Type of Study - Single Study



Single Studies

Franklin, Barry M., "Technological Models and the Curriculum Field," Educational Forum, 40(March, 1976), 303-312.*, Barry M. Franklin

Annotation: Examines the history of technological models of curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Research Domains and Structure
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Franklin, Barry M., "The Social Efficiency Movement and Curriculum Change: 1939-1976," pp. 239-268 in Ivor F. Goodson, ed., Social Histories of the Secondary Curriculum: Subjects for Study . London: Falmer, 1985., Barry M. Franklin

Annotation: Examines a change in the middle years of the 20th century and social control influences.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Social Efficiency/Control

Franklin, Barry M., "Whatever Happened to Social Control? The Muting of Coercive Authority in Curriculum Discourse," The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 3 (Winter, 1981), 252-258. Reprinted pp. 80-90 in William F. Pinar, ed., Contemporary Curriculum Discourses. Scottsdale,AZ: Gorsuch Scarisbrick, 1988., Barry M. Franklin

Annotation: Examines the persistence of coersive authority in curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Social Efficiency/Control, Freedom/Authority and Curriculum

Franklin, Barry M., and Carla C. Johnson, "What the Schools Teach: A Social History of the American Curriculum since 1950," pp. 460-477 in F. Michael Connelly, Ming Fang He, and JoAnn Phillion, eds., The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction. Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2008., Barry M. Franklin and Carla C. Johnson

Annotation: Examines ways schools have specified content for teaching in response to social pressures; cites school districts exemplifying life-adjustment, discipline-centered, basic skills, New Basics, and content area standards-based curricula at various times over the last half century.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Curriculum History, Curriculum Standards and Testing

Franklin, Barry N., Curriculum, Community, and Urban School Reform. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010., Barry N. Franklin

Annotation: Contains a collection of ethnographic/history reports of concrete urban school settings that attempted various curricular and educational reforms form the 1960s to the 2000s; analyzes them within the framework of certain concepts of community and curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Secondary School Curriculum, Curriculum and Politics

Fraser, Barry J., "An Historical Look at Curriculum Evaluation," pp. 114-128 in Craig Kridel, ed., Curriculum History. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1989., Barry J. Fraser

Annotation: Reviews the history of progress in curriculum evaluation from 1960-1980, based on his published bibliography (1982).

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Evaluation
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History

Fraser, Barry J., "Promising Directions in Curriculum Knowledge: An Environmental Perspective," pp. 31-36 in William H. Schubert and Ann L. Schubert, eds., Conceptions of Curriculum Knowledge: Focus on Students and Teachers . University Park, PA: College of Education, Penn State University, 1982., Barry J. Fraser

Annotation: Reports a study of student feedback used in improving classroom environments.

Broad Topical Focus: Defining Curriculum Research Questions, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum as Environment

Freedman, Kerry, and Thomas S. Popkewitz, "Art Education and Social Interests in the Development of American Schooling: Ideological Origins of Curriculum Theory," Journal of Curriculum Studies, 20(September-October, 1988), 387-405., Kerry Freedman and Thomas S. Popkewitz

Annotation: Presents a history of art education from 1870-1900 and its ideological origins; shows antecedents of current curriculum thought.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Art Education, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Curriculum History, Curriculum Differentiation

Freedman, Sara E., "Teaching, Gender, and Curriculum," pp. 204-218 in Landon E. Beyer and Michael W. Apple, eds., The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities . Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1988. Also pp. 230-244 in the Second Edition, 1998., Sara E. Freedman

Annotation: Discusses curriculum developed within the classroom rather than based on outside knowledge; examines arguments for using the teacher's personal knowledge.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Development Strategies, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Teacher Knowledge

Freeman, Jeanne, "A Burkean Analysis of the Classroom," Paper presented at AERA meeting, Chicago, IL, April, 1974. ERIC Document ED 094 494, Jeanne Freeman

Annotation: Gives techniques of literary criticism applied to curriculum theory; uses Kenneth Burke's dramatistic system--purpose, agency, scene, agent, act.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Aesthetic Inquiry and Curriculum Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Freeman, Melissa, Kathleen de Marrais, Judith Preissle, Kathryn Roulston, and Elizabeth A. St. Pierre, "Standards of Evidence in Qualitative Research: An Incitement to Discourse," Educational Researcher, 36(January/February, 2007), 25-32., Melissa Freeman, Kathleen de Marrais, Judith Preissle, Kathryn Roulston, and Elizabeth A. St. Pierre

Annotation: Addresses questions related to standards of evidence in qualitative research in education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Qualitative Research

