Content Posted in 2016
Discrimination Of Automobile Carpet Fibers Using Multiple Analytical Techniques And The Subsequent Creation Of A Searchable Data, Derek Dorrien
Discrimination Of Forensic Trace Evidence Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Candice Bridge
Discriminative Dictionary Learning With Spatial Constraints, Muhammad Nazar Khan
Discussion On Effective Restoration Of Oral Speech Using Voice Conversion Techniques Based On Gaussian Mixture Modeling, Gustavo Alverio
Dishwashing Water Recycling System and Related Water Quality Standards for Military Use, Jared Church
Disney 1, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Disney 2, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Disney 3, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Disney's Wide World of Sports, Richard C. Crepeau
Dispersal Behavior Of Mosquitofish (gambusia Holbrooki), Shireen Alemadi
Dispersal, Gene Flow, and Adaptive Evolution During Invasion: Testing Range-Limit Theory with the Asian Tiger Mosquito, Kimberly Medley
Dispersion Compensation Using Digital Infinite Impulse Response Filtering, Guifang Li and Gilad Goldfarb
Dispersion-managed Breathing-mode Semiconductor Mode-locked Ring Laser, Bojan Resan
Display Device, Shin-Tson Wu, Yu-Pei Chang, Meizi Jiao, Yan Li, Chen-Chu Tsai, and Ming-Huan Yang
Display Format Development Station, Paul A. Valentine
Display to Camera Calibration Techniques, Philip Gatt
Dissipative Solitons In The Cubic-quintic Complex Ginzburg-landau Equation:bifurcations And Spatiotemporal Structure, Ciprian Mancas
Distance, Jonathan Evans Kosik
Distance education : the introduction to college chemistry course, Lisa A. Rice
Distributed Extremum Seeking And Cooperative Control For Mobile Cooperative Communication Systems, Said Alabri
Distributed Simulation Systems, Umesh Gupta
Distributed Team Training: Effective Team Feedback, Kevin Oden
Distributed temperature sensors based on modified-cladding optical-fibers, Young Ho Kim
Distribution of Laser Induced Heating in Multi-Component Chalcogenide Glass and its Associated Effects, Laura Sisken
Distribution of Lead and Zinc in Groundwater Around an Exfiltration Pipe Including a Study of Specific Conductance, Donna M. Schiffer
Distributive Network Time Synchronization (DNTS): A Simulation Model for Computer Networks, Susan Jean Migliore
Disturbance-based Management And Plant Species Change In Massachusetts Sandplain Heathlands Over The Past Two Decades, Kirsten Martin
Diverse 3rd Grade Non-school Activity Participation Associations With Social Competence And Reading Performance, Robert H. Mahone
Diversity & Inclusion Fall Update
Divided Government And Congressional Foreign Policy A Case Study Of The Post-world War Ii Era In American Government, David Eric Feinman
Divining The Divine: Pop Mythology And Its Worth, James Hall
Division on Campus Over Athletics, Richard C. Crepeau
Dmarc: A Framework For The Integration Of Dmaic And Dmadv, Abhishek Vootukuru
Do Changes In Muscle Architecture Effect Post- Activation Potentiation, Danielle Reardon
Doc Terry Dancing, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Dod Acquisition Workforce Education: An Sba Education Case Study, Richard Davenport
Does Choice Matter? The Impact Of Allowing Proteges To Select Their Own Mentors, Dana Kendall
Does Chronic Stress Accelerate Late-aging Cognitive Decline In Memory And Executive Functioning?, Diane Robinson
Does Foreign Aid Promote Development? A Study Of The Effects Of Foreign Aid On Development In Sub-saharan Africa, Rachael J. Gray
Does Habitat Affect Clonal Demography? An Experiment With Polygonella Myriophylla In Roadside And Florida Scrub, Kristina Dianne Horn
Does Major League Baseball Look Like America?, Richard Lapchick
Does Nationality Affect Tourist Behavior?, Abraham Pizam and Silvia Sussman
Does Orlando Really Need a New Basketball Facility?, Richard C. Crepeau
Does Religiosity Deter Juvenile Delinquency?, Brittany N. Murray
Does Safety Culture Predict Clinical Outcomes?, Katherine Ann Wilson
Does Success For All Impact Reading Achievement Of Students With Learning Disabilities?, Stacey Smith-Davis
Does the mathematics anxiety level of K-3 elementary teachers relate to the mathematics achievement of their students?, Cassandra Zehntner Etgeton
Does the Tourism/Hospitality Industry Possess the Characteristics of a Knowledge-based Industry?, Abraham Pizam
Does Virtual Reality Elicit Physiological Arousal In Social Anxiety Disorder, Maryann Owens
Dog Ownership as a Catalyst of Conflict and Relationship Maintenance in Romantic Relationships, Ashley Elrick
Dogs In A Village, Karen Porter
Do Immigrant Students Consume Less Energy Than Native-born American Students?, Lei Lei
Do Investors Reward Restaurant Firms That Go Abroad?, Nan Hua and Arun Upneja
Dolores ibarruri and the spanish civil war 1936-1939, Zoraida Velez
Domestic Violence & No-Drop Policies: Doing More Harm Than Good?, Jolene Vincent
Don Shula's Career Highlights, Richard C. Crepeau
Don't be Afraid of Failure, Michael Bass
Don't be a Leader Who Turns Around to Look – and Nobody is Following, Todd Dagenais
Don't Just Blindly Follow All 'Green' Trends -- Do Your Research First, Michael Bass
Don’t Label Teens Dying in Our Streets – We Mourn Them All, Laurie Uttich
Don't Let Clutter of Extraneous Thoughts Get in Your Way, Traci Evison
Don't Let the World Rot: Anarchism, Hardcore Music, and Counterculture, Pearson Bolt
Do nurses achieve a greater level of job satisfaction when professional practice models of governance are in place at a large metropolitan medical center?, Barbara Buckley Palma
Do Olfactory Stimuli Increase Presence During Exposure Tasks: A Comparative Study, Benson Munyan
Doped palladium containing oxidation catalysts, Nahid Mohajeri
Doping in Sports: A Comparison of College Athletes' and Non-athletes' use of Amphetamines and Steroids, Karen L. Wedner
Dosing Accuracy When Administering Oral Medications, Chelsea Hughes
Double Duty: Processing and Exhibiting the Children's Home Society of Florida Collection as an Archivist and Public Historian, April Anderson-Zorn
Doubting Thomas: The Testaments, Ivan Riascos
Do We Need to Use (and Discard) So Many Plastic Bags Each Year?, Meg K. Scharf
Do we really need more 'stuff'?, Michael Bass
Do What You Love (and the Money Might Follow), Laurie Uttich
Down in the Mouth: Homelessness and Oral Health, Jessica Kleinberger
Downsizing MLB, Richard C. Crepeau
Do You Have A Friend?: The Impact Of Personal Knowledge Of Someone With Aids On Attitudes Towards Aids, Leith Leonce Lombas
Do You Know what They Don't Know?: How Students Conduct Research
Do You Know Your H-Index?, Buenaventura (Ven) Basco
Drag Characteristics of Objects in Two-phase Boiling Flows, Padmanabha R. Chappidi
Drama Has Issues: A Brief Retrospective on the American Theatre Critic in New York from 1925 to Present, Teresa M. Kilzi
Drama + Math = Dramath, Lucy Lynn Bryson
Dramatic Differences: The Power of Playbuilding for Young English Language Learners, Jamie Simpson-Steele and Daniel A. Kelin II
Dr. Croes and wife Suzette at Cocktail hour, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Dream Team II, Richard C. Crepeau
Dream Team - Importance of Competiton in sport, Richard C. Crepeau
Drinking Water Infrastructure Assessment with Teleconnection Signals, Satellite Data Fusion and Mining, Sanaz Imen
Drive-based Modeling And Visualization Of Crew Race Strategy And Performance, Jeffrey Cornett
Driver-gas Tailoring For Test-time Extension Using Unconventional Driver Mixtures, Anthony Amadio
Driving Performance Adaptation Through Practice With And Without Distracters In A Simulated Environment, Marc Gentzler
Driving Simulator Validation And Rear-end Crash Risk Analysis At A Signalised Intersection, Praveen Chilakapati
Droplet impact on liquid pools: secondary droplets formation from Rayleigh jet break-up and crown splash, Eduardo Castillo Orozco
Droplet Target Delivery Method for High Pulse Rate Laser Plasma Extreme UV Light Source, Henry Shields
Drops Of Light In The Dark, April Urban
Dr. Pizam 1, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Dr. Pizam 2, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Dr. Pizam 3, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Dr. Pizam 4, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Dr. Pizam 5, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Dr. Pizam and Sonia Nicholson dancing, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Dsp Implementation Of Dc Voltage Regulation Using Adaptive Control For 200 Kw 62000 Rpm Induction Generator, Othman Elkhomri
Dubious Role Of Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis In Pathogenesis Of Type I Diabetes, Saisathya Thanigachalam
Duplicated Laboratory Tests : A Hospital Audit And Evaluation Of A Computerized Alert Intervention, Sharon Bridges
Dwight Gooden, Richard C. Crepeau
Dynamical Formation of Protoplanetesimals, Akbar Whizin
Dynamical Invariants And The Fluid Impulse In Plasma Models, Martin Michalak
Dynamical spin injection in graphene, Simranjeet Singh
Dynamic analysis of a flexible multibody system using lagrangian-finite element method with symbolic formulation, Guru Prasad
Dynamic Base Analysis for the NSGS Induced Draft Fans by Single Degree-of-freedom Models, Alan L. Lumpkin
Dynamic Entrepreneurial Networks: An Investigation Of Entrepreneurs, New Ventures And Their Networks, Diane Sullivan
Dynamic Feedback Pulse Shaping For High Power Chirped Pulse Amplification System, Dat Nguyen
Dynamic Modeling of Autorotation for Simultaneous Lift and Wind Energy Extraction, Sadaf Mackertich
Dynamic Performance-Based Student Model for an Intelligent Simulation Training System, Jenifer M. Sargeant
Dynamic Reflectarray Technology for Electro-Optical Sensors, Glenn Boreman, Edit Braunstein, James Ginn, Thomas Haberfelde, Andrew Hawkins, David Shelton, and Gene Tener
Dynamic response of a water landing space module during impact upon water, John Richard Brooks
Dynamic Shared State Maintenance In Distributed Virtual Environments, Felix George Hamza-Lup
Dynamic Speed Monitoring System Effectiveness On Sharp Curves, Vasu Tavasna Persaud
Dynamic Systems Analysis of a Vehicle Suspension System, Bruce M. Skeldon
Dynamic Task Allocation In Mobile Robot Systems Using Utility Funtions, Scott Vander Weide
Early And Intermediate Hospital-to-home Transition Outcomes Of Older Adults Diagnosed With Diabetes, Jacqueline Lamanna
Early Intervention Systems: An Evaluative Review of Their History and Use, Matthew A. Ceriale
Early Parental Relationship s as a Predictor of the Daughter's Later Marital Adjustment, Naomi Kitner
Easing The Teasing The Effects Of Appearance-related Feedback On Body Image Disturbance, Eating Pathology, Body Change Behaviors, And Self-objectification, Elizabeth B. Schuster
Economic Design of Lot-By-Lot Acceptance Sampling by Attributes, Michael S. Wall
Economic Inequality and Democratic Representative Institutions Across Western Industrialized Democracies, Donald Plungis
Economic Valuation Of Florida Sea Turtles In Face Of Sea Level Rise, Ahmed Hamed
Eddie Robinson's Record and Greatness, Richard C. Crepeau
Eddie Scissons Syndrome, Richard C. Crepeau
Edge Contours, Donna J. Williams
Edge Direction Confidence Estimation for Improvement of Hough Accumulation, Eric J. Grajales
Editor Design in the Context of Control System Simulation, Leon Fadden
Editor's Note, Tapestry Staff
Editor's Note, Tapestry Staff
Editor's Note, Tapestry Staff
Editor's Note, Tapestry Staff
Editor's Note, Tapestry Staff
Editor's Note, Tapestry Staff
Editor's Note, Tapestry Staff
Editors' Note, Tapestry Staff
Editors' Note, Tapestry Staff
Editors' Note, Tapestry Staff
Educating Gifted Students With Asperger's Syndrome: A Case Study Of Three Students And Their Classroom Experiences, Beverly S. Horn
Educating the Next Generation of Hospitality Professionals, Abraham Pizam
Educational Handheld Video: Examining Shot Composition, Graphic Design, And Their Impact On Learning, Jason Hutchens
Educational Video Game Effects Upon Mathematics Achievement And Motivation Scores: An Experimental Study Examining Differences B, Wendi Kappers
Educational Vision In Florida School Districts: Vision Alignment And Leadership Style, Cindy Sikkenga
Education And Spiritual Internalization, Donavan Bowers
Effectiveness of colored pan traps in assessing apiformes diversity in two sandhill plant communities in central Florida, Phillip Joseph Russell
Effectiveness Of Probiotics In Preventing Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea And Clostridium Difficile In Long Term Care, Marva Edwards-Marshall
Effective School Characteristics And Student Achievement Correlates As, James Doran
Effective Task Transfer Through Indirect Encoding, Phillip Verbancsics
Effective Timing Of Feedback During Scenario Based Team Training Within A Simulated Environment, Randolph Astwood
Effect Of Acetic Or Citric Acid Ultrafiltration Recycle Streams On Coagulation Processes, Christopher C. Boyd
Effect Of Annealing On Copper Thin Films:the Classical Size Effect And Agglomeration, Parag Gadkari
Effect Of Composition, Morphology And Semiconducting Properties On The Efficiency Of Cuin1-xgaxse2-ysy Thin-film Solar Cells Pre, Sachin Kulkarni
Effect Of Coriolis And Centrifugal Forces On Turbulence And Transport At High Rotation And Buoyancy Numbers, Ahmad Khalaf Sleiti
Effect Of Germanium Doping On Erbium Sensitization In The Erbium Doped Silicon Rich Silica Material System, Forrest Ruhge
Effect Of Horizontal Piles On The Soil Bearing Capacity For Circular Footing Above Cavity, Rafael L. Arosemena
Effect Of Inner Scale Atmospheric Spectrum Models On Scintillation In All Optical Turbulence Regimes, Kenneth Mayer
Effect of Manufacturing Tolerances on the Number of Load Carrying Fasteners in a Joint Subjected to a Shear Load: A Statistical Approach, Larry John Borkowski
Effect Of Neutron Radiation On The Mechanical Properties Of B4c, Zichao Xia
Effect of Non-Ideal Sampling on the Discrete Fourier Transforms of an Object Function, Karen Marie MacDougall
Effect Of Operator Control Configuration On Unmanned Aerial System Trainability, John Neumann
Effect of particles on evaporation of droplet containing particles, Yan Wei
Effect of Phasing Sector Angular Extent in FM Reticles, Martin M. Meads
Effect of predation risk and food availability on parental care and nest survival in suburban and wildland Florida Scrub-Jays, Joseph M. Niederhauser
Effect Of Pressure Gradient And Wake On Endwall Film Cooling Effectiveness, Sylvette Rodriguez
Effect Of Repeated Function Allocation And Reliability On Automation Induced Monitoring Inefficiency, Lauriann Maria Jones
Effect Of Source Water Blending On Copper Release In Pipe Distribution System: Thermodynamic And Empirical Models, Weizhong Xiao
Effect of Visual Reminder on the TTR and MLU-W of Oral Hearing-Impaired Students During High/Scope Recall Sessions, Joan S. Kissel
Effects Of 3d Stereoscopy, Visuo-spatial Working Memory, And Perceptions Of Simulation Experience On The Memorization Of Confusable Objects, Joseph R. Keebler
Effects Of A Bonus On Quality Improvement For Pre-school Classroom Educators, Ilene E. Wilkins
Effects Of A Computer Game On Mathematics Achievement And Class Motivation: An Experimental Study, Mansureh Kebritchi
Effects Of Advance Organizers On Learning And Retention From A Fully Web-based Class, Baiyun Chen
Effects of Aerobic Fitness Training on Psychological Functioning, Dolores R. Gerscovich
Effects of a home administered sensory motor exercise program for the relief of symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction, Joanne Doerfel Turner
Effects Of Allotropic Transformations On Interdiffusion Behavior In Binary Systems, Ashley Elizabeth Ewh
Effects of a Mathematics Graphic Organizer and Virtual Video Modeling on the Word Problem Solving Abilities of Students with Disabilities, Lauren Delisio
Effects Of An Evidence-based Intervention On Stress And Coping Of Families Of Critically Ill Trauma Patients, Sandra Knapp
Effects Of A Reading Inference Strategy Intervention On The Reading And Social Inference Abilities Of Adults With Asperger Syndrome, Kimberly A. Murza
Effects Of A Reading Strategy With Digital Social Studies Texts For Eighth Grade Students, Melissa Doan Malani
Effects Of Atmospheric Turbulence On The Propagation Of Flattened Gaussian Optical Beams, Doris Cowan
Effects Of A Treatment Using Computer Generation Of Isometric And Orthographic Projections On Middle School Students' Spatial Ability, Adam Michael Traas
Effects Of Bedding Void On Internal Moment Increase In Concrete Pipes, Jad Kazma
Effects of Binary Solvent System on Morphology of Particles, Patrick Besana
Effects of biotic interactions on coastal wetland communities with applications for restoration, Melinda Donnelly
Effects of Classroom Setting on Self-Esteem in Learning Disabled Students, Drema G. Moody
Effects of cocaine on speech and language behaviors of children, Kenyatta O'Brien Rivers
Effects of Cognitive and Modeling Techniques on Pain Management in Abortion Patients, Sue McLendon
Effects Of Content Augmentation Strategies In An Instructional Virtual Environment, Roger Hamilton
Effects of creating meaning in mathematics through real-world activities on fourth grade students' mathematical performance, Janice S. Hess
Effects Of Deposition Temperature And Post Deposition Annealing On The Electrical Properties Of Barium Strontium Titanate Thin Film For Embedded Capacitor Applications, Ranganathan, Ravip Peelamedu
Effects Of Discussion And Writing On Student Understanding Of Mathematics Concepts, Joseph Roicki
Effects of Federal Grant Money on Economic Measures in the Community, Andrea L. Miller
Effects Of Fiber And Lithium On Mechanical Properties Of Concrete Made Fromrecycled Concrete Aggregate, Ashraf Eskander
Effects of Finite Length Registers on a Modified Directform Realization of a High Order H(z) Transfer Function, Angel Vanrell
Effects Of Flight Factors On Pilot Performance, Workload, And Stress At Final Approach To Landing Phase Of Flight, Kyongsun Lee
Effects Of Food Deprivation On Blood Lipid Concentration And Composition In Steller Sea Lions (eumetopias Jubatus), Michelle Lea Berman
Effects of guided inquiry on students' attitudes and academic performance in science, Julie K. Wilkinson
Effects of hands-on instruction on fifth grade students' attitudes and academic performance in science, Gloria S. Doerr
Effects Of Health Information Technology Adoption On Quality Of Care And Patient Safety In Us Acute Care Hospitals, Binyam Seblega
Effects Of Instructor Immediacy And Student Need For Cognition On Student Motivation And Perceptions Of Learning, Sabrina Kalish
Effects Of Integrating Writing Activities On Students' Attitudes And Achievement In Problem Solving: An Action Research Study, Kelly Culbert
Effects Of Internal Oxidation On Thermo-mechanical Properties Of Atmospheric Plasma Sprayed Conicraly Coatings, Travis Patterson
Effects Of Isolation On Metapopulation Dynamics In Small-world Networks, Alaina Brooke Bernard
Effects Of It Governance On Information Security, Yu Wu
Effects of mechanical habitat disturbance on the diversity and network structure of plant-bee interaction networks in Central Florida, Karlie Carman
Effects of Mixed-reality Peer Interactions on Workplace Problem-solving of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities, Caitlyn Bukaty
Effects of Nonfluencies on Speaker Credibility, Erika Engstrom
Effects Of Orthophosphate Corrosion Inhibitor In Blended Water Quality Environments, Erica Stone
Effects Of Patch Size And Matrix Type On Bird Assemblages Within Central Florida Cypress Domes, Julia Noran
Effects Of Polarization And Coherence On The Propagation And The Detection Of Stochastic Electromagnetic Beams, Mohamed Fouad Salem
Effects Of Position, Orientation, And Infiltrating Material On Three Dimensional Printing Models, Joseph William Frascati
Effects of Probiotics on the Reduction in Incidence of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Premature (< 37 Weeks Gestation) Neonates, Makenzie Cox
Effects of Real Estate Cycles on Residential Amenity Values for Water Resources, Amy L. Hillard
Effects Of Reduced Ras And Volume On Anaerobic Zone Performance For A Septic Wastewater Biological Phosphorous Removal System, Daniel Magro
Effects of Signal Probability on Multitasking-Based Distraction in Driving, Cyberattack & Battlefield Simulation, Benjamin Sawyer
Effects Of Simultaneous Exercise And Speech Tasks On The Perception Of, Heather Koblick
Effects Of Source Water Blending Following Treatment With Sodium Silicate As A Corrosion Inhibitor On Metal Release Within A Wat, Phillip Lintereur
Effects Of The Soil Properties On The Maximum Dry Density Obtained Fro, Andres Arvelo
Effects Of Three Instructional Schedules On Skill Acquisition And Generalization In The Use Of Two-way Radios To Report Task Completion by High School Students with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities, Geraldine Perez-Turner
Effects of type of interaction (feedback, self-disclosure), level of risk taking, and risk-taking disposition on attraction to group, Manuela Trapp
Effects Of Voluntary Control On Performance Response Under Stress., Christina Shawn Morris
Effects of Volunteer Activity on Psychosocial Adjustment Among the Elderly, William R. Criss
Effects of weaning age on body composition and growth of ex situ California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) pups, Brandon Davis
Effects On Student Performance Of Using Hands-on Activities To Teach Seventh Grade Students' Measurement Concepts, Darlene Hoke
Effects On Teachers' Mathematics Content Knowledge Of A Professional Learning Community, Beverley Christmas Price
Efficiency Improvement Techniques For High Voltage Capacitor Charging Methods, Michael Islas
Efficient Algorithms For Correlation Pattern Recognition, Pradeep Ragothaman
Efficient algorithms for the fixed charge problem, Ahmad Abdulah Moreb
Efficient And Scalable Evaluation Of Continuous, Spatio-temporal Queries In Mobile Computing Environments, Jonathan M. Cazalas
