
Theses/Dissertations from 1992

Computer assisted pattern recognition, Kelly O'Brien St. John

Analysis of Florida's high school writing program, 1990-92, Maureen J. Warner

The effects of thorough cross-examination on counteractive effects of rape expert testimony, Melissa Anne Wilkerson

Need, response, and access : a survey of desktop video as a post secondary art curriculum in Florida, John Wilton


Assessing the Effects of a Program to Improve Questioning Skills of Nurse Educators in Clinical Post-conferences: An Initial Study, Diane M. Wink


An Historical Analysis of the Philosophies of the Vocational Education Leaders in Relation to the 1990 Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act Amendments, Cynthia D. Woodley

Theses/Dissertations from 1991

Ownership structure, risk preference, and agency costs in banking, Ugrit Asadatorn

The effectiveness of digital audio in computer-based training, Ann Elizabeth Barron

The relationship between perceptions of school factors and early teacher attrition and retention, Kathryn A. Blackburn

The effects of graphical distortion of accounting information on financial judgements, Deanna Oxender Burgess

Toward a paradigm for simulating intelligent agents, David Castillo

Integrating the nctm curriculum and evaluation standards for school mathematics and calculus reform recommendations into an applied calculus course, Gloria A. Child

The development of a magnet school : a case study of the attitudes of parents, students, teachers and administrators, Joanna F. Cocchiarella

The effectiveness of a staff development component in changing teacher attitudes and classroom teaching practices in the arts for at-risk pre-kindergarten children, Steven L. Darr

Application of extreme order statistics to the average-case analysis of parallel algorithms, Arthur F. Dickinson

Help-line for at-risk teachers : a case study of an innovative model for personalized staff development, Marilyn B. Fenner

Ritcag: a rule-based, intellitgent test case generator, Uma G. Gupta

Dividend signalling, cash flow, and market reaction: an empirical investigation, Zheng Gu

The revision and formative evaluation of the pre-college algebra curriculum at valencia community college: a case study, Judith M. Jones

Burnout of regular and special education elementary teachers and relationships to teacher personality typologies and perceptions of organizational climate, Elaine Kohlman

Modeling of the initial vertical dispersion parameters of mixing zone for predicting carbon monoxide concentrations near intersections, Pwu Sheng Liu

Computer modeling of thermal coupling resulting from laser irradiation of a metal target, Antonio Minardi

The effects of mentoring on at-risk students : a qualitative study, Lynne G. Nasrallah

Creative abilities of at risk students in kindergarten through grade five, Mary Timpe Robsman

A field validation study of the daytona screening device for new adult reading students, Joan Singley Schrysen

Interest rate risk and the systematic risk of U.S. commercial banks, Todd M. Shank

Implementation of cooperative learning training : a tri-dimensional description, Patricia L. Shelton

Perceptual learning style, modality specific mnemonic elaboration strategies and achievement of severely psychiatrically disabled adults in self medication management skills training, Terry L. Stawar

Application of truncated cosine series and interactive design techniques to offset quadrature binary modulation systems with experimental verification through saw fir filter modulation, Armando Juan Vigil

Dynamic impact on complex-39 facility due to vibration excitation of space shuttle liftoff, Tyng Lin Yang

The quasi-mastery learning instructional system for community college chemistry, Silvia Zapico

Theses/Dissertations from 1990

Recognition by Aspect Constrained Stochastic Optimization, John M. DeCatrel

TTESS, A Tutorial Tool for Expert-supervised Simulations, Murat Draman

Modeling of Mass Transfer and Synthetic Organic Compound Removal in a Membrane Softening Process, Steven J. Duranceau

A comparative study of retention, dropouts, achievement, attendance, discipline, participation and teacher and student satisfaction of 9th grade students in ninth-grade centers and high schools, John Edwards

An Investigation to Determine the Influence of Motivational Orientation and Selected Demographic Characteristics of Radiographers on Their Participation In and Application of Continuing Professional Education, Thomas J. Edwards

The effect of problem solving instruction upon computational skills, algebra readiness and problem solving ability of middle school students/, William Randolph Glover


Declines in student achievement in science-- implications for public education, Robert P. Hogan

Assessment of the extent of agreement on counseling and non-counseling tasks of the elementary school guidance counselor among teachers, counselors, and principals, Eve Alice Homburger

Assessment methodologies in the elementary literature program: an applied study, Kris A. Horton

Student perceptions of corporal punishment on modifying behavior and school attitude, Delores Inniss

Elicit: Expertise Learner and Intelligent Causal Inference Tool, Leslie Dawn Interrante

Change in elementary school curriculum and student achievement in a central Florida school district following publication of the national committee on excellence in education report: a case study, John P. Kalashian

Transport of Heavy Metals Through Accumulated Sediments in Detention/retention Ponds, L'Yu Lin

A comparison of the results yielded by several models for the determination of dropout rates in Florida, Donald A. MacCuish

An analysis of the perceptions of principals, superintendents and board members in Florida towards year-round education, Michael J. Mizwicki

An investigation of the characteristics of part-time faculty in Florida community colleges, Charles R. Mojock

The Supervisor's Associate: An Intelligent Shop Management System for Production Supervision, Gary P. Moynihan

