Theses/Dissertations from 2002
An analysis of program implementation and student and faculty perceptions of a learning community model at Florida Gulf Coast University, Alice Mcleod Brunner
An evaluation of face-to-face mentoring vs. electronic mentoring, Gregg A. Buckingham
A case study : Florida teacher recruiting strategies, Betsy B. Bulter
Principal perceptions of national board certified teachers, Constance E. Cain
The relationship of the accountability practices of elementary principals to student achievement, Carol L. Chanter
A study of the perceptions of orange county florida first year teachers regarding the effectiveness of selected induction activities and the main sources of assistance for first year teachers, Connie Petro Chisena
Effects of hands-on instruction on students' attitudes and academic performance in science, Wendi L. Ciesla
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997 and implications for school-based administrators, Connie Woods Collins
Kindergarten students writing about science, Debra H. Connaughton
The college experience of Native American students: factors associated with their choice of major, performance, and persistence, Martha L. Dillman
An examination of content area reading in five Central Florida middle schools, Jennifer K. G. Dillon
Professional development support: a study of the needs of national board certification-seeking teachers, Norine Eckstrom
Implementation of inquiry-based instruction on an 8th grade science classroom and its effect on students, Trisha A. Elliott
A correlational study of Heath and Long typologies in adult students, Suzanne Groth Foglesong
The effectiveness of the collaborative approach to collective bargaining, versus the traditional approach, in selected Florida school districts, Danielle Misiano Franco
Comparing the achievement and attitude of students using a supplemental, web-based, learning tool for municipal solid waste management, Kacey Anne Gajewski
Charter school contract renewal: a process analysis, Rita M. Galbraith
A study of the effect of a school-wide approach to discipline on the frequency of problem behaviors in nine Central Florida public elementary schools, Maritza C. Galceran
An analysis of multiple means of providing library media orientation to sixth grade students, Cheryl Perkins Gardieff
Teacher retention: an analysis of selected altruistic and practical motivators as contributors to teacher job satisfaction, Karyn E. Gary
Compatibility of concurrent resistance and endurance training : a comparison of two lower-body modes of endurance training and their effect on lower-body strength development, Jeffrey Christopher Gergley
Human resource capitalization : the impact of Florida school principals' time on task on principal retention, Heidi Pape Gooch
Recruitment and retention of traditional vs non-traditional mathematics and science teachers, Diane V. Gullett
Personal practical theories and their influence on a teacher's practice : a case study of a secondary algebra teacher, Gene Vernon Hair
Effect of integrated thematic units on sixth grade students' attitudes and performance in science, Rachel Hallett
Models of practice in distributed learning : a catalyst for institutional transformation, Joel L. Hartman
Effects of elementary student participation in an aerospace and aviation magnet program on attitudes and achievement in science, Julie Ann Helton
The effect of goal setting on high school students' dietary nutrient intake, Dorothy Henson
Motivational factors and personality traits of individuals who decide to enter a career as a firefighter/paramedic, Robert D. Holborn
Effects of cooperative learning in second grade science instruction, Pamela Netrese Hoover
The effect of clinical instructor credentialing on the clinical performance outcomes of physical therapist students, Natalie R. N. Housel
The impact of personal handheld computers on the time management effectiveness of Florida public school superintendents, JoAnn Huggins
Elementary school character education plans : teachers' perceptions of traits and instructional methods, Annette S. Husson
A historical investigation of school desegregation in Seminole County School District, Sallie S. Jenkins
The juvenile justice system in Florida and its interaction with public schools in deterring juvenile crime, Adriana L. Jones
An evaluation of strategies used to improve the retention in online courses taken by community college students, Holly Erler Kahler
The behavior intervention plan : is it effective in reducing low level behaviors in middle school students with disabilities?, Suzanne M. Knight
The effects of using multiple intelligence mathematics instruction on primary students in a rural multi-ethnic school, Tamara L. Kraft
The effects of inquiry and brain-based learning on the understanding of scientific concepts and student attitudes toward science, Stephanie Krutzler
A case study of a community college teacher : the relationship of her personal practical theories to her teaching practice, Kathleen Lazarus
The impact of self-efficacy and task value on satisfaction and performance in a web-based course, Cheng Yuan Lee
Safe schools: staff development training opportunities, Evon Lisle
The effects of team-building on middle school science students, Robert Lowell
Elementary principal leadership orientations and selected professional and school variables, Janice E. Messer
Effects of inquiry-based technological learning on students attitudes and performance in science, Julie S. Miller
