Broad Topical Focus - Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences



Eggleston, John, "Sociology and the Curriculum," pp.1-7, and "Sociological Approaches to the School Curriculum," pp. 8-21 in John Eggleston, The Sociology of the School Curriculum . London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977.*, John Eggleston

Annotation: Reviews processes of sociological analysis of the curriculum and of various early approaches to this form of inquiry.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Definitions, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry, Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Hidden Curriculum

Eisner, Elliot W., "Curriculum Theory and the Concept of Educational Milieu," High School Journal, 51(December, 1967), 132-146., Elliot W. Eisner

Annotation: Discusses what a scientific curriculum theory would include; analyzes the curriculum within its educational milieu.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Emory, Kathy, and Susan Ohanian, "No Matter Who's Talking about Educational Reform, Look for the Footprints of the Business Roundtable," pp. 114-140 in their Why Is Corporate America Bashing our Public Schools? Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2004., Kathy Emory and Susan Ohanian

Annotation: Traces the political influence of the Business Roundtable from 1989 to date on federal legislation; reports resistance to their influence and laws.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Criticism of Schooling, Curriculum Standards and Testing, Curriculum and Politics, Curriculum History

Englund, Tomas, "Curriculum History Reconsidered," Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research , 39 (No. 2, 1990), 91-102.*, Tomas Englund

Annotation: Sums up the status and value of work done in curriculum history to date internationally.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Comparative Curriculum

Everhart, Robert B., "Classroom Management, Student Opposition, and the Labor Process," pp. 169-192 in Michael W. Apple and Lois Weis, eds., Ideology and Practice in Schooling . Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1983., Robert B. Everhart

Annotation: Addresses the social-political context of classroom management in a study of four schools (1973-1975); describes beating the system and student perceptions on opposition.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Phenomenological Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Teaching/Learning Process

Fallace, Thomas. "American Educators' Confrontation with Fascism," Educational Researcher, 47(January/February, 2018), 46-52., Thomas Fallace

Annotation: Reports a study of the views of American educators about European Fascism between WW I and WW II and its conception of education; draws on the literature by key American educators from 1922-1941; treats propaganda, indoctrination, relativity, and fake news in the media of that period with implications for current circumstances.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: SIngle Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Citizenship Education, Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Curriculum and Politics, Social Studies, Democratic Education, Ideology and School Knowledge

Fallace, Thomas D., In the Shadow of Auithoritarianism: American Education in the Twentieth Century. New York: Teachers College Press, 2018., Thomas D. Fallace

Annotation: Traces several forms of authoritarianism from 1916 to 1983 and their impact on school curriculum in the United States.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Change, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Democratic Edcuation, Citizenship Education, Social Studies

Farrell, Joseph P., "Cultural Differences and Curriculum Inquiry," Curriculum Inquiry, 17 (Spring, 1987), 1-8., Joseph P. Farrell

Annotation: Explores issues in studying cultural differences as an introduction to the articles in this issue of the journal.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Research Domains and Structure
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Multiethnic Adaptation

Feinberg, Walter, For Goodness Sake: Religious Schools and Education for Democratic Citizenship. New York: Routledge, 2006., Walter Feinberg

Annotation: Analyzes the relationship between religious schooling and public schooling in terms of the ways they educate for citizenship in a democracy; cites examples from several religious schools; argues for oversight of religious schools by the public with respect to their fostering educative and democratic values that acknowledge human development studies and what diverse religions believe; calls for requiring religious educators to have preparation in these matters as an expression of the public interest in religious schooling.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Proposals in Coherent Form
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism, Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Religious & Private Schooling, Teacher Education, Citizenship Education, Democratic Education, Values in the Classroom

Fensham, Peter, Colin Power, David Tripp, and Stephen Kemmis, A Study of Three Cases: A Review of "Alienation from Schooling ." London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986., Peter Fensham, Colin Power, David Tripp, and Stephen Kemmis

Annotation: Presents three cases from Australia on the topic.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparative Curriculum

Fillmore, Lily Wong, and Lois M. Meyer, "The Curriculum and Linguistic Minorities," pp. 626-658 in Philip W. Jackson, ed., Handbook of Research on Curriculum. New York: Macmillan, l992., Lily Wong Fillmore and Lois M. Meyer

Annotation: Defines the issues, the various adaptations used, and the research needed in educating students of linguistic minorities.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Multiethnic Adaptation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Fine, Michelle, Just Research in Contentious Times: Widening the Methodological Imagination. New York: Teachers College Press, 2018., Michelle Fine

Annotation: Reviews research done by the author over the past thirty years using critical action research methods; makes the case for this kind of research in giving voice to change needed in the education of the oppressed and marginalized.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry, Action Inquiry
Type of Study: SIngle Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Ethical Issues in Curriculum, Qualitative Research, Needs Assessment