Intelligent agents in multilevel simulation of manufacturing systems, Gajanana Nadoli

Computer-aided nonlinear analysis of microwave and millimeter wave amplifiers and mixers, Cam Nguyen

A study of the relationship between hemispheric preference and writing development, Nancy E. Parker

Efficient parallel algorithms and data structures for discrete-event simulation, Sushil Kumar Prasad

An investigation of the relationship among perceptions of organizational climate and principal competencies in elementary schools, Rita A. Ramsey

Motion trajectories, Krishnan Rangarajan

Functional conflict resolution in automated knowledge generation, Massood Towhidnejad

Theses/Dissertations from 1989

A Coupling-of-Modes model for SAW Transducers with Arbitrary Reflectivity Weighting, Benjamin P. Abbott

A descriptive study of marketing strategies used by the nine Florida State Universities, Patricia A. Carcoran

The effects of postquestion placement on comprehension in a social studies classroom setting, Cynthia L. Chanatry

Drag Characteristics of Objects in Two-phase Boiling Flows, Padmanabha R. Chappidi

A study of peer supervision and its relationship to job satisfaction and school climate for selected elementary school teachers, Christopher James Colwell

Perspectives on becoming an elementary teacher: reflections of early experience, Carol A. Corcoaran

Mobility patterns and personal characteristics of outstanding teachers in Florida, Deana Voncile Woolfolk Costner

An investigation of the relationships among targeted selection results, supervisors' assessments and self-assessments in the selection of school administrators, Marion Giannini Dailey

A Simulation and Theoretical Analysis of the Doubly Stochastic Homodyne K Scattering Model, Philip Gatt

Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Supervised Learning in Artificial Neural Networks, Gregory L. Heileman

Analysis of Velocity and Temperature Fluctuations in Turbulent Shear Flows, Mahendra L. Joshi

An analysis of Florida's dropout prevention programs, Anthoula Karantinos

A microcomputer assisted learning program in descriptive statistics for Junior/Senior high school students, Charles O. Pike

An investigation of the relationship among teacher personality typologies and perception of organizational climate in secondary schools, Ronald L. Pinnell

A design automation system for surface acoustic wave filters using bidirectional transducers, Samuel Marcellus Richie

Multi-layer channel routing, Gregory A. Schaper

A study of faculty and administrator attitudes toward, and involvement with, educational marketing and student recruiting in Florida public and private community/junior colleges, R. Jerry Smith

Academic remedial training at navy recruit training centers: an evaluation, Janet R. Thompson

A study of the effectiveness of preventative interventions for children at risk in a Florida school district, Catharine Harrell Thornhill


Edge Contours, Donna J. Williams

A Model of Conceptual Mechanical Engineering Design for Automated CAD, Zhentao Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 1988


The Composing Process and Speech Communication an Examination of the Strategies of Six Successful Student Speakers, Susan M. Andersen


Automatically Generating Syntax-directed Editors for Graphical Languages, Farahangiz Arefi


Finite impulse response filter design using cosine series functions, Carlton Delos Bishop


A coprocessor design for the architectural support of non-numeric operations, Timothy W. Curry


Some Optimally Adaptive Parallel Graph Algorithms on EREW PRAM Model, Sajal K. Das


Generating Multiple User Interfaces for Multiple Application Domains, Mahesh Hassomal Dodani


The Development of non-credit programming within Florida's community college system : the first thirty years, 1957-1987, Ann Sherry Herring


An Evaluation of Art Teacher, Parent and Student Perceptions of the Most Meritorious Goals for a High School Art Program, Clare E. Loveridge


Learning English Language and Literature in Saudi Arabian Universities: Students' Perceptions of Successful and Unsuccessful Methodologies, Safa Mansouri


The impact on competency acquisition, development, and performance of intern principals in two Florida school districts using the preparing new principals program, Paul Van Mitchell


Efficient algorithms for the fixed charge problem, Ahmad Abdulah Moreb


Operational analysis of duties of Florida elementary school secretary as perceived by secretaries, principals and teachers, James Lynwood Mosley


A relational object-oriented management system and an encapsulated object-oriented programming system, Michael L. Nelson


On K - Y - insensitive donimation, Teresa Haynes Rice


Parallel Parsing in a Multiprocessor Environment, Dilip Sarkar


Investigation of wear of materials by laser speckle photography, Mohamed A. Seif


Discrete mathematics in the secondary curriculum a delphi study of topics and trends, Ann C. Vining


Self-esteem Level, Workload Factors and Selected Demographic Variables in Nurse Faculty, E. Marie Visscher

Theses/Dissertations from 1987


Real Time Signal Processing Using Systolic Arrays, Jack Boulay


Design and Analysis of a Voice Band QPSK Modem, John F. Doud


Remote Data Acquisition and Error Analysis of the Scattering Parameters of Quartz Crystal Devices, Sallie Layton Douglas


A study of self-perceived current and desired career stages of federal government engineers and public school educators in the central florida area, Dennis Stephan Duke


The Reaction of 2-Arylprop-1-En-3-Yltrimethylammonium Iodides With Sulfur Nucleophiles and Useful Synthetic Applications of These Adducts, Steven J. Duranceau


Motion and Intrusion Detection Using a Pyroelectric Detector, Randy R. Fields