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Citations from 1988

Kliebard, Herbert M., "The Liberal Arts Curriculum and Its Enemies: The Effort to Redefine General Education," pp. 29-51 in Ian Westbury and Alan C. Purves, eds, Cultural Literacy and the Idea of General Education. 87th Yearbook of the NSSE, Part II. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1988. Reprinted pp. 27-50 in Herbert M. Kliebard, Forging the American Curriculum: Essays in Curriculum History and Theory. New York: Routledge, 1992. Also reprinted pp. 3-25 in Margaret J. Early and Kenneth J. Rehage, eds., Issues in Curriculum: A Selection of Chapters from NSSE Yearbooks, 98th Yearbook of the NSSE, Part II. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1999., Herbert M. Kliebard

Annotation: Shows how the views of Herbert Spencer and others in the mid-nineteenth century challenged and overtook the historic view of liberal education, the effect of which are evident in curricula of twentieth century schooling.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Theorists,Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Liberal Education/General Education, Curriculum History, Comparative Curriculum

Squire, James R., "Studies of Textbooks: Are We Asking the Right Questions?" pp. 127-169 in Philip W. Jackson, ed., Contributing to Educational Change: Perspectives on Research and Practice . Berkeley, CA: McCutchan, 1988., James R. Squire

Annotation: Identifies a series of factors that have been studied in studies of textbooks; makes suggestions for needed research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Defining Curriculum Research Questions
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Textbooks, Materials Development and Evaluation

McCutcheon, Gail, "Curriculum and the Work of Teachers," pp. 191-203 in Landon E. Beyer and Michael W. Apple, eds., The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1988., Gail McCutcheon

Annotation: Sets forth a deliberationist view of teachers at work with classroom curriculum in contrast to a traditional view related to the overt and the hidden curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Decision-making Processes, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Deliberation, Teaching/Learning Process

Kemmis, Stephen, "Seven Principles for Program Evaluation in Curriculum Development and Innovation," pp. 478-494 in James R. Gress, ed., Curriculum: An Introduction to the Field . Berkeley, CA: McCutchan, 1988., Stephen Kemmis

Annotation: Discusses reasonableness, responsibility, community self-interest, plurality of perspectives, self-critical community, propriety, and appropriateness.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Evaluation
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Evaluative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Program Audit/Evaluation

Giroux, Henry A., and Peter McLaren, "Reproducing Reproduction: The Politics of Tracking,'' pp. 186-195 in Henry A. Giroux, ed., Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning . Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux and Peter McLaren

Annotation: Discusses Oakes studies of tracking and their lack of political problematization.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry, Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Differentiation, Curriculum and Politics

Freedman, Sara E., "Teaching, Gender, and Curriculum," pp. 204-218 in Landon E. Beyer and Michael W. Apple, eds., The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities . Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1988. Also pp. 230-244 in the Second Edition, 1998., Sara E. Freedman

Annotation: Discusses curriculum developed within the classroom rather than based on outside knowledge; examines arguments for using the teacher's personal knowledge.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Development Strategies, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Teacher Knowledge

Giroux, Henry A., "Writing and Critical Thinking in the Social Studies," pp. 54-73 in his Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning . Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Discusses the implications of critical pedagogy on the social studies.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Social Studies, English, Critical Thinking

Smith, David G., "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns: Facing Pedagogy in the Nuclear Shadow," pp. 275-285 in Terrance R. Carson, ed., Toward a Renaissance of Humanity . Edmonton: Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, 1988., David G. Smith

Annotation: Gives an explanation of hermeneutics applied to the teaching-learning process.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Hermeneutic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Teaching/Learning Process, Knowledge Generation

Goodlad, John I., "What Some Schools and Classrooms Teach," Educational Leadership, 40(April, 1983), 8-19. Reprinted pp. 337-356 in James R. Gress, ed., Curriculum: An Introduction to the Field, 2nd ed. Berkeley, CA: McCutchan, 1988., John I. Goodlad

Annotation: Reports a study of what schools teach in various subject areas; assesses the findings critically.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Survey
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization

Steedman, Philip H., "Curriculum and Knowledge Selection," pp. 119-139 in Landon E. Beyer and Michael W. Apple, eds., The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1988., Philip H. Steedman

Annotation: Outlines and critiques traditional conceptualization of the relation between curriculum and knowledge; also examines several alternatives from the new sociology that are competing to replace this view.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Curriculum and the Disciplines, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Shavelson, Richard J., "Contributions of Educational Research to Policy and Practice: Constructing, Challenging, Changing Cognition," Educational Researcher, 17(October, 1988), 4-11; 22.*, Richard J. Shavelson