Fischman, Gustavo E., "Reflections about Images, Visual Culture, and Educational Research," Educational Researcher, 30(November, 2001), 28-33., Gustavo E. Fischman

Annotation: Urges that the much neglected visual aspects of culture become a focus for educational research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research Domains and Structure, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Defining Curriculum Research Questions
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Fisher, Carol M., "Curriculum Problems Facing the Schools: Now and in the Future," pp. 67-72 in Edmund C. Short, ed., A Search for Valid Content for Curriculum Courses: Educational Comment, 1970 . Toledo, OH: College of Education, University of Toledo, 1970., Carol M. Fisher

Annotation: Identifies the questions that should be addressed about the current world of children and teachers.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Curriculum as Environment, Content Selection and Organization

Franklin, Barry M., "Discourse, Rationality, and Educational Research: A Historical Perpective of RER," Review of Educational Research, 69(Winter, 1999), 347-363.*, Barry M. Franklin

Annotation: Explores the relationship between research reviews in curriculum and the way the curriculum field has been constructed and changed over time; identifies four themes revealed by the discourse in which these reviews were framed; interprets historically the changes noted over time in terms of curriculum as an instrument of power.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum as a Field of Practice and Study, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Curriculum History

Franklin, Barry N., Curriculum, Community, and Urban School Reform. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010., Barry N. Franklin

Annotation: Contains a collection of ethnographic/history reports of concrete urban school settings that attempted various curricular and educational reforms form the 1960s to the 2000s; analyzes them within the framework of certain concepts of community and curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Secondary School Curriculum, Curriculum and Politics

Gaffield, Chad, "Children's Lives and A adcemic Achievement in Canada and the United States," Comparative Education Review, 38(February, 1994), 36-64., Chad Gaffield

Annotation: Analyzes social and cultural factors affecting achievement on the IAEP, 1991.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Evaluation, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparative Curriculum, Curriculum as Experience, Student Assessment

Gaskell, Jane, and John Willinsky, eds., Gender In/Forms Curriculum: From Enrichment to Transformation. New York: Teachers College Press, 1995., Jane Gaskell and John Willinsky

Annotation: Reviews ways in which gender is exhibited in curriculum and ways gender roles are learned in curriculum; by authors of 14 chapters on various subject areas in the curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: School Subjects, Ideology and School Knowledge, Content Selection and Organization

Gay, Geneva, "Curriculum Development," pp. 1170-1179 in T. Husen and T. N. Postlethwaite, eds., International Encyclopedia of Education . New York: Pergamon, 1984., Geneva Gay

Annotation: Writes about the characteristics of the curriculum development process, who participates in it, and the forces that influence it at the local, regional, and national levels.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Decision-making Processes, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Development Strategies, Comparative Curriculum

Gay, Geneva, "Designing Relelvant Curricula for Diverse Learners," Education and Urban Society, 20(August, 1988), 327-340.*, Geneva Gay

Annotation: Presents an approach to a multicultural curriculum design.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Evaluation, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Multicultural Education

Gay, Geneva, and Pamela Hart, "Postmodern Visions in Multicultural Education Preparation and Practice," pp. 169-189 in Jeffrey Glanz and Linda S. Behar-Horenstein, eds., Paradigm Debates in Curriculum and Supervision: Modern and Postmodern Perspectives. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 2000., Geneva Gay and Pamela Hart

Annotation: Discusses the kinds of changes needed in teaching and teacher education to fully embrace a multicultural understanding of a postmodern curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Multicultural Education, Teacher Education

Giroux, Henry, "Cultural Studies, Resisting Difference, and the Return of Critical Pedagogy," pp. 161-179 in Henry Giroux, Border Crossings: Cultural Workers and the Politics of Education. New York: Routledge, 1992. 2nd ed., 2005., Henry Giroux

Annotation: Suggests that cultural studies offers a new discourse for addressing difference, pedagogy, and public life.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Curriculum and Politics, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Democratic Education

Giroux, Henry A., "Beyond the Correspondence Theory: Note on the Dynamics of Educational Reproduction and Transformation," Curriculum Inquiry, 10(Fall, 1980), 225-247. Reprinted pp. 91-112 in his Ideology, Culture, and the Process of Schooling, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1981.*, Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Critiques the correspondence theory of reproduction and suggests evidence that supports the challenge.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Knowledge Generation

Giroux, Henry A., "Culture, Power and Transformation in the Work of Paulo Freire: Toward a Politics of Education," pp. 108-120, in Henry A. Giroux, ed., Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning . Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Reviews Freire's work in relation to critique of culture, power, and the theory-practice relationship.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Theorists, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics

Giroux, Henry A., ed., Postmodernism, Feminishm, and Cultural Politics: Redrawing Educational Boundaries, Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1991., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Has articles by eight authors (an extended introduction and last article are by Giroux) on the subject of redrawing educational boundaries across cultures.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Giroux, Henry A., "Ideology, Culture, and Schooling," pp. 119-167 in his Theory and Resistance in Education: A Pedagogy for the Opposition. South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1983.*, Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Distinguishes the culturalist and the structuralist traditions and analyzes the role of ideology in schooling and curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making,Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis,Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Giroux, Henry A., "Introduction," pp. 5-35 in his Ideology, Culture and the Process of Schooling . Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1981.*, Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Explains the concepts of ideology, hegemony, and culture in relation to schooling and pedagogy.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines,Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences,Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Giroux, Henry A., "Language, Difference, and Curriculum Theory: Beyond the Politics of Clarity," Theory into Practice, 31(Summer, 1992), 219-227., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Calls for curriculum discourse that takes differences in power, language, and feminist thinking into account.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Democratic Education, Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses

Giroux, Henry A., "Marxism and Schooling: The Limits of Radical Discourse," Educational Theory, 34(Spring, 1984), 113-135., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Traces history of Marxist discourse in work of Aronowitz and others; response pp. 307-312 by Daniel Liston; and response pp. 313-319 by Giroux.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Criticism of Schooling

Giroux, Henry A., "Mass Culture and the Rise of the New Illiteracy: Implications for Reading," pp. 74-85 in Henry A. Giroux, ed, Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning . Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Treats the new illiteracy that results from mass culture and proposes changes in the reading curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Reading

Giroux, Henry A., "Paulo Freire's Approach to Radical Educational Reform," Curriculum Inquiry, 9(Fall, 1979), 257-272. Reprinted pp. 127-141 in his Ideology, Culture, and the Process of Schooling. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1981., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Outlines Freire's approach to educational reform, pointing out cultural context, theory of knowledge, and theory of domination; calls for modification when applied to educational settings different from Freire's.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching,Curriculum Change,Curriculum Conceptions and Theories,Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism,Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Teaching/Learning Process

Giroux, Henry A., "Power and Resistance in the New Sociology of Education: Beyond Theories of Social and Cultural Reproduction," Curriculum Perspectives, 2 (October, 1982), 1-12., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Discusses the sources of the new critical sociology and points to their weaknesses.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics

Giroux, Henry A., "Teachers, Public Life, and Curriculum Reform," Peabody Journal of Education, 69(Spring, 1994), 35-47., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Urges that the curriculum be centered around the lives and power relations of students and teachers within their respective cultural and political contexts.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Proposals in Coherent Form, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization

Giroux, Henry A., "The Conservative Assault on America: Cultural Politics, Education, and the New Authoritarianism," pp. 23-41 in Henry A. Giroux, America on Edge: Henry A. Giroux on Politics, Culture, and Education. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Illustrates authoritarian policies and actions by the second Bush administration in the area of education and other arenas.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Democratic Education, Government Role in Educational Research & Development

Giroux, Henry A., The Giroux Reader. New York: Paradigm,2006, Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Reprints 13 articles from 1983-2003 covering major areas of scholarship to which the author has contributed.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Theorists, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Conceptions of Teaching, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Giroux, Henry A., and Roger Simon, "Curriculum Study and Cultural Politics," pp. 129-142 in Henry A. Giroux, ed., Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning. Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux and Roger Simon

Annotation: Argues for a new approach to curriculum study based on critical and political perspectives.

Broad Topical Focus: Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum as a Field of Practice and Study
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Programs of Study in Curriculum and Instruction

Gitlin, Andrew, "School Structure and Teachers' Work," pp. 193-212 in Michael W. Apple and Lois Weis, eds., Ideology and Practice in Schooling. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1983., Andrew Gitlin

Annotation: Shows how the structure of schooling affected teachers' work in an IGE school reform.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Goodlad, John I., "Coda: The Conceptual System for Curriculum Revisited," pp. 343-364 in John I. Goodlad, ed., Curriculum Inquiry: The Study of Curriculum Practice. New York: McGraw-Hill, l979.*, John I. Goodlad

Annotation: Updates his l966 conceptualization of curriculum with additional decision levels and value contexts.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Definitions, Curriculum Decision-making Processes, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Content Selection and Organization, Curriculum Deliberation

Goodson, Ivor F., The Changing Curriculum : Studies in Social Construction. New York: Peter Lang, 1997., Ivor F. Goodson

Annotation: Presents 10 previously published works by the author on the evolution of curriculum with attention to power, class, and justice.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Curriculum History

Gordon, Edmund W., Fayneese Miller, and David Rollock, "Coping with Communicentric Bias in Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences," Educational Researcher, 19(April, 1990), 14-19., Edmund W. Gordon, Fayneese Miller, and David Rollock

