
Submissions from 2016


Making Repulsive Monuments, Barry J. Mauer and John Venecek

Consumers’ pro-environmental behavior and its determinants in the lodging segment, Li Miao and Wei Wei


LibGuides. Database Pages: Revamped and Amped on LibGuides, Carrie Moran and Athena Hoeppner


Making the UCF Libraries Part of Your Course, Carrie Moran, Sarah A. Norris, and Barbara G. Tierney


Author Rights: Undergraduate Workshop, Sarah A. Norris


Copyright Presentation for the UCF College of Nursing Faculty, Sarah A. Norris


Scholarly Communication: An Overview, Sarah A. Norris


Where to Publish: Undergraduate Workshop, Sarah A. Norris


A Tale of Two Campuses: Open Educational Resources in Florida and California Academic Institutions, Sarah A. Norris, John Raible, Alejandra Nann, and Julia Hess

Career Paths of Hotel General Managers in Turkey, Fevzi Okumus, Kurtulus Karamustafa, Mehmet Sariisik, Sevki Ulema, and Oguz Turkay

Commitment and conflict in the restaurant industry: Perceptions from the Generation Y viewpoint, Marissa Orlowski, Kevin S. Murphy, and Denver Severt

Conflict And Commitment In The Restaurant Industry: Perceptions From The Generation Y Viewpoint, Marissa Orlowski, Kevin S. Murphy, and Denver E. Severt


Not Your Father's Faculty Bibliography: Making University Scholarly Output Shine., Ryan Otto and Athena Hoeppner


Not Your Father's Faculty Bibliography: Making University Scholarly Output Shine., Ryan Otto and Athena Hoeppner

Customer acceptance of cashless payment systems in the hospitality industry, Ahmet B. Ozturk

What Keeps the Mobile Hotel Booking Users Loyal? Investigating the Roles of Self-Efficacy, Compatibility, Perceived Ease of Use, and Perceived Convenience, Ahmet B. Ozturk, Anil Bilgihan, Khaldoon Nusair, and Fevzi Okumus

The Jihadists’ Holy War on the Hospitality and Tourism Industries, Abraham Pizam


Latour’s AIME, Indigenous Critique, and Ontological Turns in a Mexican Psychiatric Hospital: Approaching Registers of Visibility in Three Conceptual Turns, Beatriz M. Reyes-Foster

A two-way causal chain between tourism development and quality of life in a small island destination: An empirical analysis, Jorge Ridderstaat, Robertico Croes, and Peter Nijkamp

Developing mobile services: A look at first-time and repeat visitors in a small island destination, Manuel Rivera, Robertico Croes, and YunYing Zhong

The Internationalization Benefits of a Music Festival: The Case of the Curaçao North Sea Jazz Festival, Manuel Rivera, Kelly J. Semrad, and Robertico Croes


Summary: We Mean Business: A BI Session for Business Case Analysis Students, Meg K. Scharf

Performance measures for strategic revenue management: RevPAR vs. GOPPAR, Zvi Schwartz, Mehmet Altin, and Manisha Singal

Hotel daily occupancy forecasting with competitive sets: a recursive algorithm, Zvi Schwartz, Muzaffer Uysal, Timothy Webb, and Mehmet Altin

Credit Availability and Capital Structures: Does Size Matter? An Analysis of the U.S. Lodging Industry, Dipendra Singh

Consumer-based brand equity of a destination: Perceptions of sports tourists and non-sports tourists, Asli D. A. Tasci, Jeeyeon (Jeannie) Hahm, and Deborah Breiter

Developing a Scale of Hospitableness: A Tale of Two Worlds, Asli D.A. Tasci and Kelly J. Semrad


Grow Your Own Academic Library Scholarly Communication Program, Barbara G. Tierney, Lee Dotson, Buenaventura (Ven) Basco, John Venecek, and Sarah A. Norris

Guest Interactions and the Formation of Memorable Experiences: An Ethnography, Edwin N. Torres

Asynchronous Video Interviews in the Hospitality Industry: Considerations for Virtual Employee Selection, Edwin N. Torres and Cynthia Mejia


Towards a Model of Electronic Word-of-Mouth and Its Impact on the Hotel Industry, Edwin N. Torres and Dipendra Singh


Customer and Employee Incivility and Its Causal Effects in the Hospitality Industry, Edwin N. Torres, Mathilda van Niekerk, and Marissa Orlowski

Business, Technology, and Marketing Trends Influencing the Financial Performance of The Hotel Industry, Mathilda van Niekerk

Improving Consumer Commitment Through the Integration of Self-service Technologies: A Transcendent Consumer Experience Perspective, Wei Wei, Edwin N. Torres, and Nan Hua

