Narrow Topic - Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes



Aoki, Ted Tetsuo, "Towards a Dialectic Between the Conceptual World and the Lived World: Transcending Instrumentalism in Curriculum Orientation," Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 5(Fall, 1983), 4-21. Reprinted pp. 402-416 in William F. Pinar, ed., Contemporary Curriculum Discourses . Scottsdale, AZ: Gorsuch Scarisbrick, 1988., Ted Tetsuo Aoki

Annotation: Calls for attention to phenomenological studies of curriculum (situational interpretive studies) in contrast to empirical analytic studies.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Phenomenological Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Ariav, Tamar, "Curriculum Analysis," pp. 194-196 in Torsten Husen and Thomas N. Postlethwaite, eds., International Encyclopedia of Education. Supplement Volume One. New York: Pergamon, 1988., Tamar Ariav

Annotation: Describes curriculum analysis procedures and cites schemes available for use in this task.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Guides, Plans, Documents, Materials, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Materials Development and Evaluation

Atkins, Elaine S., "The Relationship of Metatheoretical Principles in the Philosophy of Science to Metatheoretical Explorations in Curriculum," Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 8(Winter, 1988), 69-85.*, Elaine S. Atkins

Annotation: Examines research paradigms based on realist, relativist, and hermeneutic traditions as they relate to their potential use in curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Hermeneutic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Baez, Benjamin, and Deron Boyles, The Politics of Inquiry: Educational Research and the 'Culture of Science'. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2009., Benjamin Baez and Deron Boyles

Annotation: Analyzes and critiques several aspects of recent U. S. laws which favor certain definitions of scientific educational research; provides in-depth philosophical analysis and arguments on this and other topics such as Dewey's ideas on educational research, doctoral training in educational research, governing through science, and the grants culture in educational research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General, Critique and Utilization of Curriculum Research and Inquiry, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Knowledge Generation, Government Role in Educational Research & Development

Benham, Barbara J., "Curriculum Theory in the 1970's: The Reconceptualist Movement," Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 3(Winter, 1981), 162-170., Barbara J. Benham

Annotation: Reviews the rise and development of the reconceptualist movement in curriculum theory; explains two positions within the movement--existentialist and structuralist-- and the movement's impact.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum as a Field of Practice and Study, Curriculum Theorists, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Bernstein, Richard J., The Restructuring of Social and Political Theory, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1978., Richard J. Bernstein

Annotation: Addresses empirical, analytic (theoretical), phenomenological, and critical approaches to the political and social sciences.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Best, Steven, and Douglas Kellner, Postmodern Theory: Critical Interrogations. New York: Guilford, 1991., Steven Best and Douglas Kellner

Annotation: Sets forth and critiques positions taken by various postmodern theorists; Foucault, Deleuze, Guattare, Baudrillard, Lyotard, Jameson, and Habermas; indicates how modernist and postmodernist weaknesses can be overcome in a new reconstructed critical social theroy.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Bryk, Anthony S., "Accelerating How We Learn to Improve," Educational Researcher, 44(No.9,2015), 467-477., Anthony S. Bryk

Annotation: Shows how joining together the discipline of improvement science and the power of structured network communities can accelerate learning to improve education; describes a way of doing practice-based research that discovers how to actually make things better.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Relation of Curriculum Research to Practice
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Development as Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Practical Knowledge, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Bullough, Robert V., Jr., "Developing Interdisciplinary Researchers: What Ever Happened to the Humanities in Education?" Educational Researcher, 35(November, 2006), 3-10., Robert V. Bullough Jr.

Annotation: Makes the case for balanced research that includes not only scientific but also humanistic inquiry in education; discusses implications for graduate research training.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Education as a Field of Study, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Knowledge Generation, Qualitative Research, Programs of Study in Curriculum and Instruction

Burkhardt, Hugh, "From Design Research to Large-Scale Impact: Engineering Research in Education," pp. 121-150 in Jan van den Akker, Koeno Gravemeijer, Susan McKenney, and Nienke Nieveen, eds., Educational Design Research. New York: Routledge, 2006., Hugh Burkhardt

Annotation: Describes the engineering approach to design research; gives illustrations in education; advocates increased support for this kind of research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Development as Inquiry, Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Curriculum Development Strategies, Government Role in Educational Research & Development, Knowledge Generation

Carr, Wilfred, "Educational Theory and its Relation to Educational Practice," pp. 100-109 in Noel Entwistle, ed., Handbook of Educational Ideas and Practices . New York: Routledge, 1990.*, Wilfred Carr

Annotation: Describes the evolution of five approaches to educational theory: common-sense, philosophical, applied science, practical, and critical.

