Submissions from 2017
What Do We Know About Social Media and Firms' Financial Outcomes So Far?, Murat Kizildag, Mehmet Altin, Ozgur Ozdemir, and Ilhan Demirer
Darden Restaurants, Inc. Is the turnaround happening?, Murat Kizildag, Fevzi Okumus, and Kevin S. Murphy
Human Agency Shaping Tourism Competitiveness and Quality of Life in Developing Economies, Marketa Kubickova, Robertico Croes, and Manuel Rivera
Burnout in the Hospitality Industry: The Case of a Restaurant Manager, Joseph Lederer, Mathilda van Niekerk, and Fevzi Okumus
The Role of Hospitality Service Quality in Third Places for the Elderly: An Exploratory Study, Ji-Eun Lee and Denver Severt
The role of hospitality service quality in third places for the elderly: An exploratory study, Ji-Eun Lee and Denver Severt
What Do Parents Look For in an Overseas Youth Summer Camp? Perspectives of Chinese Parents, Xinran Y. Lehto, Xiaoxiao Fu, Ksenia Kirillova, and Chen Bi
Vacation Benefits and Activities: Understanding Chinese Family Travelers, Xinran Y. Lehto, Xiaoxiao Fu, Hanliang Li, and Lingqiang Zhou
Work Organization, Sleep, and Metabolic Syndrome Among Long-Haul Truck Drivers, Michael Kenneth Lemke, Yorghos Apostolopoulos, Adam Hege, Laurie Wideman, and Sevil Sonmez
Work and Sleep Among Transport Operators: Disparities and Implications for Safety, Michael K. Lemke, Adam Hege, Yorghos Apostolopoulos, Laurie Wideman, and Sevil Sonmez
Work, Sleep, and Cholesterol Levels of U.S. Long-Haul Truck Drivers, Michal Kenneth Lemke, Yorghos Apostolopoulos, Adam Hege, Laurie Wideman, and Sevil Sonmez
Management of an Early Detection Program: Supporting Helpful Features, Marisa Macy, Frances Page Glascoe, Yixuan Ji, Robert Macy, and Bingbing Zhang
Authentic Assessment to Measure Outcomes in Creative Arts, Marisa Macy, Bingbing Zhang, Yixuan Ji, and Robert Macy
An integration of cognitive appraisal theory and script theory in the luxury cruise sector: The bridging role of recollection and storytelling, Aikaterini Manthiou, Juhee Kang, and Sunghyup Sean Hyun
A Repulsive Monument to Stone Mountain and Black Resistance., Barry J. Mauer
Pulse - A Consultation, Barry J. Mauer
The Citizen Curating Project Confronts the Pulse Nightclub Shooting, Barry J. Mauer
The New Age of Eliminationism in America: A Conversation with David Neiwert and Barry Mauer in Orlando, Florida, April 19, 2017, Barry J. Mauer
Measuring the Components of Visitor Experience on a Mountain Attraction: The Case of the Nordkette, Tyrol, Austria, Ady Milman, Anita Zehrer, and Asli Tasci
Copyright Considerations Curating across the Curriculum, Sarah A. Norris
Copyright Considerations for OERs, Sarah A. Norris
Where to Publish & Author Rights at a Glance, Sarah A. Norris
Where to publish & Author Rights at a glance, Sarah A. Norris
Making the UCF Libraries Part of Your Course, Sarah A. Norris, Barbara G. Tierney, and Christina Wray
You've Finished Your Research...Now What?, Sarah A. Norris and Christina C. Wray
A Theoretical Framework of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Against the Backdrop of Social Networking Websites, Khaldoon Nusair, Nan Hua, Ahmet Ozturk, and Irfan Butt
The Importance of Having a Balanced Rating Index for Ranking Academic Journals, Fevzi Okumus, Xinyuan (Roy) Zhao, Mathilda van Niekerk, and Rob Law
Richmond, Virginia is Out: A DMO Case Study of LGBT Marketing, Eric Olson and Heejung Ro
Does Franchising Matter on IPO Performance? An Examination of Underpricing and Post-IPO Performance, Ozgur Ozdemir and Murat Kizildag
CD-ROM's acquaintances: What to do with the skeletons in our academic libraries, Jeanne Piascik, Kristine Shrauger, and Lindsey Ritzert
Two Barcodes, Many Headaches, Jeanne Piascik, Kristine Shrauger, Lindsey Ritzert, Tina Buck, and Ying Zhang
An Exploratory Study of Gay Travelers: Socio-Demographic Analysis, Heejung Ro, Eric Olson, and Youngsoo Choi
Making Sense of E-Resources Usage Statistics, Scott Schmucker, Athena Hoeppner, Shelly Schmucker, and Pamela Herring