Annotation: Presents purposes and procedures for deriving research knowledge from practice if it is to inform policy and practice.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Relation of Curriculum Research to Practice, Curriculum Research Domains and Structure
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Knowledge Utilization, Psychology and Curriculum

Giroux, Henry A., and Roger Simon, "Popular Culture and Critical Pedagogy: Everyday Life as a Basis for Curriculum Knowledge," Boston University Journal of Education, 170(No. 1, 1988). Reprinted pp. 236-252 in Henry A. Giroux and Peter McLaren, eds., Critical Pedagogy, the State, and Cultural Struggle. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1989., Henry A. Giroux and Roger Simon

Annotation: Proposes to critique popular culture as the material of the curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Proposals in Coherent Form
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Normative Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Conceptions of Teaching

Broudy, Harry S., "Aesthetics and the Curriculum," pp. 332-342 in William F. Pinar, ed., Contemporary Curriculum Discourses . Scottsdale, AZ: Gorsuch Scarisbrick, 1988., Harry S. Broudy

Annotation: Makes the case for aesthetics in the curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Theorists, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Aesthetics and Curriculum, Art Education, Content Selection and Organization

Purpel, David E., and Kevin Ryan, "It Comes with the Territory: The Inevitability of Moral Education in the Schools," pp. 357-365 in James R. Gress, ed., Curriculum: An Introduction to the Field. Berkeley, CA: McCutchan, 1988., David E. Purpel and Kevin Ryan

Annotation: Argues for making moral education visible in the curriculum, in the hidden curriculum, and in the school culture.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Normative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Hidden Curriculum, Character Education, Values in the Classroom, Content Selection and Organization

Posner, George J., "Models of Curriculum Planning," pp. 77-97 in Landon E. Beyer and Michael W. Apple, eds., The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities . Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1988. Also pp. 79-100 in their Second Edition, 1998.*, George J. Posner

Annotation: Discusses two perspectives on curriculum planning (technical production and critical) and distinguishes procedural, descriptive, conceptual, and ideological questions related to them.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design,Curriculum Decision-making Processes,Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis,Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Egan, Kieran, "Metaphor in Collison: Objectives, Assembly Lines, and Stories," Curriculum Inquiry, 18(Spring, 1988), 63-86., Kieran Egan

Annotation: Shows the theoretical and practical differences between objective - based procedures (assembly-line metaphors) in educational practice and those using story forms of metaphors.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories,Curriculum Development, Organization, Design,Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Aims and Objectives

Sherman, Robert R., and Rodman B. Webb, eds., Qualitative Research in Education: Focus and Methods. Philadelphia: Falmer, 1988., Robert R. Sherman and Rodman B. Webb

Annotation: Describes twelve types of methods of research written by specialists in each type.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry, Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Qualitative Research, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Cherryholmes, Cleo H., Power and Criticism: Post-Structural Investigations in Education . New York: Teachers College Press, 1988., Cleo H. Cherryholmes

Annotation: Introduces Habermas, Foucalt, and Derrida to currriculum researchers; a critical pragmatics of curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Connelly, F. Michael , Robert K. Crocker, and Heidi Kass, "National Curriculum Research: Problems in the Methamethodology of Studies Concerned with State Policy and Local Variation," Comparative Education Review, 32(November, 1988), 430-451., F. Michael Connelly, Robert K. Crocker, and Heidi Kass

Annotation: Identifies problems with policy research in curriculum in various countries.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Research Domains and Structure, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry, Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparative Curriculum, Government Role in Educational Research & Development

Kimpston, Richard D., and Karen B. Rogers, "Predispostions, Participatory Roles, and Perceptions of Teachers, Principals, and Community Members in a Collaborative Curriculum Planning Process," Journal of Curriculum Studies, 20(July-August, 1988), 351-367., Richard D. Kimpston and Karen B. Rogers

Annotation: Reports a study of various participants in curriculum planning and their perceptions of the process.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Decision-making Processes
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Survey
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Development Strategies, Curriculum Deliberation, Teacher Planning

Quantz, Richard A., and Terence W. O'Connor, "Writing Critical Ethnography: Dialogue, Multivoicedness and Carnival in Cultural Texts," Educational Theory, 38 (Winter, 1988), 95-109., Richard A. Quantz and Terence W. O'Connor

Annotation: Discusses issues related to doing critical ethnography drawing on work of Bakhtin.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Mathison, Sandra, "Why Triangulate?" Educational Researcher, 17(March, 1988), 13-17.*, Sandra Mathison

Annotation: Discusses methods and purposes of scientific data triangulation as a basis for constructing plausible explanations.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Sirotnik, Kenneth A., "What Goes on in Classrooms? Is This the Way We Want It?" pp. 56-70 in Landon E. Beyer and Michael W. Apple, eds., The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities . Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1988., Kenneth A. Sirotnik

