
Submissions from 2009

Transition from individual learning to organizational learning in tourism organizations, Umut Avci, Fevzi Okumus, and Izzet Kilinc

Differences Between Male and Female Sport Event Tourists: A Qualitative Study, Po-Ju Chen

Comparison of Hospitality Practitioners and Student/Practitioner Work Values, Po-Ju Chen and Dana V. Tesone

Consumers' Environmental Concerns and Behavior in the Lodging Industry: A Comparison Between the United States and Greece, Gunae Choi, H. G. Parsa, Marianna Sigala, and Sanjay Putrevu

A Case Study into the Benefits of Management Training Programs: Impacts on Hotel Employee Turnover and Satisfaction Level, Youngsoo Choi and Duncan R. Dickson

Assessing the Web-Based Destination Marketing Activities: A Relationship Marketing Perspective, Liza M. Cobos, Youcheng Wang, and Fevzi Okumus

More Marketing Expenditures, Better Hotel Financial Performance?, Nan Hua, John O'Neill, and Anna S. Mattila

Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: A Snapshot from the Lodging and Gaming Industries, Leonard A. Jackson and Nan Hua

Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: A Typology for Service Industries., Leonard A. Jackson and H.G. Parsa

The Joint Effects of Service Failure Mode, Recovery Effort and Gender on Customers’ Post-recovery Satisfaction, Anna S. Mattila, Wonae Cho, and Hee Jung Ro

An Analysis of International Tourism Development in Thailand: 1994-2007, Siriporn McDowall and Youcheng Wang

Dimensions of a High Performance Management System: an Exploratory Study of the U.S. Casual Restaurant Segment, Kevin Murphy and Michael Olsen

An Exploratory Case Study of Factors That Impact the Turnover Intentions and Job Satisfaction of Multi-Unit Managers in the Casual Theme Segment of the US Restaurant Industry, Kevin S.W. Murphy, Robin B. DiPietro, Manuel Antonio Rivera, and Christopher C. Muller

The Research Design Used to Develop a High Performance Management System Construct for U.S. Restaurant Managers, Kevin S.W. Murphy and Suzanne Murrmann

Entrepreneurship and Leadership in Hospitality: Insights and Implications for Hospitality and Tourism Education – Mr. Harris Rosen in conversation with Drs. Sandra Naipaul and Youcheng Wang, Sandra Naipaul and Youcheng Wang

Collaborative Destination Marketing: A Case Study of A Tri-County Agri-Tourism Destination in Ohio, Sandra Naipaul, Youcheng Wang, and Fevzi Okumus

Regional Destination Marketing: A Collaborative Approach, Sandra Naipaul, Youcheng Wang, and Fevzi Okumus

Comparative Assessment of Structural Equation Modeling and Multiple Regression Research Methodologies: E-commerce Context, Khaldoon Khal Nusair and Nan Hua

Defining Hospitality: A Discussion of Pedagogical and Research Implications, Michael Ottenbacher, Robert Harrington, and H. G. Parsa

All Employees Are Not Created Equal: An Alternative Method of Assessing Employee Turnover, H. G. Parsa, Dana V. Tesone, and Amanda Templeton


"Kerem Hemed", the Hebrew Periodical of Wissenschaft des Judentums in Galicia and Italy, M Pelli

Hotels as Tempting Targets for Terrorism Attacks, Abraham Pizam

Junket Trips, Abraham Pizam

The Global Financial Crisis and its Impact on the Hospitality Industry, Abraham Pizam

What is the Hospitality Industry and How does it Differ from the Tourism and Travel Industries?, Abraham Pizam

A Comparison of Motivators and Inhibitors for Association Meeting Attendance for Three Generational Cohorts, Kimberly Severt, Jill Fjelstul, and Deborah Breiter

Show Managers' Perceptions of Customer Equity in the Convention Industry, Kimberly Severt, Denver E. Severt, and Radesh Palakurthi

Testing the Impact of a Promotional Video on Destination Image Change: Application of China as a Tourism Destination, Amir Shani, Po-Ju Chen, Youcheng C. Wang, and Nan Hua

Assessing the Viability of Repeat Visitors to Cultural Events: Evidence from the Zora! Festival, Amir Shani, Manuel Antonio Rivera, and Tadayuki Hara

