Submissions from 2004
What Happened to the "Quality of Services Revolution?", Abraham Pizam
Modeling Participation in an Online Travel Community, Youcheng Wang and Daniel R. Fesenmaier
Submissions from 2003
Growth, Development and Tourism in a Small Economy: Evidence from Aruba, Robertico Croes and Manuel Vanegas
The Epistolary Story in Haskalah Literature: Isaac Euchel’s 'Igrot Meshulam', M Pelli
Farewell Rodney Dangerfield, Abraham Pizam
What Should Be Our Field of Study?, Abraham Pizam
Submissions from 2002
The Effect of National Culture on Consumers’ Evaluation of Travel Services, John Crotts and Abraham Pizam
Travel Constraints Among Israeli Seniors, Aliza Fleischer and Abraham Pizam
American Hospitality Management Education and its Appropriateness for Mediterranean Countries, Christopher C. Muller and Abraham Pizam
Tourism and Terrorism, Abraham Pizam
Severity, vs. Frequency of Acts of Terrorism: Which has a Larger Impact on Tourism Demand?, Abraham Pizam and Aliza Fleischer
Tourism and Social Change: The Case of Israeli Ecotourists Visiting Jordan, Abraham Pizam, Aliza Fleischer, and Yoel Mansfeld
Sensation Seeking and Tourist Behavior, Abraham Pizam, Arie Reichel, and Natan Urieli
Submissions from 2001
Putting WebCT to Work in the Library, Athena Hoeppner
Academic Characteristics & Faculty Compensation in U.S. Hospitality Management Programs: 1999-2000, Ady Milman and Abraham Pizam
Prose Writing in "Hame'asef", the First Hebrew Periodical, and its Literary Conventions, M Pelli
The Literary Genre of the Epigram in Hame’asef, the First Hebrew Periodical, M Pelli
Submissions from 2000
The WebLUIS Tutorial, Athena Hoeppner
Hameasef: A New Periodical Never Published Before, M Pelli
Literature of Haskalah in the Late 18th Century, M Pelli
Poetry and Poetic Theory in "Hameasef", the First Modern Periodical in Hebrew Haskalah, M Pelli
Absenteeism and Voluntary Turnover in Central Florida Hotels: A Pilot Study, Abraham Pizam and Steven W. Thornburg
The Intensity of Tourist-Host Social Relationship and its Effects on Satisfaction and Change in Attitudes: The Case of Working Tourists in Israel, Abraham Pizam, Natan Urieli, and Arie Reichel
Submissions from 1999
These are the Fables of Hame’asef: The Way of the Modern Fable at the Early Hebrew Haskalah, M Pelli
When Did Haskalah Begin? Establishing the Beginning of Haskalah and the Definition of ‘Modernism", M Pelli
Life and Tourism in the Year 2050, Abraham Pizam
The American Group Tourist as viewed by British, Israeli, Korean and Dutch Tour-Guides, Abraham Pizam
The State of Travel and Tourism Human Resources in Latin America, Abraham Pizam
Customer Satisfaction and its Measurement in Hospitality Enterprises, Abraham Pizam and Taylor Ellis
Submissions from 1998
Academic Characteristics and Faculty Compensation in US Hospitality Management Programs, Bernard Fried, Ady Milman, and Abraham Pizam
Work Values of Chinese Mangers, Connie Mok, Ray Pine, and Abraham Pizam
A Prospectus for the First Hebrew Periodical, "Hame'assef", M Pelli
Reality and Folklore in Smolenskin's Novel: A Deadly Subject and Its Lively Background, M Pelli
Submissions from 1997
Pacific Area Tourism: A Guide to Key Sources of Tourism Statistics, Raphael R. Bar-On, Abraham Pizam, and John C. Crotts
Global Tourism: A Guide to Statistical Sources, John Crotts and Abraham Pizam
Rural Tourism in Israel, Aliza Fleischer and Abraham Pizam
OPAC Computer Based Training: HTML and Alternatives, Athena Holcomb
Biography as a Genre in Hebrew Haskalah: Isaac Abravanel as a 'Maskil' Bridging between Two Cultures, M Pelli
Are All Tourists Alike Regardless of Nationality? The Perceptions of Dutch Tour-Guides, Abraham Pizam, Myriam Jansen-Verbeke, and Liesbet Steel
Nationality vs. Industry Cultures: Which has a Greater Effect on Managerial Behavior?, Abraham Pizam, Ray Pine, Connie Mok, and Jae Young Shin
Making Tourists Feel Safe: Whose Responsibility Is It?, Abraham Pizam, Peter Tarlow, and Jonathan Bloom
Submissions from 1996
Crimes in Hotels, Susan Bach and Abraham Pizam
Tourism's Perceived Social Impacts: The Case of Samos, Nicholas Haralambopoulos and Abraham Pizam
Cross-Cultural Tourist Behavior: Perceptions of Korean Tour-Guides, Abraham Pizam and Gang-Hoan Jeong
The Effect of Nationality on Tourist Behavior: Israeli Tour Guides' Perceptions, Abraham Pizam and Arie Reichel
Submissions from 1995
The Role of Awareness and Familiarity with a Destination: The Central Florida Case, Ady Milman and Abraham Pizam
Ideology and Reality: The American Hebrew Movement in Its Inception - In Search of Identity, M Pelli
