarpic Acid, Dao Nguyen
Coed Adolescent Soccer Players In A Competitive Learning Milieu: An Ethnographic Assessment Of Gender Attitudes, Perceptions And Sport Specific Component Testing, Francis O'Donnell
Emergency department utilization by insured users : a study of motivation factors, Reid M. Oetjen
An investigation of the impact of high and low counseling skills on client outcome, Verna Bettina Oliva
Failure Mode Identifications Of Rc Beams Externally Strengthened With, Chris O'Riordan-Adjah
Improving Comprehension Of Capital Sentencing Instructions: A Bias Reduction Approach, Charles W. Otto
Minimization Of Power Dissipation In Digital Circuits Using Pipelining And A Study Of Clock Gating Technique, Ranganath Panchangam
En torno a la figura del judio en la literatura española de los siglox XII y XIII, Maria Rosario Paniagua Tejo
Aggression In Lesbian And Bisexual Relationships, Jennifer Rae Parham
Transitional changes in common pipe and plumbing material with changes in water quality, Mitul Chandrakant Patel
Implementation of co-teaching model practices and their impact on outcomes for students with learning disabilities in middle school mathematics classrooms, Cynthia E. Pearl
Effects Of Deposition Temperature And Post Deposition Annealing On The Electrical Properties Of Barium Strontium Titanate Thin Film For Embedded Capacitor Applications, Ranganathan, Ravip Peelamedu
The Impact Of Selected Socio-demographic, Travel-related And Psychogra, Nichakarn Peerapatdit
Fpga-based Design Of A Maximum-power-point Tracking System For Space A, Todd Persen
An Investigation Into Providing Feedback To Users Of Decision Support, James Pharmer
Permit pricing in fisheries with transferable effort controls, Victoria Plamadeala
Sea turtle nutrient inputs to dune vegetation : a stable isotope analysis, Laura Beth Plog
An Approach To Automating Data Collection For Simulation, Irin Portnaya
An Analysis And Comparison Of School Culture With Academic Achievement, Joan Quiambao
Performance Of Interface Elements In The Finite Element Method, Kairas Rabadi
The experiences of people with disabilities gaining access to employment, Tracy Rackensperger
Forecasting The Onset Of Cloud-ground Lightning Using S-pol And Nldn Data, Kartik Ramakrishnan
Globally-asynchronous, Locally-synchronous Wrapper Configurations For, Akarsh Ravi
Cell Phone Distraction Analysis Of Motor Response In A Simulated Driving Environment, Anusha Ravishankar
Two phase heat transfer in a sprial evaporative heat exchanger, Jose M. Recio
The relationship between high school size and indicators of student performance, Mark J. Rendell
Dispersion-managed Breathing-mode Semiconductor Mode-locked Ring Laser, Bojan Resan
Distance education : the introduction to college chemistry course, Lisa A. Rice
Dewatering Of Biosolids By Sodium Ferrate, Andrea Rios
GPU-based interactive radiosity and ray tracing, Francisco Omar Rivas
The relationship between high school principals as instructional leaders and students' academic achievement, Olivine F. Roberts
Interactions Between The Nudibranch Okenia Zoobotryon And Its Bryozoan, Nicole Robinson
Analysis And Integration Of A Debris Model In The Virtual Range Projec, Luis Robledo
Mitigation of network tampering using dynamic dispatch of mobile agents, Adam Jay Rocke
Cellular Immune Response And Gene Expression Profiling In Crohn's Dise, Claudia Romero
Study For Development Of A Blast Layer For The Virtual Range Project, Sergio Rosales
Autonomous Robotic Automation Systemwith Vision Feedback, Jeffery Rosino
Trackers, Robin Rozanski
Gun Ownership Trends In The United States, 1973-2000, Jason Michael Ruckert
Multigene Metabolic Engineering Via The Chloroplast Genome, Oscar Nemesio Ruiz
The Effects Of Psuedo-altruistic Behavior On The Likelihood Of Reciprocity And Perceptions Of The Source, Reagan Rule
Survival Of Mycobacterium Avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis In The Pol, John Rumsey
Effectiveness of colored pan traps in assessing apiformes diversity in two sandhill plant communities in central Florida, Phillip Joseph Russell
An evaluation of signal timings in work zones, Ernest Edmund Sackey
Low Power Cmos Circuit Design And Reliability Analysis For Wireless Me, Md Anwar Sadat
A Comparative Static Analysis For Invasive Species Management Under Risk Neutral Preferences, Pamela Safford
Multimodal computing : maximizing working memory processing, Shatha N. Samman
Identifying strategies college students perceive to be most effective in a comprehensive smoking cessation program at the University of Central Florida, Owens Mary Schmidt
Morpheme Acquisition In Second Language Learners, Timothy Andrew Schuwerk
'a Man's World'?: A Study Of Female Workers At Nasa's Kennedy Space C, Nanci Schwartz
Land Use Effects On Lake Water Quality In Central Florida, Jonathan Seiler
Stability And Recovery Of Rna In Biological Stains, Mindy Eileen Setzer