Market accessibility and hotel prices in the Caribbean: The moderating effect of quality-signaling factors, Yang Yang, Noah J. Mueller, and Robertico Croes

Conditions Associated with Increased Risk of Fraud: A Model for Publicly Traded Restaurant Companies, Elizabeth Yost and Robertico Croes

Submissions from 2015

Who are the bulls and bears in global lodging markets?, Albert Barreda and M. Kizildag

Understanding Satisfied and Dissatisfied Hotel Customers: Text Mining of Online Hotel Reviews, Katerina Berezina, Anil Bilgihan, Cihan Cobanoglu, and Fevzi Okumus

Consumer Perception of Knowledge-Sharing in Travel-Related Online Social Networks, Anil Bilgihan, Albert A. Barreda, Fevzi Okumus, and Khaldoon Nusair

Generating Brand Awareness in Online Social Networks, Anil Bilgihan, Khaldoon Nusair, Albert Barreda, and Fevzi Okumus

Applying flow theory to booking experiences: An integrated model in an online service context, Anil Bilgihan, Khaldoon Nusair, Fevzi Okumus, and Cihan Cobanoglu


User Experience in the Discovery Ecosystem: Morning Wokshop, Rebecca Blackiston, Athena Hoeppner, and Eric Frierson


The Discovery Ecosystem: Upgrading the User Experience, Rebecca Blakiston, Athena Hoeppner, Christopher Spalding, and Kristian Serrano


The Discovery Ecosystem: Upgrading the User Experience, Rebecca Blakiston, Athena Hoeppner, Christopher Spalding, and Kristian Serrano

Measuring Restaurant Patron's Perceptions and Expectations: An Importance-performance Analysis Using the DinEX Model, Diego Bufquin, Charles G. Partlow, and Robin B. DiPietro

College students' decision-making for study abroad - Anecdotes from a U.S. hospitality and tourism internship program in China, Liping A. Cai, Wei Wei, Ying Lu, and Jonathon J. Day

Digital Marketing Technologies and New Markets: From Embryonic Markets to Digital Marketing, Antonia Correia, Metin Kozak, Alan Fyall, and Juergen Gnoth


Poverty Alleviation through Tourism Development: A Comprehensive and Integrated Approach, Robertico Croes and Manuel Rivera

Tourism and Human Development, Robertico Croes and Manuel A. Rivera


Applying RDA to CONTENTdm & Islandora, Sai Deng


Redefining scholarly services in a research lifecycle, Sai Deng and Lee Dotson


Applying RDA to digital resources metadata, Sai Deng and Peter Spyers-Duran


Data Management Plans, Lee Dotson


Meet STARS (and Learn How to Become Part of the Growing Constellation!), Lee Dotson


Data Management Planning & Support: The Libraries Perspective, Lee Dotson and Joel Lavoie


STARS presentation for Faculty Senate, Lee Dotson and Sarah Norris


Individual Differences in Digital Badging: Do Learner Characteristics Matter?, Joey R. Fanfarelli and Thomas Rudy McDaniel


Medulla: A 2D sidescrolling platformer game that teaches basic brain structure and function, Joey R. Fanfarelli and Stephanie Vie


Hacking Discovery for Better UX: Afternoon Workshop, Eric Frierson, Athena Hoeppner, and Joe Marquez

A Confucian Analysis of Chinese Tourists' Motivations, Xiaoxiao Fu, Liping A. Cai, and Xinran Lehto

A Portrait of John Fletcher: From Bangor to Bournemouth … via the South Pacific, Alan Fyall

Examining the Effects of Vacation Ownership Product Attributes on Customer Satisfaction: An Investigation of Product Purchase and Use, Amy Gregory, H.G. Parsa, Khaldoon Nusair, David J. Kwun, and Sanjay Putrevu

The Relationship Between Sense of Community and Satisfaction on Future Intentions to Attend an Association's Annual Meeting, Jeeyeon (Jeannie) Hahm, Deborah Breiter, Kimberly Severt, Youcheng Wang, and Jill Fjelstul

Food Safety Inspections Results: A Comparison of Ethnic-Operated Restaurants to Non-Ethnic-Operated Restaurants, Kimberly J. Harris, Kevin Stephen Murphy, Robin B. DiPietro, and Gretchen L. Rivera


Discovery Systems: Connecting the 21st Century Academic User to Content, Athena Hoeppner


e-Resources Pain Management, Athena Hoeppner


Variations on Embedding Discovery, Athena Hoeppner


Dr. Shibblelove: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Implement Single-Sign On, Athena Hoeppner and Adam Traub

