Submissions from 2012
Managing Revenue in Scottish Visitor Attractions, Anna Leask, Alan Fyall, and Brian Garrod
Does Transformational Leadership Style Influence Employees’ Attitudes Toward Food Safety Practices?, Ji-Eun Lee, Barbara A. Almanza, SooCheong (Shawn) Jang, Douglas C. Nelson, and Richard F. Ghiselli
The Role Demographics Have on Customer Involvement in Obtaining a Hotel Discount and Implications for Hotel Revenue Management Strategy, Seung Hyun Lee, Billy Bai, and Kevin Stephen Murphy
Oracles and Divinations: A Monument to Biocultural Diversity Loss., Barry J. Mauer
Postcards as Representation of a Destination Image: The Case of Berlin, Ady Milman
Examining the Guest Experience in Themed Amusement Parks: Preliminary evidence from China, Ady Milman and Xu Li
The Role of Online Social Network Travel Websites in Creating Social Interaction for Gen Y Travelers, Khaldoon Nusair, Anil Bilgihan, and Fevzi Okumus
Generation Y Travelers’ Commitment to Online Social Network Websites, Khaldoon Nusair, Anil Bilgihan, Fevzi Okumus, and Cihan Cobanoglu
Cultural Tourism in Turkey: A Missed Opportunity, Fevzi Okumus, Umut Avci, Izzet Kilic, and Andrew Walls
Psychographics: Static or Dynamic?, Jeong-Yeol Park and SooCheong (Shawn) Jang
Consumer Behaviour in Restaurants: Assessing the Importance of Restaurant Attributes in Consumer Patronage and Willingness to Pay, H.G. Parsa, Amy Gregory, John Self, and Kirti Dutta
Illicit Drug Use among Hospitality Employees, Abraham Pizam
Smoking Rates Among Hospitality Employees, Abraham Pizam
Discover EDS: Tales of Implementation and Use, Audrey Powers, Lily Todorinova, Shannon E. Fox, and Athena Hoeppner
Hospitality Leadership College Programs: Competency Evolution or Transitional Terminology?, Dana V. Tesone
Mental Maturity and Workplace Motivation for Hospitality and Tourism Practitioners, Dana V. Tesone
Collaborative Marketing in a Regional Destination: Evidence from Central Florida, Youcheng Wang, Joe Hutchinson, Fevzi Okumus, and Sandra Naipaul
Submissions from 2011
Strategic orientation and performance of tourism firms: Evidence from a developing country, Umut Avci, Melih Madanoglu, and Fevzi Okumus
Try To Be Complete on Something: Tips on Building a Highly Specialized Subject Collection, Tim Bottorff
Developing Effective Communication Strategies for the Spanish and Haitian-Creole-Speaking Workforce in Hotel Companies, Po-Ju Chen, Fevzi Okumus, Nan Hua, and Khaldoon Nusair
Restaurant QSC Inspections and Financial Performance: An Empirical Investigation, Robin B. DiPietro, H.G. Parsa, and Amy Gregory
Enhancing Customer Self-Efficacy in Co-producing Service Experiences, Robert C. Ford and Duncan Dickson Ph.D.