Efficient Cone Beam Reconstruction For The Distorted Circle And Line Trajectory, Souleymane Konate
Efficient image reconstruction algorithm for circle and line cone beam computed tomography., Alexander Katsevich
Efficient image reconstruction algorithm for the circle and arc cone beam computer tomography, Alexander Katsevich
Efficient Inversion Of The Cone Beam Transform For A General Class Of Curves, Mikhail Kapralov
Efficient Large Scale Transient Heat Conduction Analysis Using A Parallelized Boundary Element Method, Kevin Erhart
Efficient parallel algorithms and data structures for discrete-event simulation, Sushil Kumar Prasad
Efficient Techniques For Relevance Feedback Processing In Content-based Image Retrieval, Danzhou Liu
Effie Walthall and guest at step and repeat, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Effluent Water Quality Improvement Using Silt Fences And Stormwater Harvesting, Ikiensinma Gogo-Abite
Eighth-grade Students Reading Nonfiction Literature On The Ipad: An Exploratory Case Study, Victoria Cardullo
Eino: An Intelligent Tutor For The University Of Central Florida Infinity Web Applets, James Hollister
Elder's Secret, Adam Singletary
Elder's Secret, Adam Singletary
Electimize A New Evolutionary Algorithm For Optimization With Applications In Construction Engineering, Raheem, Mohamed Abdel
Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography Of High Contrast Dielectrics Using A Cuboid Geometry, Mark Nurge
Electrical Conductivity Imaging via Boundary Value Problems for the 1-Laplacian, Johann Veras
Electrical, Optical And Chemical Properties Of Organic Photo Sensitve Materials, Zheng Shi
Electrical Testing of Piezoelectric Transducers Applied to Accelerometer Design, Patrick L. Heron
Electric Field Sensing with Piezoelectric Plastics, David Edward Horrigan
Electrochemical etching studies on silicon, Hsiao Wei Chang
Electrochemical Studies Of Nanoscale Composite Materials As Electrodes In Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells, Jordan Anderson
Electroconvulsive Shock Ameliorates Disease Processes And Extends Survival In Huntington Mutant Mice, Akanksha Baharani
Electrohydrodynamic Manipulation Of Liquid Droplet Emulsions In A Microfluidic Channel, Jonathan Wehking
Electromagnetic Environment In Payload Fairing Cavities, Dawn Trout
Electromagnetic field tactile display interface and biosensor, Richard Gilson, J. Brill, Bruce Mortimer, and Gary Zets
Electromagnetic focusing properties of chirped metallic gratings, Jeffrey C. Schmidt
Electromagnetic Propagation Anomalies In Waveguiding Structures And Scattering Systems, Alessandro Salandrino
Electromagnetic Scattering by an Aperiodic Strip Grating, Eric G. Johnson
Electromagnetic scattering from a finite cylinder with complex permittivity at arbitrary orientation, Robert A. Murphy
Electromagnetic Scattering from Stacked Gratings, Pok K. Kwan
Electronically Tunable Polarization-Independent Micro-Lens Polymer Network Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal, Shin-Tson Wu, Yuhua Huang, Hongwen Ren, and Xinyu Zhu
Electronic And Optoelectronic Transport Properties Of Carbon Nanotube/organic Semiconductor Devices, Biddut Sarker
Electronic Properties And Atomic Scale Microscopy Of Two Dimensional Materials: Graphene And Molybdenum Disulfide, Jyoti Katoch
Electronic Properties And Microstructures Of Amorphous Sicn Ceramics Derived From Polymer Precursors, Tao Jiang
Electronic transport and correlations in single magnetic molecule devices, Javier Romero
Electronic Transport Investigation Of Chemically Derived Reduced Graphene Oxide Sheets, Daeha Joung
Electronic transport properties of carbon nanotubes: the impact of atomic charged impurities, Ryuichi Tsuchikawa
Electron Injection-induced Effects In Iii-nitrides: Physics And Applications, William Charles Burdett
Electron Transport In Single Molecule Magnet Transistors And Optical Lambda Transitions In The Nitrogen-vacancy Center In Diamon, Gabriel Gonzalez
Electro-optical And All-optical Switching In Multimode Interference Waveguides Incorporating Semiconductor Nanostructures, Nathan Bickel
Electroplated micro- and nanoscale structures for emitters and sensors, Xiaochen Wang
Electrostatically Variable Surface Acoustic Wave Delay Lines, Ronald Turner
Electrostatic control over temperature-dependent tunneling across single-molecule junctions, Alvar Rodriguez Garrigues
Electrostatic Discharge Protection Device for Digital Circuits and for Applications with Input/Output Bipolar Voltage Much Higher than the Core Circuit Power Supply, Juin Liou, Joseph Bernier, Javier Salcedo, and Donald Whitney
Electrostatic Discharge Protection Device for Digital Circuits and for Applications with Input/Output Bipolar Voltage Much Higher than the Core Circuit Power Supply, Juin Liou, Joseph Bernier, Javier Salcedo, and Donald Whitney
El efecto de la variación dialectal en el procesamiento, Kirsten Schanze
Elementary Reading Coaches In Florida: A Study Of Their Background, Experiences, Coaching Activities, Time, And Other Factors Related To Reading Achievement, Gina M. Zugelder
Elementary School Student Achievement: An Analysis Of School Size And Student Achievement, Natalie Odom
Elementary Teachers' Perceived Mathematics Anxiety And Teaching Efficacy In Relationship To Students' Mathematics Achievement, Jennifer Sasser
Elements Of Azeri's Independent Foreign Policy: Energy, Geography, And Global Powers Rivalry., Muniz Omar Vera
Elicit: Expertise Learner and Intelligent Causal Inference Tool, Leslie Dawn Interrante
Eliminating The Glass Ceiling How Micro-financing Empowers Women And Alleviates The Effects Of Poverty In Developing Countries, Garcia, Meldin Graziani
Elite Theory, Individual Autonomy and Interest Groups: An Examination Of America's Rules On Imported Vehicles, Jared A. Rosenholtz
Elizabeth Bishop And Her Women:countering Loss, Love, And Language Through Bishop's Homosocial Continuum, Donna Rogers
Elizabeth Tudor: Reconciling Femininity And Authority, Mark Rohrs
Ell And Non-ell Students' Misconceptions About Heat And Temperature In Middle School, Leah Weiss
El Rol de la Inmersión en la Producción del Futuro del Subjuntivo en Portugués, Evelin Pegoraro
Elucidating The Social Skills Deficits In Children With Asperger's Disorder: A Comparative Study, Lindsay Scharfstein
Email is for Old People – LOL!, Tom Cavanagh
Email Utilization By University Employees And Its Relationship To Job Satisfaction, Anthony Recascino
Embedded Magnetics For Power System On Chip (psoc), Jian Lu
Emergency department utilization by insured users : a study of motivation factors, Reid M. Oetjen
Emergency Evacuation Route Planning Considering Human Behavior During Short- And No-notice Emergency Situations, Suebpong Kittirattanapaiboon
Emergency Room Utilization Disparities among Older Adults Treated by Rural Health Clinics, Matt Bagwell
Emergent Writing Skills In Preschool Children With Language Impairment, Stacey Lynne Pavelko
Emissions of Hexavalent Chromium From Hard Chromium Plating Operations, Mitchell Scott Hall
Emotional Evaluation Of A Product/system, Hana Smith
Emotional Labor and Identity Management Among HIV Counselors, James Dillon Caldwell
Emotional Regulation At Walt Disney World Deep Acting Vs. Surface Acting, Anne Reyers
Empirical Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of Eye Tracking-based Search Performance Diagnosis And Feedback Methods, Meredith Carroll
Empirical Modeling Of A Marijuana Expectancy Memory Network In Children As A Function Of Age And Marijuana Use, Jacqueline Alfonso
Empirical Relationships Betweenload Test Data And Predicted Compression Capacity Of Augered Cast-in-place Piles In Predominantly, Donald McCarthy
Employee Motivation: A Comparison Of Tipped And Non-tipped Hourly Restaurant Employees, Catherine Johnson
Employer Perceptions An Exploratory Study Of Employability Skills Expected Of New Graduates In The Hospitality Industry, Amy Parker Kleeman
Employers Need to do More to Help Maintain Careers of Employees With Babies, Leandra Preston-Sidler
Empowerment Unit Plan for Haitian Restavek Children, Ashley Craig
Emulating The Swedes: An Exploration Of The Developing Trends In Swedish Theatre For Young Audiences, Amanda Wolgast
Encapsulated Nanostructured Phase Change Materials For Thermal Management, Yan Hong
Endocrine and Contralateral Muscle Responses to Short-term Unilateral Resistance Training, Carleigh Boone
Energy Aware Design and Analysis for Synchronous and Asynchronous Circuits, Jia Di
Energy-Aware Reconfigurable Logic Device Using Spin-based Storage and Carbon Nanotube Switching, Mohan Krishna Gopi Krishna
Energy efficient routing towards a mobile sink using virtual coordinates in a wireless sensor network, Rouhollah Rahmatizadeh
Energy Harvesting toward the Vibration Reduction of Turbomachinery Blades via Resonance Frequency Detuning, Taylor Hynds
Energy-use Behavior Among College Students, Lillian O'Connell
Engagement, Trust, And Reciprocity: Exploring The Relationship Between Social Captial And Participation In Nonprofit Organizations, Rebecca Feiler
Engaging And Enacting Writing In First-year Composition: Re-imagining Student Self-efficacy In Writing, Mary L. Tripp
Engaging Transfer Students in Research: The Summer Research Academy, Kimberly Schneider
Engaging Undergraduate Students as Scholars: The Hurricane REU Model, Robin Ersing and Naomi Yavneh
Engendering Agency: Literacies, Social Action, And Wangari Maathai S Green Belt Movement, Cassandra Marie Allen
Engineering And Application Of Ultrafast Laser Pulses And Filamentation In Air, Nicholas Barbieri
Engineering A New Form Of Enclosure: International Convergence In Gmo Regulation, Jessica Altif
Engineering Evaluation Of Multi-beam Satellite Antenna Boresight Pointing Using Land/water Crossings, Catherine Susan May
England, James M. interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Enhanced Hardware Security Using Charge-Based Emerging Device Technology, Yu Bi
Enhanced Microwave Hyperthermia using Nanoparticles, Maryory Urdaneta
Enhanced Structure and Crystallinity of Semiconducting Polymer Films Through Electrospray Deposition, Johan Rodriguez
Enhanced Two-photon Absorption In A Squaraine-fluorene-squaraine Dye: Design, Synthesis, Photophysical Properties, And Solvatochromic Behavior, William Moreshead
Enhancements to High Efficiency Ceiling Fan, Danny Parker, Bart Hibbs, and Guan Su
Enhancing Cnt-composites With Raman Spectroscopy, Gregory J. Freihofer
Enhancing Customer Self-Efficacy in Co-producing Service Experiences, Robert C. Ford and Duncan Dickson Ph.D.
Enhancing Message Privacy In Wired Equivalent Privacy., Darshan Purandare
Enhancing Reading Proficiency in English Language Learners (ELLs): The Importance of Knowing Your ELL in Mainstream Classrooms, Marth Castañeda, Eva Rodríguez-González, and Melissa Schultz
Enhancing Situational Awareness Through Haptics Interaction In Virtual Environment Training Systmes, Kelly Hale
Enhancing the effectiveness of Human-Robot teaming with a closed-loop system, Grace Teo
Enhancing The Knowledge And Involvement Of Hispanic Families Of Children With Disabilities Through Specifically Designed Family, Mayra Camacho
Enhancing the Reading Strategies of Parents of English Language Learners Through Reading Strategies and Interventions(RSI) Workshops, Milagros Rivera
Enhancing Tourism Functions of Beijing Folklore Villages: Issues and Approaches, Jing Wang, Youcheng Wang, and Li-xin Guo
Enhancing Vocabulary Acquisition Through Synthetic Learning Experiences: Implementing Virtual Field Trips Into Classrooms, Alicia Sanchez
Enriching Students With Developmental Delays In An Early Childhood Classroom Using Ipads With Mathematics Applications, Selma Powell
Entangled Photon Pairs in Disordered Photonic Lattices, Lane Martin
Entanglement and Coherence in Classical and Quantum Optics, Kumel Kagalwala
Enterprise Business Alignment Using Quality Function Deployment, Multivariate Data Analysis And Business Modeling Tools, Diala Gammoh
Entire Load Efficiency And Dynamic Performance Improvements For Dc-dc Converters, Osama Abdel-Rahman
En torno a la figura del judio en la literatura española de los siglox XII y XIII, Maria Rosario Paniagua Tejo
Entrenched in context: Perceptions regarding intimate partner violence and viable interventions among undergraduate students, Julio Montanez
Environmental Attitudes And Behaviors: The Issue And Its Dimensions, Brenna Cathleen Kelly
Environmental Degradation of High Tc Superconductors, Sumesh Mohan Arora
Environmental Degradation Of Oxidation Resistant And Thermal Barrier Coatings For Fuel-flexible Gas Turbine Applications, Prabhakar Mohan
Environmental Security In The Global Capitalist System: A World-systems Approach And Study Of Panama, Mark Allen Freeman
Environmental Study Of Solid Waste Collection, Mousa Awad Maimoun
Epidemiological Models For Mutating Pathogens With Temporary Immunity, Neeta Singh
Epigenetic Control Mechanisms In Somatic Cells Mediated By Dna Methyltransferase 1, Bongyong Lee
Episodic Memory Model For Embodied Conversational Agents, Miguel Elvir
Epitaxial Growth, Characterization And Application Of Novel Wide Bandgap Oxide Semiconductors, Jeremy Mares
E-portfolios And Digital Identities Using E-portfolios To Examine Issues In Technical Communication, Jane E. Moody
Epsilon Precedence Grammars and Languages, Masoud T. Milani
Escape Artist, Alejandro Mujica
ESPN's 20th Anniversary, Richard C. Crepeau
Essay Review: Implications for Educators of Daniel Everett’s Language: The Cultural Tool, Christopher W. Johnson
Essays In Outsourced Is Program Management, Neeraj Parolia
Essays On Consumer Charity, Joseph Thomas Paniculangara
Essays On Corporate Governance, Minhua Yang
Essays On Corporate Governance, Tih Koon Tan
Essays on Marketing Strategies in the Context of Interdependent Consumption, Minoo Talebi Ashoori
Essays On Mutual Fund Governance And The Advisory Fee Contracts, Yaman Erzurum
Essays on Sales Force Career Incentives, Somnath Banerjee
Essays On The Effect Of Excess Compensation And Governance Changes On Firm Value, Mustafa A. Dah
Establishing Degradation Rates And Service Lifetime Of Photovoltaic Systems, Albert Leyte-Vidal
Establishing Difference: The Gendering And Racialization Of Power In Genocide, Erin E. Welsh
Establishment of Methods for Isolation of Pnmt+ Cardiac Progenitor Cells, Namita Varudkar
Estimated Diets, Diet Overlap, And Winter Habitat Associations Of Four Grassland Sparrows In Florida Dry Prairie, Marianne Korosy
Estimating Diet And Food Selectivity Of The Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit Using Stable Isotope Analysis, Matthew James Gordon
Estimating Methods for Production Test Labor, Garry K. Stonebraker
Estimating The Effects Of Condemned Inmates' Last Statements On Public Opinion About The Death Penalty: A Factorial Survey Approach, Timothy P. Colyer
Estimation For The Cox Model With Various Types Of Censored Data, Tonya Riddlesworth
Estimation Of Hybrid Models For Real-time Crash Risk Assessment On Freeways, anurag pande
Estimation Of Oceanic Rainfall Using Passive And Active Measurements From Seawinds Spaceborne Microwave Sensor, Khalil Ali Ahmad
Estimation Of Tangential Momentum Accommodation Coefficient Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation, George Finger
Estimation of the time-of-arrival of a sampled noisy signal, Robert Raymond Muise
Estuarine Influence On Tidally Driven Circulation In The South Atlantic Bight, Peter Bacopoulos
Ethical decision making among mental health professionals, Todd S. Smith
Ethical decision making by attorneys, Susan Swaim Daicoff
Ethical Decision-Making in Higher Education: A sociological examination of graduate students' understanding of appropriate academic sharing, Jennifer Parham
Ethical decisions: willingness to apply understood ethical principles, Margaret A. Wilkins
Ethical reasoning processes in psychotherapy : factors influencing the implementation of behavioral alternatives, Michele Anne Minotti
Ethnographic Reflection On Group Formation In Blizzard's "world Of Warcraft", John Christopher Spottke
Euv performance of wolter type II telescopes for space astronomy applications, Anita Kotha
Evaluating An Online Personalized Family-based Intervention To Promote Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Sharon Hayes
Evaluating Competition between Verbal and Implicit Systems with Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Troy A. Schiebel
Evaluating Corrosion Control Alternatives For A Reverse Osmosis, Nanofiltration And Anion-exchange Blended Water Supply, Rebecca J. Wilder
Evaluating Faculty And Staff Customer Satisfaction Of A Technology Support Office In A Large University In Florida, Laurence Jaffe
Evaluating Floating Treatment Wetlands to Improve Nitrogen Removal in a Wet Detention Pond, Zachary Marimon
Evaluating Human-robot Implicit Communication Through Human-human Implicit Communication, Andrew Xenos Richardson
Evaluating Improvisation As A Technique For Training Pre-service Teachers For Inclusive Classrooms, Theresa Becker
Evaluating Moral Distress, Moral Distress Residue and Moral Courage in Oncology Nurses, Lolita Melhado
Evaluating Neonatal Facial Pain Expression: Is There A Primal Face Of Pain?, Martin Schiavenato
Evaluating polymer concrete bridge expansion joints using acoustic emission, Michael Joseph Woodard
Evaluating Ramp Metering And Variable Speed Limits To Reduce Crash Potential On Congested Freeways Using Micro-simulation, Albinder Dhindsa
Evaluating short-term tourism economic effects in confined economies: conceptual and empirical considerations, Robertico Croes and Denver E. Severt
Evaluating Tactical Combat Casualty Care Training Treatments Effects On Combat Medic Trainees In Light Of Select Human Descripti, Teresita Sotomayor
Evaluating Teacher Performance In Higher Education:the Value Of Student Ratings, Judith Prugh Campbell
Evaluating The Benefits Of 3d Stereo In Modern Video Games, Tad Litwiller
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Conversion of Traditional Five Section Head Signal to Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) Signal, Meshal Almoshaogeh
Evaluating the effectiveness of culturally relevant substance abuse prevention in Ukraine, Anne Gewin
Evaluating The Effectiveness Of The Pga's Professional Gold Management (pgm) Program, David Lane Smiley
Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Training System Approaches For Highly Complex Flight Training, Maria Bauer
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Travel Trade Shows and Other Tourism Sales Promotion Techniques, Abraham Pizam
Evaluating The Impact Of Oocea's Dynamic Message Signs (dms) On Travelers' Experience Using Multinomial And Ordered Logit For The Post-deployment Survey, Taylor Lochrane
Evaluating The Impact Of Oocea S Dynamic Message Signs (dms) On Travelers Experience Using The Pre-deployment Survey, John Hill Rogers
Evaluating The Performance Of Animal Shelters: An Application Of Data Envelopment Analysis, Brandy Heyde
Evaluating The Use Of Recycled Concrete Aggregate In French Drain Applications, Zachary Behring
Evaluating The Utility Of A Virtual Environment For Childhood Social Anxiety Disorder, Nina Sarver
Evaluation And Modeling Of The Safety Of Open Road Tolling System, Muamer Ali Abuzwidah
Evaluation of a Binary Spatial Light Modulator Correlator Using Time-Domain Polarity Coincidence Correlation Theory, Thomas J. Posluszny
Evaluation of a Digitally-Automated Alcohol Curriculum Designed to Alter Expectancies and Alcohol Use in First Year College Students, Amy Schreiner
Evaluation Of A Digitally Enhanced Expectancy Challenge Alcohol Literacy Curriculum (ecalc) For Use With Mandated College Students, Abigail Fried
Evaluation Of A Field Histology Technique And Its Use In Histological Analyses Of Mummified Tissues From Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt, Jennifer Branson
Evaluation Of Alternative Water Resources For Cape Coast And Its Environs In Ghana, Alex Kumah
Evaluation Of A Microwave Radiative Transfer Model For Calculating Sat, Simonetta Thompson
Evaluation Of A Mind-body Website By Women With Breast Cancer, Laura Beck
Evaluation of an Early Classic Round Structure at Santa Rita Corozal, Belize, Rachael Kangas
Evaluation Of An Education Intervention For The Staff On The Head Of The Bed Elevation In The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Randall Johnson
Evaluation of a new light rail transit corridor between downtown orlando and eastern orange and seminole counties, Derek Carlton Burke
Evaluation Of An Expectancy Challenge Presentation In Reducing High-risk Alcohol Use Among Greek Affiliated College Students, Abigail Fried
Evaluation Of An Expectnacy Challenge Curriculum In Reducing High Risk Alcohol Use Among College Students When Modified For Larg, Amy Schreiner
Evaluation Of An Online Alcohol Education Program For First-time-in-college Students, Elayne Reiss
Evaluation Of An On-line Device To Monitor Scale Formation In A Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis Membrane Process, Jennifer C. Roque
Evaluation of a secure laptop based testing program in an undergraduate nursing program, Jinyuan Tao
Evaluation Of A Simulation-enhanced Obstetric Clinical Experience On Learning Outcomes For Knowledge, Self-efficacy, And Transfer, Mary Elizabeth Guimond
Evaluation of a Support Group for Parents Who Have a Sexually Abused Child, Mark A. Winton
Evaluation of a teacher created, team implemented, standards-based, interdisciplinary curriculum plan, Stephanie C. Soliven
Evaluation Of Biosorption Activated Media Under Roadside Swales For Stormwater Quality Improvement And Harvesting, Andrew Charles Hood
Evaluation Of Climatic And Ecohydrological Effects On Longwave Radiation And Evapotranspiration, Maria Rizou
Evaluation of Concrete Pavement Performance with Related Cracking and/or Voids Under I-10 Concrete Pavement, Cecil R. Henderson
Evaluation of crash modification factors and functions including time trends at intersections, Jung-Han Wang