Annotation: Suggests inquiry that accomodates cultural, class, ethnic, and gender diversity.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research Domains and Structure, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Critique and Utilization of Curriculum Research and Inquiry, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Gough, Noel, "Locating Curriculum Studies in the Global Village," Journal of Curriculum Studies, 32 (March-April, 2000), 329-342., Noel Gough

Annotation: Considers the impact of globalization on curriculum and the issue of internationalizing curriculum studies; contrasts local knowledge and universal knowledge.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum as a Field of Practice and Study
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparative Curriculum, Local Control of Schooling, Knowledge Generation, Knowledge Utilization

Greene, Maxine, "Cognition, Consciousness, and Curriculum," pp. 69-84 in William F. Pinar, ed., Heightened Consciousness, Cultural Revolution, and Curriculum Theory . Berkeley, CA: McCutchan, 1974., Maxine Greene

Annotation: Discusses how Freire's views can take us beyond traditional curriculum thinking to new consciousness.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Theorists, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Phenomenological Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Freedom/Authority and Curriculum, Curriculum as Experience

Greene, Maxine, "Diversity and Inclusion: Toward a Curriculum for Human Beings," Teachers College Record, 95(Winter, 1993), 211-221.*, Maxine Greene

Annotation: Makes the case for inclusion of diverse perspectives, including women's, in curriculum content.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Proposals in Coherent Form, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization

Gress, James R., "Curriculum: Variations on Themes," pp. 74-86 in James R. Gress, ed., Curriculum: An Introduction to the Field . Berkeley, CA: McCutchan, 1988. (Originally in Theory into Practice, 15(April, 1976), 98-106), James R. Gress

Annotation: Examines the evolution of American elementary curriculum thought and designs and concludes they are "variations on themes' affected by socio-political realities.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Elementary School Curriculum, Curriculum History

Grubb, W. Norton, and Marvin Lazerson, "Transforming the High School," pp. 29-55 in W. Norton Grubb and Marvin Lazerson. The Education Gospel: The Economic Power of Schooling. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004., W. Norton Grubb and Marvin Lazerson

Annotation: Explores the history of vocationalism in the U.S. high school, discusses its problems, and offers recommendations for its future.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Vocational vs. Liberal Education, Curriculum History, Curriculum and Politics

Grumet, Madeleine R., "Conception, Contradiction and Curriculum," The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 3(Winter, 1981), 287-298., Madeleine R. Grumet

Annotation: Ventures into feminist social theory and draws implications for curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Psychology and Curriculum

Gwynn, J. Minor, "Philosophy, Goals, and Social Factors," Review of Educational Research, 21(June, 1951), 173-185., J. Minor Gwynn

Annotation: Deals with factors influencing curriculum, values, religion, goals, and objectives.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Hamilton, David, "The Beginning of Schooling--As We Know It," Journal of Curriculum Studies, 47(No. 5, 2015), 577-593., David Hamilton

Annotation: Traces the cultural and historical beginnings of schoooing in Europe i all its forms (religious and others); explains the evolution of schooling from the 9th to 16th centuries: cites numerous writers on schooling thoughout this period.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Implementation, Curriculum Aims and Objectives

Hansen, David T., et al.,"Curriculum History: National Profiles," pp. 1288-1301 in Torsten Husen and Thomas N. Postlethwaite, eds., The International Encyclopedia of Education, 2d ed. New York: Pergamon, 1994.*, David T. Hansen

Annotation: Reveiws curriculum history in Germany, China, United Kingdom, and United States.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum as a Field of Practice and Study
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Comparative Curriculum, Government Role in Educational Research & Development

Hargreaves, Andy, Changing Teachers, Changing TImes: Teacher's Work and Culture in the Postmodern Age. New York: Teachers College Press, 1994., Andy Hargreaves

Annotation: Presents essays on teacher change, time, work, and culture, and their implications for school leaders.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Administration, Leadership, Finance
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Phenomenological Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Criticism of Schooling, Teacher Planning, Classroom Observation & Research

Hargreaves, Andy, Teaching in a Knowledge Society: Education in an Age of Insecurity. New York: Teachers College Press, 2003., Andy Hargreaves

Annotation: Defines a knowledge society and the schooling appropriate to it; gives examples of schools failing and succeeding in a knowledge society.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Proposals in Coherent Form
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Henderson, James G., "Informing Curriculum and Teaching Transformation through Postmodern Studies," pp. 152-168 in Jeffrey Glanz and Linda S. Behar-Horenstein, eds., Paradigm Debates in Curriculum and Supervision: Modern and Postmodern Perspectives. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 2000., James G. Henderson

Annotation: Makes the case for postmodern transformation of curriculum and teaching; contrasts this with premodern and modern paradigms.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis, Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Professionalization in Curriculum