Broad Topical Focus: Relation of Curriculum Research to Practice, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses, Curriculum History

Carr, Wilfred, and Stephen Kemmis, Becoming Critical: Knowing Through Action Research . Geelong, Victoria, Australia: Deakin University Press, 1983. Revised Edition, 1986., Wilfred Carr and Stephen Kemmis

Annotation: Examines the naturalistic, interpretive, and critical views of educational theory and practice; spells out the critical approach to action research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Relation of Curriculum Research to Practice
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Action Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Cherryholmes, Cleo H., "Poststructuralism, Pragmatism, and Curriculum," pp. 130-149 in his Power and Criticism: Poststructural Investigations in Education . New York: Teachers College Press, 1988.*, Cleo H. Cherryholmes

Annotation: A poststructural analysis of the structure-of-disciplines curriculum with an exposition of critical pragmatism.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Definitions, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Curriculum and the Disciplines, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Cherryholmes, Cleo H., Power and Criticism: Post-Structural Investigations in Education . New York: Teachers College Press, 1988., Cleo H. Cherryholmes

Annotation: Introduces Habermas, Foucalt, and Derrida to currriculum researchers; a critical pragmatics of curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Davis, O. L., Jr., "Educational Research in the Foreseeable Future: The Times They Are Changing," Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 17(Summer, 2002), 277-282., O. L. Davis Jr.

Annotation: Notes recent federal plans to support only selected kinds of educational research (that which conforms to politically determined views of worthy research); notes implications of this policy for researchers' choices, funding, and ultimate direction of schooling based on research, narrowly conceirved.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Research Domains and Structure, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Freedom/Authority and Curriculum, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Government Role in Educational Research & Development, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Knowledge Generation

Denzin, Norman K., and Yvonna S. Lincoln, "The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research," pp.1-32 in Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln, eds., The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research, 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2005., Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln

Annotation: Lays the groundwork for the 44 articles in this handbook; characterizes differences among eight periods of qualitative research from 1900-2005; discusses the work of the qualitative researcher by styles, methods, and challenges; previews organization of the handbook which focuses on five phases of the research process.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Qualitative Research, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Knowledge Generation

Dewey, John, Sources of a Science of Education. New York: Liveright, 1929. Reprinted pp. 1-40 in J. A. Boydston, ed., John Dewey: The Later Works, 1929-1953, Vol. 5: 1929-1930. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1984., John Dewey

Annotation: Discusses distincitons between inquiry in the disciplines and in education; shows how the philosophical, psychological, and sociological disciplines can be sources of a science of educaiton; shows how eductional practice calls for judgments based on knowledge and does not use educational science as rules or receipes.

Broad Topical Focus: Relation of Curriculum Research to Practice, Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General, Defining Curriculum Research Questions, Curriculum Decision-making Processes
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Education as a Field of Study, Knowledge Utilization, Knowledge Generation, Classics of Curriculum Literature, Practical Knowledge, Curriculum Deliberation

Easly, J. A., "The Natural Sciences and Educational Research--A Comparison," The High School Journal, 50(October, 1966), 39-50.*, J. A. Easly

Annotation: Describes scientific educational research stressing the exploratory method in curriculum and instruction.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Knowledge Utilization, Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Eisenhart, Margaret, and Lisa Towne, "Contestation and Change in National Policy on 'Scientifically Bases' Education Research," Educational Researcher, 32(October, 2003), 31-38., Margaret Eisenhart and Lisa Towne

Annotation: Traces the definitions of educational research that appear in varied federal education legislation passed in 2000 through 2003 and notes the uses intended for each and the effect of outside testimony in shifting the language that eventually appeared in these laws.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Government Role in Educational Research & Development, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Eisner, Elliot W., "Forms of Understanding and the Future of Educational Research," Educational Researcher, 22(October, 1993), 5-11.*, Elliot W. Eisner

Annotation: Describes how concepts are formed out of experience of the qualitative environment and suggests use of multiple forms of inquiry in educational research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Aesthetic Inquiry and Curriculum Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Eisner, Elliot W., Reimagining Schools: The Selected Works of Elliot W. Eisner. New York: Routledge, 2005., Elliot W. Eisner

Annotation: Reprints twenty-one of Eisner's articles published from 1965-2002.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Art Education, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Curriculum Standards and Testing, Qualitative Research, Curriculum Professors, Curriculum Frameworks

Ericson, David P. and Frederick S. Ellet, Jr., "Interpretation, Understanding, and Educational Research," Teachers College Record, 83(Summer, 1982), 497-513., David P. Ericson and Frederick S. Ellet Jr.