Frein, Mark, "Strange Bedfellows?: Critical Curriculum Theory and the Analysis of Concepts in Education," Philosophy of Education Society Yearbook, 1998. Champaign, IL: Philosophy of Education Sociey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998.*, Mark Frein

Annotation: Contrasts conceptual analysis with critical theory as approaches to research in curriculum theory; urges that the former take on the perspective of the latter; shows how this combination can be useful in curriculum practice.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis, Critical Inquiry, Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Knowledge Generation, Knowledge Utilization

Frelin, Anneli, "Curriculum, Didaktik, and Professional Teaching: Conceptual Contributions from the Intersections of Curriculum Studies in an Age of 'Crisis' in Education," pp 645-662 in Joao M. Paraskeva and Shirley R. Steinberg, eds., Curriculum: Decanonizing the Field. New York: Peter Lang, 2016., Anneli Frelin

Annotation: Discusses both the Anglo-Saxon conception of Curriculum Studies and the German/European conception of the Didaktik tradition; notes the role of the teacher in these two traditions; raises questions regarding the teaching profession in light of these traditions.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparative Curriculum, Conceptions of Teaching, Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses, Professionalization in Curriculum, Teacher Education

French, William M., America's Educational Tradition, An Interpretive History. Boston: Heath, 1964., William M. French

Annotation: Provides a curriculum-oriented description of American educational institutions.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making,Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History

Frey, Karl, Alfons Frei, and Rolf Langeheine, "Do Curriculum Development Models Really Influence the Curriculum?" Journal of Curriculum Studies, 21(November- December, 1989), 553-559.*, Karl Frey, Alfons Frei, and Rolf Langeheine

Annotation: Provides experimental data on 17 categories from a study of three curriculum development models' influence on the resulting curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Evaluation
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Development Strategies

Frey, Karl, Kleoniki Malliou, Rolf Langeheine, and Gillian Horton-Kruger, "Studies of the Quality of the Curriculum Process in the Curriculum Conference," Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 7(Fall, 1991), 36-61.*, Karl Frey, Kleoniki Malliou, Rolf Langeheine, and Gillian Horton-Kruger

Annotation: Reports questionnaire study of four curriculum deliberations by component and elements.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Deliberative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Deliberation, Comparative Curriculum

Friesen, John W., Robert B. Carson, and F. T. Johnson, The Teacher's Voice: A Study of Teacher Participation in Three Alberta Communities . Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1983., John W. Friesen, Robert B. Carson, and F. T. Johnson

Annotation: Reports a study of teachers' participation in curriculum decision-making.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Decision-making Processes
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Teacher Knowledge

Frymier, Jack, "After Thirty Years of Thinking About Curriculum," Theory Into Practice, 25(Winter, 1986), 58-63., Jack Frymier

Annotation: Shows how the author's beliefs about many aspects of curriculum have changed.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Theorists,Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Normative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Frymier, Jack, "A Study of Children's Interests in Words," Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 2(Winter, 1987), 128-151., Jack Frymier

Annotation: Reports a study of the Macmillan spelling series and children's interests in words.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Content Analysis, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Textbooks

Frymier, Jack, "Legislating Centralization," Phi Delta Kappan, 67(May, 1986), 646-648., Jack Frymier

Annotation: Argues that the detailed curriculum specifications set forth in Texas by the legislature are dangerous.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Local Control of Schooling, Social Efficiency/Control, Curriculum Development Strategies

Frymier, Jack, Larry Barber, Bruce Gansneder, and Neville Robertson, "Simultaneous Replication: A Technique for Large-Scale Research," Phi Delta Kappan , 71(November, 1989), 228-231., Jack Frymier, Larry Barber, Bruce Gansneder, and Neville Robertson

Annotation: Reports Phi Delta Kappa's Study of Schools at Risk done by the technique of simultaneous replication.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Student Assessment

Frymier, Jack R., A School for Tomorrow. Berkeley, CA: Mc Cutchan, 1973., Jack R. Frymier

Annotation: Advocates a curriculum designed to diagnose and prescribe progress toward individual students' learning goals with the aid of predesigned modules of instruction and intense teacher-pupil support.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Proposals in Coherent Form
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Classics of Curriculum Literature

Frymier, Jack R., "Development and Validation of a Motivation Index," Theory Into Practice, 9(February, 1970), 56-88., Jack R. Frymier

Annotation: Describes a motivation index and its characteristics.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Motivation, Student Assessment, Psychology and Curriculum

Frymier, Jack R., "Motivation: The Mainspring and Gyroscope of Learning," Theory Into Practice, 9(February, 1970), 23-32., Jack R. Frymier

Annotation: Asserts motivation as central to learning.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Psychology and Curriculum, Motivation