Exploring Experiential Consumption Dimensions in the Theme Park Contex, Asli Tasci and Ady Milman
Driving RV Park/Campground Selection: A Grounded Theory Approach, A. J. Templeton, Jill Fjelstul, Kimberly Severt, and Yeon Ho Shin
Towards Understanding the Effects of Time and Emotions on the Vacation Experience, Edwin Torres, Nan Hua, and Wei Wei
Customer and Employee Incivility and its Causal Effects in the Hospitality Industry, Edwin N. Torres, Mathilda van Niekerk, and Marissa Orlowski
Let's 'Meetup' at the Theme Park, Edwin Torres and Marissa Orlowski
How "Social" are Destinations? Examining European DMO Social Media Usage, Ahmet Usakli, Burcu Koc, and Sevil Sonmez
Contemporary Issues in Events, Festivals and Destination Management, Mathilda van Niekerk
Open Humanities: Strategies for Creating Open Access Course Materials, John Venecek, Christian Beck, John Raible, Sarah A. Norris, and Lily Flick
The Impacts of Hotels' Error Management Culture on Customer Engagement Behaviors (CEBs), Wei Wei, Nan Hua, Xiaoxiao Fu, and Priyanko Guchait
The Power of Self-service Technologies in Creating Transcendent Service Experiences: The Paradox of Extrinsic Attributes, Wei Wei, Edwin Torres, and Nan Hua
The Power of Self-Service Technologies in Creating Transcendent Service Experiences: The Paradox of Extrinsic Attributes, Wei Wei, Edwin N. Torres, and Nan Hua
Creative Commons 101, Christina C. Wray and Sarah A. Norris
An Evaluation of Essential Revenue Management Competencies: Similarities and Differences Between Practitioners and Educators, Yang Yuan, Ning-Kuang Chuang, and Amy Gregory
Generation Y's Positive and Negative eWOM: Use of Social Media and Mobile Technology, Tingting (Christine) Zhang, Behzad Abounia Omran, and Cihan Cobanoglu
Service Innovation: Engaging Generation Y to Co-create through Mobile Technology, Tingting (Christine) Zhang, Can Lu, and Murat Kizildag
To Be a Savior or a Spectator?, Xi-Yue (Moon) Zhang and Po-Ju Chen
Saving Student Money: Hidden Textbooks in eBook Collections, Ying Zhang and Athena Hoeppner
Transforming Textbook Affordability: A Library and Vendor Collaboration., Ying Zhang, Athena Hoeppner, and Elias Evalyn
Submissions from 2016
Do the physical facilities in restaurants match seniors’ preferences?, Barbara A. Almanza, Jing Ma, Richard Ghiselli, Ji-Eun Lee, Carl Behnke, and Sandra Sydnor
Corporate governance, ownership structure, and credit ratings of hospitality firms, Mehmet Altin, Murat Kizildag, and Ozgur Ozdemir
Measuring Generation Y Consumers’ Perceptions of Green Practices at Starbucks: An IPA analysis, Roberta Atzori, Valeriya Shapoval, and Kevin Stephen Murphy
The effects of brand attachment on behavioral loyalty in the luxury restaurant sector, Nedra Bahri-Ammari, Mathilda van Niekerk, Haykel Ben-Khelil, and Jinene Chtioui
The Mediating effect of Virtual Interactivity in Travel Related Online Social Network Websites, Albert Barreda, Fevzi Okumus, Khaldoon Nusair, and Anil Bilgihan
Getting to know SCUA, or, Getting to know UCF Libraries' Special Collections and University Archives, David Benjamin
Factors influencing hotel managers’ perceptions regarding the use of mobile apps to gain a competitive advantage, Serkan Bertan, Murat Bayram, Ahmet B. Ozturk, and Nisan Benzergil
STARS Presentation for Rosen College Faculty, Kerri Bottorff
STARS, Faculty Profiles, and Author Rights, Kerri Bottorff, Lee Dotson, and Sarah Norris
The Influence of the DinEX Service Quality Dimensions on Casual Dining Restaurant Customers' Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions, Diego Bufquin, Robin B. DiPietro, and Charles G. Partlow
The Applications of Environmental Technologies in Hotels, Eric S. W. Chan, Wilco Chan, and Fevzi Okumus
Hacking Discovery for Better UX, Edward Corrado, Frierson Eric, and Athena Hoeppner
Hacking Discovery for Better UX: Workshop Handouts, Edward Corrado, Frierson Eric, and Athena Hoeppner