Using technology with high school algebra students to enhance attitudes and academic performance, Peggy L. Moch
College students' attitudes about computers related to gender-identity and learning-style interactions, Timothy R. Morris
Alternative school success factors : a program evaluation of PACE Center for Girls, Inc, Marilyn B. Moser
The effects of a supplemental computerized reading program on the comprehension of first grade readers in rural south Florida, Deborah A. Nauss
Job satisfaction of Florida's high school assistant principals as a factor in the maintenance of an administrative work force, Mary E. Neal
The effect of music infused into the middle-grades mathematics curriculum on student attitudes and performance, Genene Pearson
Induction activities and main sources of assistance : third year teachers' perceptions of support, Nancy Ann Pender
Change facilitator styles : principals of the north learning community, Orange County Public Schools, Patricia Baggett Ramsey
System infrastructure needs for web course delivery : a survey of online courses in Florida community colleges, Glenn A. Ricci
A dash of technology : a study of the integration of technology into a second grade science-based curriculum, Debbie Ann Rivera
Thematic teaching in an inner city school and its effects on 8th grade algebra students' attitudes and performance in mathematics, George J. Roy
Evaluation of a community college fitness course on self-efficacy to exercise, Tammy M. Sabourin
The total learning environment of the web-based courses at the University of Central Florida, Sharon M. Schepise
New principal support programs and job satisfaction, Kathleen McGuigan Schwartz
Extent of collaboration between the school library media specialist and the school level technology specialist within the State of Florida, Victoria Anne Bilz Seavers
The impact special needs students have on a class of fourth grade students, Rose Marie Sedely
Factors influencing motivation and adherence to exercise : testing the cane model of motivation, Wendy Swalm Shore
Success factors : a study of students who completed the summer program for academic careers in engineering at the University of Central Florida, Jacqueline Ann Barnes Smith
Online education at nine state universities in Florida, Jennifer Lynn Vanderhorst Sparrow
Motivating students toward a career in healthcare : self-efficacy, emotion, and task value in high school health occupations students, Linda M. Speranza
Factors affecting attrition of practical nursing students, Margaret C. Stickney
An investigation of educator professional development delivery preferences, Maggie W. Teachout
Musical background experiences of grade eight choral students, Ann Y. Tyler Bynum
Public school negligent tort litigation regarding foreseeable school violence incidents, Laura Verry Sidoran
Staff development via the web on child abuse issues, Linda Jean White
Multiple intelligences with an attitude : the effect of multiple intelligences in mathematics, Michele Lynne White
An analysis of Long's reactive behavior patterns relative to the success of students in a community college algebra course, Carole Edwards Williams
Florida "A" high school webmaster perceptions on faculty use of internet school websties, Erwin J. Wunderlich
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
A Study of the success of the Abeyance Alternative Schools Program, Kimberly K. Armellini
The effects of using alternative assessment methods on students' attitudes towards mathematics and on student achievement, Jennifer Austin
Using historical fiction to explore the integration of U.S. history and language arts in the eighth grade, Lynne M. Bailey
Effects of cooperative learning strategies and structures on sixth grade mathematics students attitude and achievement, Jeanine Ann Bell
How student support programs, services and activities affect retention rates among community college minority students, Roger S. Billings
Postsecondary continuing education choices of graduates of a central Florida school-within-a-school magnet program, Karen L. Blondeau
A case study: climate, best practices, administrative support, and staff attitudes in a middle school inclusion program, Kimberly Daniel Boyd
Florida's public higher education institutions which use partnerships/strategic alliances to increase non-state resources, David G. Bradford
Educational leadership internships : perceptions of participants attending the University of Central Florida January 1993 - May 1997, Megan J. Caldwell
An analysis of the relationship between stress and middle grade principals in Florida public schools, Evelyn A. Brady Chandler
A study of the perceptions of central florida first-year secondary teachers regarding the effectiveness of selected induction activities, Katherine Cummings Clark
Problem solving : teaching strategies to solve higher level mathematics problems, Brett Cooper
Fostering mathematical understandings through writing, Virginia I. Dacosta
A master's program and teacher change : the impact of the Lockheed Martin Academy for mathematics and science on beliefs and pedagogy, Debra C. Daniels
A study to document evidence of student learning in a constructivist kindergarten classroom, Nadja Nicole Difabio
A Study to Determine if a Correlation Exists Between Student Scores on the Florida Writing Assessment Program and the Verbal Section of the SAT, Phyllis Ann Edwards
The literacy practices of first through fifth grade teachers who are believed to be outstanding literacy teachers, Carolyn Fletcher Egana