Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Characterizing The Material Response Of The Passive Myocardium, Mehlil Ahmed
Serial and Parallel Elastic Cable Driven Actuator (SPECA) to Achieve Efficient and Safe Human Robot Physical Interaction, Al-Muthanna Al-Ani
Fundamental Experimental Tests and Modeling of LOx/CH4 Engines at High Pressures, Jessica Baker
A Multiscale Meshless Method for Simulating Cardiovascular Flows, Kyle Beggs
Analytical and Experimental Verification of Bistable Composite Laminates for Aerospace Applications, Maxwell J. Booth
Associations Between Fall Risk and Physical Activity in Older Adults and A Cable-Driven Ankle Perturbation System to Induce Slip and Trip Perturbations, Renoa Choudhury
Statistical Analysis of the Cellular Structure in Normal and Oblique Detonation Waves, Robyn Cideme
Enhanced Neural Networks based Flight Parameter Predictions for UAVs with Distributed Flow Sensors, Elliott Eggers
On The Characterization and Modeling Of Unsteady Aerodynamic Systems In Extraterrestrial Environments, Wayne Williamtine Farrell
Advanced optical diagnostic techniques for heat transfer measurments in supercritical CO2 flows, Ritesh Ghorpade
High Temperature Shock Tube and Laser Diagnostics Measurements of Fuel Combustion for Solid Fuel Ramjets, Jacklyn P. Higgs
Dexterous Manual Actions: Motor Learning, Visuomotor Control, and Effect of Aging, Kimia Kiani
Development and Evaluation of DNS of Aluminum Droplet Combustion Using the VOF Approach, Soomin Lim
Understanding Process-Structure-Property Relationships in Additive Manufacturing via Experimentation and Machine Learning, Qingyang Liu
Convolutional Neural Network Vision System Prototype for Strawberry Plant Nutrient Deficiency Diagnosis, Salem Long
High Pressure Measurement of Soot Formation Applicable to Energetic Materials Fireballs, Timothy D. Loye
Shock Tube Ignition Studies of Renewable Diesel Fuels for Medium and Heavy-Duty Transportation, Zuhayr Pasha Mohammed
Numerical Modeling of Cavitation During Shock Droplet Interaction, Khanh Chi Nguyen
Altitude and Pitch Control of a Tethered Multi-Rotor Autogyro Using a Reduced Order Model, Tasnia Noboni
Acausal Dynamic Modeling and Validation of a 15MW Wind Turbine with Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) Robust Control Design, Mohammad Odeh
A Study of the Effects of Microgravity Through Porous Media in Microfluidic Devices, Taylor A. Peterson
Fundamental Chemical Kinetic Experiments of Combustion Products inside a Shock Tube, Alex-Abraham Pothen
Modelling of the Viscoelastic Relaxation of a Stowed Telescope Starshade, Rahul Raghu
Improving Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured High-Temperature Gas Turbine Component, Nandhini Raju
Bending Mechanics of Bio-mimetic Stiff Scale-Covered Plate, Pranta Rahman Sarkar
Acausal Modeling and Validation of Platform Hydrodynamics of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine, Doyal Kumar Sarker
A CFD Framework to Study Complex Effects Relating to Airborne Viral-pathogen Transmission, Rajendra Shrestha Mr.
