The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.
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Theses/Dissertations from 1988
Design of a bandpass oculometer, Karin Brandauer
Continuous Time Convolution Model for Generation Synthetic Hydrographs, Cheryl Brooks
Lansim: A Simulation Package for Estimating Performance Characteristics of a Class of Local Area Networks, Gregory Charles Buchner
A Comparison of Two Behaviorally Based Performance Appraisal Systems, Mary Ann Kutcher Bucklan
Leader sex and task orientation: an information processing perspective, Thomas Arthur Buhr
A Cellular Algorithm for Data Reduction of Polygon Based Images, Robert James Caesar
Polar Spectrum Coding, Daniel Harris Chapman
The Design of a Dual Method Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition System, David B. Cox
Inoculation theory: motivation mechanism vs. attack credibility as mediators of resistance to persuasion, Peter F. Cranis
Alcoholism subspecies and their relationship to cigarette and caffeine consumption, John F. Crawley
Pathological Gambling: A Comprehensive Review, Victoria L. Crowder
A coprocessor design for the architectural support of non-numeric operations, Timothy W. Curry
Some Optimally Adaptive Parallel Graph Algorithms on EREW PRAM Model, Sajal K. Das
Significant measurements of a multiple target tracking system utilizing munkre's algorithm as a correlation scheme, Nathalie Anna Day
MRP, JIT, and OPT: A Comparison on the Production Floor, Donna M. Denicole Christopher
The Feasibility of Computerized Cognitive Testing as a Surrogate Measure for Assessment Center Performance, Leilani M. de Saram
A student performance evaluation method for an intelligent simulation-based tutoring system, Camille Marie Dixon
Generating Multiple User Interfaces for Multiple Application Domains, Mahesh Hassomal Dodani
The Effects of a Twelve-week Cardiac Rehabilitation Program on Patients with Severe Left Ventricular Dysfunction as Evaluated by First-pass Radionuclide Angiography, Ronald Lee Dudash
A Proposed System for Determination of Percent Cloud Cover, Carol L. Emrich
Boundary Layer on a Continuous Flat Plate in Parallel Flow with Similar and Non-Similar Boundary Conditions, Vaughn H.M. Faber
Phase noise analysis and basic measuring techniques, James A. Ferrell
Optimization of Storm Sewer Construction Costs Using a Microcomputer Program, Dawn E. Fetter
Comparison of Subsurface Cavity Investigations Using Earth Resistivity, Seismograph and Ground Penetrating Radar, Dennis M. Filler
Sense of Humor and Social Anxiety, James E. Fischer
New synthetic transformations of 1-benzyl, 3,5-dibromo, 1h-1,2,4-triazole /c, Adam Michael Fivush
Rise Time to Frequency Correlation of Crosstalk in Coupled Microstrip Lines, Charles Michael Fletcher Jr.
Display Peripheral for a Flight Simulator Using a Three-Dimensional Computer-Controlled Motor Driven Model, Kenneth Randall Flowers
Assessment of the English comprehension Level Test as a Predictor of Success in Navy Recruit Training, Carla M. French
A Piezoelectric Actuated Scanning Mirror System Utilizing a Type One Control Loop, David Gibbs
Management considerations of productivity issues for local government, Scott M. Gilbertson
Research and Applications of Expert Systems in Military Training, Philip Irwin Green
Multiple Signal Relative Entropy Spectral Estimation, David Martin Gregory
Utilization of Ambulatory Services by the Health Maintenance Organization of Florida, Thomas Harold Hansen
Using Combined Integration Algorithms for Real-time Simulation of Continuous Systems, Larry Keith Harbor
Idiosyncratic item selection effects: do they produce the incongruity effect?/, Susan E. Haynes
Uniformity correction for a scanned long wavelength infrared focal plane array, George C. Heinold
Geographic Information Systems: The Developer's Perspective, Johnn B. Henris
The Development of non-credit programming within Florida's community college system : the first thirty years, 1957-1987, Ann Sherry Herring
A New Method for Broadband Surface Acoustic Wave Diffraction Analysis, Jacqueline Hanvey Hines
Escalation: A Closer Look at Allocation Decisions, David A. Hofmann
The etiology of bulimia nervosa from a psychodynamic socio-cultural perspective, Michael John Hryckowian
A Case Study in Rumor Transmission Based on the Leo Frank Case, George Mark Jackson
Applications of Lattice Filters to Quadrature Mirror Filter Banks, Gregory R. Jaspers
Axisymmetric wave propagation in a finite linear elastic cylinder, Brian D. Johnson
CHAR: The Fire Investigators Aid the Implementation of Expert System, Pamella M. Johnson
I. Evaluation of Iron Whiskers and Stainless Steel Microwaves as Catalysts for Ammonia Synthesis II. Hydrodechlorination of Chloralkanes on Iron Whisker Catalysts, Diane Kaefer-Northcott
Toward an annotated catalog for use in communication research, Gabe H. Kaimowitz
Barium borate in parametric oscillation and 1.54 micron generation, Mark Kerrigan