Evaluation of Echogenicity Within and Between Ultrasonographic Images of the Vastus Lateralis, Alyssa Varanoske
Evaluation of Exfiltration Systems, David L. Evans
Evaluation Of Immunogenicity Of Transgenic Chloroplast Derived Protect, Vijay Koya
Evaluation of Intestinal Microbial Diversity and a New Antibiotic Regimen in Crohn's Disease Patients, Karel Alcedo
Evaluation of inversion Uab1, a bithorax-complex mutant, Gerhild Rathmann Packert
Evaluation Of Juvenile Justice Education Programs: What The Numbers Say About Juvenile Recidivism, Kevin Egan
Evaluation of Non-toxic Solvents in the Surface Finishing Industry, Ronald Dean Eaglin
Evaluation Of Oxidized Media Filtration Processes For The Treatment Of Hydrogen Sulfide In Groundwater, Vito Trupiano
Evaluation of Percolation Ponds for Design and Operation, David A. Baar
Evaluation Of Prefermentation As A Unit Process Upon Biological Nutrient Removal Including Biokinetic And Wastewater Parameters, Terrence McCue
Evaluation Of Proprietary Stormwater Treatment Devices In Field And Laboratory Conditions, Saheeda Marie Romah
Evaluation of Real World Toll Plazas Using Driving Simulation, Kali Carroll
Evaluation Of Space Shuttle Tile Subnominal Bonds, Cooper Snapp
Evaluation of Strength and Hydraulic Properties of Buried Pipe Systems Used for Stormwater Harvesting, Mario Samson Mena
Evaluation Of The Amazon Rain Forest As A Distributed Target For Satellite Microwave Radiometer Calibration, Nishant Patel
Evaluation Of The Antecedents Of Cultural Competence, Mary Harper
Evaluation Of The Biodegradability And Toxicity Of Pca And Mpca, Juan Rueda
Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of The Third Grade Summer Reading Camp Intervention Program In A Larger Urban School District, Danielle Alchin
Evaluation Of The Efficacy Of Chloroplast-derived Antigensagainst Malaria, Melissa Schreiber
Evaluation of the Expectancy Challenge Alcohol Literacy Curriculum (ECALC) for High School Students, Alyssa Dietz
Evaluation Of The Expectancy Challenge Alcohol Literacy Curriculum (ecalc) For Reducing Alcohol Use Among High School Students, Janani Sivasithamparam
Evaluation of the Florida Model Technology Program on Teachers and Students in High School A: A Qualitative Study, Peter C. Gorman
Evaluation of the GAC Treatment Facility at the Lake Angel Detention Pond, Orange County, Florida, Richard S. Lott
Evaluation Of The Impacts Of Its Information Strategies On I-4 Corridor, Yueliang Zuo
Evaluation Of The Photo-induced Structural Mechanisms In Chalcogenide, Cedric Lopez
Evaluation Of The Potential Benefits To Traffic Operations At A Toll Plaza With Express Etc Lanes, Eric Anthony Gordin
Evaluation of the Reduction of the Nonadiabatic Hyperspherical Radial Equation to the First Order, Steven L. Carbon
Evaluation of the three-dimensional patterns and ecological impacts of the invasive Old World climbing fern (Lygodium microphyllum), Alexis Maldonado
Evaluation of tourism competitiveness and its effects on destination management: making a difference in Costa Rica?, Robertico Croes
Evaluation Of Toxic Cyanobacteria In Central Florida Stormwater Ponds, Robert Miller
Evaluation Perception of Training Effectiveness of U.S. Marines as Influenced by Experience and Demographic Variables, Sharon K. Wolford
Evaporation, Precipitation Dynamics And Instability Of Acoustically Levitated Functional Droplets, Abhishek Saha
Evaporative Vapor Deposition for Depositing 2D Materials, Kevin Gleason
Evapotranspiration analysis of various vegetative community types in Central Florida, Elizabeth Mae Turner
Evelyn Offscreen: An Application Of Interactive Performance Methodsin Alternate Reality Gaming, Dawn Borglund
Even if not Flashy, Any Work That Benefits Humanity has Value, Tom Cavanagh
Even in a Crowd, Protest is a Personal Journey, Germayne Graham
Event Planners' Ratings Of Destination Selection Variables: A Comparison Between Members Of Three Professional Association Groups, Marta Godlewska
Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining: Positive Effects Of Deviant Coworkers, Gergana Markova
Everyone Should Strive For 'Doing Better Than That', Denver Severt
'Everything I Love is Illegal, Immoral or Against the Advice of the Surgeon General', Roberto Hugh Potter
Evidence of Impact: The Use of Engagement Data in Undergraduate Research Program Planning, Patrice Lancey and Kimberly Schneider
Evidence Of Lives, John Cummings
Evolutionary Optimization Of Support Vector Machines, Fred Gruber
Evolutionary Relationships Among Staphylococci And The Prevention Of Staphylococcus Aureus Nasal Colonization, Ryan Paul Lamers
Evolution Of Lamellar Structures In Al-ag Alloys, Sephalika Senapati
Evolution Of Microstructure And Residual Stress In Disc-shape Eb-pvd Thermal Barrier Coatings And Temperature Profile Of High Pressure Turbine Blade, Sriparna Mukherjee
Evolution Of Political Cleavages And Entry Of The Far-right In Government Coalitions In Italy And Poland, Maxim Chernyshev
Evolution Of The Folk Devil: A Social Network Perspective Of The Hybrid Gang Label, Christian Bolden
Evolution Through The Search For Novelty, Joel Lehman
Evolving Models From Observed Human Performance, Hans Karl Gustav Fernlund
Examination Of An Online College Mathematics Course: Correlation Between Learning Styles And Student Achievement, Bridget Steele
Examination Of The Fidelity Of School-wide Positive Behavior Support Implementation And Its Relationship To Academic And Behavio, Jason LaFrance
Examining and Identifying the Determinants of Travel Expenditure Patterns, Youcheng Wang, Paul Rompf, Denver Severt, and Nichakarn Peerapatdit
Examining Dynamic Variable Speed Limit Strategies For The Reduction Of Real-time Crash Risk On Freeways, Ryan Cunningham
Examining Emotional Responses to Effective Versus Ineffective Virtual Buddies, Kathleen Ingraham
Examining Employee Use Of Family-friendly Benefits With The Theory Of Planned Behavior, Heather Seiser
Examining Engineering & Technology Students Acceptance Of Network Virtualization Technology Using The Technology Acceptance Mode, Wael K. Yousif
Examining Facebook As A Digitally Immersive Language Environment For French Language Learners, Shelly Wyatt
Examining Gender In Pharmaceutical Rhetoric Through A Cultural Studies Lens: A Case Study On The Gardasil Vaccine, Jennifer Fickley-Baker
Examining Instant Messaging Impact On Learning Using An Integrated Worked-example Format, Angelique Nasah
Examining Intimate Partner Stalking And Use Of Technology In Stalking Victimization, Jennifer Truman
Examining Multiple Approaches for the Transferability of Safety Performance Functions, Ahmed Tarek Ahmed Farid
Examining Potential Teacher Bias Of Hispanic Males With Emotional Disturbances In Virtual Settings, Angel L. Lopez Jr
Examining Practices of Elementary School Principals: Selection of Co-teaching Teams, Jeannette Tejeda
Examining presence and influence of linguistic characteristics in the Twitter discourse surrounding the women's right to drive movement in Saudi Arabia, Abdulsamad Sahly
Examining Preservice Teachers' Performances And Pedagogies Of Practice In An Urban Classroom Through The Use Of A Simulated Learning Environment, Kelly Jennings
Examining Route Diversion And Multiple Ramp Metering Strategies For Reducing Real-time Crash Risk On Urban Freeways, Vikash Gayah
Examining Sociomathematical Norms Within The Context Of Decimals And Fractions In A Sixth Grade Classroom, Marino Nardelli
Examining The Beliefs And Practices Of Effective School Leaders As They Relate To Serving Students With Disabilities, Kimberly Steinke
Examining The Effect Of Organizational Policy Changeon Taser Utilizations, Michael Miller
Examining The Effect Of The Universal Design For Learning Expression Principle On Students With Learning Disabilities In Science, Lisa Finnegan
Examining the Effects of Interactive Dynamic Multimedia and Direct Touch Input on Performance of a Procedural Motor Task, Matthew Marraffino
Examining The Hypocrisy Paradigm As An Intervention For Modifying High-risk Alcohol Use Behaviors Among College Students, Mary Hammons
Examining the impact of a fatigue intervention on job performance: A longitudinal study across United States hospitals, Megan Gregory
Examining the Impact of Error Encouragement on Training Outcomes, Rebecca Lyons
Examining The Impact Of Leader Social Distance On A Multicultural Team, Granados Deborah Diaz
Examining The Influences Of The Bottoming Out Experience And The Turning Point On The Early Recovery Process From Substance Dependence Using Structural Equation Modeling, Kristina M. DePue
Examining the Legality of the Guantánamo Bay Detention Center According to International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law, Sydney T. Winchester
Examining the Level of Sophistication and Success of Destination Marketing Systems: Impacts of Organizational Factors, Youcheng Wang
Examining the Motivation, Perceived Performance, and Behavioral Intentions of Convention Attendees: The Case of SOHO Expo, Denver Severt, Youcheng Wang, Po-Ju Chen, and Deborah Breiter
Examining the Narcissism Trend in Generation Y Through Digital Narrative Film, Joshua Ingle
Examining the Nature and Dynamics of At-destination Recommendations: The Local Experts' Perspective, Youcheng Wang, Denver Severt, and Paul Rompf
Examining the Perceptive Roles of a School Psychologist in Collaboration with Early Educators, Monique Cohn
Examining the Perspectives of Students with Learning Disabilities through their Lived Experiences, Hannah Ehrli
Examining the Social Interactions of Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Virtual Environment, Jennifer Gallup
Ex-Athletes as Politicians, Richard C. Crepeau
Excerpt from: Won, a Novel, Jenna Ellenbogen
Excess and the Internet at the Super Bowl, Richard C. Crepeau
Exchange Coupling In Molecular Magnets: Zero, One And Three Dimensions, Asma Amjad
Excursion Areas of Intensity Due to Random Optical Waves, Frank E. Kragh
Exfiltration from Stormwater Ponds in Central Florida, Nicolas E. Andreyev
Expansion in Professional Sports, Richard C. Crepeau
Expansive Learning in FYC: Using Linguistic Discourse Analysis to Measure the Effects of Threshold Concepts in Facilitating Generalization, Allison Morrow
Experiences, Attitudes And Beliefs About Interpersonal Violence: A Study On Costa Rican Adolescents, Monica Mendez
Experiences of Stigma During Sexual Healthcare Visits: A Qualitative Study of Non-Monogamous Women, Rachael McCrosky
Experiencing The World Of Franklin: The Making Of An Immersive And Interactive Historical Exhibit, Daniel Joseph Webster
Experimental Analysis And Evaluation Of Tidy Tree Drawing Algorithms, Pankaj Mahajan
Experimental And Cfd Investigations Of Lifted Tribrachial Flames, Zhiliang Li
Experimental And Numerical Investigation Of Aerodynamic Unsteadiness In A Gas Turbine Midframe, Matthew Golsen
Experimental And Numerical Investigations On Bond Durability Of Cfrp Strengthened Concrete Members Subjected To Environmental Exposure, Haider Al-Jelawy
Experimental and Numerical Study of Endwall Film Cooling, Srikrishna Mahadevan
Experimental And Theoretical Approaches To Characterization Of Electronic Nonlinearities In Direct-gap Semiconductors, Claudiu Cirloganu
Experimental And Theoretical Study Of The Optical Properties Of Semiconductor Quantum Dots, Gero Nootz
Experimental Investigation Of Breakup And Coalescence Characteristics Of A Hollow Cone Swirling Spray, Joshua Lee
Experimental Investigation of Campbell Pacific Nuclear Corporation MC-1 Density-Moisture Nuclear Gauge on Sand, Clay, Asphaltic Concrete and Concrete, Carl H. Francois
Experimental Software Package for Linear Programming, Deborah S. Fogal
Experimental Studies Of Liquefaction And Densification Of Liquid Oxygen, Jonathan Koert Partridge
Experimental Studies Of The Heat Transfer Characteristics Of Silica Nanoparticle Water-based Dispersion In Pool Boiling Using Nichrome Flat Ribbons And Wires, Diane Marie Vazquez
Experimental Study Of Profiles Of Implanted Species Into Semiconductor Materials Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Fatma Salman
Experimental Study of Sinkhole Failure Related to Groundwater Level Drops, Mohamed Alrowaimi
Experimental Techniques For Nonlinear Material Characterization: A Nonlinear Spectrometer Using A White-light Continuum Z-scan, Mihaela Balu
Experimental Verification of Laser Speckle Power Spectral Density, Christopher T. Chiles
Experiments in Graphene and Plasmonics, Christian Smith
Experiments In Pool Boiling Heat Transfer And Nucleationdynamics Of High Pressure Refrigerants, Daniel Joo
Expert Systems Approach in Ergonomics, Karen Marie Crook
Explaining Churn: Mass Society, Social Capital, & Community Churn, Delores Edelen
Explaining Partisan Change Among Catholics In The American Electorate, Christopher Vincent, Muro
Explaining State Crisis Behavior Using the Operational Code, William George
Explaining The Support Of The British National Party (bnp) In The 1999, 2004, And 2009 European Parliament Elections, Jonathan Richard Willis
Explanations In Contextual Graphs: A Solution To Accountability In Knowledge Based Systems, Brian W. Sherwell
Explicit Feedback Within Game-based Training: Examining The Influence Of Source Modality Effects On Interaction, Benjamin Goldberg
Exploiting Opponent Modeling For Learning In Multi-agent Adversarial Games, Kennard R. Laviers
Exploration and development of crash modification factors and functions for single and multiple treatments, Juneyoung Park
Exploration of Good vs. Bad Undergraduate Research Mentoring from the Student’s Perspective, Shannon Whitten and Karen Mottarella
Exploration Of The Impact Of Affective Variables On Human Performance In A Live Simulation, Ken Westerlund
Explorations & Redefinitions Of New Media Aesthetic Concepts In Contemporary Art Culture, Phillip S. Delacruz
Exploring 3D User Interface Technologies for Improving the Gaming Experience, Arun Kulshreshth
Exploring Additional Factors Of Presence, Dustin Chertoff
Exploring A Five Factor Mentoring Model Within Elementary Science, Joyce M. Smolik
Exploring Attachment Behaviors in Urban Mothers and Their Infants, Brooke G. Rusoff
Exploring Intensive Reading Intervention Teachers' Formal And Practical Knowledge Of Beginning Reading Instruction Provided To At-risk First Grade Readers, Kathryn Cortelyou
Exploring Leadership Experiences Of School Psychologists In Supporting Schools: A Phenomenological Study, Julie Joseph
Exploring new boundaries in team cognition: Integrating knowledge in distributed teams, Stephanie Zajac
Exploring New Paths to Academic Literacy for English Language Learners, Mayra C. Daniel and Dong-Shin Shin
Exploring Preservice Teacher Attitudes toward Black Students, Audra L. Greuel
Exploring Repurposing Across Contexts: How Adolescents' New Literacies Practices Can Inform Understandings about Writing-Related Transfer, Cynthia Mitchell
Exploring Social Identity through Stable Isotope Analysis in the Kellis 2 Cemetery, Kaitlin East
Exploring Stereotype Threat in the Workplace with Sexual Minorities, Elizabeth Sanz
Exploring Summer Research Program Options for Your Students, Michael Aldarondo-Jeffries
Exploring Supported Conversation with Familial Caregivers of Persons with Memory Impairment: A Pilot Study, Arielle Willis
Exploring Techniques For Measurement And Improvement Of Data Quality With Application To Determination Of The Last Known Position (lkp) In Search And Rescue (sar) Data, Abhijit Wakchaure
Exploring Techniques for Providing Privacy in Location-Based Services Nearest Neighbor Query, John-Charles Asanya
Exploring the Art of Nursing and Its Influence on Patient Satisfaction in Acute Care Settings, Enid Tirado
Exploring the Differences Between Pre-Service Teachers' Analyses of Various Informal Reading Inventory Results in the Elementary Grades, Tara A. Miller
Exploring the Dimensions of Self-Efficacy in Virtual World Learning: Environment, Task, and Content, Aimee deNoyelles
Exploring the Hows and the Whos: The Effects of Self-Regulation Prompting and Goal Orientation on the e-Learning Process, Lauren Benishek
Exploring the influence of stigma, level of trauma, and social support on the experience of posttraumatic growth in adults living with HIV, Melissa Zeligman
Exploring Theology And Practice In Islamic Parenting, Mergin Akin
Exploring the perceptions of Florida police executives : understanding accreditation, Steven M. Hougland
Exploring The Potential Of Combining Ramp Metering And Variable Speed Limit Strategies For Alleviating Real-time Crash Risk On Urban Freeways, Kirolos Maged Haleem
Exploring The Relationship Between Marital Expectations And Marital Satisfaction Between Married African Immigrant Couples And U, Evadne Ngazimbi
Exploring the Therapeutic Roles of Santeria for Latinx Living in Florida, Amaris J. Santiago
Exploring Transient Identities: Deconstructing Depictions Of Gender And Imperial Ideology In The Oriental Travel Narratives Of Englishwomen, 1831-1915, CarrieAnne DeLoach
Exploring Women's Life Course Experiences With Weight Using Story Theory, Poff Allison Edmonds
Exposure Matters: Examining The Physical And Psychological Health Impacts Of Toxic Contamination Using Gis And Survey Data, Christine A. Bevc
Exposure to the Arts at Young Age Fosters Creativity in Children, Heather Gibson
Expressing Future Time In Spoken Conversational English: A Corpus-based Analysis Of The Sitcom Friends, Brandon Harris
Expression And Characterization Of Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis 19kda With Posttranslational Modification, Mitra Safavi-Khasraghi
Expression And Functional Evaluation Of Exendin 4 Fused To Cholera Toxin B Subunit In Tobacco Chloroplast To Treat Type 2 Diabetes, Ramya Nityanandam
Expression Levels of Virulence Genes in Group A Streptococci: A Response to Aerosolized Propylene Glycol, Michael S. Costello
Expression Of Cholera Toxin B Subunit-rotavirus Nsp4 Enterotoxin Fusion Protein In Transgenic Chloroplasts, Anila Kalluri
Expression Of Gal/galnac Lectin Of Entamoeba Histolytica In Transgenic Chloroplasts To Develop A Vaccine For Amebiasis, Seethamahalakshmi Chebolu
Expression Of Hepatitis C Viral Non-structural 3 Antigen In Transgenic Chloroplasts, Anubhuti Bhati
Expression Of Lipase From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis In Nicotiana Tobacum And Lactuca Sativa Chloroplasts, Bethany Lloyd
Expression Of Trichoderma Reesei Beta]-mannanase In Tobacco Chloroplasts And Its Utilization In Lignocellulosic Woody Biomass Hydrolysis, Pankaj M. Agrawal
Express Transit Service for the University of Central Florida, Arturo J. Perez
Extended cavity Kerr lens modelocked Ti:Sapphire laser cavity dumped with an acousto-optic Bragg cell, Felicie Albert
Extended Focus Range High Resolution Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography, Kye-Sung Lee
Extending Distributed Temporal Protocol Logic To A Proof Based Framework For Authentication Protocols, Shahabuddin Muhammad
Extending the Power Bandwidth of a Piezoelectric Bender Actuator, Jerrold Pavlinko
Extending The Technology Acceptance Model Using Perceived User Resources In Higher Education Web-based Online Learning Courses, Cheng-Hsin Ku
Extension of nonadiabatic hyperspherical method to non-electronic systems, Earl R. Johnson
Extensions Of S-spaces, Bernd Losert
External Cavity Mode-locked Semiconductor Lasers For The Generation Of Ultra-low Noise Multi-gigahertz Frequency Combs And Applications In Multi-heterodyne Detection Of Arbitrary Optical Waveforms, Josue Davila-Rodriguez
External Cavity Multiwavelength Semiconductor Mode-locked Laser Gain Dynamics, Luis Archundia-Berra
Extracting Quantitative Informationfrom Nonnumeric Marketing Data: An Augmentedlatent Semantic Analysis Approach, Inigo Arroniz
Extracullular Atp Regulates Il-1beta Release From Microglial Cells Via Purinergic Receptor After In Vitro Trauma, Chengya Liang
Extracurricular Activities and Substance Use Among Adolescents: A Test of Social Control and Social Learning Theory, Lynnette Coto
Extravagance, Richard C. Crepeau
Extreme Chirped/Stretched Pulsed Amplification and Laser, Peter Delfyett, Bojan Resan, and Kyungbum Kim
Extreme Ultraviolet Spectral Streak Camera, John Michael Szilagyi
Eyes In The Text: Surveying The Ocular Aesthetic In Pat Barker's War Trilogy, James Hammond
Fabric Architecture: Body In Motion, Daniela Cosovic
Fabrication and Study of Graphene-Based Nanocomposites for Sensing and Energy Storage, Matthew McInnis
Fabrication Of Functional Nanostructures Using Polyelectrolyte Nanocomposites And Reduced Graphene Oxide Assemblies, Anindarupa Chunder
Fabrication Of Integrated Optofluidic Circuits In Chalcogenide Glass Using Femtosecond Laser Direct Writing, Troy P. Anderson
Fabrication Of Metallic Antenna Arrays Using Nanoimprint Lithography, Yu-Wei Lin
Facade Democracy: Democratic Transition In Kazakhstan And Uzbekistan, Robin Nicole Merritt
Facial Emotion Recognition In Children With Asperger's Disorder And In Children With Social Phobia, Nina Wong
Facilitating Adaptive Team Performance: The Influence Of Membership Fluidity On Learning, Wendy L. Bedwell
Facilitating Information Retrieval in Social Media User Interfaces, Anthony Costello
Facing Continual Challenges, Oysters Need Our Help, Linda Walters
Factor-analytic examination of managerial credibility, Jeffrey Darren Kudisch
Factors Affecting Breeding Territory Size And Placement Of The Florida Grasshoper Sparrow (ammodramus Savannarum Floridanus), Jill Aldredge
Factors affecting choice of and satisfaction with nontraditional programs by females : a qualitative study, Rex C. Cain
Factors Affecting Predation Of Marine Turtle Eggs By Raccoons And Ghost Crabs On Canaveral National Seashore, Fl, Justin Brown
Factors Affecting The Practices Of Iso 9001:2000 Quality Management System In Saudi Business Organizations, Mohammad Mesaad Al-Asiri
Factors Associated With Information Literacy Competencies Of The Traditional Baccalaureate Nursing Student, Patricia Lafferty
Factors Associated With Retention Rates In Career And Technical Educat, Jo Ann Whiteman
Factors Associated with Stress in Working Mothers, Jayne Roberts