Annotation: Describes and critiques the empirical science approach to educational research and suggests the usefulness of seeking interpretive understanding.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry, Hermeneutic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Flinders, David J., "Qualitative Research in the Foreseeable Future: No Study Left Behind," Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 18(Summer, 2003), 380-390., David J. Flinders

Annotation: Argues against narrowing the form of studies in educational research to those using randomized experimental design.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Research Domains and Structure, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Qualitative Research, Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Government Role in Educational Research & Development

Foshay, Arthur W., et al., Research for Curriculum Improvement. 1957 ASCD Yearbook. Washington, DC: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, National Education Association, 1957., Arthur W. Foshay

Annotation: Covers the history and processes of curriculum research and highlights cooperative research to improve the curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Action Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Curriculum History, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Garman, Noreen B., and Jo Victoria Nicholson-Goodman, " 'It's Research-Based': Truth Claim or a Rhetorical Device for Influencing Teachers'Practice?" pp. 123-139 in Walter Gershon, Thomas Kelly, Kathleen Kesson, and Wendy Walter-Bailey, eds., (De)liberating Curriculum and Pedagogy: Exploring the Promise and Perils of "Scientifically-Based" Approaches. Troy, NY: Educator's International Press, 2005.*, Noreen B. Garman and Jo Victoria Nicholson-Goodman

Annotation: Reports the use of social cartography as a research approach for analyzing discourse; includes a conceptual framework for use in other similar studies.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Phenomenological Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Discourse Analysis, Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Garman, Noreen B., and Maria Piantanida, eds., The Authority to Imagine: The Struggle toward Representation in Dissertation Writing. New York: Peter Lang, 2006., Noreen B. Garman and Maria Piantanida

Annotation: Provides commentaries by members of a study group about their learnings and sharing regarding the doing and writing of various types of qualitative research studies as dissertations.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Phenomenological Inquiry, Hermeneutic Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Qualitative Research, Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Glasman, Naftaly, Robert H. Koff, and Heather Spiers, "Preface," Review of Educational Research, 54(Winter, 1984), 461-471., Naftaly Glasman, Robert H. Koff, and Heather Spiers

Annotation: Describes the intersection of disciplinary inquiry and the problems of practice as interdisciplinary in character with unique kinds of questions to be answered; states four phases of the process: question development, theme definition, sharing on the topic, and presenting the papers that follow this article.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Defining Curriculum Research Questions, Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry, Action Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Greenfield, Thomas B., "Waiting for an Answer," Curriculum Inquiry, 16(Fall, 1986), 239-243., Thomas B. Greenfield

Annotation: Points up the centrality of values in educational inquiry.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General, Critique and Utilization of Curriculum Research and Inquiry, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Guba, Egon G., "Criteria for Assessing the Trustworthiness of Naturalistic Inquiries," Education Communication and Technology Journal, 29(No. 2, 1981), 75-91.*, Egon G. Guba

Annotation: Identifies and discusses criteria for trustworthiness of naturalistic studies.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Qualitative Research

Guba, Egon G., and Yvonna S. Lincoln, "Epistemological and Methodological Bases of Naturalistic Inquiry," Educational Communication and Technology Journal, 30 (Winter, 1982), 233-252.*, Egon G. Guba and Yvonna S. Lincoln

Annotation: Sets forth the differences between rationalistic and naturalistic paradigms of inquiry.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Qualitative Research

Haggerson, Nelson L., Jr., "Curriculum Theory and Time, Space, and Knowledge," Journal of Time Space and Knowledge, 1(No. 1, 1982), 31-46. Reprinted pp. 193-208 in Nelson L. Haggerson, Jr., Expanding Curriculum Research and Understanding: A Mytho-Poetic Perspective. New York: Peter Lang, 2000., Nelson L. Haggerson Jr.