Fry, Pamela, "The Creation of Curriculum Reality: A Study of Metaphors in Education," JCT: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Curriculum Studies 11(No. 1, 1995), 97-111.*, Pamela Fry

Annotation: Reports on teachers metaphoric language regarding curriculum realities.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Hermeneutic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Fuhrman, Susan H., "Legislatures and Educational Policy," pp. 30-55 in Richard F. Elmore and Susan H. Fuhrman, eds., The Governance of Curriculum. 1994 ASCD Yearbook. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1994., Susan H. Fuhrman

Annotation: Assesses the accomplishments of state legislatures and suggest future challenges.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Evaluative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Government Role in Educational Research & Development

Fuhrman, Susan H., and Richard F. Elmore, "Governors and Educational Policy in the 1990s," pp. 56-74 in Richard F. Elmore and Susan H. Fuhrman, eds., The Governance of Curriculum. 1994 ASCD Yearbook. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,1994., Susan H. Fuhrman and Richard F. Elmore

Annotation: Traces the emergence of the role of state governors in education policy formation since the 1970s.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Curriculum History

Fullan, Michael, "Emotion and Hope: Constructive Concepts for Complex Times," pp. 216-233 in Andy Hargreaves, ed., Rethinking Educational Change with Heart and Mind, 1997 ASCD Yearbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 1997. *, Michael Fullan

Annotation: Demonstrates why emotion and hope explain why educational change works or does not.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Fuller, Bruce, Margaret M. Noel, and David B. Malouf, "Polity and Competence: Can the State Change Teachers' Skills?" Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 7(Winter, 1985), 343-353.*, Bruce Fuller, Margaret M. Noel, and David B. Malouf

Annotation: Discusses the state as regulator and as illustrator and reports a staff development study with special education teachers.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making,Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis,Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Exceptional Education

Furlough, Mike, "Open Access, Education Research, and Discovery," Teachers College Record, 112(October, 2010), 2623-2648., Mike Furlough

Annotation: Reviews studies on open access publication policies and researchers' understanding and use of such options in education.

Broad Topical Focus: Publication Outlets for Curriculum Research and Inquiry
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Linkage

Gabella, Marcy Singer, "Formal Fascinations and Nagging Excerpts: The Challenge of the Arts to Curriculum and Inquiry, " Curriculum Inquiry, 28(Spring, 1998), 27-56.*, Marcy Singer Gabella

Annotation: Illustrates with examples the use of the arts as a mode of curriculum inquiry.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Aesthetic Inquiry and Curriculum Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation


Gacoin, Andree, The Politics of Curriculum Making: Understanding the Possibiliites for and the LImitations to a 'Teacher-led' Curriculum in British Columbia. Vancouvr, B. C.: British Columbia Teachers' Federation, 2018., Andree Gacoin

Annotation: Reports how teachers who served on provincial curriculum development teams navigated that process, framed that work, understood curriculum content and implementation, and separated expertise from politics.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Development Strategies, Curriculum Implementation, Comparative Curriculum, Curriculum and Politics

Single Studies

Gaffield, Chad, "Children's Lives and A adcemic Achievement in Canada and the United States," Comparative Education Review, 38(February, 1994), 36-64., Chad Gaffield

Annotation: Analyzes social and cultural factors affecting achievement on the IAEP, 1991.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Evaluation, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparative Curriculum, Curriculum as Experience, Student Assessment

Gage, N. L., "The Paradigm Wars and Their Aftermath: A 'Historical' Sketch of Research on Teaching Since 1989." Educational Researcher, 18(October, 1989), 4-10.*, N. L. Gage

Annotation: Presents viewpoints of the antinaturalist, interpretist, and critical theorist critics of product-process research and the effects each might have if they win the paradigm wars in educational research; defends the role of each and describes a modified version of the scientific approach.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching, Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Gallagher, Mary Campbell, "Lessons from the Sputnik-Era Curriculum Reform Movement," pp. 281-312 in Sandra Stotsky, ed., What's at Stake in the K-12 Standards Wars: A Primer for Educational Policy Makers. New York: Peter Lang, 2000., Mary Campbell Gallagher

Annotation: Traces the events and consequences of this reform movement from the perspective of one directly involved in the mathematics and science projects.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Mathematics, Science

Gallagher, Shaun. Hermeneutics and Education. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1992., Shaun Gallagher

Annotation: Introduces educators to hermeneutic inquiry and shows the relation of conservative, critical, and radical hermeneutics to education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Hermeneutic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Galvan, Jose L., Writing Literature Reviews: A Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd ed. Glandale, CA: Pyrczak, 2004., Jose L. Galvan