Hewitt, Randy, "Human Capital as the Summum Bonum of Public Education: Past and Present," The Educational Forum, 71(Winter, 2007), 128-140., Randy Hewitt

Annotation: Traces the influence of corporate interests on schools and school children; urges critical education to confront this narrow, undemocratic ideology.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Visions and Philosophies
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Hewitt, Randy, "Priming the Pump: 'Educating' for Market Democracy," pp. 47-58 in Deron R. Boyles, ed., Schools or Markets? Commercialism, Privitization, and School-Business Partnerships. Mahwah, NJ: Laurence Erlbaum, 2005., Randy Hewitt

Annotation: Traces Dewey's arguments for education for democratic social action; contrasts this with current corporate actions in education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Hichling-Hudson, and Roberta Ahlquest, "Contesting the Curriculum in the Schooling of Indigenous Children in Australia and the United States: From Eurocentrism to Culturally Powerful Pedagogues," Comparative Education Review, 47(February, 2003), 64-89., . Hichling-Hudson and Roberta Ahlquest

Annotation: Compares four schools' curricula and evidence of these two pedagogies in these different schools.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparative Curriculum, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Holmes, Mark, "Less Power for Educators: Response to McDiarmid," Interchange, 18(Fall, 1987), 68-73.*, Mark Holmes

Annotation: Responds to McDiarmid's proposals in same issue of Interchange regarding his conceptions of the politics of curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Curriculum History

Hunkins, Francis P., "Building Curriculum: Influences and Mechanisms," pp. 83-129 in O. L. Davis, Jr., ed., Perspectives on Curriculum Development: 1776-1976 . Washington, DC: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1976., Francis P. Hunkins

Annotation: Discusses some of the influences on curriculum development historically (as well as the experience of minorities and women) and some of the emergent mechanisms of curriculum development.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences,Curriculum Policies and Policy Making,Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History

Inglis, Fred, The Management of Ignorance: A Political Theory of the Curriculum. Oxford: Blackwell, 1985., Fred Inglis

Annotation: Critiques British curriculum ideologies of class and power; poses a political theory of curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Comparative Curriculum

Johnson, Earl S., "Science, Society, and the Curriculum," School Review, 66 (Winter, 1958), 437-445. Reprinted pp. 157-165 in Earl S. Johnson, The Humanistic Teachings of Earl S. Johnson . Boulder: Westview Press, 1983., Earl S. Johnson

Annotation: Describes the relation of science and society to curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design,Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Normative Inquiry,Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Integration, Liberal Education/General Education, Science

Johnson, Lee, and William F. Pinar, "Aspects of Gender Analysis in Recent Feminist Psychological Thought and their Implications for Curriculum," Journal of Education (Boston University), 162(Fall, 1980), 113-126., Lee Johnson and William F. Pinar

Annotation: Reviews the implications for curriculum of recent work on gender analysis.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Defining Curriculum Research Questions
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Psychology and Curriculum

Jupp, James C., "Decolonizing and De-Cannonizing Curriculum Studies: An Engaged Discussion Organized Around Joao M. Paraskeva's Recent Books," Journal of the Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies,12(No. 1, 2017), 1-25., James C. Jupp

Annotation: Introduces a group of articles related to two books by Paraskeva (Conflicts in Curriculum Theory, 2011; Curriculum Epistemicide, 2016); briefly explains the primary features of the author's works and notes the highlights of the commentaries that follow is subsequent articles.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Theorists, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Professors, Comparative Curriculum, Ideology and School Knowledge, Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses

Kapferer, Judith L., "Curricula and the Reproduction of Structured Social Inequalities," Curriculum Inquiry, 16(Spring, 1986), 5-31., Judith L. Kapferer

Annotation: Shows that variations in inequities in public and private schools in Australia are reproduced in timetables, homework, and organizational arrangements.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Comparative Curriculum, Religious & Private Schooling

Kaufman, B. A., "Piaget, Marx and the Political Ideology of Schooling," Journal of Curriculum Studies, 10(January-March, 1978), 19-44., B. A. Kaufman

Annotation: Contrasts theories of behavioral psychology and capitalism which emanate from a materialist model with theories of constructivism and socialism which emanate from a dialectical model.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Psychology and Curriculum

Kemp, Andrew T., "Engaging the Envionment: A Case for a Place-Based Curriculum," Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 8(Nos.1 & 2, 2006), 125-142., Andrew T. Kemp

Annotation: Defines place-based curriculum and reviews the literature related to it.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Proposals in Coherent Form, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Curriculum as Environment

Kilbourn, Brent, "World Views and Curriculum," Interchange, 11(No. 2, 1980-81), 1-10., Brent Kilbourn

Annotation: Uses Pepper's analysis of six world views (animism, mysticism, formism, mechanism, contextualism, and organicism) to provide a conceptual framework for inquiry into the contributions the curriculum might make to the study of social problems.