Hydrogen Enrichment of Methane-Air Mixtures for the Reacting Jet in Crossflow in a High Pressure, Axially Staged Combustor, Michael Tonarely
Exploiting Dynamic Magnetic Fields for New Magnetorheological Fluid Damping Capability, Christian Vazquez
Experimental investigation of Ammonia-Hydrogen for Zero Carbon Combustion, Louis J. Yovino
Design and Analysis of a Toroidal Jet-Stirred Reactor for Ammonia-Hydrogen Jet Engine Development, David S. Zamora
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
The Effect of Wing Shape and Ground Proximity on Unsteady Fluid Dynamics During the Perching Maneuver., Dibya Raj Adhikari
Shock Tube Investigation of Fuel Reaction Kinetics in Extreme Combustion Environment, Farhan Arafin
The Effects of Microgravity on the Development of Osteoporosis, Jackson Asiatico
Statistical Analysis of Detonation Stability, Joshua Berson
Design Considerations and Imaging Setup for Liquid Fuel Droplet Detonation Wave Experiments, Nicolas Berube
Investigation of Endothelial Mechanics on Primary Cell Functions: Endothelium Permeability and Wound Healing, Sean Beverung
Electrochemical Sensors For Sub-ppb Level Water Contaminant Detection Using Eco-friendly Materials, Pouya Borjian
An Evaluation of Thermocouple Reconstruction Techniques, Derek Brauneis
The Comparison of Water Droplet Breakup in a Shock or Detonation Medium, Sydney Briggs
Gait Strategies While Walking with Discrete Perturbations on a Self-Paced Treadmill, Cesar Castano
The Development of Computational Models for Melting-Solidification Applications Using the Volume-Of-Fluid Method, Brendon Cavainolo
Flow Independent Fuel Injection for More Consistent Liquid Combustion Using Pintile Injectors, Charles Clark
Study of Seismocardiographic Signal Variability, Denoising and Application in Cardiac Monitoring, Rajkumar Dhar
Determination of Damage Initiation Mechanisms in Aerospace Alloys Due to Stress Corrosion Cracking via In-Situ Microscale Characterization Techniques, Remelisa Esteves
Temperature and H2O Species Measurements Via a Laser Spectroscopic Sensor in Harsh Reacting Environments, Marc B. Etienne
Recurrent Neural Network Modeling of a Developed Multi-Nozzle, Piezoelectric-Based, Spray Cooling Testbed, Andrew Fordon
Heat Release And Flame Scale Effects On Turbulence Dynamics In Confined Premixed Flows, Max Fortin
Modeling and Experimental Validation of Mission-Specific Prognosis of Li-Ion Batteries with Hybrid Physics-Informed Neural Networks, Kajetan Fricke
Experimental Analysis on Effects of Inclination and Direction on Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Heat Transfer for Internal Pipe Flow, Emmanuel Gabriel-Ohanu
Control of the Spar-buoy Based Wind Turbine Floating Platform Through Mooring Line Actuation, Tajnuba Hasan
A Novel Multi-Observer Orbit Determination and Estimation Framework for Cislunar Space Domain Awareness, James E. Hippelheuser Jr.
Detonability of a Rotating Detonation Combustor Seeded with Carbon/Hydrocarbon Particles at Fringe Operating Conditions, Matthew Hopwood
Advanced Laser Absorption Spectroscopy For Temperature And Species Measurements In Nitromethane Detonation Afterburn, Nishan Khanal
Development and Testing of an Experimental Apparatus for Evaluation of Aerogel Based Cryogenic Hydrogen Storage, Yakym Khlyapov
Detonation Realization in a Reacting Mach Stem, Adam R. Kotler
Influence of Flow and Stratum Characteristics on Fouling Behavior of Flexible Fiber Patches, Milos Krsmanovic
Characterizing Air Plasma Sprayed Aluminum Oxide Coatings for the Protection of Structures in Lunar Environments, Perla Latorre Suarez
Processing and Characterization of Tissue-Equivalent Hydrogels and Highly Conductive Nanocomposites, Xiangpeng Li
Hypersonic Aero-Optic Measurements in a High-Pressure Shock Tube, Jonathan P. McGaunn