Distributed temperature sensors based on modified-cladding optical-fibers, Young Ho Kim
A comparison of two microcomputer continuous simulation languages, Amy Brannon Kirkland
Effect of Visual Reminder on the TTR and MLU-W of Oral Hearing-Impaired Students During High/Scope Recall Sessions, Joan S. Kissel
Uniform energy discharge for pulsed lasers, Eric Calvin Koschmann
Some reasons why new technologies are not always successful - specifically directed toward cim, Shuk Fong Lai
Ada Real-Time Performance Benchmarks for Personal Computer Environments, Stephen L. LaRoche
Three-level block truncation coding, Deborah Ann Lee
Women and men : do they prefer different leaders?, Melanie A. B. Lee
The application of transfer matrices in the dynamic analysis of planar elastic mechanisms, Richard Kent Lindenberg
Metalinguistics and reading implications for future assessment and management, Valerie Ann Lovegreen
An Evaluation of Art Teacher, Parent and Student Perceptions of the Most Meritorious Goals for a High School Art Program, Clare E. Loveridge
Computer aided design of linear phase finite impulse response digital filters, Wentao Lyou
Direct digital control of a liquid level control unit, Barbara Viehman Lytle
Laser induced darkening semiconductor dope glasses, Jayant Malhotra
Effects of Informed Consent on Client Behaviors and Attitudes in a Pro-Life Pregnancy Counseling Center, Kathryn Lynn Mardirosian
Metalinguistic Development Paralleled with Piagetian Stages, Joanne Y. McCall
Computerized Data Acquisition in Experimental Applications, Jay A. Meyer
Mandate for fear appeal research: a clearer perspective, Elizabeth Cheney Michel
The impact on competency acquisition, development, and performance of intern principals in two Florida school districts using the preparing new principals program, Paul Van Mitchell
Investigation of surface and subsurface deformation in sliding wear, Patrick J. Mohr
Efficient algorithms for the fixed charge problem, Ahmad Abdulah Moreb
The relationship of sources of job stress and role constructs to coping behaviors, Valerie June Moser
Operational analysis of duties of Florida elementary school secretary as perceived by secretaries, principals and teachers, James Lynwood Mosley
Training for performance under stress: a behavior modeling approach, Christopher Mulligan
Design of a Systolic Architecture to Implement Graphic Transforms, Aimee A. Murray
A relational object-oriented management system and an encapsulated object-oriented programming system, Michael L. Nelson
The aggregate costs of microcomputing, Joni Newkirk
A system for measuring the phase difference between two points of a propagating laser beam, Jefferson E. Odhner
Employee Assistance Programs: The State of the Art in Central Florida, W. Thomas Oldroyd
The relationship between computer experience and anxiety in computer versus paper-and-pencil administration of the state portion of the state-trait anxiety inventory, Timothy D. Orrell
Analysis of Phase Noise in Phase Lock Loop, Diane Marie Pavik
A casual model approach to assessment center performance: an application in law enforcement, Bradley Francis Pollins
Differential Employee Performance: A Behavioral Addition to an Attitudinal Model of Turnover, Thomas E. Powell
A study of the reaction kinetics for the thermal oxidation of dilute n-heptane vapors in a plug flow reactor, Steven Hunter Ramsey
Hardware algorithms for data compression, N. Ranganathan
Evaluation of inversion Uab1, a bithorax-complex mutant, Gerhild Rathmann Packert
On K - Y - insensitive donimation, Teresa Haynes Rice
Numerical solutions of poisson's equation in a superlatice device, Norman Todd Rollins
An ada simulator for the structured functional simulation of a digital signal processing system, Christopher Paul Roney
Dynamic Performance-Based Student Model for an Intelligent Simulation Training System, Jenifer M. Sargeant
Parallel Parsing in a Multiprocessor Environment, Dilip Sarkar
Age, growth, and movement patterns of the atlantic stingray, dasyatis sabina, in a Florida coastal lagoon system, Thomas Henry Schmid
Investigation of wear of materials by laser speckle photography, Mohamed A. Seif
Object-oriented development techniques for real-time software systems: a case study, Thomas S. Seldenright
Structured Development Techniques for Real-Time Software Systems: A Case Study, Vickie G. Seldenright
Optical interferometric formation of phased array antenna footprint/, John E. Sherwood
Lymphocyte subpopulations and other laboratory parameters in patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) and related conditions, Steven C. Shivers
Development of a bi-directional inference engine using an object-oriented approach, Taha A. Sidani
Variation in female somatic condition and its relationship to reproduction in the sailfin molly, poecilia latipinna (pisces: poeciliidae), Richard Eugene Smith