Annotation: Employs the metaphors of "contract" ( open and closed) and of "stream" to analyze curriculum inquiry; classifies modes of inquiry into rational (theoretical/verification), mythological (practical/discovery), and evolutionary (transformational/self-organizing).

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis, Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Harap, Henry, ed., "The Curriculum," Review of Educational Research, 7(April, 1937), 117-236,, Henry Harap

Annotation: Contains chapters on the social basis of curriculum, plans for curriculum building and research, reorganization of subjects, activity curriculum, curriculum surveys, as well as investigations in subject areas of the curriculum and higher education curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum as a Field of Practice and Study, Curriculum Research Domains and Structure
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Content Selection and Organization

Holland, Patricia, and Noreen B, Garman, "Macdonald and the Mythopoetic,"Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 9(Summer, 1992), 45-72.*, Patricia Holland and Noreen B. Garman

Annotation: Expands Macdonald's views on mythopoetic language in curriculum inquiry by demonstrating the powers of the mythopoetic-reflexive, moral, controlling, and evocative.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Theorists, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis, Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Hermeneutic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Holland, Patricia, and Noreen B. Garman, "Macdonald and the Mythopoetic," Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 9(Summer, 1992), 45-72.* Expanded in "Watching with Two Eyes: The Place of the Mythopoetic in Curriculum Inquiry," pp. 11-29 in Timothy Leonard and Peter Willis, eds., Pedagogies of the Imagination: Mythopoetic Curriculum in Educational Practice. New York: Springer, 2008., Patricia Holland and Noreen B. Garman

Annotation: Expands Macdonald's views on mythopoetic language in curriculum inquiry by demonstrating the powers of the mythopoetic--reflexive, moral, controlling, and evocative.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Theorists, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism, Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Hermeneutic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Jacob, Evelyn, "Clarifying Qualitative Research: A Focus on Traditions," Educational Researcher, 17(January-February, 1988), 16-24.*, Evelyn Jacob

Annotation: Compares six traditions of qualitative research on five methodological dimensions.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Qualitative Research, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Jenkins, David, "Curriculum Research," pp. 1257-1263 in Thorston Husen and T. N. Postlethwaite, eds., International Encyclopedia of Education . New York: Pergamon, 1984.*, David Jenkins

Annotation: Presents the status and trends in world-wide curriculum research in several domains.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research Domains and Structure, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General, Curriculum as a Field of Practice and Study
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Kenny, W. Robert, and Arden D. Grotelueschen, "Making the Case for Case Study," Journal of Curriculum Studies, 16(January-March, 1984), 37-51.*, W. Robert Kenny and Arden D. Grotelueschen

Annotation: Anayzes four epistemological arguments for the case study in educational research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Case Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Kilbourn, Brent, "The Qualitative Doctoral Dissertation Proposal," Teachers College Record, 108(April, 2006), 529-579., Brent Kilbourn

Annotation: Discusses components and qualities of a doctoral dissertation proposal; emphasizes the nature of arguments appropriate to the various parts and gives examples.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Qualitative Research

Kincheloe, Joe L., Teachers as Researchers: Qualitative Inquiry as a Path to Empowerment. Bristol, PA: Falmer Press, 1991., Joe L. Kincheloe

Annotation: Explores many facets of teachers as researchers from the critical theory perspective, including the nature of positivism and certainty, the qualitative alternative, and the role of values and ideology in inquiry.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Teacher Research, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Qualitative Research, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Krathwohl, David R., "What is Educational Research?" Educational Leadership, 29(April, 1972), 579-581., David R. Krathwohl

Annotation: Describes the differences in orientation between practitioners and researchers; illustrates a variety of forms of research.

