This collection includes Masters Theses and Doctoral Dissertations, and other similar projects, completed in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Records for print-only, retrospectively scanned, and electronic works are included—digital copies are included where available.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Decentralized Digital Fabrication of Flexible Micro/Nano Devices Using a Laserjet Printer, Arshya Bamshad
Robotic Mechanisms for Surgery: Applications in Orthopedics and Prostate Biopsy, Pradipta Biswas
Numerical Study and Optimization of Post-Tensioning Energy Dissipating Connections with Inerters, Hector Blanco Gavillan
Development of a Multivariate Poisson Hidden Markov Model for Application in Educational Data Mining, Shahab Boumi
Characteristics of Rotating Detonation Engines for Propulsion and Power Generation, Robert Burke
Broadband Power Amplifier Design with High Power, High Efficiency and Large Back-off Range, Yuchen Cao
Simulation of a Comprehensive Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Jose Chalarca Castro
Mixed-integer Programming Methods for Modeling and Optimization of Cascading Processes in Complex Networked Systems, Cheng-Lung Chen
Objectively Measured Physical Activity Among Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Renoa Choudhury
From Field to Failure: Detecting and Understanding Reliability Defects in Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics, Dylan Colvin
Analysis of Shear Failure in Ultra-High Performance Concrete Beams, Kevin Conway
Application of Biologically Activate Carbon for Treatment of Sulfide-laden Groundwater, Jessica Cormier
The Proof of Concept of The Hurricane Imaging Radiometer: Hurricane Wind Speed and Rain Rate Retrievals, Jonathan Coto
Quantum Graph Parameters, Parisa Darbari Kozekanan
An Exploratory Assessment Of Small Group Performance Leveraging Motion Dynamics With Optical Flow, Joshua DeSantiago
Quantitative Metallurgy of Anisotropic Nickel-Base Superalloys Under Tensile and Fatigue Loading, Dominic DeVito
Non-invasive Detection of Elevated Intracranial Pressure Using Spontaneous Tympanic Membrane Pulsation, Rajkumar Dhar
Processing-Microstructure-Property Correlation for 316L Stainless Steel Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Nathalia Diaz Vallejo
Turn-On Fluorescence of H-Aggregate Nanoparticles for Selective Protein Detection, Arianna Dicce
The Effect of Heat Transfer on Microstructural Development For Inconel718 Nickel-Based Superalloy in Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Erica Drobner
The Breakup of RP-2 Liquid Fuel Droplets in a Detonation Field, Daniel Dyson
Distracted Driving and Pedestrians' Effects on Headway at Signalized Intersections, Bassel Elgamal
Analytical Study of Deep Learning Methods for Road Condition Assessment, Elham Eslami
Designing Physical and Chemical Confinement in Lithium Sulfur Battery Cathode for Suppression of Shuttle Effect, Saisaban Fahad
Characterization of Hot Electrons Generated in Plasmonic Nanostructured Sensors, Corbin Feit
Synchronous Raman Microspectroscopy and Laser Beam Induced Current Measurements as a Metrology Tool for Solar Cells and Optoelectronic Devices, Jeya Prakash Ganesan
Lithium-ion Battery Prognosis with Variational Hybrid Physics-informed Neural Networks, Renato Giorgiani do Nascimento
An Experimental Investigation of Creativity in Relation to Extracurricular Activity and GPA in Undergraduate Engineering Students, Maria Gonzalez
A Measurement System for Detection of Intestinal Motility in Neonates by Monitoring Slow Wave Activity, Garett Goodale
Broadband Investigation of the Pyrolysis of Propane using a MIR Optical Parametric Oscillator, Robert Greene
Design and Mechanical Characterization of Functionally Graded Sandwich Beams Fabricated via Additive Manufacturing, Timothy Grondin
Generative Modeling of Human Behavior: Social Interaction and Networked Coordination in Shared Facilities, Saumya Gupta
Hydrogen and Peer-to-Peer Energy Exchanges for Deep Decarbonization of Power Systems, Hamed Haggi
Shock Tube and Gas Dynamic Design Considerations and Implementation for Extended Test Times, Jacklyn Higgs
Deep Learning Anomaly Detection Using Edge AI, William Holdren
Air Force Pilot's Recognition about the Effectiveness of Active Noise Cancellation on Hearing Health, Performance, and Aviation Safety, Kyungtaek Hwang
Flame-Generated Turbulence for Flame Acceleration and Detonation Transition, Rachel Hytovick
Computational Modeling of Respiratory Airflow in Human Distal Airways Using Hybrid Lung Model, Adnan Islam
Assessing Public Perception and Proposing an Organized Questionnaire for the Deployment and Adoption of Autonomous Vehicles, Md Rakibul Islam
A Spatiotemporal Evaluation of Freeway Traffic Demand in Florida During COVID-19 Pandemic, Md Istiak Jahan
Multivariate Cognitive Walkthrough of QubitVR: An Educational Quantum Computing, Virtual Reality Application, Pauline Johnson