Annotation: Reports evidence from Goodlad's Study of Schooling and asks whether this is what we want; makes a plea for critical inquiry in schools.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Aims and Objectives

Abramir, Philip C., Peter A. Cohen, and Sylvia d'Apollonia, "Implementation Problems in Meta-Analysis," Review of Educational Research, 58(Summer, 1988), 151-179., Philip C. Abramir, Peter A. Cohen, and Sylvia d'Apollonia

Annotation: Identifies and explores the resolution of problems faced in doing meta-analyses of quantitative reviews of research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry, Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Jickling, Bob, "Paradigms in Curriculum Development: Critical Comments on the Work of Tanner and Tanner," Interchange, 19(Summer 1988), 41-49.*, Bob Jickling

Annotation: Challenges the view of Tanner and Tanner (1980) that the Tyler Rationale should be considered a paradigm for curriculum development.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Classics of Curriculum Literature

Schubert, William H., and Georgiana Zissis, "Speculation on Curriculum from the Perspective of William James," Educational Theory, 38(Fall, 1988), 441-455., William H. Schubert and Georgiana Zissis

Annotation: Draws implications from the thought of William James for curriulum theory, practice, and research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories,Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Normative Inquiry,Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses

Kohlberg, Lawrence, and Rochelle Mayer, "Development as the Aim of Education," pp. 101-128 in James R. Gress, ed., Curriculum: An Introduction to the Field. Berkeley, CA: McCutchan, 1988., Lawrence Kohlberg and Rochelle Mayer

Annotation: Describes the psychological, epistemological, and ethical theories underlying eduational ideologies; indicates three strategies for defining educational objectives.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Normative Inquiry,Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Curriculum Development Strategies

McLaren, Peter, "Critical Theory and the Meaning of Hope," pp. ix-xxi in Henry A. Giroux, ed., Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning. Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988.*, Peter McLaren

Annotation: Gives an overview of Giroux's previous books as well as this one.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Gershman, Kathleen, "To and Fro: Education for the Art of Life," Process Studies, l7 (Winter, l988), 215-226., Kathleen Gershman

Annotation: Discusses the role of Whitehead's process philosophy of education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Visions and Philosophies, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Proposals in Coherent Form
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Freedman, Kerry, and Thomas S. Popkewitz, "Art Education and Social Interests in the Development of American Schooling: Ideological Origins of Curriculum Theory," Journal of Curriculum Studies, 20(September-October, 1988), 387-405., Kerry Freedman and Thomas S. Popkewitz

Annotation: Presents a history of art education from 1870-1900 and its ideological origins; shows antecedents of current curriculum thought.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Art Education, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Curriculum History, Curriculum Differentiation

Tanner, Daniel, and Laurel N. Tanner, "The Emergence of a Paradigm in the Curriculum Field: A Reply to Jickling," Interchange, 19(Summer, 1988), 50-58.*, Daniel Tanner and Laurel N. Tanner

Annotation: Responds to criticism by Jickling (1988) of the author's views (1980) on a curriculum development paradigm.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Classics of Curriculum Literature, Curriculum History

Willis, George, "Curriculum Evaluation, Qualitative," pp.209-212 in Torsten Husen and Thomas N. Postlethwaite, eds., International Encyclopedia of Education, Supplement Volume One. New York: Pergamon, 1988., George Willis

Annotation: Describes the origins, procedures, and aims of qualitative forms of curriculum evaluation.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Evaluation, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry, Evaluative Inquiry
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Qualitative Research

Atkins, Elaine S., "The Relationship of Metatheoretical Principles in the Philosophy of Science to Metatheoretical Explorations in Curriculum," Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 8(Winter, 1988), 69-85.*, Elaine S. Atkins

Annotation: Examines research paradigms based on realist, relativist, and hermeneutic traditions as they relate to their potential use in curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Hermeneutic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Ben-Peretz, Miriam, "Curriculum Inquiry: Commonplace Topics," pp. 227-229 in Torsten Husen and Thomas N. Postlethwaite, eds., International Encyclopedia of Education, Supplement Volume One. New York: Pergamon, 1988., Miriam Ben-Peretz

Annotation: Discusses Schwab's notion of "commonplaces" and their role and relationships in curriculum deliberation.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Decision-making Processes, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Research Domains and Structure
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry, Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Deliberation

Giroux, Henry A., "Crisis and Possibilities in Public Education," pp. 177-185 in Henry A. Giroux, ed., Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning . Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Describes neoconservative discourse in eductaion and the need to employ critical pedagogy to overcome it.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Criticism of Schooling, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Atkins, Elaine, "Reframing Curriculum Theory in Terms of Interpretation and Practice, A Hermeneutical Approach," Journal of Curriculum Studies, 20 (September-October, 1988), 437-448., Elaine Atkins