Annotation: Gives structure and procedures for preparing and writing literature reviews.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Gandin, Luis Armando, "The Citizen School Project: Implementing and Recreating Critical Education in Porto Alegre, Brazil," pp. 341-353 in Michael W. Apple, Wayne Au, and Luis Armando Gandin, eds., The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Education. New York: Routledge, 2009., Luis Armando Gandin

Annotation: Describes this project and its new features (access to schools, governance, and knowledge); connects school knowledge with the knowledge students need to develop within their situation; knowledge is organized around themes in an innovative new form of curriculum design.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Proposals in Coherent Form
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry, Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Integration, Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Citizenship Education, Democratic Education, Social Studies


Garcia-Huldobro, Juan Christobal, "Addressing the Crisis in Curriculum Studies: Curriculum Integration that Bridges Issues of Identity and Knowledge," The Curriculum Journal, 29(No. 1, 2018), 23-42., Juan Christobal Garcia-Huldobro

Annotation: Reviews the literature on this topic and proposes a process for keeping the integrity of disciplinary knowledge along side the features of identity studies; points to the curriculum of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program as an example of this kind of integration.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum as a Field of Practice and Study, Curriculum Proposals in Coherent Form
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry--Speculative Essay
Type of Study: SIngle Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Integration, Content Selection and Organization

Single Studies

Gardner, Howard, The Disciplined Mind: What All Students Should Understand. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1999., Howard Gardner

Annotation: Proposes a curriculum that goes into depth in a few areas (truth, beauty, goodness) for fuller understanding.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Proposals in Coherent Form, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Curriculum and the Disciplines

Gardner, Howard, and Veronica Boix-Mansilla, "Teaching for Understanding in the Disciplines--and Beyond," Teachers College Record, 96(Winter, 1994), 198-218., Howard Gardner and Veronica Boix-Mansilla

Annotation: Poses forms of disciplinary knowledge that make up a currriculum for understanding.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism, Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Curriculum and the Disciplines, Teaching/Learning Process

Garman, Noreen, "Curriculum Leaders as Public Intellectuals in an Impoverished Landscape," Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 3(Summer, 2006), 73-78., Noreen Garman

Annotation: Argues that curriculum leaders should become authors of a language that speaks truth to power rather than embracing or succumbing to a language of political bureau technology.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Visions and Philosophies, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses, Curriculum and Politics, Criticism of Schooling, Alternatives in Education, Curriculum Standards and Testing, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Garman, Noreen, "The Closed and Open Contract: Two Irreconcilable Structures in the Curriculum," WCCI Forum, IV(December, 1990), 176-182.*, Noreen Garman

Annotation: Contrasts two structural types of educational experience: the open and closed contract types.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching, Curriculum Visions and Philosophies, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum as Experience

Garman, Noreen B., "Naturalistic Inquiry as Andragogy," Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science, 7(No. 1 & 2, 1982), 13-29.*, Noreen B. Garman

Annotation: Gives a rationale for, processes used, and examples of interpretive educational inquiry.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum as a Field of Practice and Study
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Hermeneutic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Garman, Noreen B., and Jo Victoria Nicholson-Goodman, " 'It's Research-Based': Truth Claim or a Rhetorical Device for Influencing Teachers'Practice?" pp. 123-139 in Walter Gershon, Thomas Kelly, Kathleen Kesson, and Wendy Walter-Bailey, eds., (De)liberating Curriculum and Pedagogy: Exploring the Promise and Perils of "Scientifically-Based" Approaches. Troy, NY: Educator's International Press, 2005.*, Noreen B. Garman and Jo Victoria Nicholson-Goodman

Annotation: Reports the use of social cartography as a research approach for analyzing discourse; includes a conceptual framework for use in other similar studies.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Phenomenological Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Discourse Analysis, Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Garrett, Alan W., "Planning for Peace: Visions of Postwar American Education During World War II," Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 11 (Fall, 1995), 6-38., Alan W. Garrett

Annotation: Traces the thought given by educators during World War II to the postwar curriculum of the public schools.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Visions and Philosophies
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Social Studies, Curriculum History, Content Selection and Organization

Garrison, James W., "Some Principles of Postpositivistic Philosophy of Science," Educational Researcher, 15(November, 1986), 12-18., James W. Garrison

Annotation: Discusses six principles of this philosophy and urges pragmatic virtues of epistemological conservatism.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Gartner, Alan, and Frank Riessman, "Strategies for Large-Scale Educational Reform," Teachers College Record, 75(February, 1974), 349-355., Alan Gartner and Frank Riessman