Impacts of a Historical Film on the Destination Image of South America, Amir Shani, Youcheng Wang, Simon Hudson, and Sergio Moreno Gil

Applying Expenditure-based Segmentation on Special-Interest Tourists: The Case of Golf Travelers, Amir Shani, Youcheng Wang, Joe Hutchinson, and Fujun Lai

Charting Production Systems for Golf and Club Operations, Dana V. Tesone, Leonard A. Jackson, and Jill Fjelstul

Enhancing Tourism Functions of Beijing Folklore Villages: Issues and Approaches, Jing Wang, Youcheng Wang, and Li-xin Guo

Cooperative Destination Marketing: Theoretical Foundations and Implications to Tourism Marketing in China, Youcheng Wang

Submissions from 2008


Branching Out: Communication and Collaboration among Librarians at Multi-Campus Institutions, Tim Bottorff, Robbin Glaser, Andrew Todd, and Barbara Alderman


Cointegration and Causality between Tourism and Poverty Reduction, Robertico R. Croes and Manuel Vanegas Sr.

Cointegration and Causality between Tourism and Poverty Reduction, Robertico Croes and Manuel Vanegas

Marketing Outlays: Important Intangible Assets in the Hotel Industry?, Nan Hua, Basak Denizci, Anna S. Mattila, and Arun Upneja

Understanding the Relationships of Quality, Value, Equity, Satisfaction, and Behavioral Intentions Among Golf Travelers, Joe Hutchinson, Fujun Lai, and Youcheng Wang

Robert L. Johnson: From Media Mogul to Developing the Largest African-American Owned Hotel Investment Company, Leonard A. Jackson, Dana V. Tesone, and Jill Fjelstul


Getting Users to Library Resources: A Alternative, Aysegul Kapucu, Athena Hoeppner, and Doug Dunlop


Early Haskalah Reception at the End of the Haskalah Period, M Pelli

Depression among Foodservice Employees, Abraham Pizam

Green Hotels: A Fad, Ploy or Fact of Life?, Abraham Pizam

Space Tourism: New Market Opportunities for Hotels and Cruise Lines, Abraham Pizam

Collaborative Destination Marketing: Roles and Strategies of Convention and Visitors Bureau, Youcheng Wang

Collaborative Destination Marketing: Understanding the Dynamic Process, Youcheng Wang

Examining the Level of Sophistication and Success of Destination Marketing Systems: Impacts of Organizational Factors, Youcheng Wang

Destination Marketing: Competition, Cooperation or Coopetition?, Youcheng Wang and Shaul Krakover

Examining the Nature and Dynamics of At-destination Recommendations: The Local Experts' Perspective, Youcheng Wang, Denver Severt, and Paul Rompf

Bayesian Approach to Assess Consumers' Brand Selection Process and Identification of Brand Attributes in a Service Context, Hae Jin Yoon, Sandra S. Thompson, and H. G. Parsa

Submissions from 2007

Promoting tourism as U.S. foreign aid: building on the promise of the Caribbean basin initiative, Robertico Croes and Patrick L. Schmidt

The indexed minimum wage and hotel compensation Strategies, Robertico Croes and Dana Tesone

A Comparison of Two Destination Performance Measurement Models: Case Investigation of Orlando and Las Vegas, Robertico Croes and Youcheng Wang

At-destination Visitor Information Search and Venue Decision Strategies, Robin B. Depiertro, Youcheng Wang, Paul Rompf, and Denver Severt


Embedding Metalib in Database Webpages: Usability Issues, Athena Hoeppner

Going International? Important Factors Executives Should Consider!, Nan Hua and Arun Upneja


An Outline on the Reception of Early Haskalah at the End of the Haskalah Period, M Pelli


Besorat Measfim Hadashim - an Unknown Prospectus Announcing the Renewal of "Ha-Me'asef", the First Hebrew Periodical, in 1808/9, M Pelli

Does the Tourism/Hospitality Industry Possess the Characteristics of a Knowledge-based Industry?, Abraham Pizam

The "ity" Factor, Abraham Pizam

Tourism through times: from Agrarian societies to innovation-based economies, Abraham Pizam and Robertico Croes

Web-based Destination Marketing Systems: Assessing the Critical Success Factors for Management and Implementation, Youcheng Wang