Annotation: Discusses the hermeneutical approach to curriculum theory.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Hermeneutic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses

Baller, E., "Curriculum History: Hungary," pp. 216-218 in Torsten Husen and Thomas N. Postlethwaite, eds., International Encyclopedia of Education. Supplement Volume One. New York: Pergaman, 1988., E. Baller

Annotation: Traces very briefly the history of curricula in Hungary from 1000 A.D. to recent times.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparative Curriculum, Curriculum History

Kliebard, Herbert M., "Success and Failure in Educational Reform: Are There Historical Lessons?" Peabody Journal of Education, 65(Winter, 1988). Reprinted pp. 97-112 in Herbert M. Kliebard, Forging American Curriculum: Essays in Curriculum History and Theory. New York: Routledge, 1992. Also reprinted with editorial modifications, pp. 126-137 in Herbert M. Kliebard, Changing Course: American Curriculum Reform in the 20th Century. New York: Teachers College Press, 2002., Herbert M. Kliebard

Annotation: Examines three kinds of educational reform efforts and highlights what can be learned from these historical examples.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History

Bloom, Benjamin S., "Ralph Tyler and the University of Chicago Examination System," Teaching Education, 2(Spring, 1988), 47-58., Benjamin S. Bloom

Annotation: Describes Tyler's role as College Examiner at the University of Chicago in developing the examination system.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Higher Education Curriculum, Student Assessment

Westbury, Ian, "How Should We Be Judging the American High School?" Journal of Curriculum Studies, 20(July-August, 1988), 291-315., Ian Westbury

Annotation: Discusses the types of secondary schools that might be created through educational reforms in light of evidence of past accomplishments of these traditions.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making,Curriculum Proposals in Coherent Form
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis
Type of Study: Survey
Narrow Topic: Secondary School Curriculum

Watkins, William H., and Y. Byo, "Curriculum History: Nigeria," pp. 218-220 in Torsten Husen and Thomas N. Postlethwaite, eds., International Encyclopedia of Education. Supplement Volume One. New York: Pergamon, 1988., William H. Watkins and Y. Byo

Annotation: Traces very briefly the history of curricula in Nigeria in pre-colonial, colonial, and post-independence periods.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Comparative Curriculum, Curriculum History

Popkewitz, Thomas S., "Knowledge, Power, and a General Curriculum," pp. 69-93 in Ian Westbury and Alan C. Purves, eds., Cultural Literacy and the Idea of General Education , Eighty-Seventh Yearbook of the NSSE, Part II. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988., Thomas S. Popkewitz

Annotation: Discusses power elements in subjects in the general education curriculum, including classroom inequities.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Ideology and School Knowledge, Liberal Education/General Education, School Subjects, Curriculum and Politics

Walker, H. M., "Curriculum and Instruction: Special Education," pp. 229-232 in Torsten Husen and Thomas N. Postlethwaite, eds., International Encyclopedia of Education. Supplement Volume One. New York: Pergamon, 1988., H. M. Walker

Annotation: Discusses the identification, teaching, and assessment of social skills to special education students; also suggests related needed research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Defining Curriculum Research Questions
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Exceptional Education, Content Selection and Organization

Tamir, Pinchas, "Long-Term Curriculum Evaluation," pp. 207-209 in Torsten Husen and Thomas N. Postlethwaite, eds., International Encyclopedia of Education. Supplement Volume One. New York: Pergamon, 1988., Pinchas Tamir

Annotation: Describes the nature and limits of long-term retrospective evaluation and gives examples.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Evaluation
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Program Audit/Evaluation

Foshay, Arthur, W. "The Curriculum Matrix - Further Thoughts," Thresholds in Education, 14(August, 1988), 8-10.*, Arthur W. Foshay

Annotation: Modifies his earlier (1987) essay on the curriculum matrix.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Definitions, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Research Domains and Structure
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses

Burns, Gerald T., "Tradition and Revolution in the American Secondary Curriculum: The Cambridge High School Case," Journal of Curriculum Studies, 20(March-April, 1988), 99-118., Gerald T. Burns

Annotation: Documents a change in a Massachusetts high school form 1849-1886.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Case Study
Narrow Topic: Secondary School Curriculum, Curriculum History

Lamm, Zvi, "The Status of Knowledge in the Radical Concept of Education," pp. 149-168 in James R. Gress, ed., Curriculum: An Introduction to the Field . Berkeley, CA: McCutchan, 1988., Zvi Lamm

Annotation: Identifies norms associated with the radical approach to education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Normative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Apple, Michael W., "Teaching and Technology: The Hidden Effects of Computers on Teachers and Students," pp. 289-311 in Landon E. Beyer and Michael W. Apple, eds., The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1988. Also pp. 314-336 in 2nd ed., 1998., Michael W. Apple