Broad Topical Focus: Relation of Curriculum Research to Practice, Defining Curriculum Research Questions
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Knowledge Utilization, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Les, Tomasz, "The Role of Philosophical Analysis in Educatronal Research" Educatiomal Philosophy and Theory, 53(2, 2021), 140-150., Tomasz Les

Annotation: Indicates how this method is used to elucidate descriptive concepts and their relationships in any form of research; also in the analysis of assumptions, systems, and values behind these concepts; it is ultmately critical in its purpose; its limitations are also discuessed.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry - Conceptual Analysis
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Knowledge Generation

Lincoln, Yvonna S., "Curriculum Studies and the Traditions of Inquiry: The Humanistic Tradition," pp. 79-97 in Philip W. Jackson, ed., Handbook of Research on Curriculum. New York: Macmillan, 1992., Yvonna S. Lincoln

Annotation: Reviews historical (traditional, reconceptualist), political, aesthetic, critical, phenomenologist, and feminist traditions of curriculum inquiry.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Aesthetic Inquiry and Curriculum Criticism, Phenomenological Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Longstreet, Wilma S., "Action Research: A Paradigm," The Educational Forum, 46(Winter, 1982), 135-158.*, Wilma S. Longstreet

Annotation: Contrasts the scientific, the humanistic, and the action-research paradigms, and discusses the uses and methods of action research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Action Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Maxwell, Joseph A., "Causal Explanation, Qualitative Research, and Scientific Inquiry in Education," Educational Researcher, 33(March, 2004), 3-11., Joseph A. Maxwell

Annotation: Analyzes the difference between causality in scientific inquiry construed as "existing" and contrued as "how it occurs;" argues that the latter kind of causality can be seen through qualitative studies while the former through experiments.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Qualitative Research, Knowledge Generation

McCutcheon, Gail, and Burga Jung, "Alternative Perspectives on Action Research," Theory Into Practice, 29(Summer, 1990), 144-151., Gail McCutcheon and Burga Jung

Annotation: Contracts the positivist, the interpretive, and the critical science perspectives and methods action research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Relation of Curriculum Research to Practice
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Action Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

McCutcheon, Gail, and Burga Jung, "Alternative Perspectives on Action Research," Theory Into Practice, 29 (Summer, 1990), 144-151.*, Gail McCutcheon and Burga Jung

Annotation: Reviews positivist, interpretivist, and critical perspectives in action research; discusses problem formation, observations, etc., in relation to these perspectives.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Action Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Practical Knowledge, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Miller, Janet L., "Curriculum Theory: A Recent History," The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 1(Winter, 1979), 28-43.*, Janet L. Miller

Annotation: Traces the history of curriculum theory conferences from 1974 to 1978 begun by William Pinar at the University of Rochester.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: American/International Curriculum Organizations, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Misgeld, Dieter, "Phenomenology, Social Science and the Social Service Professions: The Case for the Integration of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Critical Social Theory, (A Reply to Luckman and Giorgi)," Phenomenology +Pedagogy, 1(No. 2, 1983), 195-214.*, Dieter Misgeld

Annotation: Makes the case for combining research methods and offers commentary on several related issues.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Phenomenological Inquiry, Hermeneutic Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Morgan, Gareth, ed., Beyond Method: Strategies for Social Research . Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1983., Gareth Morgan

Annotation: Describes a variety of research strategies used in social research from life history, to action research, to interpretive, to critical, etc.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Moses, Michele S., "The Heart of the Mattter: Philosophy and Educational Research," pp. 1-21 in Walter G. Secada, ed., Review of Research in Education 26, 2002, Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association, 2002., Michele S. Moses

Annotation: Reviews thought on philosophy as educational research and philosophy in educational research with special attention to the subject matter of philosophy of education as a discipline.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Nikitina, Svetlana, "Three Strategies for Interdisciplinary Teaching: Contextualizing, Conceptualizing, and Problem-Centered," Journal of Curriculum Studies, 38(June, 2006), 251-271., Svetlana Nikitina

Annotation: Distinguishes among a humanities, a scientific, and a crative-product-development form of epistemology in guiding interdisciplinary teaching; examples are given.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Integration, Content Selection and Organization, Higher Education Curriculum, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Osborn, Robert L., "Radical Inquiry and the Study of Education," Foundational Studies, 7(Winter, 1978), 2-19., Robert L. Osborn

Annotation: Describes and critiques traditional inquiry and radical inquiry in education; draws implications of radical inquiry for educational studies.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General,Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines,Defining Curriculum Research Questions
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis,Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Knowledge Generation

Overholt, George E., and William M. Stallings, "Ethnographic and Experimental Hypotheses in Educational Research," Educational Researcher, 5(September, 1976), 12-19., George E. Overholt and William M. Stallings