Factors Influencing Effectiveness Of Interorganizational Networks Among Crisis Management Organizations: A Comparative Perspective, Bahadir Sahin
Factors Influencing The Variability In Social Capital, James R. Downing
Factors Influencing User-level Success In Police Informationsharing: An Examination Of Florida's Finder System, Jr Ernest Scott
Factors Limiting Native Species Establishment On Former Agricultural Lands, Annalisa M. Weiler-Lazarz
Factors Related To Birth Transition Success Of Late-preterm Infants, Karen L. Wright
Factors that Influence Plant Species Richness on Habitat Islands of Sand Pine Scrub, Cindy B. Connery
Faculty Perceptions Of Alignment Ofadministrative Practices With A University Missionutilizing A Hospitality Model, Duncan Dickson
Fade Statistics For A Lasercom System And The Joint Pdf Of A Gamma-gamma Distributed Irradiance And Its Time Derivative, Frida Stromqvist Vetelino
Failure Analysis Of Impact-damaged Metallic Poles Repaired With Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites, Robert Arthur Slade
Failure detection and prediction of paper mill rubber covered rolls, Moin Nawaz
Failure Mode Identifications Of Rc Beams Externally Strengthened With, Chris O'Riordan-Adjah
Fairy Forts And The Banshee In Modern Coastal Sligo, Ireland: An Ethnography Of Local Beliefs And Interpretations Of These Traditions, Brian Tillesen
Falling Behind in Pay: A Longitudinal Test of Equity Theory Among Florida Municipal Police Agencies' Salaries, Robert Lord
Falling Down: The Influence Of Traffic Patterns And Availability Of Emergency Medical Service Personnel On The Lethality Of Violent Encounters, Nicholas Libby
Fall Updates From the Office of Undergraduate Research
Family Care Giver Knowledge, Patient Illness Characteristics, and Unplanned Hospital Admissions in Older Adults with Cancer, Patricia Geddie
Family Conflict And Emerging Adults' Attributions Of Conflict In Romantic Relationships, Arazais Oliveros
Family Dependency Drug Courts: An Empirical Test Of Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Elizabeth Lindsey-Mowery
Family Struggles and Substance use among First Generation College Students, Barbara Vehabovic
Family Support And Mental Health Care Quality In Nursing Homes Serving Residents With A Mental Health History, Kathryn Frahm
Famtile: An Algorithm For Learning High-level Tactical Behavior From Observation, Brian Stensrud
Fan Blade, Danny Parker and Bart Hibbs
Fantasy Baseball: A Distortion of the Game, Richard C. Crepeau
Fantasy League Baseball, Richard C. Crepeau
Fantasy Sports Come in All Sizes and Shapes and Prices, Richard C. Crepeau
Farewell and Happy Retirement to a Pioneer and Pillar of our Community, Abraham Pizam
Farewell Rodney Dangerfield, Abraham Pizam
Far-infrared/millimeter Wave Source And Component Development For Imaging And Spectroscopy, Todd Du Bosq
Farm to Fork: A Culinary- and Farm-Enhanced Nutrition Education Program, Vivian Ray
Fast Algorithms For Fragment Based Completion In Images Of Natural Scenes, Siddharth Rajkumar Borikar
Fast-Flyback Mirror Scanner, Raymond E. Hanna
Fast Response Dual Frequency Liquid Crystal Materials, Qiong Song
Fast Response Liquid Crystal Devices, Yung-Hsun Wu
Fast-response Liquid Crystal Displays, Meizi Jiao
Fast Response Liquid Crystal Mode, Shin-Tson Wu and Wing Choi
Fast-response Liquid Crystals For Photonic And Display Applications, Jie Sun
Fast-track Land Reform And The Decline Of Zimbabwe's Political And Economic Stability, Ryan Groves
Fatal Crashes Caused By Light Trucks Relative To Cars: A Test Of The Offsetting Behavior Hypothesis, Adam David Zubritsky
Fate Of Coated Zinc Oxide In Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, Stephanie Carbone Bolyard
Fate of heavy metals from highway runoff in stormwater management systems, Harvey H. Harper
Fate of Phosphorus from Residential Stormwater Runoff in a Southern Hardwood Wetland, Benjamin M. Fries
Father's Day, Richard C. Crepeau
Father's Day, Richard C. Crepeau
Father's Day, Richard C. Crepeau
Father's Day, Richard C. Crepeau
Father's Day, Richard C. Crepeau
Father's Day Tribute to My Father, Richard C. Crepeau
Father's Day Tribute to My Father, Richard C. Crepeau
Fathers' Language Influence On Their Six-month-old Infants' Vocalization During Free-play, Lu Xia
Fatigue Lifetime Approximation Based On Quantitative Microstructural Analysis For Air Plasma Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings, Carmen Bargraser
Fay Vincent, Pete Rose, and Reinstatement, Richard C. Crepeau
Fearlessness The Seventh Element Of Drama, Matt Wenge
Fear Of Crime And Perceived Risk Of Victimization Among College Students, Jennifer Truman
Fearsome Foursome, Richard C. Crepeau
Feasibility Investigation into the Use of a Liquid Crystal Television as a Spatial Light Modulator, Edward R. Raudenbush
Feasibility of Pulsed Air Operation in a Fixed Film Biological Reactor, Harry C. Pepper III
Feasibility Study Of Evaluating Durability Of Cfrp-strengthened Beams Using In-situ Load Test, Carlos Turizo-Rico
Feasibility Study Of Lightweight High-strength Hollow Core Balsa-frp Composite Beams Under Flexure, Kevin O'Neill
Feathers Fall Lightly, Jacoub Reyes
Feathers Fall Lightly, Jacoub Reyes
Feature Pruning For Action Recognition In Complex Environment, Adarsh Nagaraja
Feedback-based Alcohol Interventions For Mandated Students: A Comparison Of Individual, Group, And Electronic Formats, Jacqueline Alfonso
Feedback Intervention Perceptions: Development and Validation of a Measure, Brandon Young
Female Bias in Technical Communication and an Exploration of Pedagogical Strategies for Reversing the Bias, Rebecca Beeson
Female Genital Circumcision Social Indicators That Influence Attitudes On Abandonment Of Fgc In Nigeria, Joanna Eisele
Female Sexual Offenders-an Underexamined Population, Creaig Anthony Dunton
Feminist, Linguistic, And Rhetorical Perspectives On Language Reform, William Dorner
Feminist 'Zine', Crystal Vanaria
Femtosecond Filament Interaction As A Probe For Molecular Alignment, Erik McKee
Femtosecond Laser Written Volumetric Diffractive Optical Elements And Their Applications, Jiyeon Choi
Fenway Park and the Ted, Richard C. Crepeau
Fernandez and Palmer, Richard C. Crepeau
Fetal-pelvic Disproportion And Pelvic Asymmetry As A Potential Cause For High Maternal Mortality In Archaeological Populations, Sarah Stansfield
Few-cycle Pulses Amplification For Attosecond Science Applications Modeling And Experiments, Michael Hemmer
Fiber Optic Fluid Level Sensor, Navid Ghandeharioun
Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors for a Large Electric Power Generator, Daniel A. Lester
Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Retrofitting of Concrete Structures: Polyurethane Systems Versus Epoxy Systems, Elie El Zghayar
Field Implementation Of Polyacrylamide For Runoff From Construction Sites, Rafiqul Islam Chowdhury
Field Of View Effects On Reflexive Motor Response In Flight Simulation, Javier Covelli
Field Theoretic Lagrangian From Off-shell Supermultiplet Gauge Quotients, Gregory Katona
Fifth of July : a character perspective, Christopher G. Taylor
Fight Breaks Out at Fight - Salary Jumps - Kirby Puckett Retires, Richard C. Crepeau
Film Cooling With Wake Passing Applied To An Annular Endwall, Nghia Trong Tran
Film Growth Of Novel Frequency Agile Complex-oxide Piezoelectric Material, Bindu Sreeramakavacham
Filter Settle Time for Signal Processing Applications, Michael T. McCord
Final Four, Richard C. Crepeau
Finance And Accounting Outsourcing: Three Studies Related To The Ethical And Economic Dimensions Of Accounting Outsourcing, Renu V. Desai
Financial Evaluation Of Milege Based User Fees For Florida's Transportation Funding, Massoud Moradi
Financial Forest, Karen Carlson
Finding Consensus Energy Folding Landscapes Between RNA Sequences, Joshua Burbridge
Finding Dud Vertices In Defensive Alliances And Secure Sets Using Computational Tools, George Worley II
Finding Sundays: A Collection Of Stories, Tamra Artelia Martin
Finding the Sweet Spot in Your Life Can be More Than Just a Dream, Bob Porter
Finding Treasure: The Story of a Micro-budget Digital Film, Christopher Williamson
Find Your Passion – That’s What Makes Life Worth Living, Eileen Smith
Fine-scale geographic variation of stable isotope and fatty acid signatures of three fish species in the Indian River Lagoon, FL, Jennifer Fletcher Odom
Fine-scale Structures In Saturn's Rings Waves, Wakes And Ghosts, Kevin Baille
Finite Depth Seepage Below Flat Apron With End Cutoffs And A Downstream Step, Arun K. Jain
Finite element analysis of a glass fiber inclusion, Jeffery R. Southland
Finite Element Analysis Of A Test Specimen For Strength Of A Co-polymer Layer At A Bone-implant Interface, Nitin Chhabra
Finite Element Analysis Of Left-handed Waveguides, Balasubramaniam, Vellakkinar
Finite Element Evaluation Of The Effects Of Lateral Anchorage Strips On The Behavior Of Cfrp-strengthened Rc Beams, Jose Javier Perez
Finite Element Method Modeling Of Advanced Electronic Devices, Yupeng Chen
Finite element modeling of bridge expansion joint, Jose Alberto Ferrer
Finite Element Modeling Of Tides And Currents Of The Pascagoula River, Qing Wang
Finite element profile optimization of nanocrystalline aluminum flywheel under rotation, Chih Chung Wang
Finite Element Simulation Of Repair Of Delaminated Composite Structures Using Piezoelectric Layers, Kunal Navale
Finite Element Simulation of Single-lap Shear Tests Utilizing the Cohesive Zone Approach, Wilson A. Perez
Finite Impluse Response Filter Design using the Superposition of Sampling Functions, Huat Keng Ng
Finite impulse response filter design using cosine series functions, Carlton Delos Bishop
Finite Impulse Response Filter Implementation via Windowing Technique, Thomas J. Horrigan
Firearm Lethality In Drug Market Contexts, James McCutcheon
Fire in a Distant Heaven: The Boxer Uprising as a Domestic Crisis in the United States, Daniel Fandino
Fire Retardant Polymer Nanocomposites: Materials Design And Thermal Degradation Modeling, Jinfeng Zhuge
First Month with My Newborn Was Both the Fastest and the Longest of My Life, Leandra Preston-Sidler
First Person Perspectives Of The Impact Of Segregation And The Civil Rights Movement On Southern White Racism, Jeff Dockswell
First Principles Studies Of Pattern Formations And Reactions On Catalyst Surfaces, Duy Le
First World Series in Two Years, Richard C. Crepeau
Fish From Afar Marine Resource Use At Caracol, Belize, Smith Petra Cunningham
Fishing, Richard C. Crepeau
Fishing is Not for Me, Richard C. Crepeau
Fish Invaders at Gypsy Point: Katie and George Learn About Alternatives to Aquarium Dumping, Grace V. Nimnualrat, Anne Marie Wotkyns, George H. Zaleski, Linda Walters, and Susan Zaleski
Fitness Level, Type A Behavior, and Anxiety Levels in an Occupational Setting, Susan D. Kilduff
Fitzgerald, Jason K. interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Five Degrees: A Short Story, Cassia E. Hinds
Five Kingdoms, Kelle Groom
Five School District Mentor Models for Secondary Mathematics and Science Teachers in a Job Embedded University Teacher Preparation Program, Lisa Karcinski
Flame-Turbulence Interaction for Deflagration to Detonation, Jessica Chambers
Flexural Mechanical Durability Of Concrete Beams Strengthened By Externally Bonded Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets, Michael Olka
Flight Emergency Advice Works Just as Well Back on the Ground, Carolyn Massiah
"Flo Jo" and Performance-Enhancing Drugs, Richard C. Crepeau
Florida First Year Teachers' Perceptions Of Preparedness To Meet National Educational Technology Standards For Teachers (net, Larry Bedenbaugh
Florida High School Athletic Assn. and Transfer Rule - NFL Malaise, Richard C. Crepeau
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 01: Spring 2009, Robert Cassanello
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 02: Summer 2009, Robert Cassanello
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 03: Fall 2009, Robert Cassanello
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 04: Winter 2010, Robert Cassanello
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 05: Spring 2010, Robert Cassanello
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 06: Summer 2010, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 07: Fall 2010, Robert Cassanello and Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 08: Winter 2011, Robert Cassanello
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 09: Spring 2011, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 10: Summer 2011, Daniel Murphree and Robert Cassanello
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 11: Fall 2011, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 12: Winter 2012, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 13: Spring 2012, Robert Cassanello and Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 14: Summer 2012, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 15: Fall 2012, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 16: Winter 2013, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 17: Spring 2013, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 18: Summer 2013, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 19: Fall 2013, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 20: Winter 2014, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 21: Spring 2014, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 22: Summer 2014, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 23: Fall 2014, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 24: Winter 2015, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 25: Spring 2015, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 26: Summer 2015, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 27: Fall 2015, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 28: Winter 2016, Daniel Murphree
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 29: Spring 2016, Daniel Murphree
Florida Local Government Conservation Planning: Variability, Drivers, And Policy Implications, Pamela Pannozzo
Florida Macrolichens as Potential Bioindicators of Environmental Quality: A Baseline Study, Harry V. Neal
Florida Public School Administrators' Knowledge Of Legal Issues Related To Search And Seizure, Catherine Slack
Florida's Cattle Culture: Ethos And Enterprise In The Sunshine State, Corinne E. Zellner
Florida School Indicator Report Data As Predictors Of High School Adequate Yearly Progress (ayp), John D. Carr
Florida's civil war home front and the defic[i]ency confederate nationalism, David J. Latona
Florida's current legislative mandate requiring risk management programs in health care organizations cannot prevent medical malpractice litigation, Linda Marie Tills
Florida's Paradox Of Progress: An Examination Of The Origins, Construction, And Impact Of The Tamiami Trail, Mark Schellhammer
Florida Sports, Richard C. Crepeau
Florida Statewide Symposium Engagement in Undergraduate Research 2014 - 1
Florida Statewide Symposium Engagement in Undergraduate Research 2014 - 10
Florida Statewide Symposium Engagement in Undergraduate Research 2014 - 2
Florida Statewide Symposium Engagement in Undergraduate Research 2014 - 3
Florida Statewide Symposium Engagement in Undergraduate Research 2014 - 4
Florida Statewide Symposium Engagement in Undergraduate Research 2014 - 5
Florida Statewide Symposium Engagement in Undergraduate Research 2014 - 6
Florida Statewide Symposium Engagement in Undergraduate Research 2014 - 7
Florida Statewide Symposium Engagement in Undergraduate Research 2014 - 8
Florida Statewide Symposium Engagement in Undergraduate Research 2014 - 9
Florida Superintendents' Views Related To The Involuntary Removal Of School Principals, Christopher S. Bernier
Florida Teacher Perceptions Concerning Internet Dangers For Students, Kathleen Baker
Florida Technological University College of Natural Sciences research activities, July 1, 1973-June 30, 1974, Florida Technological University. College of Natural Sciences
Florida Technological University College of Natural Sciences research activities, July 1, 1974-June 30, 1975, Florida Technological University. College of Natural Sciences
Florida Technological University College of Natural Sciences research activities, July 1, 1975-June 30, 1976, Florida Technological University. College of Natural Sciences
Florida Technological University College of Natural Sciences research activities, July 1, 1976-June 30, 1977, Florida Technological University. College of Natural Sciences
Florida Technological University College of Natural Sciences research activities, July 1, 1977-June 30, 1978, Florida Technological University. College of Natural Sciences
Florida Technological University College of Natural Sciences research activities, July 1, 1978-June 30, 1979, Florida Technological University. College of Natural Sciences
Florida Technological University College of Natural Sciences research activities, July 1, 1979-June 30, 1980, Florida Technological University. College of Natural Sciences
Florida Technological University Libraries, Annual Report 1968-1969, UCF Libraries
Florida Technological University Libraries, Annual Report 1969-1970, UCF Libraries
Florida Technological University Libraries, Annual Report 1970-1971, UCF Libraries
Florida Technological University Libraries, Annual Report 1971-1972, UCF Libraries
Florida Technological University Libraries, Annual Report 1972-1973, UCF Libraries
Florida Technological University Libraries, Annual Report 1973-1974, UCF Libraries
Florida Technological University Libraries, Annual Report 1974-1975, UCF Libraries
Florida Technological University Libraries, Annual Report 1975-1976, UCF Libraries
Florida Technological University Libraries, Annual Report 1976-1977, UCF Libraries
Florida Technological University Libraries, Annual Report 1977-1978, UCF Libraries
Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC) - Open Planning Meeting, Florida Statewide Symposium
Flow Injection and Photometric Determination of S(IV) in Rainwater with Pararosaniline, Frank A. Hedgecock
Flow Visualization In Microfluidic Expansion And Mixing, Ehsan Yakhshi-Tafti
Fluorescence Off-On Sensors for F-, K+, Fe3+, and Ca2+ Ions, Binglin Sui
Flu Shot Benefits More Than You -- Don't Put Others at Risk, Heather Waymouth
Flying under the LiDAR: relating forest structure to bat community diversity, Anna Schneider Swanson
FMF assay for assessing vaccine generated antibodies in a biomimetic manner, Vipra Dhir
Folate conjugated hyperbranched polyester nanoparticles for prostate tumor-targeted delivery of a cytotoxic peptide via prostate specific membrane antigen, Orielyz Flores-Fernandez
Food For Joyous Laughter: Contemporary Productions Of Gilbert & Sullivan's The Pirates Of Penzance, Julia Winstead
Food For Thought: The Relationship Between Thought Suppression And Weight Control, Rachel Peterson
Food Insecurity, Social Inequality, and Social Policy, Sara Strickhouser
Food Safety Inspections Results: A Comparison of Ethnic-Operated Restaurants to Non-Ethnic-Operated Restaurants, Kimberly J. Harris, Kevin Stephen Murphy, Robin B. DiPietro, and Gretchen L. Rivera
Football and Police, Richard C. Crepeau
Football and Thanksgiving, Richard C. Crepeau
Football Begins Its Longest Season Ever - Signs of Opening Football Season, Richard C. Crepeau
Football in the Air, Richard C. Crepeau
Football Spending in Florida Universities - Pell Grant Fraud Not Only at Miami, Richard C. Crepeau
For Alexander: An Exploration Of Good Ole Boy Identity And Mortality., Chad Johnson
Forced Motherhood? An Ethnographic Study on State Gender Expectations in Nicaragua, Mikaela M. Mendoza-Cardenal
Forced, Non-Linear Vibration of Integral Shroud Turbine Blades, Michael K. Brown
Forced Outage, Caitlin Jackson
Forces Driving the Growth of the Restaurant Industry in the USA, Nan Hua and Amanda Templeton
Forecasting The Onset Of Cloud-ground Lightning Using S-pol And Nldn Data, Kartik Ramakrishnan
Forecasting Volcanic Activity Using An Event Tree Analysis System And Logistic Regression, William N. Junek
Foreclosures And Crime: Testing Social Disorganization Theory In The Suburbs, Sara Hoskin
Foreign Language Oral Assessment Practices In Florida Middle And High Schools, Grace Kerr Kellermeier
Forensic Analysis Of Automobile Paints By Atomic And Molecular Spectroscopic Methods And Statistical Data Analyses, Erin McIntee
Forensic Analysis Of C-4 And Commercial Blasting Agents For Possible Discrimination, Katie Steele
Forensic Application of Chemometric Analysis to Visible Absorption Spectra Collected from Dyed Textile Fibers, Alejandra Flores
For Home And Country Confederate Nationalism In Western North Carolina, Hunter D. Shaw
Formalization Of Input And Output In Modern Operating Systems: The Hadley Model, Matthew Gerber
Formation Of Lyotropic Liquid Crystals Through The Self-assembly Of Bile Acid Building Blocks, Karan Tamhane
Formative Assessment: Benefit For All, William Wallace
Forming A Puerto Rican Identity In Orlando: The Puerto Rican Migration To Central Florida, 1960 - 2000, Julio R. Firpo
Formula One Driver Ayrton Senna, Richard C. Crepeau
Formula One: Is Winning always the Goal for all Competitors, Richard C. Crepeau
For richer or for poorer : the impact of state level legislation on marriage, divorce and other outcomes, Amy Melissa Donley
Fortune Flowers, Rachel Jeter
Fortune Flowers, Rachel Jeter
Fostering paths of enrollment from an urban high school to a large, public university, Colin Wyenberg
Fostering Teacher's Conceptual Understanding Of Ordering, Adding, And Subtracting Fractions Through School-based Professional Development, Jessica Maguhn
Fountain 1, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Fountain 2, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Fourier-transform spectroscopy of the triply-ionised lanthanides in lithium yttrium fluoride (LiYF4) and barium yttrium fluoride (BaY2F8), Ray Ian Ramotar
Four Months in Russia:What I Missed in Sportsworld, Richard C. Crepeau