Annotation: Observes that moving a program to large-scale application involves organization and system change, not merely idea dissemination.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Development Strategies

Garver, Eugene, "The Arts of the Practical: Variations on a Theme of Prometheus," Curriculum Inquiry, 14(Summer, 1984), 165-182., Eugene Garver

Annotation: Discusses teaching the arts of the practical (Schwab)--deliberation.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Decision-making Processes,Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis,Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism,Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Deliberation, Content Selection and Organization

Gaskell, Jane, and John Willinsky, eds., Gender In/Forms Curriculum: From Enrichment to Transformation. New York: Teachers College Press, 1995., Jane Gaskell and John Willinsky

Annotation: Reviews ways in which gender is exhibited in curriculum and ways gender roles are learned in curriculum; by authors of 14 chapters on various subject areas in the curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: School Subjects, Ideology and School Knowledge, Content Selection and Organization

Gay, Geneva, "Beyond 'Brown': Promoting Equality Through Multicultural Education," Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 19(Spring, 2004), 193-216., Geneva Gay

Annotation: Traces the history of devleopments in multicultural curriculum and instruction since Brown v. Board of Education fifty years ago.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Curriculum Integration, Multicultural Education, Teaching/Learning Process, Multiethnic Adaptation

Gay, Geneva, "Designing Relelvant Curricula for Diverse Learners," Education and Urban Society, 20(August, 1988), 327-340.*, Geneva Gay

Annotation: Presents an approach to a multicultural curriculum design.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Evaluation, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Multicultural Education

Gay, Geneva, "Seeking Direction without Adequate Vision," Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 1(Summer, 2004), 24-26., Geneva Gay

Annotation: Challenges the current testing and accountability policies in education for their ignoring of professional conventions of curriculum design and implementation.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Decision-making Processes, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Standards and Testing, Curriculum Specialists in Schools, Teacher Knowledge

Gay, Geneva, and Pamela Hart, "Postmodern Visions in Multicultural Education Preparation and Practice," pp. 169-189 in Jeffrey Glanz and Linda S. Behar-Horenstein, eds., Paradigm Debates in Curriculum and Supervision: Modern and Postmodern Perspectives. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 2000., Geneva Gay and Pamela Hart

Annotation: Discusses the kinds of changes needed in teaching and teacher education to fully embrace a multicultural understanding of a postmodern curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Multicultural Education, Teacher Education

Gephart, William J., "Toward a Taxonomy of Empirically-Based Problem-Solving Strategies." School Research Information Service Quarterly (Phi Delta Kappa), 6(Spring, 1973), 3-7. *, William J. Gephart

Annotation: Describes a multi-level model of research, development, and evaluation.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Development as Inquiry, Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Gergen, Kenneth J., Toward Transformation in Social Knowledge . New York: Springer-Verlag, 1982., Kenneth J. Gergen

Annotation: Presents a view of transforming studies in social psychology to take into account personal meaning.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Defining Curriculum Research Questions
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Phenomenological Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Psychology and Curriculum

Gerrard, Jessica, and Lesley Farrell, "Remaking the Professional Teacher: Authority and Curriculum Reform," Journal of Curriculum Studies, 46(5,2014),634-655., Jessica Gerrard and Lesley Farrell

Annotation: Explores the way Australian policy-makers understand the role that teachers and teachers' knowledge have in enacting curriculum policy documents; issues of standardization, accountability and state authority are also addressed.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Freedom/Authority and Curriculum, Teacher Knowledge, Curriculum and Politics, Teacher Planning, Curriculum Implementation, Comparative Curriculum

Gershman, Kathleen, "Articulated Memories: The Relationship Between His Reminiscences and the Curriculum Theory of Alfred North Whitehead," Educational Theory, 36(Spring, 1986), 195-204., Kathleen Gershman

Annotation: Illustrates Whitehead's memories and relates these to his curriculum theory.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Theorists, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Phenomenological Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum as Experience

Gershman, Kathleen, "To and Fro: Education for the Art of Life," Process Studies, l7 (Winter, l988), 215-226., Kathleen Gershman

Annotation: Discusses the role of Whitehead's process philosophy of education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Visions and Philosophies, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Proposals in Coherent Form
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Gewirtz, Sharon, "Choice, Competition, and Equity: Lessons from Research in the United Kingdom," Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 11(Spring, 1996), 215-228., Sharon Gewirtz

Annotation: Reports a study of parents' reasons (and their characteristics) for choosing schools under UK's market appeal system; concludes inequities persist under this system.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Differentiation, Curriculum and Politics, Comparative Curriculum

Gibson, Rex, Critical Theory and Education . London: Hodder and Stroughton, 1986., Rex Gibson