Power Asymmetries in Tourism Distribution Channels, Robert C. Ford, Youcheng Wang, and Alex Vestal
The Singularity of Puppies, Michael Furlong
Engaging Residents as Stakeholders of the Visitor Attraction, Brian Garrod, Alan Fyall, Anna Leask, and Elaine Reid
Film-Induced Tourism as a Vehicle For Destination Marketing: Is it Worth the Efforts?, Jeeyeon (Jeannie) Hahm and Youcheng Wang
Discovering Choices: The Web Scale Discovery Marketplace, Athena Hoeppner
What's in the Web Scale Discovery Fruit Basket: Abstract, Athena Hoeppner
A Web Scale Discover Refresher, Athena Hoeppner and Linda Gibson-Young
eResource Access Support: Go Team, Athena Hoeppner and Ying Zhang
Do Investors Reward Restaurant Firms That Go Abroad?, Nan Hua and Arun Upneja
Self-Monitoring, Dining Companions and the Usage of Alternative Currencies, Hsin-Hui Hu and H.G. Parsa
Using Service Blueprinting to Analyze Restaurant Service Efficiency, Emily Hummel and Kevin Stephen Murphy
Estimating Cashflow-at-Risk (CFaR): A Comparables Approach for Restaurant Firms, SooCheong (Shawn) Jang, Kwangmin Park, and Ji-Eun Lee
The Hidden Effect of Intangible Financial Information on the Market Value of Hospitality Firms in the United States, Ji-Eun Lee and Richard F. Ghiselli
Measuring the Effectiveness of US Official State Tourism Website, Xu Li and Youcheng Wang
China in the Eyes of Western Travelers as Represented in Travel Blogs, Xu Li and Youcheng C. Wang
The CASAS (Cultures and Species Abjectly Sacrificed) Project, Barry J. Mauer
The Symbolic Role of Postcards in Representing a Destination Image: The Case of Alanya, Turkey, Ady Milman
An Exploratory Study of Global Issues Impacting the Future of Tourism in Aruba, Kevin Stephen Murphy
Introducing Flow Theory to Explain the Interactive Online Shopping Experience in a Travel Context, Khaldoon Nusair and H.G. Parsa
The Effect of Demographics on Job Satisfaction: A Study of Hotel Managers in Turkey, Ahmet Ozturk and Murat Hancer
Why Restaurants Fail? Part II - The Impact of Affiliation, Location, and Size on Restaurant Failures: Results from a Survival Analysis, H.G. Parsa, John Self, Sandra Sydnor-Busso, and Hae Jin Yoon
Menu Labeling: The New Trend, Abraham Pizam
Opaque Selling in the Hotel Industry: Is it Good for Everyone?, Abraham Pizam
Service Orientation in the Hospitality Context, Abraham Pizam
The Return of the Fifth Marketing Mix P, Abraham Pizam
Moderator and Mediator Effects in Hospitality Research, Heejung Ro
Student Team Project: Gender Differences in Team Project Experience and Attitudes Toward Team-Based Work, Heejung Ro and Youngsoo Choi
Customer Opportunistic Complaints Management: A Critical Incident Approach, Heejung Ro and June Wong
Hospitality Managers’ Price-Ending Beliefs: A Survey and Applications, Robert M. Schindler, H.G. Parsa, and Sandra Naipaul
Evaluation of Segment Attractiveness by Risk-Adjusted Market Potential, Amir Shani, Arie Reichel, and Robertico R. Croes
Cognition and Affect Interplay: A Framework for the Tourist Vacation Decision-Making Process, Andrew Walls, Fevzi Okumus, and Youcheng C. Wang
Understanding the Consumer Experience: An Exploratory Study of Luxury Hotels, Andrew Walls, Fevzi Okumus, Youcheng Wang, and David J. Kwun
A Little More Noise and a Little Less Conversation? Ambient Noise in Restaurants, Dina Marie V. Zemke, Jean L. Hertzman, Carola Raab, and Dipendra Singh
Submissions from 2010
A Fundamental Exploration of Administrative Views of Hospital Hospitality and Service Excellence, Taryn Aiello, Denver Severt, Paul D. Rompf, and Deborah Breiter
Mystery shopper motivations: A grounded theory analysis, Pamela Allison, Denver Severt, and Duncan R. Dickson
Franchise partner selection decision making, Levent Altinay and Fevzi Okumus
Insight into amusement park ride and device safety in the United States, Brian Avery and Duncan R. Dickson
Customer mistreatment: A test of the triangle model, Mary Bardes, Robert C. Ford, Duncan R. Dickson, and Robert Folger
Information technology and competitive advantage in hotel companies, Anil Bilgihan, Fevzi Okumus, Khaldoon Nusair, and David Joon-Wuk Kwun
Measuring and Explaining Competitiveness in the Context of Small Island Destinations, Robertico R. Croes
The Value of Destination Loyalty: Myth or Reality?, Robertico R. Croes, Amir Shani, and Andrew Walls
An HR Perspective: The Global Hunt for Talent in the Digital Age, Duncan Dickson Ph.D. and Khaldoon Nusair
