Submissions from 2015
Lifestyle Hotels: Consistency and Uniformity vs. Individuality and Personalization, Abraham Pizam
Luxurious Physical Environment and High-Quality of Service: Do they Always Go Hand in Hand?, Abraham Pizam
Salaries and Wages in the U.S. Lodging Industry; Are They as Low as the General Perception?, Abraham Pizam
Transgressions and Misconducts in Hospitality Research, Abraham Pizam
Customer Satisfaction and Its Measurement in Hospitality Enterprises: A Revisit and Update, Abraham Pizam, Valeriya Shapoval, and Tayloer Ellis
The Role of Business Agreements in Defining Textbook Affordability and Digital Materials: A Document Analysis, John Raible and Aimee deNoyelles
Pricing Strategies for Resort Fees: Consumer Preferences Favor Simplicity, Toni Repetti, Susan Roe, and Amy Gregory
The link between money supply and tourism demand cycles: A case study of two Caribbean destinations, Jorge Ridderstaat and Robertico Croes
Tourism development and happiness: A residents’ perspective, Manuel A. Rivera, Robertico R. Croes, and Seung Hyan Lee
Advances in Hospitality Research: "From Rodney Dangerfield to Aretha Franklin", Manuel A. Rivera and Abraham Pizam
The five E's in festival experience in the context of Gen Y: Evidence form a small island destination, Manuel Rivera, Kelly Semrad, and Robertico Croes
Silent Voices: Nonbehavioral Reactions to Service Failures, Heejung Ro and Anna S. Mattila
ILL Data Drives Technical Services Projects, Kristine Shrauger, Cara Mia Calabrese, and Peter Spyers-Duran
Why is Fast Casual Winning?, Ekaterina Sorokina and Kevin Stephen Murphy
A FUN-SCALE for Understanding the Hedonic Value of a Product: The Destination Context, Asli D.A. Tasci and Yong Jae Ko
Travel Needs Revisted, Asli D.A. Tasci and Yong Jae Ko
The Use of Consumer-Generated Feedback in the Hotel Industry: Current Practices and Their Effects on Quality, Edwin Torres, Howard Adler, Carl Behnke, Li Miao, and Xinran Lehto
Consumer Reviews and the Creation of Booking Transaction Value: Lessons from the Hotel Industry, Edwin N. Torres, Dipendra Singh, and April Robertson-Ring
Destination Service Quality, Affective Image and Revisit Intention: The Moderating Role of Past Experience, Cevat Tosun, Bekir Bora Dedeoglu, and Alan Fyall
Impact of Rural Tourism Development on Subjective Well-Being Rural Chinese Woman, Yixiao Xiang, Dong Isbister, and Fevzi Okumus
Does Size Matter? Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Performance in the Restaurant Industry, Hyewon Youn, Nan Hua, and Seoki Lee
Bridging the gap between library services in academic libraries worldwide: A visiting librarian model, Ying Zhang, Sai Deng, and Jing Xu
Submissions from 2014
Assessing and Analyzing Internal Control Practices in the Lodging Industry, Katerina Annaraud, Dipendra Singh, and Heather Lively
Engaging the Multi-generational Workforce in Tourism and Hospitality, Paul Barron, Anna Leask, and Alan Fyall
Are Hospitality Industry IPO Stock Returns Predictable?, Richard Borghesi, Katerina Annaraud, and Dipendra Singh
The Next Phase, Matt Borg and Athena Hoeppner
It Doesn't Take a Rocket Scientist: Navigating the Universe of Theses and Dissertations at the University of Central Florida, Kerri Bottorff and Lee Dotson
The Application of Revenue Management in Beverage Operations, Milos Bujisic, J. Hutchinson, and F. Bilgihan
The Effect of Ambiance, Food, and Service Quality on Restaurant Customer Behavioural Intentions, Milos Bujisic, Joe Hutchinson, and H. G. Parsa
What Drives Employees’ Intentional to Implement Green Practices in Hotels? The Role of Knowledge, Awareness, Concern and Ecological Behaviour, Eric S.W. Chan, Alice H.Y. Hon, Wilco Chan, and Fevzi Okumus
Strategic Match of Athlete Endorsement in Global Markets: An Associative Learning Perspective, Yonghwan Chang, Yong Jae Ko, Asli D.A. Tasci, Akiko Arai, and Taehee Kim
Barriers affecting organizational adoption of higher order customer engagement in tourism service interactions, Prakash K. Chathoth, Gerardo R. Ungson, Levent Altinay, Eric S.W. Chan, Robert Harrington, and Fevzi Okumus
Conceptualization of Value Co-creation in the Tourism Context, Prakash K. Chathoth, Gerardo R. Ungson, Robert Harrington, Levent Altinay, Fevzi Okumus, and Eric S.W. Chan
Can Fundraising be Fun? An Event Management Study of Unique Experiences, Performance and Quality, Po-Ju Chen, Dipendra Singh, Ahmet Ozturk, and Abdullah Makki
Chinese Tourist Vacation Satisfaction and Subjective Well-being, Yi Chen, Xiaoxiao Fu, and Xinran Lehto