Acausal Modeling of Wind Turbines with Validation and Control Studies, Kazi Ishtiak Mohsin
High Speed CO Thermometry in a Shock Tube with Thermocouple Insert, Juan Cruz Pellegrini
A High-Pressure Shock Tube Study of Hydrogen and Ammonia Addition to Natural Gas for Reduced Carbon Emissions in Power Generation Gas Turbines, Michael Pierro
A Study of the Influence of Heat Flux on Aerodynamics in Hypersonic Flow, Kristina Pionessa
Investigating Shallow Neural Networks for Orbit Propagation Deployed on Spaceflight-Like Hardware, Hunter Quebedeaux
Optimizing Biomechanical models: Estimation of Muscle Tendon Parameters and Ankle Foot Orthosis Stiffness, Sepehr Ramezani
Analytical Model For Cryo-Compressed Adsorption Of Hydrogen In A Porous Material Of Silica Aerogel, Adil Riahi
Mechanisms of Flame Stability in Non-premixed High-speed Flows, Robert Rodgers
The Performance of a Liquid-Fueled High Pressure Igniter for Scramjets, Gerardo Rodriguez
Understanding the Mechanisms by which Cable Sway Produces Motion Artifact in Mobile Electroencephalography, David Rojas
Trajectory Design Optimization Using Coupled Radial Basis Functions (CRBFs), Kyler Roy
Thermal Management Strategies for Hypersonic Flight: Supercritical CO2 Jet Impingement Cooling Investigation for Leading Edge, Manoj Prabakar Sargunaraj
Characterization of Flame Induced Vortex Dynamics for Cavity Stabilized Combustion, David M. Smerina
A Study of the Performance of Wind Turbines Fitted with Sprayed Liquid Flaps, Alexander Spitzer
Mean Pressure Gradient Effects on the Performance of Ramjet Cavity Stabilized Flames, Mason Thornton
Flow Induced Vibration in Corrugated Metal Flexhoses, Patrick Tran
Anatomically-guided Deep Learning for Left Ventricle Geometry Reconstruction and Cardiac Indices Analysis Using MR Images, Andre Von Zuben
The Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer for a Staggered Pin Fin Array for Cooling of High-TIT Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Turbines, Ryan J. Wardell
Probing Endothelial Cell Mechanics Under Disturbed Fluid Flow, Jingwen Wu
Thin-Ply Laminate Viscoelasticity and Dimensional Stability in Deployable Space Structures, Milinda Madhusanka Yapa Yapa Hamillage
Multi-material 3D Printing with Hybrid Direct Ink Writing-volumetric Additive Manufacturing (DIW-VAM) System, Jose Zapata
Rotorcraft Lander Fixed to a Descending Capsule Backshell, Corey Zucker
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Heat Transfer Characterization of Carbon Dioxide in Micro Impinging Jet(s) Near Critical Conditions, Stephen Adeoye
Aerodynamic Characterization of An Elliptical Fairing In the Wake of a Bluff Body, Luis Amaya
Autoignition Delay Time Measurements and Chemical Kinetic Modeling of Hydrogen/Ammonia/Natural Gas Mixtures, Jessica Baker
Decentralized Digital Fabrication of Flexible Micro/Nano Devices Using a Laserjet Printer, Arshya Bamshad
Robotic Mechanisms for Surgery: Applications in Orthopedics and Prostate Biopsy, Pradipta Biswas
Characteristics of Rotating Detonation Engines for Propulsion and Power Generation, Robert Burke
Simulation of a Comprehensive Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Jose Chalarca Castro
Objectively Measured Physical Activity Among Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Renoa Choudhury
Quantitative Metallurgy of Anisotropic Nickel-Base Superalloys Under Tensile and Fatigue Loading, Dominic DeVito
Non-invasive Detection of Elevated Intracranial Pressure Using Spontaneous Tympanic Membrane Pulsation, Rajkumar Dhar
The Breakup of RP-2 Liquid Fuel Droplets in a Detonation Field, Daniel Dyson
Lithium-ion Battery Prognosis with Variational Hybrid Physics-informed Neural Networks, Renato Giorgiani do Nascimento
Broadband Investigation of the Pyrolysis of Propane using a MIR Optical Parametric Oscillator, Robert Greene