The American Hebrew Daily ‘Ha-do’ar’ at Its Inception, 1921, M Pelli
Does Nationality Affect Tourist Behavior?, Abraham Pizam and Silvia Sussman
Submissions from 1994
The Environmental Impacts of Tourism - Whose Responsibility is it Anyway? The Case of Mykonos, Ioannis Kavallinis and Abraham Pizam
The Perceptions of Tourism Employees and their Families Towards Tourism: A Cross Cultural Comparison, Abraham Pizam, Ady Milman, and Brian King
Submissions from 1993
Social Impacts of Tourism: Host Perceptions, Brian King, Abraham Pizam, and Ady Milman
Saul Berlin’s Ktav Yosher: The Beginning of Satire in Hebrew Enlightenment in Germany, M Pelli
Predicting Satisfaction Among First Time Visitors to a Destination by Using the Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory, Abraham Pizam and Ady Milman
Submissions from 1992
The 1991-92 Academic Characteristics and Faculty Compensation in U.S. Hospitality Management Programs, Ady Milman and Abraham Pizam
Reality Check: Instructing Patrons in CD-ROM Use, Meg K. Scharf and Rochelle R. Ballard
Submissions from 1991
The United States Meeting Market, E. Thorvald Falk and Abraham Pizam
The Literary Genre of the Travelogue in Hebrew Haskalah Literature: Shmuel Romanelli’s Masa Ba’rav, M Pelli
Tourists' Attitude Change: U.S. Students Visiting the USSR, Abraham Pizam, Jafar Jafari, and Ady Milman
Submissions from 1990
A Sociocultural Study of Tourism as a Factor of Change, Jafar Jafari, Abraham Pizam, and Krzystof Przeclawski
The Impact of Tourism on Ethnic Attitudes: The Israeli Egyptian Case, Ady Milman, Arieh Reichel, and Abraham Pizam
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Travel Trade Shows and Other Tourism Sales Promotion Techniques, Abraham Pizam
Current Trends in Manpower Needs for the Tourism Industry, Abraham Pizam and Ady Milman
We Mean Business: A BI Session for Business Case Analysis Students, Meg K. Scharf
Submissions from 1989
The 1988‑89 Academic Characteristics and Faculty Compensation in U.S. Hospitality Management Programs, Abraham Pizam and Ady Milman
Submissions from 1988
Social Impacts of Tourism in Central Florida, Ady Milman and Abraham Pizam
Are We Ready for Independence?, Abraham Pizam
Academic Characteristics and Faculty Compensation in U.S. Hospitality Management Programs, Abraham Pizam and Ady Milman
The Effect of Task Characteristics on Hospitality Employees' Job Satisfaction and Burnout, Abraham Pizam and Yoram Neuman
Submissions from 1987
Hospitality Management: The State of our Art (or Science?), Abraham Pizam
Beyond Psychographics: Values as Determinants of Tourist Behavior, Abraham Pizam and Roger Calantone
Academic Characteristics and Faculty Compensation in U.S. Hospitality Management Programs, Abraham Pizam and Ady Milman
Submissions from 1986
Designing Research for Publication, Robert C. Lewis and Abraham Pizam
Submissions from 1985
Life as a Parable, A Study of the Hebrew Didactic Autobiography:, M Pelli
Graduate Programs: Are They Effective?, Abraham Pizam
Off Track Betting and Its Impacts on a Rural Community, Abraham Pizam and Ady Milman
The Perceived Impacts of Casino Gambling on a Destination Community, Abraham Pizam and Julianne Pokela
Submissions from 1984
Differentiation and Segmentation: Two Marketing Techniques for Small Hotels, Abraham Pizam
Positioning is the Name of the Game, Abraham Pizam
Who are we?, Abraham Pizam
The Social Impacts of Tourism, Abraham Pizam and Ady Milman
Job Satisfaction, Lifestyle and Demographics of Hospitality Industry Workers‑ vs. Others, Arie Reichel and Abraham Pizam
Submissions from 1983
Submissions from 1982
Haskalah Literature--Trends and Attitudes, M Pelli
Submissions from 1980
The Literary Art of Jonah, M Pelli
Submissions from 1978
Naphtali Herz Wessely: Moderation in Transition, M Pelli
Submissions from 1977
Isaac Satanow: Metamorphosis of Judaic Values, M Pelli
Submissions from 1976
Jewish Identity in Modern Hebrew Literature, M Pelli
Submissions from 1974
Mordechai Gumpel Schnaber: The First Religious Reform Theoretician of the Hebrew Haskalah in Germany, M Pelli
Submissions from 1973
Isaac Satanow’s ‘Mishlei Asaf’ as Reflecting the Ideology of the German Hebrew Haskalah, M Pelli
Submissions from 1972
The Impact of Deism on the Hebrew Literature of the Enlightenment in Germany, M Pelli
Submissions from 1971
Submissions from 1970
Intimations of Religious Reform in the German Hebrew Haskalah Literature, M Pelli
Submissions from 1968
Ideological and Legal Struggle of Aaron Chorin for Religious Reform in Judaism, M Pelli