Tourism and Poverty Reduction in Latin America: Where Does the Region Stand?, Robertico R. Croes
Factors that Impact Unsystematic Risk in the U.S. Restaurant Industry, Michael Dalbor, Nan Hua, and William Andrew
FDA Ruling and Nutritionally Focused Menus: Alternative Strategies to Comply with the U.S. Federal Guidelines, Meschelle Davis, Milos Bujisic, H.G. Parsa, and Dipendra Singh
Data documentation & metadata, Sai Deng
Deciphering the myth: Where to publish, Sai Deng
Reaching beyond ourselves: Celebrating 40 years of CALA (1973 - 2013), Sai Deng
Metadata migration to Islandora: Is there an easy way?, Sai Deng and Lee Dotson
Creating a knowledge map for the Research Lifecycle, Sai Deng and Xiao Hu
Exploring the Dimensions of Self-Efficacy in Virtual World Learning: Environment, Task, and Content, Aimee deNoyelles
Strategies for Creating a Community of Inquiry through Online Asynchronous Discussions, Aimee deNoyelles
Digital Scholarship and Student Work, Lee Dotson
How does your Open Access Week programming grow?, Lee Dotson and Cynthia S. Dancel
Sustainable Drive Tourism: A Catalyst for Change, Jill Fjelstul and Alan Fyall
Foodservice Design: Assessing the Importance of Physical Features to Older Consumers, Richard F. Ghiselli, Ji-Eun Lee, and Barbara A. Almanza
Personality Predictors of Team Taskwork Understanding and Transactive Memory Systems in Service Management Teams, Priyanko Guchait, Katherine Hamilton, and Nan Hua
Critical Food Safety Violations in Florida: Relationship to Location and Chain vs. Non-Chain Restaurants, Kimberly J. Harris, Robin B. DiPietro, Kevin S. Murphy, and Gretchen Rivera
Geek Out: eResources Librarian Style, Athena Hoeppner
Out in the Open: Better Exposure for Open Access Conte, Athena Hoeppner
Relevant Musing On Discovery, Content, Relevancy, and Users, Athena Hoeppner
Shibble-Me-This: One Librarian's Foray Into Shibboleth For Better Access, Athena Hoeppner
Hacking the Faculty: Bringing Content Discovery into Online Course Development, Athena Hoeppner and Shae Silverman
Literary Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges for the Marketing and Branding of Destinations, Anne Hoppen, Lorraine Brown, and Alan Fyall
The Other Side of Technology Adoption: Examining the Relationships Between e-Commerce Expenses and Hotel Performance, Nan Hua, Cristian Morosan, and Agnes DeFranco
A Better Investment in Luxury Restaurants: Environmental or Non-Environmental Cues?, Sunghyup Sean Hyun and Juhee Kang
The Effects of Health Value on Healthful Food Selection at Restaurants: Considering the Role of Attitudes Toward Taste and Healthfulness of Healthy Foods, Jinhyun Jun, Juhee Kang, and Susan Wohlsdorf-Arendt
The Importance of Water Management in Hotels: A Framework for Sustainability Through Innovation, Azilah Kasim, Dogan Gursoy, Fevzi Okumus, and Anthony Wong
The Effect of Jay-customer Behaviors on Employee Job Stress and Job Satisfaction, Gawon Kim, Heejung Ro, Joe Hutchinson, and David J. Kwun
Building a Case Against Strategic Equifinality: Hybrid Ideal Type Service Organizations in a Developing Country, Melih Madanoglu, Fevzi Okumus, and Umut Avci
A Visitor-Based Brand Equity Perspective: The Case of a Public Festival, Aikaterini Manthiou, Juhee Kang, and Thomas Schrier
Deadly Delusions, Issue 1: Eliminationist Rhetoric in Mainstream Political Discourse, Barry J. Mauer
Deadly Delusions, Part 2: Madness and the Cult of the RIght, Barry J. Mauer
Rigorous Infidelity: Whole Text Sampling in the Curatorial Work of Henri Langlois, Dewey Phillips, and Jean-François Lyotard, Barry J. Mauer
Academic Referent Group Influences on Hospitality Students’ Intentions to Enroll in an Online Course, Cynthia Mejia and Kelly Virginia Phelan
Examining the Role of the Facilities Manager: A Seat at the Table for the Keeper of the Capital Investment, Cynthia Mejia and Kelly Virginia Phelan
Hospitality Instructors’ Preference for Blended Teaching: A Bridge to Full Online Course Delivery?, Cynthia Mejia and Kelly Virginia Phelan
Framework for Success: Overcoming Contemporary Challenges of Western Expatriate Managers in the Chinese Hospitality Industry, Cynthia Mejia, Kelly Virginia Phelan, and James Brian Aday
Evaluating Students’ Experience and Satisfaction at a Hospitality and Tourism College Career Fair, Ady Milman
Employment Characteristics and Retention Predictors Among Hourly Employees in Large US Theme Parks and Attractions, Ady Milman and Duncan Dickson Ph.D.