Connecting Tourism Development with Small Island Destinations and with the Well-being of the Island Residents, Robertico Croes
The Poverty Obliteration Program, Robertico Croes and Manuel Rivera
Metadata services in the context of digital humanities, Sai Deng
Preparing for linked data in digital repositories, Sai Deng
A history and analysis of CALA's social media, Sai Deng and Xiao Hu
Social media for librarians and users, a global perspective, Sai Deng, Ying Zhang, and Jing Xu
A Review Of Atmospheric And Land Surface Processes With Emphasis On Flood Generation In The Southern Himalayan Rivers, A. P. Dimri, K. M. Thayen, Kelly M. Kibler, V. P. Singh, D. D. Tullos, and A. Stanton
Customer Perceptions of "McService:" Relationship with Return Intention, Robin B. DiPietro, Mahmood A. Khan, and Diego Bufquin
Crafting the Data Management Plan, Lee Dotson
STARS presentation for Undergraduate Research Council, Lee Dotson
The Sky’s the Limit: Scholarly Communication, Digital Initiatives, Institutional Repositories, and Subject Librarians, Lee Dotson, Richard Harrison, Sarah A. Norris, and Barbara Tierney
Developing a Campus-Wide Research Lifecycle: Perspectives from the University of Central Florida Libraries, Lee Dotson and Sarah A. Norris
Collaborative Destination Marketing at the Local Level: Benefits Bundling and the Changing Role of the Local Tourism Association, Brian Garrod and Alan Fyall
Which restaurant should I choose?: Herd behavior in restaurant industry, Jooyeon Ha, Kwangsoo Park, and Jeongyeol Park
e-Resources Pain Management, Athena Hoeppner
e-Resources Pain Management, Athena Hoeppner
Resource Discovery Services: An Overreaching Overview, Athena Hoeppner
Romancing the Conference: Proposals That Get An "I Do!", Athena Hoeppner
E-commerce performance in hospitality and tourism, Nan Hua
An Empirical Framework to Predict Idiosyncratic Risk in a Time of Crisis: Evidence From the Restaurant Industry, Nan Hua, Michael Dalbor, Seoki Lee, and Priyanko Guchait
Free Space in the Academy, Bruce Janz
Integrated Flood Management In Developing Countries: Balancing Flood Risk, Sustainable Livelihoods, And Ecosystem Services, Andrea M. Juarez-Lucas and Kelly M. Kibler
Benefits Of Flood-Prone Land Use And The Role Of Coping Capacity, Candaba Floodplains, Philippines, Andrea M. Juarez-Lucas, Kelly M. Kibler, Miho Ohara, and Takahiro Sayama
Understanding Customers’ Healthful Food Selection at Restaurants: Roles of Attitude, Gender, and Past Experience, Jinhyun Jun, Susan W. Arendt, and Juhee Kang
An Investigation of Brand Experience on Brand Attachment, Knowledge, and Trust in the Lodging Industry, Juhee Kang, Aikaterini Manthiou, Norzuwana Sumarjan, and Liang Tang
Food waste and financial performance: Should Olive Garden drop unlimited breadsticks and salad from its menu?, Murat Kizildag, Bendegul Okumus, and Joe Hutchinson
Leveraging Nation Branding Opportunities Through Sport Mega-Events, Brendon Knott, Alan Fyall, and Ian Jones
Staging Dunhuang Mogao Caves: Treasures from along the Silk Road, Lanlan Kuang
Assessment of organizational climate in the restaurant industry, Ji-Eun Lee
Relationship marketing investment, relationship quality, and behavioral intention: In the context of the relationship between destination marketing organizations and meeting/convention planners, Jumyong Lee, Ji-Eun Lee, and Deborah Breiter
The impact of online reviews on attitude changes: The differential effects of review attributes and consumer knowledge, Seung Hyun Lee and Heejung Ro
A Multi-stakeholder Market Orientated Approach to Destination Marketing, Natheniel D. Line and Youcheng Wang
Role of Risk, Self-Efficacy and Innovativeness on Behavioral Intentions for Mobile Payment Systems in the Restaurant Industry, Abdullah M. Makki, Ahmet B. Ozturk, and Dipendra Singh
“Introduction,” “A Glossary for Greg Ulmer's Avatar Emergency,” and “A Glossary for Greg Ulmer's Electronic Monuments.”, Barry J. Mauer