Annotation: Provides an overview of the role critical theory can play in edcuational research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Gibson, Rex, "Curriculum Criticism: Misconceived Theory, Ill-Advised Practice," Cambridge Journal of Education, 11(1981), 190-210., Rex Gibson

Annotation: Offers some reservations on the application of curriculum criticism to curriculum practice.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism, Aesthetic Inquiry and Curriculum Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Gideonse, Hendrik D., "Blackwell's Commentaries, Engineering's Handbooks, and Merck's Manuals: What Would a Teacher's Equivalent Be?" Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 8(Fall, 1986), 316-323., Hendrik D. Gideonse

Annotation: Discusses the need for and use of practitioner-oriented handbooks in each curriculum subject area, their contents, and issues.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Guides, Plans, Documents, Materials, Critique and Utilization of Curriculum Research and Inquiry
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Linkage, Practical Knowledge

Gideonse, Hendrik D., "The Relative Impact of Instructional Variables: The Policy Implications of Research," Teachers College Record, 69(April, 1968), 625-640., Hendrik D. Gideonse

Annotation: Examines a series of studies in terms of nine instructional variables and the effect on student achievement; suggest ways to improve the policy implications of research through two new foci.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Research Domains and Structure, Critique and Utilization of Curriculum Research and Inquiry
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Deliberative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Deliberation, Curriculum Development Strategies

Gilbert, Rob, The Impotent Image: Reflections of Ideology in the Secondary Curriculum . Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis, 1984., Rob Gilbert

Annotation: Reports a dissertation study of the ideologies embedded in the areas of the social studies curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Social Studies

Ginsburg, Mark B., "Reproduction, Contradictions, and Conceptions of Curriculum in Preservice Teacher Education," Curriculum Inquiry, 16(Fall, 1986), 283-309., Mark B. Ginsburg

Annotation: Explores the contradictions in the conceptions of curriculum which preservice teachers encounter, their attempts to resolve these dilemmas, and the efforts to resist the separation of conceptualizing and executing the curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry, Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Teacher Education, Ideology and School Knowledge

Giroux, Henry, "Cultural Studies, Resisting Difference, and the Return of Critical Pedagogy," pp. 161-179 in Henry Giroux, Border Crossings: Cultural Workers and the Politics of Education. New York: Routledge, 1992. 2nd ed., 2005., Henry Giroux

Annotation: Suggests that cultural studies offers a new discourse for addressing difference, pedagogy, and public life.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Curriculum and Politics, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Democratic Education

Giroux, Henry A., "Antonio Gramsci: Schooling for Radical Politics," pp. 196-203 in Henry A. Giroux, ed., Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning . Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Traces the contributions of Gramsci to critical pedagogy.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Curriculum and Politics

Giroux, Henry A., "Beyond the Correspondence Theory: Note on the Dynamics of Educational Reproduction and Transformation," Curriculum Inquiry, 10(Fall, 1980), 225-247. Reprinted pp. 91-112 in his Ideology, Culture, and the Process of Schooling, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1981.*, Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Critiques the correspondence theory of reproduction and suggests evidence that supports the challenge.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Knowledge Generation

Giroux, Henry A., "Beyond the Limits of Radical Educational Reform: Toward a Critical Theory of Education," The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 2 (Winter, 1980), 20-46. Reprinted pp. 63-90 in his Ideology, Culture and the Process of Schooling . Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1981., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Analyzes radical approaches to educational reform and argues that radical critiques can show the limits of these reforms; explains critical theory and its use.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Hidden Curriculum, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Giroux, Henry A., "Citizenship, Public Philosophy, and the Struggle for Democracy," Educational Theory, 37(Spring, 1987), 103-120., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Discusses reclaiming the legacy of a crtical theory of citizenship for democracy.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Citizenship Education, Democratic Education, Curriculum and Politics

Giroux, Henry A., "Crisis and Possibilities in Public Education," pp. 177-185 in Henry A. Giroux, ed., Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning . Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Describes neoconservative discourse in eductaion and the need to employ critical pedagogy to overcome it.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Criticism of Schooling, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Giroux, Henry A., "Critical Pedagogy and the Resisting Intellectual, Part II," Phenomenology + Pedagogy, 3(No. 2, 1985), 84-97., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Continues his two-part article from Vol. 3 No. l on the intellectual role of the teacher; discusses four types of intellectuals: resisting, critical, accommodating, and hegemonic.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism, Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Hidden Curriculum, Authority of Teacher

Giroux, Henry A., "Critical Pedagogy, Cultural Politics, and the Discourse of Experience," pp. 86-107 in Henry A. Giroux, ed., Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning . Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Contrasts the discourse of management and control with the discourse of relevance and with the discourse of cultural politics.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Curriculum and Politics, Teaching/Learning Process