Four Terminal Junction Field-effect Transistor Model For Computer-aided Design, Hao Ding
Fpga-based Design Of A Maximum-power-point Tracking System For Space A, Todd Persen
Fractal Interpolation, Gayatri Ramesh
Fractal Spectral Measures In Two Dimensions, Beng Oscar Alrud
Fraction Models That Promote Understanding For Elementary Students, Lynette Hull
Fractures, Elizabeth Hastings
Frames In Hilbert C*-modules, Wu Jing
Framework For Cost Modeling A Supply Chain, Nabeel Yousef
Frameworks for Environmental Policymaking in Brazil and Chile: A Comparative Policymaking Analysis of the Belo Monte and HidroAysén Dams, Robert J. Vogan
Framing, Public Relations, And Scientology: An Analysis Of News Coverage And A Controversial Organization, Kristy McAllister
Framing Racial Inequality Reassessing The Effect Of Religion On Racial Attitudes, Jerrold C. Kaufman II
Frat Star, Nathan Andrew Holic
Freedom of the Press and Sports: Not Always, Richard C. Crepeau
Freeform Reflector Design With Extended Sources, Florian Fournier
Freeman, Dave interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Freeman, Harold interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Free to be Accountable: Extended Self as a Moderator of Cheating Among Those Primed with Determinism, Vincent M. Iula
Frequency Distribution Of Pyroxene Types And A Method To Separate The Composition Of Multiple Pyroxenes In A Sample, Jimmy Allen Davis
Frequency Selective Detection of Infrared Radiation in Uncooled Optical Nano-Antenna Array, Sushrut Modak
Frequency to Voltage Signal Conditioner Circuit Design, Pamela Ann Nelson
Friday is a Planet: Stories, Allison Pinkerton
Friend/foe Identification Accuracy And Shooting Performance: Effects Of Prior Task Loading And Time Pressure, Kelly Ann Burke
Friendship and Informant Characteristics Associated with Agreement among Adolescent and Friend Ratings of Behavior Problems., Brea-anne Lauer
Fringe field switching liquid crystal displays using trapezoid electrodes, Shin-Tson Wu, Qi Hong, and Ruibo Lu
From American Service to Disservice: An Exploration of the Impact of Military Experience among an Incarcerated Population, Erika Brooke
From Ashes To Ashé: Memorializing Traumatic Events Through Participatory Digital Archives, Patricia Carlton
From Celery City To Navy Town: The Impact Of Naval Air Station Sanford During World War Ii, Lewis Metzger
From Liberal to Restrictive: The 1992 Asylum Policy Change in Germany, Natalie Ramos
From Seclusion To Inclusion: A Comparative Case Study Of Students With Emotional And Behavioral Disorders In Middle Schools, Cheryl Young
From Shadowmourne To Folk Art Articulating A Vision Of Elearning For The 21st Century, Christina Kapp
From Sisters to CEO's: Defining Organizational Rhetoric in a Case Study of Social Sorority Bylaws, Paige Rood
From Skeptical Disinterest To Ideological Crusade: The Road To American Participation In The Greek Civil War, 1943-1949, Stephen Villiotis
From Textbooks To Safety Briefings: Helping Technical Writers Negotiate Complex Rhetorical Situations, Brian Blackburne
From The Top: Impression Management Strategies And Organizational Identity In Executive-authored Weblogs, Teryl A. McLane
From the Yellow Peril to the Model Minority: An Experimental Survey Examining Racial Attitudes towards Asian Americans, Jenny Nguyen
Front-line Registered Nurse Job Satisfaction And Predictors: A Meta-analysis From 1980 - 2009, Deborah Anne Saber
Frost, Vernon E. interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Functional Characterization of Green Sorption Media and Scaling of Pilot Studies for Copper Removal in Stormwater Runoff, Cameron Houmann
Functional conflict resolution in automated knowledge generation, Massood Towhidnejad
Functional Data Analysis and its application to cancer data, Evgeny Martinenko
Functional Identification of Nucleus Tractus Solitarius (NTS) Barosensitive Neurons: Effect of Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia (CIH), Jenya Kolpakova
Functionalized Green Filtration Media for Passive Underground Drainfield for Septic Tank Nutrient Removal, Martin Wanielista, Ni-Bin Chang, and Ammarin Makkeasorn
Functional Scaffolding for Musical Composition: A New Approach in Computer-Assisted Music Composition, Amy K. Hoover
Fundamental Aspects Of Regenerative Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles And Their Applications In Nanobiotechnology, Swanand Patil
Fundamental Study Of Fc-72 Pool Boiling Surface Temperature Fluctuations And Bubble Behavior, Alison Griffin
Fundamental Study Of Mechanical And Chemical Degradation Mechanisms Of Pem Fuel Cell Membranes, Wonseok Yoon
Fung Shui and Sport, Richard C. Crepeau
Futuring Internet Marketing Activities Using Change Propensity Analysis, Youcheng Wang, Yeong-Hyeon Hwang, and Daniel R. Fesenmaier
Fuzzy Robots: Utopian Ideals, The Immortalization Of Youth, And The Innocence Of Childhood., Elizabeth Caps
Gabor Domain Optical Coherence Microscopy, Supraja Murali
GAC for TOC Removal from Detained Stormwater, Bryon J. Russell
Gain Control of a Time-Varying Signal Using a Multiplaying DAC, Yassin Movassaghi
Gallium arsenide schottky fabrication for acousitc charge transport devices, Minh Hai Ha
Game-based Strategies Implementation During Social Skills Training for Non-Elementary Aged Individuals, Joan Fenaughty
Game On: The Impact Of Game Features In Computer-based Training, Renee DeRouin-Jessen
GAPP instruction simulator, Ronald P. Bauman
Garden Soils: Reviewing the Viability of Soil Phosphate Analyses in the Archaeological Identification of Ancient Maya Kitchen Gardens, Cheryl Foster
Garner, Douglas V. interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Garriga, Ramon D. interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Gary Glassman Dancing, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Gasdynamically-Controlled Droplets as the Target in a Laser-Plasma Extreme Ultraviolet Light Source, Roy McGregor, Robert Bunnell, Michael Petach, and Rocco Orsini
Gas Permeable Chemochromic Compositions for Hydrogen Sensing., Ali Raissi, Gary Bokerman, Nahid Mohajeri, and Nazim Muradov
Gatekeepers and Their Role in the Selection of Press Releases, Martha L. Nixon
Gatekeeping and coorientation, do they mix?: / a three-way analysis of a business journal, Sheryl Anne Tumlin
Gate Stack And Channel Engineering: Study Of Metal Gates And Ge Channel Devices, Ravi Todi
Gauging Training Effectiveness of Virtual Environment Simulation Based Applications for an Infantry Soldier Training Task, Douglas Maxwell
Gauss-newton Based Learning For Fully Recurrent Neural Networks, Aniket Arun Vartak
Gender and Social Capital: Implications for Women's Civic Engagement in Ecuador and Peru, Pamela Medina
Gender Bias In The Technical Disciplines, Jessica Lynn Campbell
Gender Composition Of Online Technical Communication Collaborations, Erika A. Wardell
Gender Differences And Fast Food Preferences Among U.S. College Students, Donald Persaud
Gender differences in and correlates of work locus of control, William V. Guy
Gender Differences In Characteristics Of Intimate Partner Homicide Offenders, Heather Lynn Wilson
Gender Dynamics From The Arab World: An Intercultural Service Encounter, Marryam Khan
Gendered Virtue: A Study of its Meaning and Evolution in Early Modern France, Mariela Saad
Gender Segregated Learning Environments An Analysis Of The Perceived Impact Of Single-sex Classrooms In South Carolina, Paul Gleason
Gender Stereotypes And The Governor's Mansion, Adrienne Mathews
Gene McDowell, Richard C. Crepeau
General Copyright, Sarah A. Norris and Lily Flick
General Education Reform At A Community College A Grounded Theory Study, Daniel Dutkofski
General film compensated reflective twisted nematic liquid crystal display, Shin-Tson Wu and Xinyu Zhu
General Interference Suppression Technique For Diversity Wireless Rece, Tianyu Yang
Generalization in multi-layer feed forward nueral networks employing the back propagation algorithm/, Francis Joseph Gerrity
General Managers' Perceptions Of Corporate Social Responsibility In Florida Hotels, Judith L. Holcomb
General Social Trust And Political Trust Within Social And Political Groups: A Case Study, Weylan Craig
General Vector Explicit - Impact Time and Angle Control Guidance, Loren Robinson
Generating Multiple User Interfaces for Multiple Application Domains, Mahesh Hassomal Dodani
Generation and characterization of sub-70 isolated attosecond pulses, Qi Zhang
Generation And Printing Of Strictly Monodisperse Droplets, Hongxu Duan
Generation Of Recombinant Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Lines And Theirapplication For In Vivo Bioluminiscence Imaging In The Heart, Ramana Kammili
Generation of three-dimensional sonic images using point-in-space-to-ear-canal transfer functions, Scott Allen Sayers
Generation Rated X: Personality Traits, Sexual Attitudes, and the Effects of Sexually Explicit Media on Attraction Among Men, H. Christopher Eckstein
Generation Y: Market Opportunity or Marketing Challenge – Strategies to Engage Generation Y in the UK Attractions’ Sector, Anna Leask, Alan Fyall, and Paul Barron
Generosity Creates Its Own Ripple Effect, Traci Evison
Genetically Engineered Adaptive Resonance Theory (art) Neural Network Architectures, Ahmad Al-Daraiseh
Genetically Modified Es Cells Enhance Cardiac Repair And Regeneration In The Infarcted Heart, Carley E. Glass
Genetic Analysis Of Rhoa Signaling During Epithelial Morphogenesis In Drosophila, Amanda Fitch Leppert
Genetic And Physiological Contribution Of Adrenergic Cells In Heart Development, Kingsley Osuala
Genetic Differentiation Among Florida Populations of Diadema antillarum, Luke M. Chandler
Genetic Engineering As Literary Praxis: A Study In Contemporary Literature, Taylor Evans
Genetic engineering of cotton to increase fiber strength, water absorption and dye binding, Henry Daniell
Genetic engineering of plant chloroplasts, Henry Daniell and Bruce McFadden
Genetic engineering of plant chloroplasts, Henry Daniell and Bruce McFadden
Genetic engineering of plant chloroplasts, Henry Daniell and Bruce McFadden
Genetic engineering of plant chloroplasts, Henry Daniell and Bruce McFadden
Genetic engineering of plant chloroplasts, Henry Daniell and Bruce McFadden
Genetics and Sport Performance: The Debate, Richard C. Crepeau
Genetic Structure and Demographic Analysis of Key deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium), Vicki Villanova
Genre And Persona In Activist Websites, Margaret M.F. Boreman
Geographic Information Systems Ethics, Richard Snow and Mary Snow
Geographic Information Systems: The Developer's Perspective, Johnn B. Henris
Geographic Information Systems: The User's Perspective, Janet Lane Griffin
Geographic Variation In Post-mating Immune Gene Expression In Drosophila Melanogaster, Cheryl Ann Pinzone
Geography Lessons, Richard C. Crepeau
Geolocation of Diseased Leaves in Strawberry Orchards for a Custom-Designed Octorotor, Christian Garcia
Geometric Invariance In The Analysis Of Human Motion In Video Data, Yuping Shen
Geophysical Survey Of Greenwood Cemetery, Orlando, Florida, Dennis Wardlaw
George Aguel, Ron Logan and Dr. Pizam at Cocktail Hour 1, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
George Aguel, Ron Logan and Dr. Pizam at Cocktail Hour 2, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
George Foreman - The Breeder's Cup - Lou Holtz and Notre Dame Poor Winners, Richard C. Crepeau
George Liska's Realist Alliance Theory, And The Transformation Of Nato, Sergey Kireyev
George O'Leary and Notre Dame's Integrity, Richard C. Crepeau
Geotechnical Investigation of In-Lake Sediment Treatment for Megginnis Arm of Lake Jackson, Tallahassee, Florida, Richard L. Johnson
Gesture Assessment of Teachers in an Immersive Rehearsal Environment, Roghayeh Barmaki
Gestures and mental models: A triple coding hypothesis, Maura Austin
Get Involved: Experiential Learning as an Introduction to Undergraduate Research, Laura Jeffries
Get Outside the Box – and Go Outside!, Alaina Bernard
Getting to know SCUA, or, Getting to know UCF Libraries' Special Collections and University Archives, David Benjamin
Getting to Know You: Dr. Josie Weiss
Getting To The Pulp Of Haruki Murakami's Norwegian Wood: Translatability and the Role of Popular Culture, Jacquelyn Zuromski
Get to Know the Custodians, Todd Dagenais
Giant Magneto-impedance Effect In Thin Film Layered Structures, Amruta Borge
Gifted Students' Engagement In A Middle School Research And Critical Thinking Course, Samuel Crupi Jr
Gillooly, John interview, RICHES of Central Florida
'Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way', Rick Brunson
Give Someone a Break, Melody Bowdon
Giving Theatrical Life, Quentin Darrington
Glial Differentiation Of Human Umbilical Stem Cells In 2d And 3d Environments, Hedvika Davis
Global Data Association for Multiple Pedestrian Tracking, Afshin Dehghan
Global Domination of Factors of a Graph, Julie R. Carrington
Globalization and the 'Fourth Wave': Contemporary International Terrorism in a Comparative-Historical Perspective, Erika M. Martinez
Globally-asynchronous, Locally-synchronous Wrapper Configurations For, Akarsh Ravi
Global Perspectives of Pre-Service Teachers: A Comparative Study, Cynthia Poole
Global Secure Sets Of Trees And Grid-like Graphs, Yiu Yu Ho
Global Tourism: A Guide to Statistical Sources, John Crotts and Abraham Pizam
Glutamate Excitotoxicity In Epilepsy And Ischemia, Mangala Meenakshi Soundarapandian
Go Fish: An Analysis Of Economic Rents In Panamanian Fisheries Against Ecosystem Service Values, David Glassner
Going International? Important Factors Executives Should Consider!, Nan Hua and Arun Upneja
Golden Opportunities for White Collar Productivity Improvements in Quality Assurance, Jane M. Algee
Goodell, Richard C. Crepeau
Goodell and Drones, Richard C. Crepeau
Goodell's Press Conference, Richard C. Crepeau
Goodell's Quagmire, Richard C. Crepeau
Good Works: The Topoi of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Travel and Tourism Industry, Connie Culler
Gore's Science The Kairos Of An Inconvenient Truth And The Implications For Science Writing, Carolyn M. Glasshoff
Got Chaeto? Please be careful!, Linda Walters
Gourmet Food Trucks: An Ethnographic Examination Of Orlando's Food Truck Scene, Zachary Hawk
Governmental Responses To Terrorism: Creating Costs And Benefits, Kenneth Klose
Go With The Flow: Examining The Effects Of Engagement Using Flow Theory And It's Relationship To Achievement And Performance, Karen Cooper
GPU-based interactive radiosity and ray tracing, Francisco Omar Rivas
Gpu Ray Traced Rendering And Image Fusion Based Visualization Of Urban Terrain For Enhanced Situation Awareness, Lingling Sik
Gracey, Mike interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Gradient Based Mrf Learning For Image Restoration And Segmentation, Kegan Samuel
Graduated Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders And Their Parents Lived Experiences In Public High School, Karen F. Uhle
Graduate Programs: Are They Effective?, Abraham Pizam
Grande, Chinseta interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Grande, John interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Grant Contract - New Coach? - Baseball HOF, Richard C. Crepeau
Grant, Maurice T. interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Grant's Contract in Jeopardy- NFL loses in Court- Hockey and Baseball Lockouts, Richard C. Crepeau
Graphene Oxide Reinforcement in Plasma Sprayed Nickel-5%Aluminum Coatings, David Ward
Graphic Display of Geographic Spatial Data, Jill G. Ashby
Graphics Package for Portable Alphanumerical/Graphics Terminal, Elsie S. Loh
Graph-theoretic Approach To Modeling Propagation And Control Of Network Worms, Zoran Nikoloski
Graph Theoretic Modeling: Case Studies In Redundant Arrays Of Independent Disks And Network Defense, Sanjeeb Nanda
Gravity Fails, Kereth Cowe-Spigai
Great Moments in the Last Two Weeks in Abundance, Richard C. Crepeau
Green Building: Public Opinion, Semantics, And Heuristic Processing, Christina Michelle Webb
Green Chairs, Fictional Phalluses, Infiltration, And Love On The Rocks: Medical Imaging Artifacts Blown Up, Lynn Koller
Green Hotels: A Fad, Ploy or Fact of Life?, Abraham Pizam
Green Technologies and Sensor Networks for BMP Evaluation in Stormwater Retention Ponds and Wetlands., Anthony Crawford
Greeters 1, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Greeters 2, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Greeters 3, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Greeters 4, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Greeters 5, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Greeters 6, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Greeters 7, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Gretzky, Lemieux, and the NHL Playoffs, Richard C. Crepeau
Grimm, Steven Anthony interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Ground Penetrating Radar in the Detection of Subsurface Cavities Related to Sinkhole Activity in Florida, Marianne Sweeney
Group Differences in Perceived Workplace Mistreatment: A Meta-Analysis, Mallory McCord
Group Interactive Session, Florida Statewide
Groupthink Analysis of the Mayaguez Incident, Lloyd D. Tellefsen
Growing Health: Community Gardens And Their Effects On Diet, Physical And Mental Health And Community, Brittany Minnick Hanson
Growing Local: Anthropological Reflections On Current Challenges Facing Central Florida Organic Farmers, Cheney Swedlow
Growing Up Village, Malemute, Carlee Kauffman
Growth And Characterization Of Zno Based Semiconductor Materials And Devices, Ming Wei
Growth And Survival Of Bacteria In Simulated Martian Conditions, Bonnie Berry
Growth, Development and Tourism in a Small Economy: Evidence from Aruba, Robertico Croes and Manuel Vanegas
Grow Your Own Academic Library Scholarly Communication Program, Barbara G. Tierney, Lee Dotson, Buenaventura (Ven) Basco, John Venecek, and Sarah A. Norris
Guest at step and repeat 12A, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guest at step and repeat 12B, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guest at step and repeat 13A, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guest at step and repeat 13B, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests and Acrobats on Silks, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at Cocktail Hour 1, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at Cocktail Hour 2, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at Cocktail Hour 3, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at Cocktail Hour 4, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at Cocktail Hour 4, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at Cocktail Hour 5, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at Cocktail Hour 6, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at Cocktail Hour 7, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guest Satisfaction Analysis Of A Casual Dining Restaurant: A Comparison Of Tourist Vs Non-tourist Satisfaction Scores., Jessica Wickey
Guests at step and repeat 1, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at step and repeat 10A, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at step and repeat 10B, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at step and repeat 11A, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at step and repeat 11B, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at step and repeat 14A, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at step and repeat 14B, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at step and repeat 15, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at step and repeat 2, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at step and repeat 3, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at step and repeat 4, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at step and repeat 5, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at step and repeat 6A, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at step and repeat 6B, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at step and repeat 7, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at step and repeat 8A, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at step and repeat 8B, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests at step and repeat 9, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests Dancing 1, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests Dancing 2, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests Dancing 3, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests Dancing 4, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests Dancing 5, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests Dancing 6, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests Dancing 7, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests Dancing 8, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests in the Ballroom 1A, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guests in the Ballroom 1B, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Guidelines For Twenty-first Century Instructional Design And Technology Use: Technologies' Influence On The Brain, Jennifer Gabriel
Gulf, Daniel Adams
Gun Ownership Trends In The United States, 1973-2000, Jason Michael Ruckert
Gutter King, Keith Morris
Habitat Use And Feeding Ecology Of Delphinids Inferred From Stable Isotopes And Fatty Acid Signatures, Nicole Browning
Habitat Use And Seasonal Activity Of Selected Snakes On John F. Kenned, Karen Dyer
Habitat Use By The Southeastern Beach Mouse (peromyscus Polionotus Niveiventris) At Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, Kathryn Simmons
Haitian American Mothers' Health And Dietary Beliefs Concerning Their Infants, Daniel Schooler
Half-virgin, Alexander Gregory Pollack
Hall of Fame 1, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Hall of Fame 2, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Hall of Fame Denial, Richard C. Crepeau
Hall of Fame Inductions: Cooperstown and Akron, Richard C. Crepeau