Conceptualizing and Evaluating the Functions of Destination Marketing Systems, Youcheng Wang and Shirley Monnette Russo

Towards A Theoretical Framework of Collaborative Destination Marketing, Youcheng Wang and Zheng Xiang

Submissions from 2006

A paradigm shift to a new strategy for small island economies: embracing demand side economics for value enhancement and long term economic stability, Robertico Croes


What’s It Worth? Estimating the Value of Coursepack Permissions in E-journal Licenses, Athena Hoeppner


Building Your Usability Toolkit, Athena Hoeppner and Meg Scharf


The First Hebrew Periodicals of the Hebrew Haskalah: The Transition from Hame’asef (1783-1811) to Bikurei Ha’itim (1820-1831), M Pelli

Are we Talking and Listening to Each Other?, Abraham Pizam

Condominium Hotels: A Scorching Hot Lodging Product, Abraham Pizam

Educating the Next Generation of Hospitality Professionals, Abraham Pizam

Farewell and Happy Retirement to a Pioneer and Pillar of our Community, Abraham Pizam

The New Gender Gap, Abraham Pizam

Examining the Motivation, Perceived Performance, and Behavioral Intentions of Convention Attendees: The Case of SOHO Expo, Denver Severt, Youcheng Wang, Po-Ju Chen, and Deborah Breiter

Value Relevance of Equity, Earnings and Capital Structure in the Restaurant Industry, Arun Upneja and Nan Hua

Collaborative Destination Marketing: A Case of Northern Indiana, USA, Youcheng Wang and Daniel R. Fesenmaier

Identifying the Success factors of Web-based Marketing Strategy: An Investigations of Convention and Visitors Bureaus in the United States, Youcheng Wang and Daniel R. Fesenmaier

Futuring Internet Marketing Activities Using Change Propensity Analysis, Youcheng Wang, Yeong-Hyeon Hwang, and Daniel R. Fesenmaier

Towards An Theoretical Model of Technology Adoption in Hospitality Organizations:, Youcheng Wang and William Qualls

Examining and Identifying the Determinants of Travel Expenditure Patterns, Youcheng Wang, Paul Rompf, Denver Severt, and Nichakarn Peerapatdit

Submissions from 2005


Value as a Measure of Tourism Performance in the Era of Globalization: Conceptual Considerations and Empirical Findings, Robertico Croes

An econometric study of tourist arrivals in Aruba and its Implications, Robertico Croes and Manuel Vanegas


Whistler's Fog and the Aesthetics of Place, Bruce Janz


"Besorat Measfim Hadashim": An Unknown Prospectus for the Renewal of "Hame'asef", the First Hebrew Periodical, in 1808/9: An Innovative Perspective of Jewish History, M Pelli

What Happens to Hospitality Enterprises when Minimum Wages are Continuously Raised?, Abraham Pizam

When Mother Nature Speaks, We Must Listen and Learn, Abraham Pizam

The Relationship between Cultural Characteristics and Preference for Active vs. Passive Tourist Activities, Abraham Pizam and Aliza Fleischer

Submissions from 2004

Small firms embracing technology and tourism development: evidence from two nations in Central America, Robertico Croes and Dana Tesone


OpenURL: Choices, Choices!, Athena Hoeppner and Marlene Porter


An Affinity For Users, Athena Hoeppner and Meg Scharf


An Affinity For Users: Data Set: Full Data and Rank Analysis, Athena Hoeppner and Meg Scharf


An Affinity For Users: Data Set: Images of Affinity Maps, Athena Hoeppner and Meg Scharf


An Affinity For Users: Data Set: Summary Data, Athena Hoeppner and Meg Scharf


An Affinity For Users: Data Set: Survey Results, Athena Hoeppner and Meg Scharf


An Affinity For Users: Data Set: Term Cluster Placement Details per Team, Athena Hoeppner and Meg Scharf


Musical Writing, Barry J. Mauer


Speaking Freely in a Time of War, Barry J. Mauer


The German-or-Yiddish Controversy within the Haskalah and the European “Dialogue of the Dead”: Tuvyah Feder's Kol Meḥazezim versus Mendel Lefin's Translation of the Book of Proverbs, M Pelli

Are Hospitality Employees Equipped to Hide Their Feelings?, Abraham Pizam