Annotation: Argues for employing hypotheses in ethonographic research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry, Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Pallas, Aaron M., "Preparing Education Doctoral Students for Epistemological Diversity," Educational Researcher, 30(June/July, 2001), 6-11. See also related article by Harvey Siegel,Educational Researcher, 35(March, 2006), 3-12, Aaron M. Pallas

Annotation: Discusses the implications of epistemological diversity for the curriculum of preparing doctoral students in education in research methodologies and related skills.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Education as a Field of Study, Programs of Study in Curriculum and Instruction, Professionalization in Curriculum, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Knowledge Generation

Peters, Michael A., and Nicholas C. Burbules, Poststructuralism and Educational Research. Lanham,MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004., Michael A. Peters and Nicholas C. Burbules

Annotation: Contrasts and gives affinities between structuralism and poststructuralism, distinguishes positivist and human sciences, provides introductory summaries of Foucault, Derrida, and feminist approaches to educational research, treats Marx, Friere, Giroux, Lather, and Ball 's understanding of research along with illustrations in educational research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry, Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Phillips, D. C., "Muddying the Waters: THe Many Purposes of Educational Inquiry," pp. 7-21 in Clifton F. Conrad and Ronald C. Serlin, eds., The Sage Handbook for Research in Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2006., D. C. Phillips

Annotation: Relates diversity of purposes of educational inquiry to those found in inquiry in the natural sciences and beyond.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Phillips, D. C., and Nicholas C. Burbules, Postpositivism and Educational Research. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000., D. C. Phillips and Nicholas C. Burbules

Annotation: Defines and explains the postpositivist philosophy of research in contrast to the positivist philosophy, and illustrates the use and application of the former to the field of educational research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Pinar, William F., "'Whole, Bright, Deep with Understanding': Issues in Qualitative Research and Autobiographical Method," Journal of Curriculum Studies , 13(July-September, 1981), 173-188. Reprinted pp. 134-153 in William F. Pinar, ed., Contemporary Curriculum Discourses . Scottsdale, AZ: Gorsuch Scarisbrick, 1988. Reprinted pp. 608-623 in James R. Gress, ed., Curriculum: An Introduction to the Field . Berkeley, CA: McCutchan, 1988., William F. Pinar

Annotation: Contrasts autobiographical method with ethnographic and aesthetic forms of qualitative research and sets forth its unique aspects.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Aesthetic Inquiry and Curriculum Criticism, Ethnographic Inquiry, Phenomenological Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Qualitative Research, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Self-Knowledge

Special Issue: Exploring Qualitative/Quantitative Research Methodologies in Education, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 8(May, 1977)., Anthropology and Education Quarterly

Annotation: Provides the papers from a 1976 conference on the use of both methodologies in educational research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Qualitative Research, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Richardson, Virginia, "Conducting Research on Practice," Educational Researcher, 23(June-July, 1994), 5-10., Virginia Richardson

Annotation: Contrasts formal inquiry with practical inquiry in the context of research on teaching.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Action Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Rowan, John, "A Dialectical Paradigm for Research," pp. 93-112 in Peter Reason and John Rowan, eds., Human Inquiry . New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1981.*, John Rowan

Annotation: Puts forth an approach to human inquiry that relies on multiple types of questions and multiple cycles of data gathering.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Defining Curriculum Research Questions
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Hermeneutic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Sanders, Donald P., and Marian Schwab, "Science and the Educating Process," Theory into Practice, 18(December, 1979), 349-356.*, Donald P. Sanders and Marian Schwab

Annotation: Contrasts conventional scientific inquiry and the developmental research process as employed in educational inquiry.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Development as Inquiry, Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Schubert, William H., "Curriculum Research Controversy: A Special Case of a General Problem," Review Journal of Philosophy & Social Science, 7(Nos. 1 & 2, 1982), 216-235. Reprinted in Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 1(Winter, 1986), 132-147.*, William H. Schubert

Annotation: Contrasts theoretic research with naturalistic research and describes procedures for practical inquiry.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Action Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Curriculum History, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Schwandt, Thomas A., "A Diagnostic Reading of Scientifically Based Research for Education," Educational Theory, 55(No. 3, 2005), 285-305., Thomas A. Schwandt