Broad Topical Focus: Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research,Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis,Normative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Philosophical Schools, Social Studies

Kincheloe, Joe L., "The Right-Wing Politics of Knowledge and Education," pp. 31-68 in Shirley R. Steinberg and Joe L. Kincheloe, eds., What You Don't Know about Schools. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006., Joe L. Kincheloe

Annotation: Explains why many Americans have bought into the now dominant regressive, oppressive, and anti-democratic educational policies supported by right-wing political groups; focuses on presumed threats to universal knowledge, to authority of colonial and racist powers, and to pedagogies of free inquiry.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Freedom/Authority and Curriculum, Criticism of Schooling

Kincheloe, Joe L., and William F. Pinar, eds., Curriculum as Social Psychoanalysis: The Significance of Place, Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1991., Joe L. Kincheloe and William F. Pinar

Annotation: Shows the influence of the South on curriculum and curriculum content.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Psychology and Curriculum

Kincheloe, Joe L., Shirley R. Steinberg, Nelson M. Rodriquez, and Ronald E. Chennault, eds., White Reign: Deploying Whiteness in America. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998., Joe L. Kincheloe, Shirley R. Steinberg, Nelson M. Rodriquez, and Ronald E. Chennault

Annotation: Gives theoretical, critical, and practical treatment to issues of white domination of U.S. identity, ideology, and institutions.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge

King, Nancy R., "Recontextualizing the Curriculum," Theory Into Practice, 25 (Winter, 1986), 36-40., Nancy R. King

Annotation: Discusses curriculum as an event and as situated; draws implications for curriculum developers and researchers.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design,Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences,Curriculum Research Domains and Structure
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Normative Inquiry,Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum as Experience, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Kirylo, James, "The Discourse of the Spirituality of Liberation Theology in Curriculum Theory," JCT: Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 15(Spring, 1999), 77-87., James Kirylo

Annotation: Identifies concepts in liberation theology and suggests implications for curriculum theory.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Religious Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Values in the Classroom

Klein, Susan S., and Patricia E. Ortman, "Continuing the Journey Toward Gender Equity," Edcuational Researcher, 23(November, 1994), 13-21., Susan S. Klein and Patricia E. Ortman

Annotation: Addresses gender equity issues in both formal and informal curriculum, among other areas.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Hidden Curriculum, Content Selection and Organization, Materials Development and Evaluation

Kliebard, Herbert M., "The Effort to Reconstruct the Modern Curriculum," pp. 19-31 in Landon E. Beyer and Michael W. Apple, eds., The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1988. Also appears in 1998 second edition., Herbert M. Kliebard

Annotation: Explains how the curriculum at any given time reflects competing doctrines and practices.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Kliebard, Herbert M., "The Mounting Challenge to the Subject Curriculum,'' pp. 200-221, and "The State of School Subjects at Midcentury," pp. 222-249, in Herbert M. Kliebard, The Struggle for the American Curriculum, 1893-1958, 3rd ed. New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2004., Herbert M. Kliebard

Annotation: Outlines the struggle between the "need"/"core" curriculum and the academic subjects curriculum in the 1940s and 1950s; describes the struggles going on within the academic subjects as well for direction of the curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Content Selection and Organization, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Kliebard, Herbert M., "The Search for Meaning in Progressive Education: Curriculum Conflict in the Context of Status Politics," pp. 231-252 in Herbert M. Kliebard, The Struggle for the American Curriculum, 1893-1958, 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 1995. Reprinted pp. 271-292 in 3rd ed. New York: RoutlegeFalmer, 2004., Herbert M. Kliebard

Annotation: Explains the theoretical framework for the author's interpretation of curriculum history in the full volume in terms of status politics and the symbolic nature of interest-group struggles over curriculum during this period.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Visions and Philosophies, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Defining Curriculum Research Questions
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Ladson-Billings, Gloria, and Keffrelyn Brown, "Curriculum and Cultural Diversity," pp. 153-175 in F. Michael Connelly, Ming Fang He, and JoAnn Phillion, eds., The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction. Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2008., Gloria Ladson-Billings and Keffrelyn Brown

Annotation: Reviews the literature on the topic in the United States and in England from 1970 to the present and identifies nine research questions that must be asked of any curriculum that proposes to meet the needs of changing student populations.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Multiethnic Adaptation, Curriculum Differentiation

Lather, Patti, "Critical Theory, Curricular Transformation and Feminist Mainstreaming," Journal of Education, 166(No. 1, 1984), 49-62., Patti Lather