Annotation: Discusses politics of technology, economic realities, and resulting inequalities.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Media and Computers in Curriculum Development

Giroux, Henry A., "Mass Culture and the Rise of the New Illiteracy: Implications for Reading," pp. 74-85 in Henry A. Giroux, ed, Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning . Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Treats the new illiteracy that results from mass culture and proposes changes in the reading curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Reading

Phillips, D. C., "Confounding the Grim Reaper: An Evaluation of Some Criticisms of Educational and Social Science Research," Canadian Journal of Education, 13(Winter, 1988), 14-28.*, D. C. Phillips

Annotation: Discusses issues related to the use of hermeneutic interpretation in educational and social science research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Hermeneutic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Common, Dianne L., and Kieran Egan, "The Missing Soul of Modes of Curriculum Implementation-Educational Theory," Curriculum Perspectives, 8(May, 1988), 1-10.*, Dianne L. Common and Kieran Egan

Annotation: Treats a non-technological conception of curriculum implementation.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis, Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Implementation

Murphy, Joseph, "Equity as Student Opportunity to Learn," Theory Into Practice, 27(Spring, 1988), 145-151.*, Joseph Murphy

Annotation: Reviews studies of equity in curriculum enactment.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Differentiation

Giroux, Henry A., "Critical Pedagogy, Cultural Politics, and the Discourse of Experience," pp. 86-107 in Henry A. Giroux, ed., Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning . Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Contrasts the discourse of management and control with the discourse of relevance and with the discourse of cultural politics.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Curriculum and Politics, Teaching/Learning Process

Giroux, Henry A., "Culture, Power and Transformation in the Work of Paulo Freire: Toward a Politics of Education," pp. 108-120, in Henry A. Giroux, ed., Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning . Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Reviews Freire's work in relation to critique of culture, power, and the theory-practice relationship.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Theorists, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics

Marsh, David D., and Judith M. Glassick, "Knowledge Utilization in Evaluation Efforts," Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization, 9(March, 1988), 323-341., David D. Marsh and Judith M. Glassick

Annotation: Gives reports of studies on the use of evaluation results in curriculum decision-making.

Broad Topical Focus: Critique and Utilization of Curriculum Research and Inquiry, Curriculum Decision-making Processes
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry, Evaluative Inquiry
Type of Study: Survey
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Utilization

Silberstein, Moshe, "Curriculum Studies: Teacher Education Programs," pp. 232-235 in Torsten Husen and Thomas N. Postlethwaite, eds., International Encyclopedia of Education. Supplement Volume One. New York: Pergamon, 1988., Moshe Silberstein

Annotation: Treats the problem of integrating curriculum knowledge and skills into teacher education curriculum; cites both generic and particular models.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Programs of Study in Curriculum and Instruction, Teacher Education

Krall, Florence R., "From the Inside Out--Personal History as Educational Research," Educational Theory, 38(Fall, 1988), 467-479.*, Florence R. Krall

Annotation: Describes the use of personal history as a means of portraying one's interior world; suggests five movements in writing personal history.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Research Domains and Structure
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Narrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Beyer, Landon E., "Curriculum Deliberation," pp. 199-201 in Torsten Husen and Thomas N. Postlethwaite, eds., International Encyclopedia of Education, Supplement Volume 1. New York: Pergamon Press, 1988.*, Landon E. Beyer

Annotation: A review of ethical, political, aesthetic issues on which deliberation is required in curriculum development and policy-making.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Normative Inquiry
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Deliberation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Sabar, Naama, "Curriculum Development, School Based," pp. 201-205 in Torsten Husen and Thomas N. Postlethwaite, eds., International Encyclopedia of Education, Supplement Volume One. New York: Pergamon, 1988., Naama Sabar

Annotation: Discusses the school-based curriculum development strategy and the variables involved along with its advantages and disadvantages.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Development Strategies

Shapiro, H. Svi, "Beyond the Sociology of Education: Culture, Politics, and the Promise of Educational Change," Educational Theory, 38(Fall, 1988), 415-430., H. Svi Shapiro

Annotation: Reviews the literature on the new sociology of education and radical educational theory and poses an agenda for political support for educational change.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Curriculum and Politics

McNiff, Joan. Action Research: Principles and Practice. London: Macmillan Education, 1988., Joan McNiff

Annotation: Describes the process and history of action research by teachers; gives case reports; provides practical guidance and questions/answers about action research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Action Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Teacher Research, Curriculum History

Ryan, Alan G., "Program Evaluation within the Paradigms," Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization, 10(September, 1988), 25-47.*, Alan G. Ryan