Annotation: Notes the reascendance of the market model of educational research and shows why adherence to this ideology is devaluing other forms of research that should affect practice; three related articles appear in this issue of Educational Theory.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Critique and Utilization of Curriculum Research and Inquiry, Relation of Curriculum Research to Practice
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism, Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Education as a Field of Study, Government Role in Educational Research & Development, Knowledge Utilization, Practical Knowledge, Qualitative Research, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Scott, David, Education, Epistemology, and Critical Realism. New York: Routledge, 2010., David Scott

Annotation: Explores systematically and in detail various processes of knowledge generation and related epistemic issues; analyzes arguments and criteria for educational judgments; makes the case for a critical realist approach to knowledge and its application to education; presents implications for curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Knowledge Generation

Shapiro, H. Svi, "Educational Research, Social Change and the Challenge to Methodology: A Study in the Sociology of Knowledge," Phenomenology+Pedagogy, 1(No., 2, 1983), 127-139.*, H. Svi Shapiro

Annotation: Describes the rise of phenomenological research, its attributes, and its prospects.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Phenomenological Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Sherman, Robert R., and Rodman B. Webb, eds., Qualitative Research in Education: Focus and Methods. Philadelphia: Falmer, 1988., Robert R. Sherman and Rodman B. Webb

Annotation: Describes twelve types of methods of research written by specialists in each type.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry, Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Qualitative Research, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Short, Edmund C., "Knowledge Production and Utilization in Curriculum: A Special Case of the General Phenomenon," Review of Educational Research, 43(Summer, 1973), 237-301. Condensed in Mental Health Digest, 6(November, 1973), 7-15.*, Edmund C. Short

Annotation: Describes status of multiple methods of curriculum inquiry and the use of resultant research in a framework of knowledge production and utilization.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Relation of Curriculum Research to Practice, Curriculum Research Domains and Structure, Curriculum as a Field of Practice and Study
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Knowledge Utilization, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Simon, Michael A., Understanding Human Action: Social Explanation and the Vision of Social Science . Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1982., Michael A. Simon

Annotation: Makes the case for sociological inquiry, not as a science but as a set of humanistic disciplines that are normative in character.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Slattery, Patrick, Curriculum Development in the Postmodern Era. Hamden, CT: Garland, 1995. 2nd ed., Routledge, 2006., Patrick Slattery

Annotation: Presents a postmodern conception of curriculum which is framed in a wide range of analyses of philosophical, historical, social, ecological, critical, multicultural, phenomenological, and curricular thought. 2nd edition adds much new material.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses

Smith, John K., and Lous Heshusius, "Closing Down the Conversation: The End of the Quantitative-Qualitative Debate Among Educational Inquirers," Educational Researcher, 15(January, 1986), 4-12., John K. Smith and Lous Heshusius

Annotation: Discusses the value of qualitative educational research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Qualitative Research, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Snow, Catherine E., "Rigor and Realism: Doing Educational Science in the Real World," Educational Researcher, 44(No.9,2015), 460-466., Catherine E. Snow

Annotation: Argues for the doing of "practice-embedded educational research"; gives examples of this approach and discusses adjustments and research agendas needed.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Relation of Curriculum Research to Practice
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Development as Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Knowledge Generation, Practical Knowledge

Stake, Robert E., and Deborah J. Trumbull, "Naturalistic Generalizations," Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science, 7(Nos. 1 & 2, 1982), 1-12.*, Robert E. Stake and Deborah J. Trumbull

Annotation: Describes the nature of naturalistic generalizations as distinguished from formal generalizations.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Terhart, Ewald, "The Adventures of Interpretation: Approaches to Validity," Curriculum Inquiry, 15(Winter, 1985), 451-464., Ewald Terhart

Annotation: Discusses three types of interpretive research in education--ethnographic/descriptive, dialogical, and structuralist--and argues for validating each.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry, Hermeneutic Inquiry, Phenomenological Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Qualitative Research, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Thomas, Gary, "Changing Our Landscape of Inquiry for a New Science of Education," Harvard Education Review, 82(Spring, 2012), 226-51., Gary Thomas

Annotation: Argues that education research misunderstands the nature of scientific method; gives a revised view and urges the cultivation of a new education science that is a part of education practice.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry, Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism, Action Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Education as a Field of Study, Government Role in Educational Research & Development, Practical Knowledge

Tom, Alan, "Disciplined Study of the Problems of Practice: An Alternative to Craft- or Discipline-Based Educational Inquiry," Educational Administration Quarterly, 23(May, 1987), 7-22.*, Alan Tom