Halloween Horror Nights And/Or Visceral Theatre, Patrick Braillard
Hand, Peter interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Hanging back with the brutes: barbarism in Tennessee Williams' The Red Devil Battery Sign, Jeffrey Sowder
Happiness in Giving and Receiving, Peggy L. Nuhn
Happy Valley, Richard C. Crepeau
Hardaway, the Magic, and the Orlando Media, Richard C. Crepeau
Harding and Kerrigan Followup, Richard C. Crepeau
Hard Luck Baby, Tanya Lipscomb
Hardware algorithms for data compression, N. Ranganathan
Harmony An Architecture For Network Centric Heterogeneous Terrain Database Re-generation, Benito Graniela
Harmony Oriented Architecture, Kyle A. Martin
Harris Corporation Engineering Center, announcement
Harris Corporation Engineering Center, back
Harris Corporation Engineering Center, front
Harris Corporation Engineering Center, interior
Harris Corporation Engineering Center, night
Harris Rosen 1, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Harris Rosen 2, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Harris Rosen 3 -standing ovation, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Harris Rosen 4 -standing ovation, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Has The Song Remained The Same?: Perceptions Of Effectiveness In Family Safety Work, Debra Marshall
Hatching Asynchrony Occurs As A Byproduct Of Maintaining Egg Viability, Robert Aldredge
Have Nominating Conventions Lost Power?, Tyler Branz
Have You Heard? Predictors Of Hpv Awareness Among A Random Sample Of College Students, Meagan Arrastia
Head Hunting in the NHL Playoffs: Not the Beautiful Game seen in the Olympics, Richard C. Crepeau
Head Mounted Display by Integration of Phase-Conjugate Material, Jannick Rolland, Yonggang Ha, and Ricardo Martins
Head-mounted Display by Integration of Phase-Conjugate Material, Jannick Rolland, Yonggang Ha, and Ricardo Martins
Health and Public Affairs I, artwork
Health and Public Affairs I, inside
Health and Public Affairs I, night
Health Attitudes, Knowledge And Literacy Of Primary Caregivers With Elementary School Children, Susan Stuib
Healthcare Communication Networks: The Dissemination Of Employee Information For Hospital Security, Jennifer Sumner
Healthcare Information Systems:design Theory, Principles And Application, Sandra Richardson
Health-care Seeking Behaviors Of Puerto Ricans With Diabetes Mellitus Who Live In South Florida: An Exploratory Study, Laura Gonzalez
Health promotion services for senior citizens in Florida's district VII : a community resources inventory and needs assessment, Sandra B. Guillet
Health Transitions And The Aging Population: A Framework To Measure The Value Of Rapid Rehabilitation, Dianne Ross
Healthy Aging And Self-objectification The Impact Of Empowerment And Feminist Attitudes On Body Image, Eating Behavior, And Aging Satisfaction, Karen P. Grippo
Heart and Hustle Are Real with the Magic, Richard C. Crepeau
Heat And Fluid Flow Characterization Of A Single-hole-per-row Impingement Channel At Multiple Impingement Heights, Roberto Claretti
Heat pump performance study: an evaluation of performance enhancement devices, Colin Thomas
Heat removal from a silicon chip using a liquid cooled microchannel, Kenneth L. Wagner
Heat Transfer And Friction Augmentation In A Narrow Rectangular Duct With Symmetrical And Non-symmetrical Wedge-shaped Turbulators, Michelle Valentino
Heat Transfer and Pressure Measurements from Jet Array Impingement onto a Large Radius Curved Surface, John Harrington
Heat Transfer Augmentation In A Narrow Rectangular Duct With Dimples Applied To A Single Wall, Carson Slabaugh
Heat Transfer In A Coupled Impingement-effusion Cooling System, Mark W. Miller
Heat Transfer In Multi-layer Energetic Nanofilm On Composites Substrate, Navid Amini Manesh
Heat Transfer In Multi-layer Energetic Nanofilm On Composites Substrate, Manesh Navid Amini
Heavy Drama at the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament, Richard C. Crepeau
Hedonic Property Value Modeling Of Water Quality, Lake Proximity, And Spatial Dependence In Central Florida, Patrick Walsh
Hegemony of the Fourth and Fifth Estates: Exploration of Ideology and False Consciousness in the Media, Anna Turner
Helical Packing Regulates Structural Transitions In Bax, Nuska Tschammer
Helping At-risk Students Solve Mathematical Word Problems Through The Use Of Direct Instruction And Problem Solving Strategies, Lurdes Lopez
Helping Mothers Defend their Decision to Breastfeed, Kandis Natoli
Hendrickson, Les interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Henry James, Virginia Woolf, And Frank Lloyd Wright: Interiority, Consciousness, Time, And Space In The Modernist Novel And The Home, Carol Michaelsen
Herb Brooks: A Tribute, Richard C. Crepeau
Heuristic 3d Reconstruction Of Irregular Spaced Lidar, Nicholas Shorter
Heuristic Prioritization Of Emergency Evacuation Staging To Reduce Clearance Time, Steven Mitchell
He Used the Internet - I Used the Encyclopedia, Rebekah McCloud
Hfs Plus File System Exposition And Forensics, Scott Ware
Hidden In Plain Sight: Development And Testing Of A Model To Evaluate Political Leadership Tactics, Albert Citron
Hidden Narrative: A Family of Objects, Alesha Hassard
Hidden Scars: The Art Of Ptsd, Gabriel Gonzalez
Hidden Variable, Heather Harms
High Average Power Nanosecond Pulsed Tm:Fiber Laser for Pumping an Optical Parametric Oscillator, Ali Abdulfattah
High Birefringence And Low Viscosity Liquid Crystals, Chien-Hui Wen
High Birefringence Liquid Crystals For Optical Communications, Amanda Jane Parish
High Current Density Low Voltage Isolated Dc-dc Converterswith Fast Transient Response, Liangbin Yao
High Efficiency Air Conditioner Condenser Twisted Fan Blades and Hub, Danny Parker, Bart Hibbs, and John Sherwin
High Efficiency Air Conditioner Condenser Twisted Fan Blades and Hub, Danny Parker, Bart Hibbs, and John Sherwin
High Efficiency Air Conditioner Condenser Twisted Fan Blades and Hub, Danny Parker, Bart Hibbs, and John Sherwin
High Efficiency and Wide Color Gamut Liquid Crystal Displays, Zhenyue Luo
High-efficiency Blue Phase Liquid Crystal Displays, Yan Li
High efficiency new nonlinear crystals for green and blue lasers, Ming Yi Hwang
High Efficiency Permanent Magnet Machine, Xinzhang Wu, Louis Chow, Martin Epstein, Jon Harms, Yang Hu, Hanzhou Liu, and Wei Wu
High Energy, High Average Power, Picosecond Laser Systems To Drive Few-cycle Opcpa, Andreas Vaupel
High Flux Isolated Attosecond Pulse Generation, Yi Wu
High Gain / Broadband Oxide Glasses For Next Generation Raman Amplifiers, Clara Rivero
High Heat Flux Spray Cooling With Ammonia On Enhanced Surfaces, Huseyin Bostanci
High-intensity Ultra-fast Laser Interaction Technologies, Robert Thomas Bernath
High Linearity 5.8 Ghz Power Amplifier With An Internal Linearizer, Yiheng Wang
Highly Integrated Dc-dc Converters, Hongwei Jia
Highly Qualified Secondary Special Education Co-teachier Definitions Among The Fifty States, Leslie Sena
Highly-Sensitive Stoichiometric Analysis of YAG Ceramics Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Jahromi, Ali Kazemi
High Output Extreme Ultraviolet Source, Rocco Orsini
High-Performance Composable Transactional Data Structures, Deli Zhang
High Performance Data Mining Techniques For Intrusion Detection, Muazzam Ahmed Siddiqui
High Performance Low Voltage Power Mosfet For High-frequency Synchronous Buck Converters, Boyi Yang
High Performance Three-Dimensional Display Based on Polymer-Stabilized Blue Phase Liquid Crystal, Yifan Liu
High Power Mode-locked Semiconductor Lasers And Their Applications, Shinwook Lee
High Pressure Micro-Spectroscopy of Biological Assemblies and Cells, Sang Hoon Park
High Pressure Testing Of Composite Solid Rocket Propellant Mixtures: Burner Facility Characterization, Rodolphe Valentin Carro
High Resolution Monopulse Tracking, Larry Alan Young
High resolution photoelectron spectrometry of selected ns' and nd' autoionization resonances in Ar, Kr, and Xe, Jian Zhong Wu
High resolution time-resolved imaging system in the vacuum ultraviolet region, Yuseong Jang
High School Literacy Coaches In Florida: A Study Of Background, Time, And Other Factors Related To Reading Achievement, Donald Boulware
High School Sports Eligibility and the Florida Legislature, Richard C. Crepeau
High School Students Attending College: A Study Of The Dual Enrollment Program And Its Impact On The Postsecondary Institution Of Brevard Community College, Matthew Hiesterman
High Slew Rate High-efficiency Dc-dc Converter, Xiangcheng Wang
High Speed Latchup-Free CMOS Using TiSi2, N-Well, Technology, Faheem Mohamedi
High-speed Modelocked Semiconductor Lasers And Applications In Coherent Photonic Systems, Wangkuen Lee
High Speed Turbo Tcm Ofdm For Uwb And Powerline System, Yanxia Wang
High Temperature EUV Source Nozzle, Roy McGregor, Rocco Orsini, and Michael Petach
High Temperature Materials Characterization And Sensor Application, Xinhua Ren
High Temperature Packaging For Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Devices, Brian Grummel
High Temperature Shock Tube Ignition Studies of CO2 Diluted Mixtures, Owen Pryor
High Voltage Bias Testing And Degradation Analysis Of Photovoltaic Modules, Vinaykumar Hadagali
High Volume Fraction Mg-based Nanocomposites: Processing, Microstructure And Mechanical Behavior, Jinling Liu
Highway Runoff and Sediment Control, Susanna H. Rehmann-Koo
Hispanic Immigrant Parental Messages of Resiliency and Emotional Regulation to their Children: An Examination of Important Variables and an Intervention, Rodrigo Velezmoro
Hispanics' Attitudes Toward Seeking Counselingas A Function Of Psychosocial And Demographic Variables, Angela Rojas-Vilches
Historical Comparison Of Florida And National Title Ix Compliance Trends In High School Sports From 1985-2005, Coury Matthew Knowles
Historical Responses Of Marine Turtles To Global Climate Change And Juvenile Loggerhead Recruitment In Florida, Joshua Reece
History Curriculum Needs More Coverage of Black Inventors, Anthony Major
Hjb Equation And Statistical Arbitrage Applied To High Frequency Trading, Yonggi Park
Hmong Americans in Higher Education: Exploring their Sense of Belongingness and the Concept of the American Dream., Janet Daugherty
Hockey, Richard C. Crepeau
Hockey Fans and Magic Fans Compared, Richard C. Crepeau
Hockey in Russia, Richard C. Crepeau
Hockey in Sweden and Finland: The European Game is Better, Richard C. Crepeau
Hockey Night in Orlando: The End for the IHL, Richard C. Crepeau
Hockey's Team Canada: Some Painful History, Richard C. Crepeau
Hockey Strike Ends - Arthur Ashe HIV - Magic Ticket Price Increase, Richard C. Crepeau
Holistic Representations For Activities And Crowd Behaviors, Berkan Solmaz
Holliday, Kennedy L. interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Holocaust Denial, Kenneth Hanson
Holographic Recording and Applications of Multiplexed Volume Bragg Gratings in Photo-thermo-refractive Glass, Daniel Ott
Holy Books Or Pocket Books? Class And Values In American Politics, Matthew Keaton
Holyfield and Tyson - When Magic Play at Arena, City Loses Money, Richard C. Crepeau
Home, Nikki Sutterby
Home Care Quality Effects of Remote Monitoring, Cynthia Williams
Homeless Women In The Orlando Shelter System: A Comparison Of Single Women, Families, And Women Separated From The Children, Hilary Dotson
Home School Versus Other Applicants To Postsecondary Institutions: Admission Policies And In-depth Analysis, Rebecca Lynn Ashford
Home Sweet Home: An Infinite Grid Of Memory And Repressed Abuse Trauma, Melissa Bush
Home to School Transitions: A Guatemalan Family Portrait, Lisa Crayton
Homicide In The Headlines An Analysis Of The Newspaper Reporting Of Baltimore Homicides Of 2010, Jaclyn V. Schildkraut
Homologous Pairing Through Dna Driven Harmonics-- A Simulation Investigation, Richard J. Calloway
Homosexist attitude change as a function of jungian personality type, William R. Kockentiet
Homosexuality and Sport, Richard C. Crepeau
Honoring: Mike Schmidt, Richie Ashburn and Leon Day, Richard C. Crepeau
Honors in the Major: A Model Approach to Undergraduate Research, Kelly Astro and Denise Crisafi
"Hoop Dreams", Richard C. Crepeau
Hope and Low Level Literacy of Haitians in Petit-Goave: Implications for Hope Theory and Adult Literacy Education, Donita Grissom
Hope For A Thorn: The Making Of A Microbudget Digital Feature Film, Leslie Kitzinger
Hospitality Management: A Guide to Key Reference Works, Tim Bottorff
Hospitality Management: The State of our Art (or Science?), Abraham Pizam
Host and Bacterial Determinants of Staphylococcus aureus Nasal Colonization in Humans, Gowrishankar Muthukrishnan
Hot Carrier Effect On Ldmos Transistors, Liangjun Jiang
Hotel Manager Attitudes Toward Environmental Sustainability Practices Empirical Findings From Hotels In Phuket, Thailand, Sivika Saenyanupap
Hotels as Tempting Targets for Terrorism Attacks, Abraham Pizam
How American Student Journalists At A College Newspaper Consume, Perceive, And Disseminate News And Information About China, Xiaohua Wang
Howard Cosell Retires: A Tribute - Baseball, Seattle, and Japan, Richard C. Crepeau
Howard, Dalton interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Howard Phillips Hall, students walking
How Can You Change the World if You're Not Paying Attention?, Alexandra Pittman
How Did We Wind Up in Such an Unlikely Universe?, Michael Bass
How Does Jay-customer Affect Employee Job Stress And Job Satisfaction?, Gawon Kim
How Does The Use Of Picture Books During Instruction Improve Student Word Choice In Writing?, Laurie Anne McAdams
How does your Open Access Week programming grow?, Lee Dotson and Cynthia S. Dancel
How Do I Look 1, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
How Do Situational Judgments Sic] Tests And Situational Interviews Compare? An Examination Of Construct And Criterion-related Validity, James S. Gunter
How Do Teams Become Cohesive? A Meta-Analysis of Cohesion's Antecedents, Rebecca Grossman
How Do They Fit In?: Millennials In The Workplace, Carolee Richendollar
How Do You Make a Society Wise?, Barry Jason Mauer
How Emoticons Affect Leader-member Exchange, Jennifer Loglia
How High School Size Configuration Affects Student Achievement In The State Of Florida, Donald Morrison
How Leadership Affects Follower Satisfaction: The Federal Case, Tracey Trottier
How Many Are Out There? A Novel Approach For Open and Closed Systems, Zia Rehman
How Many Credit Card Frauds Must We Endure Before Security Improves?, Maritza Martinez
How Millennials Engage in Social Media Activism: A Uses and Gratifications Approach, Sasha Dookhoo
How Much is that War in the Window? An Investigation into the Costs of War, Spencer Miller
How Stigma Affects Information Sharing By Gay Men And Glbt Communities, Kathryn Shephard
How The Sky Tastes: Eight Stories, Daniel Sinclair
How to Create an Account in STARS, Kerri Bottorff and Lee Dotson
How to Create a STARS Account, Lee Dotson and Kerri Bottorff
How to Make an Oyster Restoration Mat, Linda Walters
How to Upload a Library Document to STARS, Lee Dotson and Kerri Bottorff
How to Upload a Library Newsletter to STARS, Lee Dotson and Kerri Bottorff
Hückel Energy Of A Graph: Its Evolution From Quantum Chemistry To Mathematics, Steven Zimmerman
Huge Week, Richard C. Crepeau
Hull, John D. interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Human Action Localization And Recognition In Unconstrained Videos, Hakan Boyraz
Human and Natural Causes of Marine Turtle Clutch and Hatchling Mortality and Their Relationship to Hatchling Production on an Important Florida Nesting Beach, Blair E. Witherington
Human Detection, Tracking and Segmentation in Surveillance Video, Guang Shu
Human Factors Compatibility Concerns in the Selection of Display Technologies for Computer and Data Terminals, Francis C. Westerfield
Human factors considerations in the development of instructional materials applied to payload processing tasks at the kennedy space center, David B. Kennedy
Humanities, Sciences Must be United -- for Our Collective Success, Carla Poindexter
Humanizing Technical Communication With Metaphor, Ashley McClure
Human-robot Interaction For Multi-robot Systems, Bennie Lewis
Human Sexuality Education In The Middle Grades Classroom: A Review Of Curricula In A Sample Of Florida School Districts, Melinda Myrick
Human Spaceflight Decision-making As A Potential Well Problem, Ari Litwin
Human Trafficking For Labor Purposes An Analysis Of Immigration Policy And Economic Forces Within The United States, Candace G. Owen
Human Trafficking For Sexual Exploitation In Southeast Asia, Nodwarang Niamvanichkul
Hungry And Taking The Bus? Assessing Food Outlet Accessibility In Central Florida, Katelan E. Smith
Hurricane Evacuation: Origin, Route And Destination, Vinayak Dixit
Hurricane Katrina And The Perception Of Risk: Incorporating The Local Context, Nnenia Campbell
Hurricane Shoes And Other Stories, Kristie Smeltzer
Hurricane Wind Retrieval Algorithm Development For An Airborne Conical Scanning Scatterometer, Santhosh Vasudevan
Hurricane Wind Speed And Rain Rate Measurements Using The Airborne Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (hirad), Ruba Amarin
Hurricane Wind Speed And Rain Rate Retrieval Algorithm For The Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer, Ruba Amarin
Hyakki Yagyo, Zhefu Wan
Hyakki Yagyo, Zhefu Wan
Hybrid And Hierarchical Image Registration Techniques, Dongjiang Xu
Hybrid MOPA having narrowband oscillator and amplifier with integrated optical coupling., Eric Johnson, Jason O'Daniel, Oleg Smolski, and Pradeep Srinivasan
Hybrid Photonic Signal Processing, Farzan Naseer Ghauri
Hydration of Propylene to Isopropanol, Nehemiah Diala
Hydrogen Sulfide Flux Measurements And Dispersion Modeling From Constr, Sangho Eun
Hydrologic Mass Balance Of Pervious Concrete Pavement With Sandy Soils, Thomas Kunzen
Hydromorphology Of The Econlockhatchee River, John Baker
Hyperactivity In Boys With Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder: A Ubiquitous Core Symptom Or Manifestation Of Working Memor, Jennifer Bolden
Hysteresis Effects In Driving, Justin Morgan
I Can't Pinpoint When the Problem Started – It Was Just There, Rebekah McCloud
Ice Driving in Atlanta - Don Shula Retires, Richard C. Crepeau
Ideas, Beliefs, Strategic Culture, and Foreign Policy: Understanding Brazil's Geopolitical Thought, Marcos Rosas Degaut Pontes
Ideas in education, Volume 1 Number 1, Spring 1983, University of Central Florida. College of Education
Ideas in education, Volume 2 Number 1, Fall 1984, University of Central Florida. College of Education
Ideas in education, Volume 3 Number 1, Winter 1986, University of Central Florida. College of Education
Ideas in education, Volume 4 Number 1, Spring 1987, University of Central Florida. College of Education
Identification and Characterization of Interactors of Plasmodium falciparum PfPK6, An Atypical Protein Kinase, Andi J. Cummins
Identification And Suitability Of A Non-anthropomorphic Meta-language Framework In Military Applications, Gilbert Cardona
Identification Of Fabrics Likely To Collect And Disperse Fel D 1, Mary Janice Jones
Identification Of Novel Antimalarial Scaffolds From Marine Natural Products, Bracken Roberts
Identification Of Novel Antimalarials From Marine Natural Products For Lead Discovery, Stephenie M. Alvarado
Identification of phonemes and graphemes in spanish-english and english speaking kindergarten students, Roanne G. Brice
Identification Of Proteins Regulating Vldl Sorting Into The Vldl Transport Vesicle (vtv) And Involved In The Biogenesis Of The Vtv, Samata Tiwari
Identification Of System Design Features That Affect Sickness In Virtual Environments, Julie Drexler
Identification of the Effects of Diabetes Mellitus on the Brain, Tryphina A. Mikhail
Identifying Archetypal Attributes of Maya Ceremonial Architecture: Clues to the Late Classic Sociopolitical Status of Pacbitun, Belize, George Micheletti
Identifying Factors That Influence Gender Disparities In Physician Income: Implications For Public Policy, Wendy Bolyard
Identifying Influential Agents In Social Systems, Mahsa Maghami
Identifying inundation-driven effects among intertidal Crassostrea virginica in a commercially important Gulf of Mexico estuary, Joshua Solomon
Identifying strategies college students perceive to be most effective in a comprehensive smoking cessation program at the University of Central Florida, Owens Mary Schmidt
Identifying the Initial Mental Health Messages of Army ROTC Students and Exploring Their Connection to Mental Health Stigma and Help-Seeking Behaviors, Kristopher Hall
Identifying the Most Common Errors in Saudi University Students' Writing: Does the Prompt Matter?, Amal Barzanji
Identifying the Success factors of Web-based Marketing Strategy: An Investigations of Convention and Visitors Bureaus in the United States, Youcheng Wang and Daniel R. Fesenmaier
Identity as a Sexual Minority in the Workplace: A Look at Personality and Contextual Factors, Samuel Resende
Identity construction and information processing in a coaching relationship: The effects of coach behavior on coachee goal-setting and commitment, Christopher Coultas
Identity Development and Sexual Orientation Prejudice, Cassandra Smith
Identity Development, Social Support, and Motherhood, Dayanara Rosado
Ideological Voting On The Supreme Court: An Analysis Of Judicial Activism On The Burger And Rehnquist Courts, 1969-2004, Tiahna Larsen
Ideology And Influence Balancing Conservative And Neoconservative Power In The Islamic Republic Of Iran, Rachel F. Corsi
Idiosyncratic item selection effects: do they produce the incongruity effect?/, Susan E. Haynes
Iditarod: The Last Great Race on Earth, Richard C. Crepeau
I Don’t Control a Lot of Things- but I Can Control What I Read, Yolanda Hood
I. Evaluation of Iron Whiskers and Stainless Steel Microwaves as Catalysts for Ammonia Synthesis II. Hydrodechlorination of Chloralkanes on Iron Whisker Catalysts, Diane Kaefer-Northcott
If Our Gatekeepers Can't Function Properly, We Are Doomed, Barry Mauer