Giroux, Henry A., "Critical Theory and Educational Practice," pp.7-41 in his Theory and Resistance in Education: A Pedagogy for the Opposition . Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1983., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Gives history of the Frankfort School of critical theory, its critique of instrumental reasoning, and its critiques of culture and of depth psychology; draws implications for a critical theory of education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses

Giroux, Henry A., "Critical Theory and Rationality in Citizenship Education," Curriculum Inquiry, 10(Winter, 1980), 329-366., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Contrasts three modes of rationality (technical, hermeneutic, and emancipatory) in relation to citizenship education; proposes a theory of citizenship education involving actual experiences engaged in by students.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Phenomenological Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Citizenship Education, Teaching/Learning Process, Hidden Curriculum, Ideology and School Knowledge

Giroux, Henry A., "Critical Theory and Rationality in Citizenship Education," pp. 168-204 in his Theory and Resistance in Education: A Pedagogy for the Opposition. Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1983., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Contrasts three modes of rationality (technical, hermeneutic, emancipatory) and their implications for citizenship education; concludes with notes on a theory of citizenship education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Citizenship Education

Giroux, Henry A., "Critical Theory and the Politics of Culture and Voice: Rethinking the Discourse of Educational Research," Journal of Thought, 21(Fall, 1986), 84-105., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Analyzes the place of critical politics in educational research.

Broad Topical Focus: Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics

Giroux, Henry A., "Curriculum Planning, Public Schooling, and Democratic Struggle," NASSP Bulletin , 75 (February, 1991), 12-25.*, Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Argues for a view of curriculum in which educational leaders place critical education in the role of creating democratic citizens.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Citizenship Education, Ideology and School Knowledge, Democratic Education, Conceptions of Teaching, Curriculum Specialists in Schools

Giroux, Henry A., "Curriculum Theory, Textual Authority, and the Role of Teachers as Public Intellectuals," Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 5(Summer, 1990), 361-383., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Traces the relation bewteen discourse used in curriculum theory and practice and critiques the textual authority and political voice of teachers and the curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Relation of Curriculum Research to Practice
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Authority of Teacher, Curriculum and Politics, English, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Ideology and School Knowledge, Democratic Education, Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses

Giroux, Henry A., "Dialectics and the Development of Curriculum Theory," Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 2(Summer, 1980), 27-36. Reprinted pp. 113-126 in his Ideology, Culture, and the Process of Schooling . Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1981., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Describes the role of curriculum theory as a vehicle for critique and vision and the use of the concept of dialectic in renewing its power; discusses totality, mediation, appropriation, and transcendence as categories of dialectic.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Curriculum Deliberation

Giroux, Henry A., "Ideology and Agency in the Process of Schooling," Journal of Education (Boston University), 165(Winter, 1983), 12-34., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Discusses the legacy of Marxist ideology in the culturalist and the structuralist traditions; discusses ideology in detail and its relation to schooling and power.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Curriculum as Experience, Curriculum and Politics

Giroux, Henry A., "Intellectual Labor and Pedagogical Work: Rethinking the Role of Teacher as Intellectual," Phenomenology+Pedagogy, 3(No. 1, 1985), 20-32.*, Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Discusses the tension between teachers work under control ideology and teachers as intellectuals.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Teaching/Learning Process, Teacher Knowledge, Authority of Teacher

Giroux, Henry A., "Introduction," pp. 5-35 in his Ideology, Culture and the Process of Schooling . Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1981.*, Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Explains the concepts of ideology, hegemony, and culture in relation to schooling and pedagogy.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines,Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences,Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Giroux, Henry A., "Language, Difference, and Curriculum Theory: Beyond the Politics of Clarity," Theory into Practice, 31(Summer, 1992), 219-227., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Calls for curriculum discourse that takes differences in power, language, and feminist thinking into account.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Democratic Education, Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses

Giroux, Henry A., "Leaving Most Children Behind," pp. 71-102 in Henry A. Giroux, The Abandoned Generation: Democracy Beyond the Culture of Fear. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Analyzes the Bush administration's education policies and their effects, with a focus on the No Child Left Behind Act.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry, Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics

Giroux, Henry A., "Liberal Arts, Public Philosophy, and the Politics of Civic Courage," Curriculum Inquiry, 17(Fall, 1987), 331-335., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Suggests developing a critical pedagogy that takes seriously the notion of democratic public philosophy.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Citizenship Education, Democratic Education