Annotation: Discusses the relation of critical theory to curriculum transformation and feminist mainstreaming.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Lather, Patti, "Postmodernism and the Politics of Enlightenment," Educational Foundations, 3(Fall, 1989), 7-28.*, Patti Lather

Annotation: Lays out within a poststructuralist framework the problem of power and conventional discourse analysis and the need for educational discourse to resolve the contradictions of theory and practice.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Leming, James S., "The Influence of Contemporary Issues Curricula on School-Aged Youth," pp. 111-161 in. Gerald Grant, ed., Review of Research in Education, 18: 1992. Washington, D.C.: American Educational Research Association, 1992., James S. Leming

Annotation: Reviews research on curricula on sex education, drug education, suicide prevention, death education, social prejuidice, sex role stereotypes, global education, environmental education, and peace education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching, Curriculum Evaluation, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Values in the Classroom

Levin, Benjamin R. "The Grade Three Assessment: Even Doing What People Want Can Be Hard," pp. 84-100 in his Governing Education. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005., Benjamin R. Levin

Annotation: Gives the author's experience as a top Department of Educational official in dealing with grade three assessment policy proposals and implementation in the Province of Manitoba, Canada, from 1999-2002.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Narrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics

Liston, Daniel P., "Have We Explained the Relationship Between Curriculum and Capitalism? An Analysis of the Selective Tradition," Educational Theory, 34 (Summer, 1984), 241-253., Daniel P. Liston

Annotation: Analyzes the relation between mechanisms of exclusion in curriculum and the assumptions of captialism (with examples).

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making,Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis,Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge

Luke, Allan, "Generalizing Across Borders: Policy and the Limits of Educational Science," Educational Researcher, 40(November, 2011), 367-377., Allan Luke

Annotation: Explores the issue of transferring educational policies from one country to another, including into the United States from outside; critiques specific attempts and stresses the centrality that the cultural context plays in such situations.

Broad Topical Focus: Critique and Utilization of Curriculum Research and Inquiry, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparative Curriculum, Curriculum and Politics, Curriculum Implementation, Knowledge Utilization, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Macagnoni, Virginia M., "Social Dimensions of the Self as an Open System: A Curriculum Design--Strategies for Implementation," Research Bulletin (Florida Educational Research and Development Council, Gainesville), 5(Summer, 1969), 1-68., Virginia M. Macagnoni

Annotation: Proposes a comprehensive conception of a curriculum focusing on seven dimensions of the social self; provides conceptual tools and implementation strategies; serves as a model for tying together relevant literature and theoretical components for other proposals with different purposes; refers to content, process, mediation, and teaching components.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Proposals in Coherent Form, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Theorists, Relation of Curriculum Research to Practice
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Self-Knowledge, Classics of Curriculum Literature, Content Selection and Organization, Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses, Open Education, Psychology and Curriculum, Social Studies, Values in the Classroom

Macdonald, James B., "Curriculum, Consciousness, and Social Change," Foundations Studies, 5(Fall, 1978), 27-45. Reprinted in Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 3(Winter, 1981), 143-153. Reprinted pp. 156-174 in William F. Pinar, ed., Contemporary Curriculum Discourses. Scottsdale, AZ: Gorsuch Scarisbrick,1988.*, James B. Macdonald

Annotation: Shows how a liberating perspective can permeate curriculum; presents design guidelines.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Normative Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Philosophical Schools

Macdonald, James, and Susan Colberg Macdonald, "Gender, Values, and Curriculum," The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 3(Winter, 1981), 299-304. Reprinted pp. 476-485 in Willam F. Pinar, ed., Contemporary Curriculum Discourses. Scottsdale, AZ: Gorsuch Scarisbrick, 1988., James Macdonald and Susan Colberg Macdonald

Annotation: Discusses sexism and the curriculum and related issues.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

MacDonald, Madeleine, The Curriculum and Cultural Reproduction . Milton Keynes, England: Open University Press, 1977., Madeleine MacDonald

Annotation: Discusses issues in cultural reproduction and their relation to curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge

Mason, Terrence C., and Robert J. Heffenbein, eds., Ethics and International Curriculum Work: The Challenges of Culture and Context. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2012., Terrence C. Mason and Robert J. Heffenbein

Annotation: Provides case reports of ethical issues in transnational curriculum work projects.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Normative Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Comparative Curriculum, Curriculum Development Strategies

McCarthy, Cameron, Michael D. Giardina, Susan Juanita Harewood, and Jin-Kyung Park, "Contesting Culture: Identity and Curriculum Dilemmas in the Age of Globalization, Postcolonialism, and Multiplicity," Harvard Educational Review, 73(Fall, 2003), 449-465., Cameron McCarthy, Michael D. Giardina, Susan Juanita Harewood, and Jin-Kyung Park