If We Are a 'Civilized' Society, We Must Find a Way to Stop Violence, David Houghton
If You Expect to Succeed, be Wary of the 'Iceberg Effect', Denver E. Severt
If You Want to Be On Time, Make Sure You End On Time, Michael Preston
"I Kid You Not, I am Asked a Question about Children At Least Once a Week": Exploring Differences in Childbearing Habitus in Pronatalist Fields, Alyssa Mullins
I'll Just Say It, Men: Sexual Attackers are Arrogant, Insecure, Weak, Mark Routhier
Illuminations talks to Tom Cavanagh
I Love it When Linus Reminds Me What Christmas is About, Mark Routhier
Il Pazzia D'innamorati: A Commedia Dell'arte, Jennifer Hart
Image Analysis and Segmentation Based on the Circular Pipeline Video Processor, Jon M. Albritton
Image-based Material Editing, Erum Khan
Image Based View Synthesis, Jiangjian Xiao
Image Degradation Due To Surface Scattering In The Presence Of Aberrations, Narak Choi
Image Quality Analysis Using GLCM, Dhanashree Gadkari
Image Reconstruction After Transform Coding Using Relative Entropy and Maximum Entropy, John S. Bodenschatz
Image-space Approach To Real-time Realistic Rendering, Musawir Shah
Imaging And Spectroscopy Of Conducting Polymer-fullerene Composite Materials, Daeri Tenery
'I'm As Mad As…', Rich Sloane
I'm Hopeful the Power of Sport Will Expand to Spur Social Change, Richard E. Lapchick
Immediacy In Comedy: How Gertrude Stein, Long Form Improv, And 5 Second Films Can Revolutionize The Comedic Form, Alexander Hluch
Immortal Stalemate: U.S.-iranian Relations & The Diversionary Theory Of War, Namdar Hosseinzadeh
Immuno-pcr Detection Of Lyme Borreliosis, Micah Halpern
Impact of Automobile Primacy on Central Florida Commuters
Impact of conjugate boundary conditions on convective heat transfer coefficient as applied to a simulated turbine blade tip, Vaibhav L. Lakare
Impact Of Construction On Freeway Traffic Operations, Seema Jagtap
Impact Of Corrosion Inhibitor Blended Orthophosphate On Water Quality In Water Distribution Systems, Abdulrahman Alshehri
Impact of Dynamic Message Signs on Driver Behavior Under Reduced Visibility Conditions, Ryan Selby
Impact Of Ethical Practices On Performance Outcome Measures In A Select Group Of Nonprofit Organizations In Florida, Stephanie Krick
Impact of Gamma-Irradiation on the Characteristics of III-N/GaN Based High Electron Mobility Transistors, Anupama Yadav
Impact Of Hurricanes On Structures - A Performance Based Engineering View, Vijay Mishra
Impact Of Scale-up On Science Teaching Self-efficacy Of Students In General Education Science Courses, Mary Kay Cassani
Impact of supervisor training and leadership style on employee assistance program utilization, Valerie J. Orten
Impact Of The Education Level Of Voluntary Prekindergarten Teachers Upon Kindergarten Student Readiness Rates, Teresa Wright
Impact of the longer change and clearance intervals on signalized intersections and corridors, Mohammed Alfawzan
Impact of the student experience on alumni involvement, Jill C. Baker
Impact of wireless channel uncertainty upon M-ary distributed detection systems., Zahra Hajibabaei Najafabadi
Impact Of Zinc Orthophosphate Inhibitor On Distribution System Water Quality, Xiaotao Guan
Impacts of a Historical Film on the Destination Image of South America, Amir Shani, Youcheng Wang, Simon Hudson, and Sergio Moreno Gil
Impacts of Complexity and Timing of Communication Interruptions on Visual Detection Tasks, Sally Stader
Imperial Japan's Human Experiments Before And During World War Two, Alan Vanderbrook
Implementation and analysis of an acousto-optic photorefractive correlator, Christopher John Sherman
Implementation And Evaluation Of A Classroom-based Approach To Expectancy Challenge For Reducing Alcohol Use Among First-year Co, Janani Sivasithamparam
Implementation And Performance Comparisons For The Crisfield And Stiff Arc Length Methods In FEA, Thomas W. Silvers
Implementation of a 35 GHz Microstrip Antenna System, Rachel S. Albritton
Implementation of a Parallel Ynet Architecture, Julie Nadeau LeBlanc
Implementation of co-teaching model practices and their impact on outcomes for students with learning disabilities in middle school mathematics classrooms, Cynthia E. Pearl
Implementation of Inversion Algorithms in Reconfigurable Systolic Arrays, Haritini E. Andre
Implementation of Total Quality Management in the Department of Defense, Kimberly Margaret McCarthy
Implementation Strategies For Real-time Traffic Safety Improvements On Urban Freeways, Jeremy Harvey Dilmore
Implementing Growth Mindset Principles for Girls in STEM Elementary Classrooms Through the Creation of a Children's Book, Jessica Van Westering
Implementing Lexical And Creative Intentionality In Synthetic Personality, Erik Vick
Implementing Path Control, English Motion Commands and Off Line Programming on Minimover-5 Robot, Mark S. Chen
Implementing Plain Language Into Legal Documents: The Technical Communicator's Role, Peggy Bivins
Implementing Sustainability Initiatives: A Study Of U.S. Local Governments, Nick Lebredo
Implementing Usability Testing Of Technical Documents At Any Company And On Any Budget, Meghan Collins
Improved Internet Security Protocols Using Cryptographic One-Way Hash Chains, Amerah Alabrah
Improved Relevancy Ranking Using Statistical Ranking, Semantics, Relevancy Feedback, and Small Pieces of Text, James Driscoll
Improvements on Instrumentation to Explore the Multidimensionality of Luminescence Spectroscopy, Anthony Moore
Improving Airline Schedule Reliability Using A Strategic Multi-objective Runway Slot Assignment Search Heuristic, Florian Hafner
Improving Branch Prediction Accuracy Via Effective Source Information And Prediction Algorithms, Hongliang Gao
Improving Business Performance Through The Integration Of Human Factors Engineering Into Organizations Using A Systems Engineeri, Monica Philippart
Improving Chronic Kidney Disease Care With Group Visits, Vicki Montoya
Improving Comprehension Of Capital Sentencing Instructions: A Bias Reduction Approach, Charles W. Otto
Improving fairness, throughput and blocking performance for long haul and short reach optical networks, Sana Tariq
Improving Metacomprehension And Learning Through Graduated Concept Mod, Eleni Kring
Improving On-time Graduation For At-risk Students: Perceptions Of Interventions To Improve On-time Graduation In One Florida School District., Walter Griffin
Improving Parent Involvement For Culturally And Lingustically Diverse Parents Of Middle School Students With Disabilities From Urban Settings in Suburban Schools, Michelle Urquhart
Improving Performance And Programmer Productivity For I/o-intensive High Performance Computing Applications, Saba Sehrish
Improving Project Management With Simulation And Completion Distributi, Grant Cates
Improving Routing Efficiency, Fairness, Differentiated Servises And Throughput In Optical Networks, BIN ZHOU
Improving Student Learning in Undergraduate Mathematics, Gabrielle Rejniak
Improving supervisory performance through feedback from subordinates, E. Michael Break
Improving the analytical recovery of radiostrontium from environmental samples, Luz Selenia Acosta
Improving Traffic Safety And Drivers' Behavior In Reduced Visibility Conditions, Hany Mohamed Hassan
Impulse Formulations Of The Euler Equations For Incompressible And Compressible Fluids, Victor David Pareja
Impulsivity And Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Testing Competing Predictions From The Working Memory And Behavioral Inhibition Models Of Adhd, Joseph S. Raiker
Impurity And Interdiffusion In The Magnesium-aluminum System, Sarah Tiffany Brennan
In Attempt to Quell Violence, Don't Publicly Identify 'Mentally Disturbed', Carla Poindexter
Inclusion: A Question of Practice, Stance, Values and Culture, June Sellers
Inclusionary Practices: Impact Of Administrators' Beliefs On Placement Decisions, Maria Vazquez
Inclusion Of Students With Disabilities: An International Perspective, Jeanette Amayo
Incoherent hybrid optical image processing using liquid crystal televisions as spatial light modulators, Jonathan David Emery
Incorporating cooperative learning in Taiwan English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms, Ya Chen Chien
Incorporating Remotely Sensed Data into Coastal Hydrodynamic Models: Parameterization of Surface Roughness and Spatio-Temporal Validation of Inundation Area, Stephen Conroy Medeiros
Increased Interest Expense and Management's Expense Preference Behaviour of Publicly-Traded Restaurant Firms, Arun Upneja, Michael C. Dalbor, Nan Hua, and Toni Repetti
Increase Spatial Sampling For Wave Front Mid-Spatial Frequency Error Recovery, Jannick Rolland and Weiyao Zou
Increasing Metalinguistics Awareness as a Necessary Precursor for Preservice Teachers, Aimee Schoonmaker
Increasing Self Reported Argumentativeness In College Level Public Speaking Students, Kim E. Long
Incremental Lifecycle Validation Of Knowledge-based Systems Through Commonkads, Feras Batarseh
Incumbent Violence And Insurgent Tactics: The Effects Of Incumbent Violence On Popular Support For Guerrilla Warfare And Terrorism, Jonathan Williams
In Defense of 'Depressing' Books, Laurie Uttich
Indirect Estimates Of Gene Flow And Its Conservation Implications In The Striped Newt (notophthalmus Perstriatus), Sarah Elizabeth May
Individual Carbon Nanotube Probes And Field Emitters Fabrication And T, Guangyu Chai
Individual Differences in Training Performance: The Derivation of a Prediction Model, Brenda J. Hoskin
Individual Differences of Directed Forgetting, Griselda Alavez
Individual Identification Of Polar Bears By Whisker Spot Patterns, Carlos Anderson
Individual Preferences In The Use Of Automation, Jennifer Thropp
Individual Reactions To Organizational Ethical Failures And Recovery Attempts: A Recovery Paradox?, James Caldwell
Indoor Geo-location And Tracking Of Mobile Autonomous Robot, Mahesh Ramamurthy
In Double Exile: A Memoir, Deborah Beckwin
Indy 500 - Lyle Alzado and Ed Gantner- FSU and UF Bowl Money, Richard C. Crepeau
Inelastic Dynamic Behavior And Design Of Hybrid Coupled Wall Systems, Mohamed Hassan
In English You Read with a Stopwatch: A Journey towards Biliteracy in Two Older Adopted Salvadoran Children, Mary A. Petron and Barbara J. Greybeck
Infectious Disease Risks In Developing Countries: A Non-market Valuation Exercise, Shreejata Samajpati
Infiltration Through Roadside Swales, Eduardo. Avellaneda
Influence Map Methodology For Evaluating Systemic Safety Issues, Timothy Barth
Influence of Bromide Upon Trihalomethane Formation and Speciation, Thomas J. Christ
Influence Of Electron Trapping On Minority Carrier Transport Properties Of Wide Band Gap Semiconductors, Olena Tirpak
Influence of Personal and State Level Variables on Perception of State Emergency Management Network Resilience In 47 States, Victoria Jennison
Influence of Stellate Ganglion Stimulation on Morphology of Alveolar Type II Cells, Lori Ann Alexander
Influence Of Task-role Mental Models On Human Interpretation Of Robot Motion Behavior, Scott Ososky
Influence Of The Csi Effect On Education And Mass Media, Sarah E. McManus
Influence Of Topographic Elevation Error On Modeled Storm Surge, Matthew Bilskie
Influencing Students To Become Stewards Of The Earth's Ocean, Jenifer Trimble
Information Propagation Algorithms for Consensus Formation in Decentralized Multi-Agent Systems, Christopher Hollander
Information-seeking Strategies Of Doctoral Students And Implications For Design Of The Graduate School Web Space, Debra Winter
Infraded Surface Plasmon Polaritons On Semiconductor, Semimetal And Conducting Polymer, Monas Shahzad
In-frame Mutagenesis Of Genes Encoding A Selenium-dependent Molybdenum Hydroxylase And Putative Accessory Proteins In Enterococcus Faecalis, Christopher J. Mallard
Infrared Antenna-coupled Phased-array, Christopher Middlebrook
Infrared Emission Spectroscopy Of Hot Carbon Monoxide, Farnood Khalilzadeh Rezaie
Infrared Phased-array Antenna-coupled Tunnel Diodes, Brian Alan Slovick
Infrared Tapered Slot Antennas Coupled To Tunnel Diodes, Louis A. Florence
Infrared Thermography And High Accuracy Gps For Automated Asphalt Crack Detection, Tarek M. Abdel-Monem
Infusing EL Content and Instruction into English Education Courses, Donna Niday
Infusing EL Content into a Foundations Course, Cynthia J. Hutchinson
Infusing EL Content into a Sociocultural Studies in Education Course, Lauren B. Isaac and Richard A. Quantz
Inheriting The Motley Mantle An Actor Approaches Playing The Role Of Feste, Shakespeare's Update Of The Lord Of Misrule, Andrew Clateman
Inhibition of Murine Lymphokine Activated Killer (LAK) Cell Cytotoxicity by Adherent Cells and Prostaglandin E2, Kimberly G. Roe
Inhibition of Neovascularization by Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles, Sudipta Seal, James McGinnis, Lily Wong, and Xiaohong Zhou
Inhibition of Reactive Oxygen Species and Protection of Mammalian Cells, Sudipta Seal, Junping Chen, James McGinnis, Swanand Patil, Steve Sezate, and Lily Wong
Initial Testing Of The Continuous Employee Development Model: Outcome Expectations And Work-related Implicit Theory, Christina Garofano
Initial Validation Of Novel Performance-based Measures: Mental Rotation And Psychomotor Ability, Philip Fatolitis
Initial-value Technique For Singularly Perturbed Two Point Boundary Value Problems Via Cubic Spline, Luis G. Negron
Initiation of Sexual Behavior in the Marital Relationship, Nancy Roberts-Cruce
Initiation of Speech Acts Among Older Brain Damaged Adults, Theresa A. Williams
Initiation Rituals, Richard C. Crepeau
Injection-locked Semiconductor Lasers For Realization Of Novel Rf Photonics Components, Nazanin Hoghooghi
Injection-Locked Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) for Optical Arbitrary Waveform Generation, Sharad Bhooplapur
Injection Locking Of Semiconductor Mode-locked Lasers For Long-term Stability Of Widely Tunable Frequency Combs, Charles Williams
In Memoriam: Al McGuire, Richard C. Crepeau
In Memoriam: Howard Cossell, Richard C. Crepeau
In Memoriam Joe DiMaggio, Richard C. Crepeau
In Memoriam: Mickey Mantle, Richard C. Crepeau
In Memoriam: Roy Campanella, Richard C. Crepeau
In Memoriam: Sergei Grinkov, Richard C. Crepeau
Innovation On A Budget The Development Of Military Technology During The Interwar Period, 1919-1939, William Erik Deupree
Inoculation theory: motivation mechanism vs. attack credibility as mediators of resistance to persuasion, Peter F. Cranis
In-plant And Distribution System Corrosion Control For Reverse Osmosis, Nanofiltration, And Anion Exchange Process Blends, Samantha Jeffery
In Search Of Satanists Examining The Accounts Of Deviant Religious Practitioners, Chris P. McDaniel
In Search Of: Stories From The Ones Left Behind, Mayra Lizzette Velez
In-situ Ammonia Removal Of Leachate From Bioreactor Landfills, Nicole Berge
In-situ Gas Phase Catalytic Properties Of Metal Nanoparticles, Luis Ono
In Situ Remediation Of Heavy Metal Contaminated Sediments Using Emulsified Zero-valent Metal Particles, Kristen Marie Milum
In-situ synchrotron studies of turbine blade thermal barrier coatings under extreme environments, Kevin Knipe
InSTALLments, Fall Issue 102, August/September 2016, Renee Montgomery
InSTALLments, Fall Issue 103, September/October 2016, Renee Montgomery
InSTALLments, Fall Issue 104, October/November 2016, Renee Montgomery
InSTALLments, Fall Issue 105, November/December 2016, Renee Montgomery
InSTALLments, Intersession Issue, August 2016, Renee Montgomery
InSTALLments, Issue 100, May/June 2016, Renee Montgomery
InSTALLments, Issue 101, June/July 2016, Renee Montgomery
InSTALLments, Issue 93, September/October 2015, Renee Montgomery
InSTALLments, Issue 94, October/November 2015, Renee Montgomery
InSTALLments, Issue 95, November/December 2015, Renee Montgomery
InSTALLments, Issue 96, January/February 2016, Renee Montgomery
InSTALLments, Issue 97, February/March 2016, Renee Montgomery
InSTALLments, Issue 98, March/April 2016, Renee Montgomery
InSTALLments, Issue 99, April/May 2016, Renee Montgomery
InSTALLments, Special Issue, Winter Break 2016, Renee Montgomery
Instant Conductors, Mary Petralia
Instructional Practices In Athletic Training Education Programs: 'what, Nancy Cummings
Instructional software for explaining the principles of solar energy heating, Sharon M. Wong
Instructional Software for Use in Teaching the Principles of Process Control, Jerrace C. Mack
Instructor Response to Uncivil Behaviors in the Classroom: An Application of Politeness Theory, Natalie Yrisarry
Instrumented Nanoindentation Studies Of Deformation In Shape Memory Alloys, Sudhir Rajagopalan
Insulator-insulator Contact Charging As A Function Of Pressure, Michael Hogue
Integrability Of A Singularly Perturbed Model Describing Gravity Water Waves On A Surface Of Finite Depth, Steven Little
Integral equation analysis of composite bodies of revolution and arbitrary surfaces with application to cavity-backed antennas, Timothy E. Durham
Integral Projection Models Reveal Interactive Effects of Biotic Factors and Disturbance on Plant Demography, Matthew Tye
Integral Representations of Positive Linear Functionals, Angela Siple
Integrated Data Fusion And Mining (idfm) Technique For Monitoring Water Quality In Large And Small Lakes, Benjamin Vannah
Integrated Inp Photonic Switches, Daniel May-Arrioja
Integrated Optical Spr (surface Plasmon Resonance) Sensor Based On Optoelectronic Platform, Hyungseok Bang
Integrated Servomechanism And Process Control For Machining Processes, Yan Tang
Integrated Sustainability Assessment Framework for the U.S. Transportation, Nuri Onat
Integrated Topologies And Digital Control For Satellite Power Management And Distribution Systems, Hussam Al-Atrash
Integrated Wavelength Stabilization Of Broad Area Semiconductor Lasers Using A Dual Grating Reflector, Jason O'Daniel
Integrating Differential Global Positioning Systems And Geographic Information Systems For Analysis And Mapping Of Skeletal Dispersals, Brittany Walter
Integrating Journal Writing With Inquiry Based Science Instruction In A Second Grade Classroom, Lauren Zissman
Integrating Key Elements In An E-learning Curriculum For An Optimum Educational And Interactive User Experience, Heather Stearns
Integrating Multiobjective Optimization With The Six Sigma Methodology For Online Process Control, Emad Abualsauod
Integrating Theory, Practice And Policy The Technical Efficiency And Productivity Of Florida's Circuit Courts, Joseph A. Ferrandino
Integrating Universal Design For Learning Concepts Into Secondary General Education Instructional Methods Courses, Kimberly Pawling
Integrating Universal Design For Learning Through Content Video With Preservice Teachers, Sara Aronin
Integration Of A Nanostructure Embedded Thermoresponsive Polymer For Microfluidic Applications, Ghanashyam Londe
Integration Of Computer-based Virtual Check Ride System - Pre-trip Inspection In Commercial Driver License Training Program, Alpesh Makwana
Integration of Computer Generated Images with NTSC Video, Keith E. Lorenz
Integration Of High-q Filters With Highly Efficient Antennas, Yazid Yusuf
Integration of Multidimensional Signal Detection Theory with Fuzzy Signal Detection Theory, Maureen O'Connell
Integration Of Real-Time Experiments With Internet Access, Pavan Talakala
Intelligent agents in multilevel simulation of manufacturing systems, Gajanana Nadoli
Intelligent Design, Jillian Amistoso Dudziak
Intelligent Robots, Abol H. Moulavi
Intelligent Selection Techniques For Virtual Environments, Jeffrey Cashion
Intensive Care in Oncology: Admission and Outcomes in Adult Patients with Cancer, Surya John
Intention To Use A Personal Health Record (phr) A Cross Sectional View Of The Characteristics And Opinions Of Patients Of One Internal Medicine Practice, Alice M. Noblin
Interaction Between Secondary Flow & Film Cooling Jets Of A Realistic Annular Airfoil Cascade (High Mach Number), Cuong Quoc Nguyen
Interactions Between The Nudibranch Okenia Zoobotryon And Its Bryozoan, Nicole Robinson
Interactionz: Engaging Lgbtq+ Youth Using Theatre For Social Change, Jonathan Jackson
Interactive Amusement Park Queues: Examining the Indirect Effect of Task Work Load on Guests' Perception of Wait Duration Through Task Immersion, Jonathan Ledbetter
Interactive Data Visualization In Accounting Contexts: Impact On User Attitudes, Information Processing, And Decision Outcomes, Oluwakemi Ajayi
Interactive Micro-Computer Software for the Production of Engineering Drawings, Brian R. Garvey
INTERACTIVE PRESENTATIONS, Heather Edwards, Sherry Savrda, Kimberly Reid, and Adrienne Seitz
INTERACTIVE PRESENTATIONS, Michael Savarese, Ashley Spring, and Scott Herber
INTERACTIVE PRESENTATIONS, Aubrey A. Kuperman, Grayson Lanza, Valerie Kessler, Tom Vogel, and Will Miles
INTERACTIVE PRESENTATIONS, Allen Varela, Jorge Torres, LouAnne Hawkins, and Christopher Leone
INTERACTIVE PRESENTATIONS, Kimberly Schneider, Tracy Baker, and Latika Young
Interactive Text-image Conceptual Models For Literary Interpretation And Composition In The Digital Age, Beth Nixon Weaver
Interactive Texturing For a Computer Graphics Display System, Yin L. Wah
Interactive Video Based Training Systems, Roy H. Hightower
Interactivity And User-heterogeneity In On Demand Broadcast Video, Mounir Tantaoui El Araki
Interconnection, Interface And Instrumentation For Micromachined Chemical Sensors, Naveenkumar Srinivasaiah Palsandram
Intercultural Communication In The Global Age: Lessons Learned From French Technical Communicators, Nicole Tallman
Interdiffusion Analysis For Nicocraly And Nial Vs. Various Superalloys, Emmanuel Perez
Interdiffusion And Impurity Diffusion In Magnesium Solid Solutions, Catherine Kammerer
Interdiffusion Behavior Of U-mo Alloys In Contact With Al And Al-si Alloys, Emmanuel Perez
Interdiffusion, Crystallography and Mechanical Properties of Nickel Manganese Gallium Alloys, Le Zhou
Interdiffusion Reaction Between Uranium-zirconium And Iron, Young Joo Park
Interdiffusion Study Of Mg-aa6061 System, Mian Fu
Interdisciplinary Studies Students' Academic And Social Engagement A Quantitative Study, Jessica Simmons