Environmental Rankings and Financial Performance: An Analysis of Firms in the U.S. Food and Beverage Supply Chain, Leonard A. Jackson and Dipendra Singh

Social Servicescape: The Impact of Social Factors on Restaurant Image and Behavioral Intentions, Yeajin Jang, Heejung Ro, and Tae-Hee Kim


“Chippy Bits Periodicals” and the Middlebrow: Holbrook Jackson, T. P.'s Weekly (1902–1916) and To-day (1917–1923), Louise Kane

Understanding Customers’ Healthy Food Choices at Casual Dining Restaurants: Using the Value-Attitude-Behavior Model, Juhee Kang, Jinhyun Jun, and Suan Wohlsdorf-Arendt

Recollection of the Sea Cruise: The Role of Cruise Photos and Other Passengers on the Ship, Juhee Kang, Aikaterini Manthiou, Insin Kim, and Sunghyup Sean Hyun

Restaurant Brand Pages on Facebook: Do Active Member Participation and Monetary Sales Promotions Matter?, Juhee Kang, Liang Tang, and Ann Marie Fiore

Gender Dynamics from an Arab Perspective: Intercultural Service Encounters, Marryam Khan, Heejung Ro, Amy Gregory, and Tadayuki Hara

Financial leverage phenomenon in hospitality industry sub-sector portfolios, Murat Kizildag

The Nation Branding Opportunities Provided by a Sport Mega-event: South Africa and the 2010 FIFA World Cup, Brendon Knott, Alan Fyall, and Ian Jones

Competitive Intelligence Practices in Hotels, Mehmet Ali Koseoglu, Gary Ross, and Fevzi Okumus

Generation Y: Market Opportunity or Marketing Challenge – Strategies to Engage Generation Y in the UK Attractions’ Sector, Anna Leask, Alan Fyall, and Paul Barron

Exploring the Role Of Human Judgment in Making Discount Decisions in the Lodging Industry, Seung Hyan Lee, Robertico R. Croes, and Manuel Antonio Rivera

Moderating Impacts of Transaction Utility on Relationships Among Price, Quality, and Value, Seung Hyan Lee and Ji-Eun Lee

Market-Oriented Destination Marketing: An Operationalization, Nathaniel D. Line and Youcheng Wang

Present and Future Website Marketing Activities in the US Hotels: Change Propensity Analysis, Xu Li, Youcheng Wang, and Yixiu Yu

How Is Leadership Related to Employee Self-concept?, Zhenpeng Lou, Youcheng Wang, Einar Marnburg, and Torvald Øgaard

Investigating the Effects of Memorable Experiences: an Extended Model of Script Theory, Aikaterini Manthiou, Juhee Kang, Lanlung Chiang, and Liang Tang

The Incorporation of Consumer Experience into the Branding Process: An Investigation of Name-Brand Hotels, Aikaterini Manthiou, Juhee Kang, and Norzuwana Surmajan


Deadly Delusions, Part 3: The Roots of Denial, Barry J. Mauer

Deadly Delusions, Part 4: Smart Idiots, Barry J. Mauer

Teaching the Repulsive Memorial, Barry J. Mauer, John Venecek, Valerie Kasper, Patricia Carlton, Amy Larner Giroux, and Marcy Galbreath


To Embargo or Not to Embargo?: The Impact of Updating Embargo Options for Undergraduate Theses, Sarah A. Norris

Factors affecting the acceptance of smartphone diet applications, Bendegul Okumus, Anil Bilgihan, and Ahmet B. Ozturk

Typology of Gay Consumers’ Interaction Styles on Complaining Propensity, Eric D. Olson and Heejung Ro

The relationship between local residents’ perceptions of tourism and their happiness: a case of Kusadasi, Turkey, Ahmet B. Ozturk, Ozgur Ozer, and Ugur Caliskan

The Effects of Demographics and Past Experience on RFID Technology Acceptance in the Hospitality Industry, Ahmet Ozturk and Murat Hancer

You Got a Free Upgrade? What About Me? The Consequences of Unearned Preferential Treatment, Jeong-Yeol Park and SooCheong (Shawn) Jang

What They Expect and Why We Should Care: Students’ Perspectives on Hospitality Faculty Industry Experience, Kelly Virginia Phelan and Cynthia Mejia

Customer saboteurs or “badvocates”, Abraham Pizam

Hotel Loyalty Programs: The Halo Effect, Abraham Pizam

Is Empathy Essential for High-Quality Customer Service?, Abraham Pizam

Is the Foodservice Industry Composed of Only Low-Paid and Unskilled Jobs?, Abraham Pizam