Annotation: Analyzes trends in globalization, postcolonialism, and identity in relation to popular culture; distinguishes monological and postcolonialist theories and their implications for curriculum and pedagogy, siding with the latter; comments on several preceding related articles.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry, Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Content Selection and Organization, Liberal Education/General Education, Ideology and School Knowledge

McColl, Ann, "Tough Call: Is No Child Left Behind Constitutional?" Phi Delta Kappan, 86(April, 2005), 604-610., Ann McColl

Annotation: Raises questions about legal authority for NCLB Act of 2001, its lack of clarity and funding, and its function; raises question of state versus federal power over education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Decision-making Processes, Curriculum Visions and Philosophies
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Local Control of Schooling, Government Role in Educational Research & Development, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Curriculum Standards and Testing, Freedom/Authority and Curriculum

McDiarmid, Garnet, "Poles Apart: A Rejoinder to Pinar and to Holmes," Interchange, 18(Fall, 1987), 77-81.*, Garnet McDiarmid

Annotation: Responds to criticism of his earlier article.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Curriculum History

McNeil, John D., "Forces Influencing Curriculum," Review of Educational Research, 39(June, 1969), 293-318., John D. McNeil

Annotation: Points out forces inside and outside the curriculum field that influence curriculum policy changes.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics

McNeil, Linda, "Talking About Differences, Teaching to Sameness," Journal of Curriculum Studies, 19(March-April, 1987), 105-122., Linda McNeil

Annotation: Presents a model for examining teachers' views of student differences in classrooms and the way they attend to these differences.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Differentiation, Teaching/Learning Process

Meadows, Elizabeth, "What Is a Democracy?" pp. 21-40 in Charles L. Lowery and Patricia M. Jenlink, eds., The Handbook of Dewey's Educational Theory and Practice. Boston: Brill Sense, 2019., Elizabeth Meadows

Annotation: Presents a comprehensive understanding of Dewey/s conception of democracy and of education for democracy bases on extracts from Dewey's works.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Democratic Education

Middaugh, Ellen, and Daniel Perlstein, "Thinking and Teaching in a Democratic Way: Hilda Taba and the Ethos of Brown." Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 20(Spring, 2005). 234-256., Ellen Middaugh and Daniel Perlstein

Annotation: Traces the thinking and career of Hilda Taba in the 1940s and 1950s related to human relations education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Theorists, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Social Studies, Multicultural Education, Curriculum Professors, Citizenship Education

Miller, Janet L., "Constructions of Curriculum and Gender," pp. 43-63 in Sari Knopp Biklen and Dianne Pollard, eds., Gender and Education, 92nd Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part I. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1993., Janet L. Miller

Annotation: Provides an autobiographical female perspective on curriculum content and gender concerns.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Narrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Hidden Curriculum

Molnar, Alex, "Contemporary Curriculum Discourse: Too Much Ado about Too Much Nothing," Theory into Practice, 31(Summer, 1992), 198-203., Alex Molnar

Annotation: Reviews discourse on curriculum over the last 20 years including critical issues such as corporate involvement in education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Discourse Analysis, Curriculum and Politics, Criticism of Schooling

Molnar, Alex, School Commercialism: From Democratic Ideal to Market Commodity. New York: Routledge, 2005., Alex Molnar

Annotation: Documents inroads into schools made by commercial interests and the consumer ideology; indicates influences on curriculum and other aspects of schooling.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Criticism of Schooling, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Molnar, Alex, and Joseph A. Reaves, "The Growth of Schoolhouse Commercialism and the Assault on Educative Experience," Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 18(Fall, 2002), 17-55., Alex Molnar and Joseph A. Reaves

Annotation: Surveys published evidence of intrusion of businesses into educational systems and practices; documents growth in these intrusions over the last two years.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Content Analysis
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Ideology and School Knowledge, Freedom/Authority and Curriculum

Molnar, Alex, and John A. Zahorik, eds., Curriculum Theory. Washington, DC: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1977., Alex Molnar and John A. Zahorik

Annotation: Presents papers on curriculum theory and values, decision-making, psychological development, classroom practice, and sociopolitical analysis.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses

Morrow, Raymond Allan, and Carlos Alberto Torres, Social Theory and Education: A Critique of Theories of Social and Cultural Reproduction. Albany: SUNY Press, 1995., Raymond Allan Morrow and Carlos Alberto Torres

Annotation: Provides an overview of and critique of functionalist, structuralist, and critical perspectives on social and cultural reproduction theories pertinent to education and curriculum studies.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Mulcahy, D. G., "Economic Policy and Curriculum Change in Irish Second-Level Schooling, 1963-1980," pp. 221-232 in Craig Kridel, ed., Curriculum History . Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1989., D. G. Mulcahy

Annotation: A history of Irish attempts to change curriculum 1963-1980.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparative Curriculum, Curriculum History