Annotation: Proposes a multidisciplinary approach to the study of educational practice.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Defining Curriculum Research Questions, Curriculum Research Domains and Structure
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry, Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism, Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Tykociner, Joseph T., The Outline of Zetetics: A Study of Research and Artistic Activity. Urbana, IL: College of Engineering, University of Illinois, 1966. Available as ERIC Document ED 332 951., Joseph T. Tykociner

Annotation: Reviews and contrasts generic types of research domains, defines and distinguishes them, and shows their relationships.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry, Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Van Manen, Max, "Linking Ways of Knowing with Ways of Being Practical," Curriculum Inquiry, 6(No. 3, 1977), 205-228.*, Manen Max Van

Annotation: Discusses the practical as effective control, as communicative understanding, and as critical reflection; lays out forms of knowledge related to each conception.

Broad Topical Focus: Relation of Curriculum Research to Practice, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis, Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Practical Knowledge, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Voithofer, Rick, "Designing New Media Educaiton Research: The Materiality of Data, Representation, and Dissemitation," Educational Researcher, 34(December, 2005),3-14., Rick Voithofer

Annotation: Discusses the uses of digital technologies in conducting education research; treats their potential for designing research questions, choosing appropriate forms for data collection, and choosing how to report results.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Knowledge Utilization, Qualitative Research, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Wahlstrom, Ninni, "Where is 'Political' in Curriculum Research? Journal of Curriculum Studies, 50(6, 2018), 711-723", Ninni Wahlstrom

Annotation: Reviews articles in JCS's first 50 years that reflect the changing history of curriculum research during this period; treats topics such as content vs goals, the advent of ethnographic methods, the tension over whether to focus on schools or their broader social contexts; and whether a political perspective should be incorporated into curriculum research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Reseach and Inquiry-General
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Walker, Decker F., "What Curriculum Research?" Journal of Curriculum Studies, 5(May, 1973), 58-72. Reprinted pp. 510-525 in James R. Gress and David E. Purpel, eds., Curriculum: An Introduction to the Field. Berkeley, CA: McCutchan, 1978.*, Decker F. Walker

Annotation: Identifies alternative research assumptions to the traditional empirical research assumptions.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Research Domains and Structure
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Normative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Watson, Sandy White, Stacie Austin, and Jeremy Bell, eds., Conceptual Analysis of Curriculum Inquiry Methodologies. IGI Global, 2022., Sandy White Watson, Stacie Austin, and Jeremy Bell

Annotation: Contains 13 chapters describing a variety of inquiry methods useful in doing research in curriculum and teaching; provides introductory information on these 13 modes of inquiry suitable for introducing doctoral students to these methods; provides updated treatment of methods not presented side-by-side for several decades and including some newly formulated methods.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophcal Inquiry--Specuative Essay
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Wolcott, Harry F., "Differing Styles of On-Site Research, or, 'If it Isn't Ethnography, What is it?' " Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science, 7(No. 1 & 2, 1982), 154-169.*, Harry F. Wolcott

Annotation: Explains different styles of on-site research and ethnography and lists fourteen types together with a select bibliography of each type.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Wolfe, Michael P., and Caroline R. Pryor, eds., The Mission of a Scholar: Research and Practice: A Tribute to Nelson Haggerson. New York: Peter Lang, 2002, Michael P. Wolfe and Caroline R. Pryor

Annotation: Presents 14 articles on various modes of scholarship (from action research to critical to mytho-poetic, to bigraphical to hermenuetic and more) written in personal and autobiographical form by authors who practice these modes of scholarship; these essays honor Nelson Haggerson as a multifaceted curriculum scholar and bring aspects of his life and work to public view.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry, Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses, Curriculum as Experience, Knowledge Generation, Curriculum Professors, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Yanchar, Stephen C., and David D. Williams, "Reconsidering the Compatibility Thesis and Eclecticism: Five Proposed Guidelines for Method Use," Educational Researcher, 35(December, 2006), 3-12., Stephen C. Yanchar and David D. Williams

Annotation: Discusses issues inherent in mixed-methods research; posits guidelines for their use (contextual sensitivity, creativity, conceptual awareness, coherence, and critical reflection).

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Qualitative Research, Knowledge Generation