Giroux, Henry A., "Liberal Arts, Teaching, and Critical Literacy: Toward a Definition of School as a Form of Cultural Politics," pp. 243-263 in William F. Pinar, ed., Contemporary Curriculum Discourses. Scottsdale,AZ: Gorsuch Scarisbrick, 1988., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Discusses the use of schooling as a form of cultural politics.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, English

Giroux, Henry A., "Literacy, Ideology, and the Politics of Schooling," pp. 205-231 in his Theory and Resistance in Education: A Pedagogy for the Opposition . Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1983., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: GIves a critique of current debate on literacy and schooling including instrumental, interaction, and reproduction ideologies; refers to Freire's notion of critical literacy.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Curriculum and Politics, English

Giroux, Henry A., "Marxism and Schooling: The Limits of Radical Discourse," Educational Theory, 34(Spring, 1984), 113-135., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Traces history of Marxist discourse in work of Aronowitz and others; response pp. 307-312 by Daniel Liston; and response pp. 313-319 by Giroux.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Criticism of Schooling

Giroux, Henry A., "Mass Culture and the Rise of the New Illiteracy: Implications for Reading," pp. 74-85 in Henry A. Giroux, ed, Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning . Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Treats the new illiteracy that results from mass culture and proposes changes in the reading curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Reading

Giroux, Henry A., "Overcoming Behavioral and Humanistic Objectives," The Educational Forum , 43(May, 1979), 409-419. Reprinted pp. 43-53 in Henry A. Giroux, Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning. Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988.*, Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Argues the case for humanistic curriculum objectives and the limits of behavioral objectives.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Content Selection and Organization, Hidden Curriculum, Curriculum and the Disciplines

Giroux, Henry A., "Paulo Freire's Approach to Radical Educational Reform," Curriculum Inquiry, 9(Fall, 1979), 257-272. Reprinted pp. 127-141 in his Ideology, Culture, and the Process of Schooling. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1981., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Outlines Freire's approach to educational reform, pointing out cultural context, theory of knowledge, and theory of domination; calls for modification when applied to educational settings different from Freire's.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching,Curriculum Change,Curriculum Conceptions and Theories,Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism,Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Teaching/Learning Process

Giroux, Henry A., "Pedagogy of the Depressed: Beyond the New Politics of Cynicism," pp. 143-168 in Michael Peters, Colin Lankshear, and Mark Olssen, eds., Critical Theory and the Human Condition: Founders and Praxis. New York: Peter Lang, 2003., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Argues the case for the politics of pedagogy and the role of critical pedagogy in shaping what students learn about a changing society and a re-energized civic democracy.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Conceptions of Teaching, Curriculum and Politics, Higher Education Curriculum, Democratic Education, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Giroux, Henry A., "Pedagogy, Pessimism, and the Politics of Conformity: A Reply to Linda McNeil," Curriculum Inquiry, 1(Fall, 1981), 211-222., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Replies to McNeil's critique of his article in this journal 10(4), 1980.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Phenomenological Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Citizenship Education, Hidden Curriculum, Teaching/Learning Process, Ideology and School Knowledge, Criticism of Schooling

Giroux, Henry A., "Power and Resistance in the New Sociology of Education: Beyond Theories of Social and Cultural Reproduction," Curriculum Perspectives, 2 (October, 1982), 1-12., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Discusses the sources of the new critical sociology and points to their weaknesses.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics

Giroux, Henry A., "Rethinking the Language of Schooling," pp. 1-10 in his Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning . Granby, MA: Bergin & Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Argues for new conceptions of teaching and curriculum based on assumptions of critical pedagogy.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Giroux, Henry A., "Schooling and the Culture of Positivism: Notes on the Death of History," Educational Theory, 29(Fall, 1979), 263-284. Reprinted pp. 37-62 in his Ideology, Culture, and the Process of Schooling . Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1981., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Describes how the culture of positivism has influenced the process of schooling and laments the absence of critical reasoning in education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Social Studies, Content Selection and Organization, Ideology and School Knowledge

Giroux, Henry A., "Schooling and the Myth of Objectivity: Stalking the Politics of the Hidden Curriculum," McGill Journal of Education, 16(Fall, 1981), 282-304., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Describes the older approaches to the hidden curriculum and argues that certain elements needed to develop a critical pedagogy are missing.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Teaching/Learning Process, Curriculum and Politics

Giroux, Henry A., "Schooling and the Politics of the Hidden Curriculum," pp. 42-71 in his Theory and Resistance in Education: A Pedagogy for the Opposition . Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1983., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Reprints and expands an article from McGill Journal of Education, Fall, 1981.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Hidden Curriculum, Teaching/Learning Process, Curriculum and Politics