Interface Development and Integration of the ATC-610J Personal Flight Trainer with the XTAR Graphics Boards, B. Keith Keeton
Interfacing an array of coprocessors to the nextbus, Andres Alvarez
Interfacing a Quadriplegic to a Computer Using the Electro-Ocumeter, Paul J. Godfrey
Interferometer with Optical Fiber Interconnected Dual Arm Sampler., Aristide Dogariu and Gabriel Popescu
Interferometry-based Free Space Communication And Information Processing, Muzamil Arshad Arain
Inter-institutional Comparison Of Faculty Perceptions On The Purpose Of Freshman Year Composition Programs, Rosemarie N. Branciforte
Interior: A Micro-Budget Horror Feature, Zachary Beckler
Interleukin-7 Differentially Regulates The Activation, Proliferation, And Homing Of T-cells: Implications For Immunotherapy, Christina Kittipatarin
Internal Precision and the Common Sample Rate, James C. Kirkwood
Internationalization Efforts At State Universities In Florida, Rachid Bendriss
International Space Station Remote Sensing Pointing Analysis, Craig Jacobson
International technical communication in the business and online sector : an analysis of a Caribbean culture, Rhonda Nelson
International Worker Cultural Adaptation: A Qualitative Study, Luis Romero Valenzuela
Internet Advertising: Are We Breaking Ground Or Moving Dirt?, Jaime Marshall
Interpreting Diet And Nutritional Stress In Napoleon's Grand Army Using Stable Carbon And Nitrogen Isotope Analysis, Sammantha Holder
Interprofessional Collaboration Between Criminal Justice And Mental Health Practitioners Regarding Mentally Ill Offenders: Perception of Collaboration, Christopher Sharp
Interracial Lesbian And Gay Couples: Navigating Private And Public Experiences, Anne Bubriski
Interrater Reliability Of Psychomotor Skill Assessment In Athletic Training, Jason Craddock
Inter-satellite Microwave Radiometer Calibration, Liang Hong
Interval Edge-Colorings of Graphs, Austin Foster
Interviewer Trustworthiness and Intended Self-Disclosure as a Function of Verbal and Nonverbal Assurances of Confidentiality, Randall G. Jordan
Interviews 1, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Interviews 2, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Interviews 3, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Interviews 4, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Interviews 5, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
In The Critical Tradition: An Examination Of National Board Certified Teachers In A Central Florida School District, Jacquelyn Flanigan
"In The Drowning City" And Other Stories, Malyn Matilde Segarra
In The Process Of Becoming The Organizational Culture Of The Metropolitan Academic Library, Michael Jason Martin
Intimate Partner Kidnapping: An Exploratory Analysis, Lindsey Blumenstein
Intracavity Laser Absorption Spectroscopy Using Quantum Cascade Laser And Fabry-perot Interferometer, Gautam Medhi
Intramuscular Anabolic Signaling and Endocrine Response Following Different Resistance Exercise Protocols In Trained Men, Adam Gonzalez
Intramuscular TNF-alpha signaling in response to resistance exercise and recovery in untrained males., Jeremy Townsend
In Transition: An Activity Theoretical Analysis Examining Electronic Portfolio Tools' Mediation Of The Preservice Teacher's Authoring Experience, Rebecca Fiedler
Intra Region Routing, Robert Alan Eustace
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators That Impac Teacher Retention in Challenging Urban Schools, LaSonya Moore
Intrinsic Modulation Response Modeling and Analysis for Lithographic Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers, Mingxin Li
Introduction, Elliot Vittes
Introductions 1, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Introversion And Autism: A Conceptual Exploration Of The Placement Of Introversion On The Autism Spectrum, Jennifer Grimes
Intrusion Detection In Wireless Sensor Networks, Hong Nhung Nguyen
Inventory Management Problem for Cold Items with Environmental and Financial Considerations, Ali Hajiaghabozorgi
Inverse Boundary Element/genetic Algorithm Method For Reconstruction O, Mahmood Silieti
Inverse-Consistent Determination of Young's Modulus of Human Lung, Behnaz Seyfi Noferest
Inverse Intuition: Repurposing As A Method To Create New Artifacts, To Invent New Practices, And To Produce New Knowledge, Warren Jones
Inverse Problems In Multiple Light Scattering, John Broky
Inversion of the Broken Ray Transform, Roman Krylov
Investigate The Wealth Effect Of Investment Banks And Fairness Opinions They Provide In Corporate Mergers And Acquisitions, Weishen Wang
Investigating Economic Inequality And Voter Turnout In The Industrialized Democracies, Benjamin Freeman
Investigating gender differences in student preferences for and achievement with educational games, Damon A. Regan
Investigating New Guaiazulenes and Diketopyrropyrroles for Photonic Applications, Ebrahim Ghazvini Zadeh
Investigating Personal Fitness Trainers' Qualifications, Michael Akerson
Investigating Place in the Writing Classroom: Designing a Place-Based Course with a Local Service-Learning Component, Melissa Pompos
Investigating Simulation-Based Pattern Recognition Training For Behavior Cue Detection, Crystal Maraj
Investigating Social Capital And Political Action In The Middle East, Amr Abdel-Wahab
Investigating The 'audience' In Theatre For Young Audiences: The Call For Artistic Educators, Amanda Morris
Investigating The Effectiveness Of Redundant Text And Animation In Multimedia Learning Environments, Shiau-Lung Chu
Investigating The Effects Of 3-d Spatialized Auditory Cues On The Development Of Situation Awareness For Teams, Laura Milham
Investigating The Effects Of Simulation On Transfer In A High Risk Confrontational Setting, Carolyn Kinsell
Investigating The Effects Of Tactile Stress On A Military Touniquet Application Task, Razia Nayeem
Investigating The Mechanisms That Drive Implicit Coordination In Teams, Raegan Hoeft
Investigating The Optimal Presentation Of Feedback In Simulation-based Training An Application Of The Cognitive Theory Of Multimedia Learning, Wendi Van Buskirk
Investigating the relationships between preferences, gender, and high school students' geometry performance, Bhesh Mainali
Investigating The Reliability And Validity Of Knowledge Structure Evaluations: The Influence Of Rater Error And Rater Limitation, Michelle Harper-Sciarini
Investigating The Universality And Comprehensive Ability Of Measures To Assess The State Of Workload, Julian Abich
Investigation and Evaluation of Random Number Generators for Digital Implementation, Ylberto V. Ruiz
Investigation And Trade Study On Hot Carrier Reliability Of The Phemt For Dc And Rf Performance, Jason Steighner
Investigation Of A Novel Magnesium And Acidified Ethanol System For The Degradation Of Persistent Organic Pollutants, Phillip Maloney
Investigation Of Breakdown Power During Electrical Breakdown Of Aligned Array Of Carbon Nanotubes, Udai Bhanu
Investigation Of Damage Detection Methodologies For Structural Health Monitoring, Mustafa Gul
Investigation of different dielectric materials as gate insulator for MOSFETs, Ritika Oswal
Investigation of Dual-Stage High Efficiency and Density Micro Inverter for Solar Application, Lin Chen
Investigation of Electrical Properties of Earth Materials by Ground Penetrating Radar, Bishar S. Tannous
Investigation Of High-k Gate Dielectrics And Metals For Mosfet Devices., Sriram Mannargudi Seshadri
Investigation of infrared thermography for subsurface damage detection of concrete structures, Shuhei Hiasa
Investigation Of Multiscale Fluid Structure Interaction Modeling Of Flow In Arterial Systems, Sebastian Sotelo
Investigation of Non-linearity in Focal Plane Array Detectors, Anthony Brian James
Investigation of Optical and Electronic Properties of Au Decorated MoS2, Udai Bhanu
Investigation Of Pn Junction Delineation Resolution Using Electron Beam Induced Current, Christopher Hayden Hontgas
Investigation Of Reactively Sputtered Boron Carbon Nitride Thin Films, Vinit O. Todi
Investigation Of Reactively Sputtered Silicon Carbon Boron Nitride (sicbn) Thin Films For High Temperature Applications, Arun Vijayakumar
Investigation of silicon nitride films by pecvd and applications to saw devices, Kwang Ryul Lee
Investigation of Simulated Opposing Force Models and a Method for Implementation, Karen E. Danisas
Investigation of steam turbine labyrinth seals using an annular air model, Joseph Anthony Padilla
Investigation of surface and subsurface deformation in sliding wear, Patrick J. Mohr
Investigation Of Tactile Displays For Robot To Human Communication, Daniel Barber
Investigation of tetravalent cr in laser host materials, Stephanie L. Hirnak
Investigation of the effect of rain on sea surface salinity, Andrea Santos Garcia
Investigation Of The Home, A Metaphor For Belonging, Jeremy Eldridge
Investigation Of The Impact Of Video-based Anchored Instruction On The Implementation Of Inclusive Practices By Students With Learning Disabilities, Christopher O'Brien
Investigation Of The Outcomes Of Delivering Training To Spanish Speakers In Standard Spanish Versus Their Native Dialect, Mary Kosarzycki
Investigation Of Thermal, Elastic And Load-biased Transformation Strains In Niti Shape Memory Alloys, Shipeng Qiu
Investigation of wear of materials by laser speckle photography, Mohamed A. Seif
Investigation On Electrical Properties Of Rf Sputtered Deposited Bcn Thin Films, Adithya Prakash
Investigation on the Mechanical, Microstructural, and Electrical Properties of Graphene Oxide-Cement Composite, Baig Abdullah Al Muhit
Investigations On Rf Sputter Deposited Sicn Thin Films For Mems Applications, Ravi Todi
Investigative Interviewing: A Team-level Approach, James Driskell
Investigative study of the reliability of a rotating turbine blade, William Stuart Beal
Investigators' Perceptions of Inter-Jurisdictional Law Enforcement Information Sharing On Criminal Investigative Success: An Exploratory Analysis, Jennifer Freeman-Walker
Invisible in Plain Sight: The Troubling Connections Between the National Hockey League and the Russian Mafia, Kayla Ennion
In Vitro Characterization of Unmodified and Pyroglutamylated Alzheimer's Amyloid beta peptide, Jason Matos
In vitro model of latent mycobacterial infection, Pappachan Kolattukudy, Jaiyanth Daniel, Chirajyoti Deb, and Tatiana Sirakova
Involving Undergraduates in Multiple Case Study Research: Reflections on a Rewarding Experience, Caroline Guardino and Susan Syverud
IOC and Bribery - Bobby Knight and His Temper, Richard C. Crepeau
Ion Selective Electrodes Based on Aza- Substituted Crown Ethers, Lisa Ann Wellington
iPads for Students with ASD: Comparing Delivery Modes for Visual Activity Schedules, Jillian Gourwitz
IPCL1- An Interactive Process Control Language, Richard A. Erlandson
I Play To Beat The Machine: Masculinity And The Video Game Industry In The United States, Anne McDivitt
I Question Whether We Have Learned 'Citizenship' in Our Generation, Terri Susan Fine
Iran and the United States : the ripple effect, Shawlene Blake
Iranian Nuclear Program: Domestic Implications, Manuel A. Serrano
Iran-Saudi Dynamic Relations and the Role of Oman as a Negotiator, Natalie I. Ikerd
Iris and Bloom, Annemarie Nemcik
Iron Molybdenum Cofactor: Catalyst In Dihydrogen Production And Nifen's Role In The Femo-co Biosynthetic Pathway, Deborah Bolin Maxwell
Isaac Murphy: A 19th Century African-American Jockey, Richard C. Crepeau
Isaac Murphy: A Great Jockey and a Victim of Segregation in Horse Racing, Richard C. Crepeau
Is Breakdown Of Fatty Acid Peroxides Involved In The Induction Of Apolipoprotein A1?, Rajat Gupta
Is Experiential Avoidance A Factor In Maternal Overprotection?, Melissa Nieves
Is Gay Really Gay?: A Heterosexual/homosexual Quality Of Life Comparison, Kristina Dzara
Isolation and Characterization of the Crossreactive Antigenic and Allergenic Components in Callistemon Citrinis and Melaleuca Quinquenervia Pollen by Immunochemical Methods, Brett E. Stanaland
Is Selective Mutism An Emotion Regulation Strategy For Children With Social Phobia? A Single Case Design Investigation, Samantha L. Scott
Issho Ni, Jeneca Broom
Issues In Validity Generalization The Criterion Problem, Raquel Hodge
Issues Of Crime And School Safety: Zero Tolerance Policies And Children With Disabilities, Melissa Henson
Is Sydney Ready for the Olymics and are the Olympians Ready for Sydney?, Richard C. Crepeau
Is the Doctor in? The Effects of Emigration on the Health Care Systems in Poland and Romania, Gabriela B. Wolk
Is The Exotic Brazilian Pepper, Schinus Terebinthifolius, A Threat To Mangrove Ecosystems In Florida?, Melinda Donnelly
Is Today’s Young Music Too Obscene? (Or Has My Perspective Changed?), Tom Cavanagh
Italian-american Ethnic Concentration, Informal Social Control, And Urban Violent Crime: A Defended Neighborhoods Approach, Hollianne Elizabeth Marshall
It Doesn't Take a Rocket Scientist: Navigating the Universe of Theses and Dissertations at the University of Central Florida, Kerri Bottorff and Lee Dotson
Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares Minimization With Prior Information A New Approach, Dmitriy Popov
Ithaka S+R (Strategic Consulting + Research) Local Faculty Survey at UCF
I Thought You Were Someone Else, Maria Milazzo
It's a Conspiracy: Motivated Reasoning and Conspiracy Ideation in the Rejection of Climate Change, Nikilaus Wycha
It's a Small World After All – and We're All Connected, Alaina Bernard
It's Hard to Adjust to a Florida Christmas When You're Sweating, Richard C. Crepeau
It's Not All About The Animals: Veterinarians' Perspectives On Their Work, Nicole Owens
It's the Duty of All of Us to Stop Sexual Abuse, Rick Brunson
It's Time to Convert the – in Your Life to !, Maritza Martinez
It Will Turn Vicious: An Exploration of the Cycle of Audience Ridicule in French Drama, Stephanie C. Elfont
I Wish Someone Had Given Me This Advice Sooner About College, Heather Waymouth
I Wish the Sport I Love – Soccer – Could Help Eliminate Injustice Around World, Erin O'Flaherty
Jackie Robinson, Richard C. Crepeau
Jackie Robinson, Richard C. Crepeau
Jackie Robinson's First Spring in Daytona, Richard C. Crepeau
Jack Kerouac Does Not Lie, Kyle Shrader
Jackson in Florida: Lesson Plan, Robert Cassanello and Mike Burke
Jason Williams and Academics, Richard C. Crepeau
J.E., Hannah Moore
J.E., Hannah Moore
Jealousy And Attachment 2.0: The Role Of Attachment In The Expression And Experience Of Jealousy On Facebook, Megan Cole
Jeremy Bloom, the NCAA, and Hypocrisy, Richard C. Crepeau
Jerry Herman's Leading Ladies, John Mansell
Jerry Jones and Revenue Sharing - Lords of Baseball Fail on Settlement, Richard C. Crepeau
Jerry Reinsdorf's Smoking Gun and Baseball Labor Settlement, Richard C. Crepeau
Jerry Tarkanian and Bill Musselman, Richard C. Crepeau
Jessica Richards and Susan Vernon-Devlin, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Jim Brown, Richard C. Crepeau
Jimmy Johnson, Richard C. Crepeau
Job Characteristics Model: Test of a Modified Four-Trait Model at the University of Central Florida, Gena L. Cox-Jones
Job Satisfaction And Values Of Counselors In Private Practice And Agency Settings, Laura Cunningham
Job Satisfaction, Lifestyle and Demographics of Hospitality Industry Workers‑ vs. Others, Arie Reichel and Abraham Pizam
Job satisfaction of Florida's middle school assistant principals as a factor for preserving an administrative workforce, Harold R. Border
John Elway, Richard C. Crepeau
John Rocker's SI Interview, Richard C. Crepeau
Johnson & Johnson's Recall Debacle, Lashonda Louallen Eaddy
Joining the "Big Leagues": Politics, Race, and the Pursuit of NBA Franchises in Miami and Orlando, 1982-1987, Garrett Hillyer
Joint modeling of traffic related crashes: a Copula based approch, Tammam Nashad
Jones, Donald Randall interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Joshua Addresses the Troops in Ancient Hebrew, Kenneth Hanson
Joshua's Final Address in Hebrew, Kenneth Hanson
Journal of an Adventurer, Rachel Jeter
Journal of an Adventurer, Rachel Jeter
Journal of an Adventurer, Rachel Jeter
Journal of an Adventurer, Rachel Jeter
Journey, Suzann Martinsen
Journey Stories: Central Florida Memory, Lee Dotson
Journey To The Scars: A White Trash Epic, J. Patrick Rader
Judged by the Bottom-line But Expected to Lead Ethically: A Leader's Catch 22, Darryl Rice
Junket Trips, Abraham Pizam
Just Look, Jason Fronczek
Just Look, Jason Fronczek
Juvenile Green Turtle (chelonia Mydas) Foraging Ecology:feeding Selectivity And Forage Nutrient Analysis, Eliza Gilbert
Juvenile Ornamentation: Its Evolution, Genetic Basis, And Variation Across Habitats, Angela Tringali
Juvenile-Perpetrated Homicide and Family Disorganization, Brittany Murray
K-12 Transition Framework for Students with Disabilties, Clydia Delaney
Kabbalah and Jesus, Kenneth Hanson
Kaho'olawe:a Case Study Of A Movement And The Media In Reclaiming A Hawaiian Island, Danielle Pedro
Kaki Rawls (daughter of Bill Davis) and guest, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Kaleidoscopic Community History: Theories of Databased Rhetorical History-Making, Amy Larner Giroux
Kalman filter augmentation of a classically designed closed loop tracking system, Charles Jeffrey Garrison
Karmic Buyback: A Pilot Program, Cindy E. Dauer
Karolj Seles, Richard C. Crepeau
Kathie Canning and Gary Glassman dancing, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Kathie Canning at the podium 1, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Kathie Canning at the podium 2, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Kathie Canning at the podium 3, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Kathie Canning at the podium 4, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Kathie Canning at the podium 5, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Kathie Canning at the podium 6, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Kathie Canning at the podium 7, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Kathie Canning (center) and guests, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Kathie Canning Dancing, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Kathie Canning receives award from Dr. Pizam 1, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Kathie Canning receives award from Dr. Pizam 2, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Kathie Canning receives award from Dr. Pizam 3, Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Keeping Church Goers Motivated: Church Worship Communication Study, Anne Trelstad
Keeping Quiet: Investigating the Maintenance and Policing of Male-dominated Gaming Space, Christopher Charles
Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing, Eileen Smith
Ken Burns' Baseball: A Review, Richard C. Crepeau
Kennedy, Richard S. interview, RICHES of Central Florida
Keren, Shelly Bradon
Kidron Road and Other Stories, Jason Molohon
Killing the Umpires Union, Richard C. Crepeau
Kinematical Modelling and Its Analytical Inverse Kinematic Solution for the Handling Mechanism of an Agricultural Robot, Sinem Gozde Defterli
Kingtsugi: The Art of Embracing Damage, Nikki Navaille
Knight Commission: Another Futile Attempt to Reform College Athletics, Richard C. Crepeau
Knowledge Based Measurement Of Enhancing Brain Tissue In Anisotropic Mr Imagery, Eric Leach
Knowledge, Confidence, Intention, and Motivation: Hegemonic Masculinity's Influence Upon Nutritional Habits of Males, Sara Chizmar
Knowledge Management: Style, Structure, And The Latent Potential Of Documented Knowledge, Sean Mcmahon
Knowledge Worker Productivity Enhancement: Issues and Techniques for Creative Professional, Steven Harold Mason
Kobe Bryant Case - The British Open Fabulous Finale, Richard C. Crepeau
L2 Anxiety In Spanish-speaking Adult Esl Populations: Possible Causes And Cultural Influences, Scott Freiberger
Labeled Sampling Consensus A Novel Algorithm For Robustly Fitting Multiple Structures Using Compressed Sampling, Carl J. Messina
Laboratory Studies To Field Evaluation : Remediation Of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Contaminated Painted Surfaces Through The Use Of Activated Metal Treatment Systems, Erin Kristen Saitta
La Conciencia Política Y Social De Luis Palés Matos: Otra Lectura De Su Poesía, Omar Carmona Sanchez
La Divina The Birth Of The Singer/actor, Shelley Cooper
La influencia de la medicina: Relación entre literatura y cultura en la temprana edad moderna española, Nicole Cruz
Lake Claire, Recreation area sign
Lake Claire, students in boats
Landcover Change And Population Dynamics Of Florida Scrub-jays And Florida Grasshopper Sparrows, David Breininger
Landfill gas emission rate measurement using an emission isolation flux chamber, Frederic David Rash
Landfill Gas To Energy Incentives And Benefits, Hamid R. Amini
Land of Flowers, Michael Morrison
Landscaping Perceptions And Behaviors: Socio-ecological Drivers Of Nitrogen In The Residential Landscape, Leesa Souto
Land Use Effects On Energy And Water Balance-developing A Land Use Adapted Drought Index, Chi Han Cheng
Land Use Effects On Lake Water Quality In Central Florida, Jonathan Seiler
Language Policy and the Preparedness of Mainstream Teachers for Serving ELs in K-12 Classrooms, Laureen A. Fregeau and Robert D. Leier
Large Area Conformal Infrared Frequency Selective Surfaces, Jeffrey D'Archangel
Larry Brown etc., Richard C. Crepeau
Larry Doby: Greatness Overlooked in the Shadow of Robinson, Richard C. Crepeau
Laser Assisted Nano Deposition, Aravinda Kar and Nathaniel Quick
Laser Enhanced Doping For Silicon Carbide White Light Emitting Diodes, Sachin Bet
Laser Filamentation - Beyond Self-focusing and Plasma Defocusing, Khan Lim
Laser Filamentation Interaction With Materials For Spectroscopic Applications, Matthew Weidman
Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy For Detection Of Organic Residues Impact Of Ambient Atmosphere And Laser Parameters, Christopher G. Brown
Laser induced darkening semiconductor dope glasses, Jayant Malhotra
Laser Metallization And Doping For Silicon Carbide Diode Fabrication And Endotaxy, Zhaoxu Tian