Key Issues for ICT Applications: Impacts and Implications for Hospitality Operations., Robin B. DiPietro and Youcheng C. Wang
Quick Articles: Embedding Federated Search into the OPAC, Josh Greben and Athena Hoeppner
Towards a Functional Model of Website Evaluation: A Case Study of Casual Dining Restaurants, Amy Gregory, Youcheng C. Wang, and Robin B. DiPietro
Corporate Social Responsibility: What the Top Three Theme Parks in Orlando Reporting?, Judy Holcomb, Fevzi Okumus, and Anil Bilgihan
Forces Driving the Growth of the Restaurant Industry in the USA, Nan Hua and Amanda Templeton
Can We See the Intangibles? Valuation of Intangible Assets for Publicly Traded Hotel Firms in the United States., Nan Hua and Arun Upneja
The Influence of a Film on Destination Image and the Desire to Travel: A Cross Cultural Perspective, Simon Hudson, Youcheng Wang, and Sergio Moreno Gil
The Dynamics of Green Restaurant Patronage, Hsin-Hui Hu, H.G. Parsa, and John Self
The Impact of Satisfaction Judgment on Behavioral Intentions: An Investigation of Golf Travelers, Joe Hutchinson, Youcheng C. Wang, and Fujun Lai
Online Social Networking: Redefining the Human Web, Michael L. Kasavana, Khaldoon Nusair, and Katherine Teodosic
Determining the Timeshare Owner-Heritage/Cultural Tourist Connection, Tammie Kaufman and Michael Scantlebury
A Historical Perspective and Empirical Analysis on Development of Theme Parks in Japan, Seiji Kawamura and Tadayuki Hara
The New Generation in the Industry: Hospitality/Tourism Students' Career Preferences, Sources of Influence and Career Choice Factors, BeomCheol Peter Kim, Ken W. McCleary, and Tammie Kaufman
Examining the Tourism Distribution Channel: Evolution and Transformation, John Kracht and Youcheng C. Wang
Effects of Campus Foodservice Attributes on Perceived Value, Satisfaction, and Consumer Attitude: A Gender-Difference Approach, David J. Kwun
How Extended Hotel Brands Affect the Lodging Portfolio?, David J. Kwun
Increasing Student Learning in the Classroom through Experiential Learning Programs outside the Classroom, Scott Lee and Duncan Dickson Ph.D.
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Destination Marketing Organisations' Websites: Evidence from China, Xu Li and Youcheng C. Wang
The Role of Self-Service Technologies in Restoring Justice, Anna S. Mattila, Wonae Cho, and Heejung Ro
A Comparative Analysis of Thai Residents' Perception of Tourism’s Impacts, Siriporn McDowall and Youngsoo Choi
Thailand’s Destination Image through the Eyes of Its Citizens, Siriporn McDowall and Youngsoo Choi
The Contribution of Theme Park and Attractions to the Social and Economic Sustainability of Destinations, Ady Milman, Fevzi Okumus, and Duncan Dickson Ph.D.
Does Mandatory Food Safety Training and Certification for Restaurant Employees Improve Inspection Outcomes?, Kevin S.W. Murphy, Robin B. DiPietro, Gerald Kock, and Jumyong (Stephen) Lee
Human Resource Management High Performance Work Practices and Contextual Setting, Does Industry Matter? A Comparison of the U.S. Restaurant Sector to the Manufacturing Industry., Kevin S.W. Murphy and John A. Williams
A Conceptual Framework of Relationship Commitment: E-Travel Agencies, Khaldoon Nusair, Nan Hua, and Xu Li
Effect of Price Discount Frames and Levels on Consumers' Perceptions in Low‐End Service Industries, Khaldoon Khal Nusair, Hae Jin Yoon, Sandra Naipaul, and H. G. Parsa
Alcoholism Among Hospitality Employees, Abraham Pizam
Creating Memorable Experiences, Abraham Pizam
Virtual Meetings: If You Can’t Fight Them, Join Them, Abraham Pizam
Ecotourists' Loyalty: Will They Tell About the Destination or Will They Return?, Manuel Antonio Rivera and Robertico R. Croes
Empowerment in Hospitality Organizations: Customer Orientation and Organizational Support, Heejung Ro and Po-Ju Chen
Have Human Resource Information Systems Evolved into Internal e‐Commerce?, Amir Shani and Dana V. Tesone
Sequential Impact of General Interest Rate Changes on the Interest Expense of Publicly Traded Restaurant Firms, Arun Upneja, Michael C. Dalbor, and Nan Hua
Increased Interest Expense and Management's Expense Preference Behaviour of Publicly-Traded Restaurant Firms, Arun Upneja, Michael C. Dalbor, Nan Hua, and Toni Repetti
An Epistemological View of Consumer Experiences, Andrew Walls, Fevzi Okumus, Youcheng C. Wang, and David J. Kwun
Price Formats, Discounts, and Consumers' Perceptions: A Comparison Between Hospitality and Non-Hospitality Industries, Hae Jin Yoon, Khaldoon Nusair, H.G. Parsa, and Sandra Naipaul