Annotation: Analyzes systematically the differences between the empirical-analytic, the interpretive, and the critical-theoretical paradigms of program evaluation research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Evaluation,Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis,Evaluative Inquiry,Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Butt, Richard, Danielle Raymond, and Lloyd Yamagishi, "Autobiographic Praxis: Studying the Formation of Teachers' Knowledge," Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 7(Winter, 1988), 89-164., Richard Butt, Danielle Raymond, and Lloyd Yamagishi

Annotation: Describes assumptions behind an approach to authobiography with examples from teachers; gives an extensive treatment.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching,Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines,Curriculum Research Domains and Structure
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay,Phenomenological Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Teacher Knowledge

Westbury, Marilyn, "The Science and the Art of Teacher Effectiveness: An Examination of Two Research Traditions," Canadian Journal of Education, 13(No. 1, 1988), 138-161., Marilyn Westbury

Annotation: Presents a critique process-process research and ethnographic research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines,Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism,Ethnographic Inquiry,Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Teacher Evaluation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Kliebard, Herbert M., "The Effort to Reconstruct the Modern Curriculum," pp. 19-31 in Landon E. Beyer and Michael W. Apple, eds., The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1988. Also appears in 1998 second edition., Herbert M. Kliebard

Annotation: Explains how the curriculum at any given time reflects competing doctrines and practices.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Sanders, James R., "Curriculum Evaluation Research," pp. 212-213 in Torsten Husen and Thomas N. Postlethwaite, eds., International Encyclopedia of Education. Supplement Volume One. New York: Pergamon, 1988., James R. Sanders

Annotation: Notes questions evaluation research should address, methods for doing such research, how reports can be tailored to various audiences, and needed research on the use of evaluation research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Evaluation, Defining Curriculum Research Questions, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Critique and Utilization of Curriculum Research and Inquiry
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry, Evaluative Inquiry
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Kirk, David, "Ideology and School-Centered Innovation: A Case Study and a Critique," Journal of Curriculum Studies, 20(September-October, 1988), 449-464., David Kirk

Annotation: Describes teachers' innovative actions in an Australian school.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Case Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Comparative Curriculum, Teacher Planning

Fetterman, David M., "Qualitative Approaches to Evaluating Education," Educational Researcher, 17(November, 1988), 17-23.*, David M. Fetterman

Annotation: Describes steps in conducting qualitative evaluation in education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Evaluative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Qualitative Research

Schubert, William H., Ann Lynn Lopez Schubert, Leslie Herzog, George Posner, and Craig Kridel, "A Genealogy of Curriculum Researchers," Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 8(Spring, 1988), 137-183., William H. Schubert, Ann Lynn Schubert, Leslie Herzog, George Posner, and Craig Kridel

Annotation: Shows doctoral advisors and students for an array of curriculum scholars and researchers.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Theorists, Curriculum as a Field of Practice and Study
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Survey
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Professors, Programs of Study in Curriculum and Instruction

Cherryholmes, Cleo H., "An Exploration of Meaning and the Dialogue between Textbooks and Teaching," Journal of Curriculum Studies, 20(January-February, 1988), 1-21., Cleo H. Cherryholmes

Annotation: Explores this topic through discourses from language theory and critical philosophy.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Aesthetic Inquiry and Curriculum Criticism, Hermeneutic Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Textbooks, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Young, Jean, "Teacher Participation in Curiculum Development: What Status Does it Have?" Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 3(Winter, 1988), 109-121., Jean Young

Annotation: Reports a study of the extent of teacher participation in curriculum development.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Decision-making Processes
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Survey
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Deliberation

Teitelbaum, Kenneth N., "Contestation and Curriculum: The Efforts of American Socialists, 1900-1920," pp. 32-55 in Landon E. Beyer and Michael W. Apple, eds., The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1988., Kenneth N. Teitelbaum

Annotation: Describes the socialist schools of this period and their curricula.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Visions and Philosophies, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Religious & Private Schooling

Giroux, Henry A., and Peter McLaren, "Teacher Education and the Politics of Democratic Reform," pp. 158-176 in Henry A. Giroux, ed., Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning . Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux and Peter McLaren

Annotation: Argues that teacher education institutions need to be reconceived as public spheres engaging in social and political debate; pleads for citizenship education in teacher education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Curriculum and Politics, Teacher Education, Citizenship Education

Beyer, Landon E., "Art and Society: Toward New Directions in Aesthetic Education," pp. 380-399 in William F. Pinar, ed., Contemporary Curriculum Discourses . Scottsdale, AZ: Gorsuch Scarisbrick, 1988., Landon E. Beyer

Annotation: Reviews classical and Marxist notions of art and art education; suggests six changes that must occur if art education is to be appropriately placed in the curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making,Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Normative Inquiry,Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Art Education, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Wood, Patricia, "Action Research: A Field Perspective," Journal of Education for Teaching, 14(No. 2, 1988), 135-150.*, Patricia Wood