There is No 'I' in Recovery: Managements' Perspective of Service Recovery, Kevin Stephen Murphy, Anil Bilgihan, Marketa Kubickova, and Matt Boseo
Cultural Dimensions in a Restaurant Setting, Kevin Stephen Murphy and Marryam Khan
An Exploratory Study of Home Brewers’ Motivational Factors, Eric D. Olson, Kevin Stephen Murphy, and Heejung Ro
Hotel and IT Decision-maker Characteristics and Information Technology Adoption Relationship in the Hotel Industry, Ahmet Ozturk and Murat Hancer
Job Characteristics, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment for Hotel Workers in Turkey, Ahmet Ozturk, Murat Hancer, and Jin Young Im
Volume or Value: A Policy Decision for Turkey׳s Tourism Industry, Ahmet Ozturk and Mathilda van Niekerk
An Extended Gravity Model: Applying Destination Competitiveness, Jeong-Yeol Park
Are Tourist Destinations Healthy?, Abraham Pizam
Guest Engagement or Service Efficiency, Abraham Pizam
Hotel Fees: A Minor Temporary Irritant or a New Trend?, Abraham Pizam
Hotels for Female Business Travelers?, Abraham Pizam
Peer-to-Peer Travel: Blessing or Blight, Abraham Pizam
Senior Living Facilities: the New Frontier of Hospitality Management, Abraham Pizam
The Need for Cross-Cultural Competence Training, Abraham Pizam
Topical Research in Discovery Services, James G. Rhoades Jr., Athena Hoeppner, Dave Edwards, and Ashley Brewer
The Tourism Development–Quality of Life Nexus in a Small Island Destination, Jorge Ridderstaat, Robertico R. Croes, and Peter Nijkamp
An Inward Look Using Backward Economic Linkages in a Developing Country: The Case of Puntarenas, Costa Rica, Kelly J. Semrad and Jorge Bartels Villanueva
Credit Fluctuations and Lodging Firms: An Investigation of the Differing Capital Structures in the U.S. Lodging Industry, Dipendra Singh, Carola Raab, Karl Mayer, and Ashok Singh
Employee Satisfaction and Long-Run Shareholder Returns, Chun-Hung (Hugo) Tang and Ji-Eun Lee
Food Safety Inspections and Storefront Grade Posting: The case of NYC and LA, Steven Tarca and Kevin Stephen Murphy
Rise and Fall of Community-Based Tourism: Facilitators, Inhibitors and Outcomes, Asli D.A. Tasci, Robertico R. Croes, and Jorge Bartels Villanueva
Judging the Book by the Cover: Consumer Preferences of Hospitality Industry Uniforms for Destination Brands, Asli D.A. Tasci, Basak Denizci Guillet, and William C. Gartner
The Return on Investment for Undergraduate Degrees in Hospitality and Tourism Management, Asli D. A. Tasci, Abraham Pizam, Robertico Croes, and Po-Ju Chen
Deconstructing Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Challenges and Directions for Future Research, Edwin Torres
Advocating Community Participation and Integrated Tourism Development Planning in Local Destinations: The Case of South Africa, Mathilda van Niekerk