The Fluid Dynamics of a Spanwise-Morphing Wing: An Experimental and Analytical Study, Kamlesh Joshi
High Fidelity Injury Severity Analysis Using Econometric Modeling Approaches, Ahmed Kabli
Automatic Posture Correction Utilizing Electrical Muscle Stimulation, Ravi Kiran Kattoju
A Unified Tool For Adaptive Collocation Techniques Applied to Solving Optimal Control Problems, Bethany Kelly
Using Simulation For Law Enforcement De-escalation Training, Julie Kent
Advanced Deep Learning Methodologies for Deepfake Detection, Aminollah Khormali
Extreme-Pressure Ignition Studies of Methane and Natural Gas with CO2 with Applications in Rockets and Gas Turbines, Cory Kinney
Influence of Nonlinear Multiaxial Matrix Viscoelasticity on Piezoresistivity of Carbon Nanotube Polymer Composites, Wolfgang Klimm
Translations to Support Loop Invariant Generation in JML, Kohei Koja
Designing the Electrochemical Interface to Enable Lithium Metal Batteries, Supriya Koul
MoS2 based Memristive Synapses for Neuromorphic Computing, Adithi Pandrahal Krishnaprasad Sharada
An MRI-Guided, Registration-Free Needle Guide for Prostate Biopsy and Study of Needle-Template Interaction, Pankaj Pramod Kulkarni
Ceria Defect Engineering Using Thin-Films/ALD and Biological applications, Udit Kumar
A Study of Microgravity on Fluid Transport Through Porous Structures in Microfluidic Devices, Sylvain Le Henaff
Towards Automated Data Mining: Reinforcement Intelligence for Self-Optimizing Feature Engineering, Kunpeng Liu
Towards More Efficient Collaborative Distributed Data Analysis and Learning, Zixia Liu
Surface-engineered Catalysts for Water Splitting and Zinc-air Battery, Zhao Li
Energy Based Diagnostics of CFD: Revealing New Insights to Complex Aerodynamics, George Loubimov
Towards Secure and Trustworthy IoT Systems, Lan Luo
Reconfigurable Load-Modulated Power Amplifier For Energy- and Spectrum-Efficient Wireless Communications, Haifeng Lyu
Machine Learning Algorithms for Forecasting the Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles on Highway Construction Costs, Amirsaman Mahdavian
On Liquid Rotating Detonation Rocket Engines Characterization and Performance, Vidhan Malik
Quantification of the Aerodynamic Drivers of a Deployable Propeller, David Malyszek
Numerical Study of Flow of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Inside Microchannels with Heat Transfer, Uday Manda
Design and Analysis of a Foldable Propeller Blade, Annan Mashin
Distance Perception Through Head-Mounted Displays, Sina Masnadi
Davydov-split Aggregates of Cyanine Dyes for Bovine Serum Albumin Detection, Yiping Ma
Prediction and Validation of Residual Stresses in Additively Manufactured Metal Parts, Jose Mayi Rivas
A Study of Autorotation: Samara Seed Pods and Tethered Autogyros, Jonathan McConnell
Algorithms for the Detection of Resolved and Unresolved Targets in the Infrared Bands, Bruce McIntosh
Exploring the Privacy Dimension of Wearables Through Machine Learning-Enabled Inference, Ulku Meteriz Yildiran
Fabrication of Piezoelectric Field Effect Transistors for Acoustic Signal Detection, Luke Minks
Applications for Machine Learning on Readily Available Data from Virtual Reality Training Experiences, Alec Moore
4.74 GHz Harmonically Operated SAW Device for Sensing Applications and Interrogation System, Michael Morales Otero
High Performance and Low Cost Passivating, Carrier-Selective Contacts for Silicon Photovoltaics, Jannatul Ferdous Mousumi
Development of a Dual-Mode CMOS Microelectrode Array for the Simultaneous Study of Electrochemical and Electrophysiological Activities of the Brain, Geoffrey Mulberry
Multi-Element Mobile Optical Wireless Communication Networks, Pooya Nabavi
Modeling the Effects of Diversity and Corporations on Participation Dynamics in FLOSS Ecosystems, Olivia Newton
Identifying Challenges and Opportunities for Designing Social Media Nudges for Adolescents, Oluwatomisin Obajemu
Synthesis, Characterization, and Modeling of Thermo-Responsive Hydrogels with Improved Mechanical Strength and Swelling Kinetics, Marilu Ortiz Nieves
Time-dependent Yielding and Residual Strain Accumulation of Polymer Membranes, Veli Bugra Ozdemir
Sensitivity of Combustion Liner Contour to Sand Ingestion Clogging, Nelson Padilla
High Voltage Aqueous Electrolyte Based Structural Supercapacitors for Electric Vehicles, Deepak Pandey
Thermofluidic Characterization of Carbon Dioxide Near Critical Conditions at Microscale, Anatoly Parahovnik
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Taxi and Transportation Network Companies (TNC) Demand in the Wake of COVID-19, Dewan Ashraful Parvez
Exploration of Shock-Droplet Ignition and Combustion, John Patten
Modeling and Simulation of a Power Plant Boiler Including the Dynamics of Swell and Shrink, Richard Perman
Balancing User Experience for Mobile One-to-One Interpersonal Telepresence, Kevin Pfeil
Power Inductors: Design, Modeling and Analysis, Subash Pokharel