Annotation: Reports and evaluates the processes involved in a Wisconsin classroom action research project designed to promote cooperation.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Action Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Classroom Observation & Research

English, Fenwick W., "Toward a Contextually Grounded Curriculum," pp 1-12 in Daniel Tanner and J. W. Keefe, eds., Improving the Curriculum: The Principal's Challenge . Reston, VA: NASSP, 1988.*, Fenwick W. English

Annotation: Outlines management, design, and delivery of curriculum quality of nine types.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Administration, Leadership, Finance, Curriculum Evaluation, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Supervision of Instruction

Firestone, William A., and H. Dickson Corbett, "Planned Organizational Change," pp. 321-340 in Norman J. Boyan, ed., Handbook of Research on Educational Administration. New York: Longman, 1988., William A. Firestone and H. Dickson Corbett

Annotation: Reviews research related to organizational change in the 1970s and 1980s.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Organization Theory

Giroux, Henry A., Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning . South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Contains 14 essays by the author, most of which previously appeared elsewhere.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics

Gay, Geneva, "Designing Relelvant Curricula for Diverse Learners," Education and Urban Society, 20(August, 1988), 327-340.*, Geneva Gay

Annotation: Presents an approach to a multicultural curriculum design.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Evaluation, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Multicultural Education

Harris, Wendall V., Interpretive Acts: In Search of Meaning . Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1988., Wendall V. Harris

Annotation: Explores speech acts with discourse analysis and hermeneutic interpretation.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Hermeneutic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Discourse Analysis

Pinar, William F., "The Reconceptualization of Curriculum Studies, 1987: A Personal Retrospective," Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 3(Winter, 1988), 157-167. A slightly expanded version of this article appears pp. 1-13 in William F. Pinar, ed., Contemporary Curriculum Discourses. Scottsdale, AZ: Gorsuch Scarisbrick, 1988, and pp.483-497 in William F. Pinar, ed., Contemporary Curriculum Discourses: Twenty Years of JCT. New York: Peter Lang, 1999., William F. Pinar

Annotation: Reviews the period of radical change in the curriculum field (1957-1987) and the work of the contributors to it.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum as a Field of Practice and Study, Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Status Study
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Beyer, Landon E., "Schooling for the Culture of Democracy," pp. 219-238 in Landon E. Beyer and Michael W. Apple, eds., The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities . Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1988., Landon E. Beyer

Annotation: Examines the role of schools in a democracy, moral discourse, and changing views of democracy; discusses ways critical inquiry in curriculum has dominated the study of various inequalities in schools.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Democratic Education, Curriculum as Experience

Schubert, William H., and Ann Lynn Schubert, "Curriculum Inquiry: Alternative Paradigms," pp. 222-227 in Torsten Husen and Thomas N. Postlethwaite, eds. International Encyclopedia of Education, Supplement Volume One. New York: Pergamon, 1988., William H. Schubert and Ann Lynn Schubert

Annotation: Describes and traces the rise of various inquiry paradigms in curriculum research, including the empirical-analytic, the hermenuetic, the critical, and the substantive

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Research Synthesis
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Selden, Steven, "Resistance in School and Society: Public and Pedagogical Debates about Eugenics, 1900-1947," Teachers College Record, 90(Fall, 1988), 61-84., Steven Selden

Annotation: Describes the work of Jennings, Dewey, Bagley, and Lippmann in resisting the push in education to embrace eugenics.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Ideology and School Knowledge, Exceptional Education

Jacob, Evelyn, "Clarifying Qualitative Research: A Focus on Traditions," Educational Researcher, 17(January-February, 1988), 16-24.*, Evelyn Jacob

Annotation: Compares six traditions of qualitative research on five methodological dimensions.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Qualitative Research, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Giroux, Henry A., David Shumway, Paul Smith, and James Sosnoski, "The Need for Cultural Studies," pp. 143-157 in Henry A. Giroux, ed., Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning . Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux, David Shumway, Paul Smith, and James Sosnoski

Annotation: Argues that cultural studies are needed to engage critically social and political issues rooted in instrumental rationality.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Social Studies, Content Selection and Organization, Curriculum and Politics

Kaplan, Andrew, "GALILEO: An Experiment in Interdisciplinary Education," Curriculum Inquiry, 18(Fall, 1988), 255-287., Andrew Kaplan

Annotation: Describes the design and implementation of a ninth grade course at Francis W. Parker School in Chicago in 1974.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Curriculum Integration, Curriculum and the Disciplines

Morrison, Keith, "Planning for Skills Progression and Assessment in Primary Schools," Curriculum, 9(Autumn, 1988), 74-83.*, Keith Morrison

Annotation: Gives a series of skill levels that can be used to select, organize, and assess a skills-based curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design,Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Elementary School Curriculum, Evaluation of Instruction, Content Selection and Organization

Apple, Michael W., "Social Crisis and Curriculum Accords," Educational Theory, 38(Spring, 1988), 191-201.*, Michael W. Apple

Annotation: Defines the political contexts within which curriculum compromises are made.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Ideology and School Knowledge, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Atkinson, Paul, Sara Delamont, and Martyn Hammersley, "Qualitative Research Traditions: A British Response to Jacob," Review of Educational Research, 58 (Summer, 1988), 231-250., Paul Atkinson, Sara Delamont, and Martyn Hammersley

Annotation: Discusses qualitative research in Britain.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparative Curriculum, Qualitative Research

Whitson, James A., "The Politics of 'Non-Political' Curriculum: Heteroglossia and the Discourse of 'Choice' and 'Effectiveness'," pp. 279-330 in William F. Pinar, ed., Contemporary Curriculum Discourses. Scottsdale, AZ: Gorsuch Scarisbrick, 1988.*, James A. Whitson

Annotation: Examines censorship, choice, and school effectiveness from analytic, critical, and legal perspectives.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Decision-making Processes, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research, Curriculum Evaluation
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Local Control of Schooling, Freedom/Authority and Curriculum, Discourse Analysis, Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Content Selection and Organization, Hidden Curriculum

Giroux, Henry A., "Solidarity, Ethics, and Possibility in Critical Education," pp. 204-221 in his Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning. Granby, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Critiques books by Eagleton and by Welch and notes their contributions to the discourse on ethics and hope for educational theory and practice.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Ethical Issues in Curriculum, Curriculum and Politics

Broudy, Harry S., The Uses of Schooling. New York: Routledge, 1988., Harry S. Broudy

Annotation: Describes four uses of schooling: replicative, applicative, associative, and interpretive; urges curriculum be designed with these uses in mind.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Curriculum and the Disciplines, Classics of Curriculum Literature, Curriculum Frameworks, Liberal Education/General Education, Specialization vs General Education, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Wood, George H., "Democracy and the Curriculum," pp. 166-187 in Landon E. Beyer and Michael W. Apple, eds., The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possiblilites . Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1988., George H. Wood

Annotation: Sets forth the ideal of a curriculum for democratic empowerment; discusses several dimensions thereof.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum as Experience, Democratic Education, Curriculum Aims and Objectives

Gordon, David, "Education as Text: The Varieties of Educational Hiddeness," Curriculum Inquiry, 18(Winter, 1988), 425-449., David Gordon

Annotation: Explores the hidden meaning in texts, drawing on Ricoeur and Geertz.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Hermeneutic Inquiry, Normative Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Hidden Curriculum

McNeil, Linda M., "Contradictions of Control, Part 3: Contradictions of Reform," Phi Delta Kappan, 69(March, 1988), 478-485., Linda M. McNeil

Annotation: Shows how in two cases of top-down reform they lead to inauthentic curriculum and mechanical teaching processes and to results that contradict the intentions of the reforms.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Core Mandates, Local Control of Schooling

Small, Jan L., and Jean H. Young, "Teachers' Motivations for Participating in Curriculum Development Committees," The Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 34(March, 1988), 42-50.*, Jan L. Small and Jean H. Young

Annotation: A study of the relative importance of six factors in teachers' participation in curriculum development committees.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Decision-making Processes
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Survey
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Development Strategies

Whitson, James Anthony, "The Politics of 'Non-Political' Curriculum: Heteroglossia and the Discourse of 'Choice' and 'Effectiveness'," pp. 279-330 in William F. Pinar, ed., Contemporary Curriculum Discourses. Scottsdale, AZ: Gorsuch Scarisbrick, l988., James Anthony Whitson

Annotation: Critiques the political use of educational choice and educational effectiveness by the political right; places this critique within antipositivist perspective of Freire, Bakhtin, and others.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Goodson, Ivor F., The Making of Curriculum: Collected Essays . Philadelphia: Falmer, 1988. (2nd ed., 1995), Ivor F. Goodson

Annotation: Contains essays covering case studies of state schooling in England between 1965-1980; the second edition has a new concluding chapter.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Comparative Curriculum

Cherryholmes, Cleo H., "Poststructuralism, Pragmatism, and Curriculum," pp. 130-149 in his Power and Criticism: Poststructural Investigations in Education . New York: Teachers College Press, 1988.*, Cleo H. Cherryholmes

Annotation: A poststructural analysis of the structure-of-disciplines curriculum with an exposition of critical pragmatism.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Definitions, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Single Study
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Curriculum and the Disciplines, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes